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About this mod

A mod that fixes broken magic mechanics and improves not very useful parts of magic system.

Permissions and credits
As we all know, Vanila magic isn't perfect. And some broken (or unbalanced) gameplay moments can spoil the impression of the game as a mage, especially at high levels. So i did that simple mod trying to fix most part of that things, which (in my opinion) were made not very good.


General changes:

  • All Master's spells locked for double cast again, but almost every master spell is now affected by potions (besides Conjuration). I tried to save usefulness every of them, see below for details (e.g Destruction spells still affected by Impact perk)


  • Heal of Guardian circle is finally no longer static. So it would be 30 hp/sec with Regeneration perk, for example
  • Duration of Bane of the Undead ingition is extended. Now it lasts full time of turning undead effect
  • Necromantic Healing and Heal Undead got new visual effects (view screenshots)
  • Damage of Poison Rune was increased


  • Magic armor textures were replaced by the original textures, which were cutted by Bethesda long ago. Ebony flash also was a bit reworked
  • Dragonhide depends on Magic armor perk: 30/45 sec -> 60/90 sec -> 75/113 sec -> 90/135 sec
  • Dragonhide effect correctly replaces other magic armor effects 
  • Equilibrium damage was got magic resist type, so it could be useful at any difficulty level
  • Telekinesis was reworked again: less damage, but faster and comfortable


  • Master spells basically stan enemies if player has Impact perk
  • Damage of walls and cloaks is displaying correctly, but area of cloaks is now affected by Augment perks as it was in Vanilla 
  • Whirlwind cloak deals damage to Dwarven mechaines. Any wind damage is also scaling from Augment Frost now
  • Silent moons was reworked again, now it deals light damage (scaling from Augment Fire) and static drains 10 (max value) health under moons
  • Bloodscale effect also deals light damage. Fixed additional damage to Zahkriisos


  • Added 2 new spells: Knowlage Drain and Seeker Mouth (spells that's used by Seekers): magic resist type, scaling from Augment Shock, working like other illusion spells (u need to take Master of Mind perk to damage undeads, dwarwen mechaines, etc). You can find both tomes in Tel Mithryn, near Black Book
  • Seeker Mouth was reworked: flies throw enemies like Ice Storm, damage was increased, duration was decreased

Conjuration (Huge rework) :

  • Dead Thrall could raise everyone without "NoReanimate" keyword (40 lvl cap was kept), but only humanoids get passive regen out of battle 
  • Elemental Thralls get +50% bonus to level with Elemental Potency perk (was +5) as it should, what means that maximum level of any elemental thrall is 45
  • Frost Atronach now deals elemental (frost) damage by melee attacks like other Atronaches
  • Elemental Thralls get corresponding bonus to damage if summoner has Augment perks/Dragonborn Mask. It's stackable. The maximum bonus is 88%
  • Summoned undeads get only half of health bonus (50 hp) by Dark Souls, but it also gets extra 25% to their frost resist. Arvak regarded as summoned undead at present
  • Another summonable creatures get 25% to level and 25% to value of their fire damage (Seeker gets bonus to shock damage and 25% to shock resist instead of level bonus, Familiar doesnt get any damage bonuses)
  • The timer (5 sec) was removed from Flaming Familiar, but it still could explode by any hit or ended summon's duration
  • Soul Tear shout makes thralls now, not usually undeads, what means that u could raise almost everyone as thrall. It also gets unic shader
  • Fixed some issues with Dragonborn spells (e.g. u couldn't summon 2 Seekers or Ash Spawns before)
  • You could summon High Seeker instead of usual by wearing Miraak mask


  • Dark Souls and Twin Souls perks are workable with Vampire Lord form



  • Fixed all issues with Sun damage calculation. Auri-El's shield now deals sun damage too
  • Sunhallowed Elven Arrows is now scaling of Augument Fire like elemental bolts
  • Enchantment shader of Rune Dawnguard Equipment was replaced by new unique shader. At present looks like really rune (view screenshots)


  • Silent Moons Enchant was reworked. Now it absorbs enemy health "under moons" as indeed, but no longer scales from Augument Fire. I kept resist magic type of damage
  • Soul Siphon Perk ("Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon") now increases magnitude of Silent Moons like other enchanting Elemental perks (+25%). So it's a bit more viable perk
  • Enchantment shader of Silent Moons was improved a bit. Hit animation was changed too, so it no longer looks exactly like a hit of magic armour


  • Regen of raised undeads was removed from any spell exept Dead Thrall in accordance with other conjuration spells: among the atronarchs only the tralls have regen
  • Dark Souls now completely viable for NPCs, not only for player (disabling that perk for NPCs was a nessesary measure, but I found way to fix that)
  • Increased stability of reanimation scripts
  • Fixed a bug that Soul Trap causes CTD

Please, after mod update raise once any unnecessary body and kill/turn off them for be shure that everything would works as indeed. After that you could re-raise your main thralls. 
It's unnessesary, but sometimes (immediately after loading) I get a bug that thrall isn't get extra 100 health of dual cast rasing. It seems that something in the game does not have time to load or something like that -_(0_0)_-



  • Sun damage was completely reworked. Now it behaves like magic damage when you hit casual enemies (by Auri-El Bow) and like fire damage when you hit undeads (so sun spells are much more powerful against undeads now). Consequently, Weakness to magic poisons are a bit more viable for paladins ;)
  • Extra bonus for Sun Fire was removed and is now 2.2 like other Apprentice bolts


  • Telekinesis damage is more viable now, as promised. Damage comparable with dual casted Adept level destruction spells: ~120-140 by single cast, ~150-160 by dual cast. It's based on the fact that Telekinesis much slower (about 2 times slower if object isn't too far) then Adept destruction spells and it eats 170 (magnitude) * 2 (count of ticks) = 340 base mana per cast


  • Radius of cloaks no longer depends on character resistance (including Whindwind cloak)
  • Lightining chain now gets exta 10% damage by dual casting, like others adept AoE spells


  • Reainamtate spells was completely repaired. My deep gratitude to NpDogg for scripts. My mod contains his mod fixes for SSE version plus few other fixes&improvements (below)
  • All raised undeads is now recovering health out of combat: 1% per sec for all spells. It works automatically: you dont need re-cast the same spells on your undead friends as it was before for Dead Thrall and Dread Zombie
  • Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy effect is now stackable with Dark Souls effect
  • Dual casted Dead Thrall gives target extra 100 hp. So it works like second Dark Souls perk for undeads, like Elemental Potency & Dual Casted Atronach Tralls (view version 1.0). It stackable with Dark Souls effect too
  • Cairn's Undeads (Baneman, Mistman and Wrathman) is now affected by Dark Souls Perk


  • Vampire's Servant no longer turns to ash after raising effect ends


General changes:

  • All Master's spells unlocked for double cast


Main problems:

  • Guardian circle's and Circle of protection's visual effects weren't consistent with the duration of their "useful" effects, e.g. u could cast Guardian circle for 60 sec, but it turns undead and heals during 30 sec only. It wasnt really fixed by USSEP, it only changed duration of undead's turning effect from 30 to 60 seconds -_(0_0)_-
  • Guardian circle's undead level wasn's affected by potions/another bonuses (like Shalidor's scrolls) and it doesnt work like another AoE healing spells
  • Also Circle of protection was much more powerfull then any other turn-undead's spell, including Guardian circle (see below why)
  • Sun's spells from DLC was pretty useless in comparison with the similar destruction spells: less damage (Necromage perk has an influence on all spells against undead, not only restoration spells, so it isnt change anything), no stun effect by dual cast, etc

So what's mod doing?

  • Duration of Guardian circle (60 sec) and Circle of protection (30 sec) is now constant and isn't increasing by dual casting, potions or Necromage perk, but works correctly all their time
  • Both durations of undead's turning effects of these spells is now 30 sec (45 with Necromage perk) as it was in Vanilla. However, it's no more increasing by dual casting or potions
  • Circle of protection had unique ability among Restoration spells: if u dual cast it, u got increased level of undead that u could turn (other turn-undead spells increases duartion only). So it works like an Illusion spell. I kept that and added the same ability to Guardian circle
  • Also Circle of protection had extra bonus for dual casting magnitude: 1.5 (!!!) which makes it very op, bcse u could turn any undead in the game by that cheap spell (dragon priests, the strongest vampires, etc). I removed that, and now u could only turn undead that have: 20 -> 25 (necromage) -> 44 (dual cast) -> 55 (dual cast plus necromage) level. So it's still strong, but not very op
  • As i said, the Guardian circle is now get increase of undead's level which it can influence, if u dual cast that. Also i solved the problem of interactions with other bonuses. So now it is more poverful then Circle of protection (as it should be bcse of slow cast and mana cost): 35 -> 43 -> 77 -> 96
  • Guardian circle still heals 20 hp/sec constantly. That effect still could be absorbed, so u still could restore the same amount of magica inside it
  • Guardian circle no more heals undead, atronachs, or machines, but it's now affected by Respite perk.
  • Companions respond to heal by Guardian circle
  • Sun's spells is now affected by Augmented Flames, like Bane of The Undead. So they have comparable damage now at high levels
  • Bane of The Undead gets duration bonus for turn-undead effect (like other turn-undead spells with the exception of circles) and magnitude bonus for "blue flame" by dual casting. Feature with Augmented Flames was kept


Main problems:

  • Dragonhide wasn't very useful in comparison with other flesh spells. Only 30 -> 99 sec VS 60 -> 198 sec

So what's mod doing?

  • Dragonhide's base duration was increased from 30 to 60 sec, like other flash spells. It's still casting 3 sec and has huge cost, so i think it's balanced


  • Make Telekinesis damage more viable (around Adept level destruction spell's damage)


Main problems:

  • Blizzard's damage diplayed incorrectly with Augment Frost Perks
  • Broken Blizzard's work with Deep Freeze Perk. You could paralyse enemies only by cast, but not during next 10 seconds of Blizzard's effect
  • Not very useful Master spells in comparison with other Adept and Expert level spells

So what's mod doing?

  • Blizzard's damage with Augment Frost Perks is now displaying correctly
  • Deep Freeze Effect is now working as indeed 
  • Master spells is now affected by Impact Perk. Fire Storm and Blizzard stun enemies only by cast, Lightning Storm stuns them by every hit (u could achieve the same effect if u would spam dual-casted Thunderbolts, so i think that it's still balanced too)


Main problems:

  • Master spells was't very cool because u couldn't dual cast them. Dual casting for Illusion spells increases their max level of influence (or duration for Courage-like spells), so it was making spell of Master not enough viable 

So what's mod doing?

  • As it mentioned above, all Master's spells unlocked for double cast. So these spells is now enhanced by the same principles as their weaker counterparts.


Main problems:

  • Weak Elemental Tralls
  • Boring Undead Thrall (only for humanoids)
  • Regeneration of undeads (refers to Dead Thrall and Dread Zombie) doesnt start working after u raise them, so u have to recast these spells on your undead friends so that they start to regenerate as they should. Moreover, it seems that u could give regeneration buff for anyone in the game using these spells.

So what's mod doing?

  • Added Augmented Elemental Perks (1/2) for Potent Elemental Thralls (35 lvl)
  • Added new version of Elementall Thralls - Magnificent Elemental Thrall (40 lvl, Augmented Elemental Perk (2/2))
  • By dual casting u can get a Potent Elementall Thrall without Elemental Potency Perk
  • By dual casting with Elemental Potency Perk u can get Magnificent Elemental Thrall
  • Now u can reanimate not only people by Dead Thrall, but max level of targets is 30 (for people it's still 40). So it works exactly like Dread Zombie for no-humanoid targets (as usual for balance)
  • Dead Thrall's regen was increased from 1 to 5 per second (for comparison, Dread Zombie has 3 per sec)
  • Dual casting for Dead Thrall increases regen value to 11 per sec (dual casted Dread Zombie has 6 per sec)


  • Broken mechanics of undead regeneration still wasnt repaired. But i will try to do that in the next update. Main problem is that raising undead spells give regeneration for still dead body, and seems that rasing clears all effects on that body immediatly or something like that. If u have any ideas how it could be solved (preferably without scripts) - i would be happy if you write your suggestions in comments or directly to me. Thank you in advance 


  • Vampiric Drain is now affected by Novice perk

For now that's all. I originally made this mod for myself, but I hope that u will enjoy it too (´• ω •`)