About this mod

The fastest and lightest overhaul ever made

Permissions and credits
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Old-style roleplaying overhaul.
Your game. My vision.

Yash is a Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit word that means
success, splendor, grandeur, magnificence, prominence, illustriousness,
majesty, distinction, luxury, renown, eminence and fame.


YASH is my personal attempt to make the game mechanics more interesting, by adding subtle but substantial gameplay elements in a strictly lore-friendly way. The mod is primarily aimed at hardcore roleplayers who love a challenge and are able to roleplay the reasons why things happen in a certain way. Even if you are a casual gamer you might appreciate most of YASH features.

The main goal is to start as a complete nobody, suffer greatly at first and feel a real sense of accomplishment when you level up and increase your skills. YASH is not necessarily harder than vanilla but its gameplay is way, way different. Note that YASH is supposed to be played at Adept difficulty level.

YASH abides by three strict rules:

  • Never, ever affect the player with something that will NOT affect the NPCs. Never. If your Khajiit character runs fast it's because ALL Khajiit in the game run fast. If your Redguard character is more skilled with one handed weapons it's because ALL Redguards are more skilled with one handed weapons. If your Bosmer character can deal more damage with bows and draw them fast it's because ALL Wood Elves are more skilled with bows. And so on. The essence of the mod is that you are NOT anything special compared to other people, save for your innate ability to shout.
  • Don't disrupt the vanilla mechanics: improve them. YASH intentionally does NOT add new skills, new spells, new weapons, etc. Instead, it improves the existing game elements by making them more interesting and useful, sometimes essential to proceed.
  • Focus on character skill over player skill. YASH is not aimed at button mashers but at players who carefully plan their characters.

Last but not least, never let anyone think that he's playing with a mod on. The best mod is the one that doesn't feel it's a mod at all, but something so well integrated into the game that the player could think the game has always been like that since day one. This was the hardest goal but I did my best to accomplish it.

Also, one fundamental rule here is that the mod should NOT need instructions at all. Everything is explained in-game thanks to non-intrusive messages that inform the player about what's going on, so you don't actually have to read this long description to play the mod, you can safely install it right away and learn to play the mod in-game [just do not miss the Very Important section].

YASH is also highly configurable via MCM and more settings could be added by user request [if you think a feature should be user configurable post a request and I'll see what I can do]:



Before playing the game with YASH on you should enter the right state of mind. YASH is a LONG and HARD journey from zero to hero. You die because you're supposed to die. You survive when you're supposed to survive. They die when they're supposed to die. You start as a whelp, weak and lacking any skill whatsoever, and you're supposed to play as such.

You MUST start a new character to run YASH. The mod does NOT work with existing characters and it should NOT be uninstalled from an existing character. Also, since Skyrim doesn't properly clear memory between two new games, make sure you have closed the game to desktop before starting a new character or you may end up with abilities that do not belong to your race. Speaking of which, DO NOT use showracemenu to change your race or any other console command that may interfere with the mod. You can use showracemenu to change your appearance but you have to make sure you do NOT change race or you'll end up with all your minimum skills set to vanilla and on the long run you may end up with mixed abilities even if they are not shown in the Effects menu. If you accidentally switch races while changing your appearance you have to reload a previous save and start over.

Also, an important technical remainder: DO NOT UNPACK YASH2 BSA! There are vanilla altered scripts in there, based on USSEP fixed vanilla scripts, which if let loose will have a chance to be overwritten by whatever other mod you install. Leaving them nicely packed in the BSA makes sure they are potentially *overriden* by other mods [i.e. Unlimited Woodwork and Mining], which is fine, but not *overwritten*, which is bad, because it would leave YASH2 in a broken state if you eventually decide to remove the other mod. Your mod manager of choice may take care of this, nevertheless I do not recommend unpacking the BSA because it's too prone to user error.


They are now really unique, have different stats, traits and abilities and choosing a race actually affects the gameplay. To name a few, Altmers regenerate magicka more quickly, Orcs are best at smithing and Redguards swing one handed weapons faster. Note that as I stated above this does NOT affect the player alone. It affects the race, therefore ALL Khajiit regenerate stamina quickly, ALL Nords have a low magicka pool and regenerate it slowly, ALL Wood Elves have a low initial carry weight, etc. This obviously applies to followers as well. Creatures are also affected, unarmed damages and reaches included [no more Mudcrabs hitting you from a mile away]. See the Readme for instructions on how to set to your likings the race stats.



Starting Health: 65
Starting Magicka: 25
Starting Stamina: 70
Starting Carry Weight: 75
Health Regeneration: 0.25
Magicka Regeneration: 2.5
Stamina Regeneration: 7
Unarmed Damage: 10
Jump Height: 97
Carry Weight increase at level up: 3
Starting Skills: 3 in Alteration, 3 in Light Armor, 5 in Lockpicking, 3 in Pickpocket, 7 in Sneak.
Race Abilities:
- 50% resistance to poison and disease
- swim faster than any other race
- the power of the Hist restores all Health
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Light Fingers perk [Pickpocketing is 50% easier]
- last rank of the Agile Defender perk [Increase armor rating for Light armor by 50%]
- last rank of the Stealth perk [You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking]
- last ranks of all Alteration leveled spells [Cast any Alteration spells for 50% less magicka]


Starting Health: 70
Starting Magicka: 85
Starting Stamina: 30
Starting Carry Weight: 80
Health Regeneration: 0.3
Magicka Regeneration: 8.5
Stamina Regeneration: 3
Unarmed Damage: 7
Jump Height: 82
Carry Weight increase at level up: 4
Starting Skills: 3 in Alteration, 7 in Conjuration, 5 in Illusion, 3 in Restoration, 3 in Speech.
Race Abilities:
- Conjuration spells cost one fourth less and their magnitude and duration is increased by one fourth
- 50% resistance to magic
- the power of Dragonskin absorbs half the spell power for 60 seconds
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Haggling perk [Buying and selling prices are 50% better]
- last ranks of all Conjuration leveled spells [Cast any Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka]

Dark Elves

Starting Health: 55
Starting Magicka: 70
Starting Stamina: 25
Starting Carry Weight: 60
Health Regeneration: 0.15
Magicka Regeneration: 7
Stamina Regeneration: 2.5
Unarmed Damage: 5.5
Jump Height: 76
Carry Weight increase at level up: 3
Starting Skills: 3 in Alteration, 3 in Conjuration, 7 in Destruction, 3 in Illusion, 5 in Sneak.
Race Abilities:
- Destruction spells cost one fourth less and their magnitude and duration is increased by one fourth
- 50% resistance to Fire
- the power of Ancestor's Wrath grants that for 60 seconds, opponents that get too close take 8 points per second of fire damage
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Stealth perk [You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking]
- last ranks of all Destruction leveled spells [Cast any Destruction spells for 50% less magicka]

High Elves

Starting Health: 60
Starting Magicka: 100
Starting Stamina: 35
Starting Carry Weight: 70
Health Regeneration: 0.2
Magicka Regeneration: 10
Stamina Regeneration: 3.5
Unarmed Damage: 6
Jump Height: 83
Carry Weight increase at level up: 3
Starting Skills: 3 in Conjuration, 3 in Destruction, 5 in Enchanting, 7 in Illusion, 3 in Restoration.
Race Abilities:
- Illusion spells cost one fourth less and their magnitude and duration is increased by one fourth
- born with 50 extra Magicka
- the power of Highborn allows to regenerate Magicka 25% faster for 60 seconds
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Enchanter perk [New enchantments are 50% stronger]
- last ranks of all Illusion leveled spells [Cast any Illusion spells for 50% less magicka]


Starting Health: 70
Starting Magicka: 75
Starting Stamina: 30
Starting Carry Weight: 80
Health Regeneration: 0.3
Magicka Regeneration: 7.5
Stamina Regeneration: 3.0
Unarmed Damage: 4
Jump Height: 82
Carry Weight increase at level up: 4
Starting Skills: 3 in Enchanting, 3 in Heavy Armor, 3 in One Handed, 5 in Restoration, 7 in Speech.
Race Abilities:
- Imperials are best at bartering and gain a constant fortify Speechcraft with a magnitude of 25
- the Voice of the Emperor power calms nearby people for 60 seconds
- Imperial Luck allows to find more gold in chests
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Armsman perk [One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Haggling perk [Buying and selling prices are 50% better]
- last rank of the Enchanter perk [New enchantments are 50% stronger]
- last rank of the Tangible Wards perk [Wards reduce physical damage by 50%]
- last ranks of all Restoration leveled spells [Cast any Restoration spells for 50% less magicka]


Starting Health: 65
Starting Magicka: 10
Starting Stamina: 100
Starting Carry Weight: 75
Health Regeneration: 0.25
Magicka Regeneration: 1
Stamina Regeneration: 10
Unarmed Damage: 26.5 including Claws Damage
Jump Height: 107
Carry Weight increase at level up: 3
Starting Skills: 3 in Alchemy, 3 in Lockpicking, 3 in Onehanded, 7 in Pickpocket, 5 in Sneak.
Race Abilities:
- Khajiit run 20% faster than any other race
- the Night Power allows to see in the dark for 60 seconds
- Khajiit claws do 20 points of damage
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Light Fingers perk [Pickpocketing is 50% easier]
- last rank of the Armsman perk [One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Alchemist perk [Potions and poisons you make are 50% stronger]
- last rank of the Stealth perk [You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking]
- last rank of the Locksmith perk [Picking locks is 50% easier]
- last rank of the Soft Landing perk [75% less damage from falling if wearing all Light Armor]


Starting Health: 85
Starting Magicka: 5
Starting Stamina: 40
Starting Carry Weight: 95
Health Regeneration: 0.45
Magicka Regeneration: 0.5
Stamina Regeneration: 4
Unarmed Damage: 8.5
Jump Height: 100
Carry Weight increase at level up: 5
Starting Skills: 3 in Block, 5 in Light Armor, 3 in One Handed, 3 in Smithing, 7 in Two Handed.
Race Abilities:
- Nords are the most powerful melee users, they inflict 10 points of additional damage with all melee weapons.
- Nord blood gives 50% resistance to Frost
- the Battle Cry power makes target flee for 30 seconds
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Armsman perk [One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Barbarian perk [Two-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Shield Wall perk [Blocking is 50% more effective. Arrows that hit the shield do very little damage]
- last rank of the Agile Defender perk [Increase armor rating for Light armor by 50%]


Starting Health: 100
Starting Magicka: 25
Starting Stamina: 50
Starting Carry Weight: 110
Health Regeneration: 0.6
Magicka Regeneration: 2.5
Stamina Regeneration: 5
Unarmed Damage: 10
Jump Height: 104
Carry Weight increase at level up: 5
Starting Skills: 3 in Block, 3 in Heavy Armor, 5 in One Handed, 7 in Smithing, 3 in Two Handed.
Race abilities:
- Orcs are the most proficient at Smithing and can improve weapons and armors 25% better
- the Berserker Rage power allows to take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Armsman perk [One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Barbarian perk [Two-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Shield Wall perk [Blocking is 50% more effective. Arrows that hit the shield do very little damage]
- Orsimer Smithing perk [Tempered armor and weapons get a 20% bonus improvement]


Starting Health: 70
Starting Magicka: 15
Starting Stamina: 80
Starting Carry Weight: 80
Health Regeneration: 0.3
Magicka Regeneration: 1.5
Stamina Regeneration: 8
Unarmed Damage: 7
Jump Height: 103
Carry Weight increase at level up: 4
Starting Skills: 3 in Archery, 5 in Block, 5 in Destruction, 3 in Light Armor, 7 in One Handed, 3 in Smithing.
Race abilities:
- Redguards are fastest at swinging One-handed weapons, they can swing them 15% faster than any other race.
- 50% resistance to poison
- the Adrenaline Rush power grants 50% more Stamina regeneration rate for 60 seconds
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Armsman perk [One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina and can paralyze the target]
- last rank of the Shield Wall perk [Blocking is 50% more effective. Arrows that hit the shield do very little damage]
- last rank of the Agile Defender perk [Increase armor rating for Light armor by 50%]
- last rank of the Power Shot perk [Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time]
- last rank of the Alchemist perk [Potions and poisons you make are 50% stronger]

Wood Elves

Starting Health: 50
Starting Magicka: 15
Starting Stamina: 90
Starting Carry Weight: 50
Health Regeneration: 0.1
Magicka Regeneration: 1
Stamina Regeneration: 9
Unarmed Damage: 5
Jump Height: 96
Carry Weight increase at level up: 2
Starting Skills: 5 in Alchemy, 7 in Archery, 3 in Light Armor, 3 in Lockpicking, 3 in Sneak.
Race abilities:
- Wood Elves are fastest and most powerful in Archery, they can deal 50% more damage than any other race with bows and crossbows.
- 50% resistance to poison and disease
- the Command Animal power makes an animal an ally for 60 seconds.
Race-specific perks:
- last rank of the Overdraw perk [Bows and crossbows do 50% more damage, ignore 50% of armor and have 20% chance of paralyzing the target]
- last rank of the Agile Defender perk [Increase armor rating for Light armor by 50%]
- last rank of the Stealth perk [You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking]
- last rank of the Power Shot perk [Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time]
- last rank of the Alchemist perk [Potions and poisons you make are 50% stronger]


YASH2 features a complete perks overhaul. New perks are added and all vanilla perks stats have been altered one way or the other, more perk ranks are available and some bonus perk ranks are available only to certain races. You can also "skip over" perks without being forced to pick perks you don't like just to reach the perk of your choice. Also, the first perk of each skill tree has a skill requirement. And since you are now able to pick more perk ranks, every 20 skill levels you gain a bonus perk point to spend as you wish. These features allow for very specific character builds without the need of leveling up at all costs just to gain a perk point.



Skill 10 - Novice Alteration rank 1: Cast Novice level Alteration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 15 - Novice Alteration rank 2: Cast Novice level Alteration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Argonians only.
Skill 20 - Alteration Dual Casting: Dual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.
Skill 25 - Apprentice Alteration rank 1: Cast Apprentice level Alteration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 30 - Mage Armor rank 1: Protection spells like Stoneflesh are twice as strong if not wearing armor.
Skill 30 - Magic Resistance rank 1: Blocks 15% of a spell's effects.
Skill 40 - Apprentice Alteration rank 2: Cast Apprentice level Alteration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Argonians only.
Skill 50 - Adept Alteration rank 1: Cast Adept level Alteration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 50 - Mage Armor rank 2: Protection spells like Stoneflesh are three times as strong if not wearing armor.
Skill 50 - Magic Resistance rank 2: Blocks 30% of a spell's effects.
Skill 60 - Extended Range: Range of Alteration spells is increased by 50%.
Skill 65 - Adept Alteration rank 2: Cast Adept level Alteration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Argonians only.
Skill 70 - Mage Armor rank 3: Protection spells like Stoneflesh are four times as strong if not wearing armor.
Skill 70 - Magic Resistance rank 3: Blocks 50% of a spell's effects.
Skill 70 - Stability: Duration of Alteration spells is increased by 50%.
Skill 75 - Expert Alteration rank 1: Cast Expert level Alteration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 85 - Expert Alteration rank 2: Cast Expert level Alteration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Argonians only.
Skill 90 - Canalization: Magnitude of Alteration spells is increased by 30% if wearing only robes and no armor.
Skill 90 - Master Alteration rank 1: Cast Master level Alteration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 100 - Atronach: Absorb 40% of the magicka of any spells that hit you.
Skill 100 - Master Alteration rank 2: Cast Master level Alteration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Argonians only.


skill 10 - Novice Conjuration rank 1: Cast Novice level Conjuration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 15 - Novice Conjuration rank 2: Cast Novice level Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Bretons only.
Skill 20 - Conjuration Dual Casting: Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the spell, allowing it to last longer.
Skill 20 - Mystic Binding: Bound weapons do more damage.
skill 25 - Apprentice Conjuration rank 1: Cast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 30 - Soul Stealer: Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets.
Skill 30 - Summoner rank 1: Can summon atronachs or raise undead three times as far away.
Skill 40 - Apprentice Conjuration rank 2: Cast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Bretons only.
Skill 40 - Atromancy: Double duration for conjured Atronachs.
Skill 40 - Necromancy: Double duration for reanimated undead.
Skill 50 - Adept Conjuration rank 1: Cast Adept level Conjuration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 50 - Oblivion Binding: Bound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised ones.
Skill 65 - Adept Conjuration rank 2: Cast Adept level Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Bretons only.
Skill 70 - Dark Souls: Reanimated undead have 200 points more health.
Skill 70 - Summoner rank 2: Can summon atronachs or raise undead five times as far away.
Skill 75 - Expert Conjuration rank 1: Cast Expert level Conjuration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 80 - Elemental Potency: Conjured Atronachs are 50% more powerful.
Skill 85 - Expert Conjuration rank 2: Cast Expert level Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Bretons only.
Skill 90 - Canalization: Magnitude of Conjuration spells is increased by 30% if wearing only robes and no armor.
Skill 90 - Master Conjuration rank 1: Cast Master level Conjuration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 100 - Master Conjuration: Cast Master level Conjuration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Bretons only.
Skill 100 - Triple Souls: You can have three atronachs or reanimated zombies.


Skill 10 - Novice Destruction rank 1: Novice level Destruction spells cost 30% less magicka and are 15% more powerful.
Skill 15 - Novice Destruction rank 2: Novice level Destruction spells cost 50% less magicka and are 25% more powerful. Available to Dunmer only.
Skill 20 - Destruction Dual Casting: Dual casting a Destruction spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.
Skill 25 - Apprentice Destruction rank 1: Apprentice level Destruction spells cost 30% less magicka and are 15% more powerful.
Skill 30 - Augmented Flames rank 1: Fire spells do 30% more damage.
Skill 30 - Augmented Frost rank 1: Frost spells do 30% more damage.
Skill 30 - Augmented Shock rank 1: Shock spells do 30% more damage.
Skill 40 - Apprentice level Destruction spells cost 50% less magicka and are 25% more powerful. Available to Dunmer only.
Skill 40 - Impact: Most destruction spells will stagger an opponent when dual cast.
Skill 40 - Rune Master: Can place runes five times farther away.
Skill 50 - Adept Destruction rank 1: Adept level Destruction spells cost 30% less magicka and are 15% more powerful.
Skill 50 - Intense Flames: Fire damage causes targets to flee if their health is low.
Skill 60 - Augmented Flames rank 2: Fire spells do 60% more damage.
Skill 60 - Augmented Frost rank 2: Frost spells do 60% more damage.
Skill 60 - Augmented Shock rank 2: Shock spells do 60% more damage.
Skill 60 - Deep Freeze: Frost damage paralyzes targets if their health is low.
Skill 65 - Adept Destruction rank 2: Adept level Destruction spells cost 50% less magicka and are 25% more powerful. Available to Dunmer only.
Skill 70 - Disintegrate: Shock damage disintegrates targets if their health is low.
Skill 75 - Expert Destruction rank 1: Expert level Destruction spells cost 30% less magicka and are 15% more powerful.
Skill 85 - Expert Destruction rank 2: Expert level Destruction spells cost 50% less magicka and are 25% more powerful. Available to Dunmer only.
Skill 90 - Canalization: Magnitude of Destruction spells is increased by 30% if wearing only robes and no armor.
Skill 90 - Master Destruction rank 1: Master level Destruction spells cost 30% less magicka and are 15% more powerful.
Skill 100 - Master Destruction rank 2: Master level Destruction spells cost 50% less magicka and are 25% more powerful. Available to Dunmer only.


Skill 10 - Enchanter rank 1: New enchantments are 10% stronger.
Skill 25 - Enchanter rank 2: New enchantments are 20% stronger.
Skill 30 - Fire Enchanter: Fire enchantments on weapons and armor are 20% stronger.
Skill 30 - Frost Enchanter: Frost enchantments on weapons and armor are 20% stronger.
Skill 30 - Storm Enchanter: Shock enchantments on weapons and armor are 20% stronger.
Skill 40 - Soul Squeezer: Soul gems provide 300 extra magicka points for recharging.
Skill 50 - Dual Staff Mastery: Dual wielded staffs powers scale to the Enchanting skill.
Skill 50 - Enchanter rank 3: New enchantments are 30% stronger.
Skill 50 - Insightful Enchanter: Skill enchantments on armor are 20% stronger.
Skill 50 - Soul Siphon: Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 10% of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon.
Skill 70 - Corpus Enchanter: Health, magicka, and stamina enchantments on armor are 20% stronger.
Skill 75 - Enchanter rank 4: New enchantments are 40% stronger.
Skill 80 - Backup Charge: Soul gems provide 50% more weapons charges.
Skill 80 - Spellbouncer: Ignores half the magic damage coming from enchanted weapons.
Skill 100 - Enchanter rank 5: New enchantments are 50% stronger. Available to Altmer and Imperials only.
Skill 100 - Extra Effect: Can put two enchantments on the same item.


Skill 10 - Novice Illusion rank 1: Cast Novice level Illusion spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 15 - Novice Illusion rank 2: Cast Novice level Illusion spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Altmer only.
Skill 20 - Animage: Illusion spells now work on higher level animals.
Skill 20 - Illusion Dual Casting: Dual casting an Illusion spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.
Skill 25 - Apprentice Illusion rank 1: Cast Apprentice level Illusion spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 30 - Hypnotic Gaze: Calm spells now work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and Animage.
Skill 40 - Apprentice Illusion rank 2: Cast Apprentice level Illusion spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Altmer only.
Skill 40 - Kindred Mage: All Illusion spells work on higher level people.
Skill 50 - Adept Illusion rank 1: Cast Adept level Illusion spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 50 - Aspect of Terror: Fear spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and Animage.
Skill 50 - Quiet Casting: All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent to others.
Skill 65 - Adept Illusion rank 2: Cast Adept level Illusion spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Altmer only.
Skill 70 - Rage: Frenzy spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and Animage.
Skill 75 - Expert Illusion rank 1: Cast Expert level Illusion spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 85 - Expert Illusion rank 2: Cast Expert level Illusion spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Altmer only.
Skill 90 - Canalization: Magnitude of Illusion spells is increased by 30% if wearing only robes and no armor.
Skill 90 - Master Illusion rank 1: Cast Master level Illusion spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 90 - Master of the Mind: Illusion spells work on undead, daedra and automatons.
Skill 100 - Master Illusion rank 2: Cast Master level Illusion spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Altmer only.


Skill 10 - Novice Restoration rank 1: Cast Novice level Restoration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 20 - Novice Restoration rank 2: Cast Novice level Restoration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Imperials only.
Skill 20 - Regeneration: Healing spells cure 33% more.
Skill 20 - Restoration Dual Casting: Dual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.
Skill 25 - Apprentice Restoration rank 1: Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 30 - Recovery rank 1: Magicka regenerates 20% faster.
Skill 40 - Apprentice Restoration rank 2: Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Imperials only.
Skill 40 - Respite: Healing spells also restore Stamina.
Skill 50 - Adept Restoration rank 1: Cast Adept level Restoration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 60 - Recovery rank 2: Magicka regenerates 40% faster.
Skill 60 - Ward Absorb: Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells.
Skill 65 - Adept Restoration rank 2: Cast Adept level Restoration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Imperials only.
Skill 70 - Necromage: All spells are 50% more effective against undead.
Skill 70 - Tangible Wards: Wards reduce physical damage by 33%.
Skill 75 - Expert Restoration: Cast Expert level Restoration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 75 - Favoured By The Gods: Gods blessings are 50% more powerful and last 50% longer.
Skill 80 - Tangible Wards: Wards reduce physical damage by 50%. Available to Imperials only.
Skill 85 - Expert Restoration: Cast Expert level Restoration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Imperials only.
Skill 90 - Avoid Death: Once a day, completely restores health automatically if you fall below 10% health.
Skill 90 - Canalization: Magnitude of Restoration spells is increased by 30% if wearing only robes and no armor.
Skill 90 - Master Restoration rank 1: Cast Master level Restoration spells for 30% less magicka.
Skill 100 - Master Restoration rank 2: Cast Master level Restoration spells for 50% less magicka. Available to Imperials only.


Skill 10 - Alchemist rank 1: Potions and poisons you make are 10% stronger.
Skill 20 - Physician: Potions you mix that restore Health, Magicka or Stamina are 20% more powerful.
Skill 25 - Alchemist rank 2: Potions and poisons you make are 20% stronger.
Skill 30 - Benefactor: Potions you mix with beneficial effects have an additional 20% greater magnitude.
Skill 30 - Poisoner: Poisons you mix are 20% more effective.
Skill 40 - Experimenter rank 1: Eating an ingredient reveals first two effects.
Skill 50 - Alchemist rank 3: Potions and poisons you make are 30% stronger.
Skill 60 - Concentrated Poison: Poisons applied to weapons last for three hits.
Skill 60 - Experimenter rank 2: Eating an ingredient reveals first three effects.
Skill 70 - GreenThumb: Three ingredients are gathered from harvestable ingredient sources.
Skill 75 - Alchemist rank 4: Potions and poisons you make are 40% stronger.
Skill 75 - Fast Recovery: Potions cure in half the time.
Skill 80 - Experimenter: Eating an ingredient reveals first four effects.
Skill 80 - Snakeblood: 70% resistance to all poisons.
Skill 90 - Alchemist rank 5: Potions and poisons you make are 50% stronger. Available to Khajiit and Bosmer only.
Skill 90 - Caustic Poison: Poisoned weapons ignore half the armor resistance.
Skill 100 - Purity: All negative effects are removed from created potions, and all positive effects are removed from created poisons.


Skill 10 - Agile Defender: Increase armor rating for Light armor by 10%.
Skill 25 - Agile Defender: Increase armor rating for Light armor by 20%.
Skill 30 - Custom Fit: 33% Armor bonus if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 30 - Fists Of Stone: Unarmed attacks with Light Armor gauntlets do 12 points of extra damage.
Skill 40 - Pack Mule: Carry capacity increased by 30 points when wearing Light Armor boots and no Heavy Armor pieces.
Skill 50 - Agile Defender: Increase armor rating for Light armor by 30%.
SKill 50 - Soft Landing rank 1: Half damage from falling if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 50 - Unhindered: Light Armor weighs 50% less and slows you down 50% less when worn.
Skill 60 - Toughened: 33% less stagger when wearing only Light Armor.
Skill 60 - Wind Walker: Stamina regenerates 30% faster in all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 70 - Matching Set: Additional 30% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Light Armor.
Skill 75 - Agile Defender: Increase armor rating for Light armor by 40%.
Skill 75 - Elemental Walker: Magic damage is reduced by 25% if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
SKill 75 - Soft Landing rank 2: 75% less damage from falling if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet. Available to Khajiit only.
Skill 100 - Agile Defender: Increase armor rating for Light armor by 50%. Available to Argonians, Bosmer, Nords and Redguards only.
Skill 100 - Deft Movement: 20% chance of avoiding half the damage from a melee attack while wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.


Skill 10 - Locksmith: Picking locks is 10% easier.
Skill 20 - Locksmith: Picking locks is 20% easier.
Skill 20 - Lockpick Smithing: Can create lockpicks at forges.
Skill 30 - Locksmith: Picking locks is 30% easier.
Skill 30 - Sharp Vision: Locks are easier to pick if illuminated by a torch.
Skill 40 - Locksmith: Picking locks is 40% easier.
Skill 40 - Quick Hands: Able to pick locks without being noticed.
Skill 50 - Locksmith: Picking locks is 50% easier. Available to Khajiit only.
Skill 50 - Wax Key: Automatically gives you a copy of a picked lock's key if it has one.
Skill 60 - Golden Touch: Find more gold in chests.
Skill 70 - Treasure Hunter: 50% greater chance of finding special treasure.
Skill 80 - Burglar: Pick starts way close to the lock opening position.
Skill 90 - Unbreakable: Lockpicks never break.


Skill 10 - Light Fingers rank 1: Pickpocketing is 10% easier. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Skill 25 - Light Fingers rank 2: Pickpocketing is 20% easier. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Skill 30 - Night Thief: Pickpocketing is 30% easier when the target is asleep.
Skill 30 - Silent Snatcher: Pickpocketing is 30% easier when sneaking undetected.
Skill 40 - Cutpurse: Pickpocketing gold is 30% easier.
Skill 40 - Poisoned: Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets.
Skill 50 - Extra Pockets: Carrying capacity is increased by 50.
Skill 50 - Keymaster: Pickpocketing keys almost always works.
Skill 50 - Light Fingers rank 3: Pickpocketing is 30% easier. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Skill 60 - Search Bodies: Victims carry way more gold.
Skill 70 - Misdirection: Can pickpocket equipped weapons.
Skill 75 - Light Fingers rank 4: Pickpocketing is 40% easier. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Skill 100 - Light Fingers rank 5: Pickpocketing is 50% easier. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. Available to Argonians and Khajiit only.
Skill 100 - Perfect Touch: Can pickpocket equipped items.


Skill 10 - Stealth rank 1: You are 10% harder to detect when sneaking.
Skill 25 - Stealth rank 2: You are 15% harder to detect when sneaking.
Skill 25 - Thief rank 1: 10% harder to detect while trespassing.
Skill 30 - Backstab: Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons now do six times damage.
Skill 30 - Muffled Movement: Noise from armor is reduced 30%.
Skill 40 - Light Foot: You won't trigger pressure plates.
Skill 45 - Deadly Aim rank 1: Sneak attacks with bows and crossbows now do three times damage.
Skill 50 - Infiltrator rank 1: Sneak attacks with all weapons do 25% more damage if the target is unalerted.
Skill 50 - Silent Wizard: Can cast spells without being detected. Requires at least skill 50 in the magic school of use.
Skill 50 - Silent Roll: Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll.
Skill 50 - Stealth rank 3: You are 20% harder to detect when sneaking.
Skill 50 - Thief rank 2: 20% harder to detect while trespassing.
Skill 70 - Silence: Walking and running does not affect detection.
Skill 75 - Infiltrator rank 2: Sneak attacks with all weapons do 50% more damage if the target is unalerted.
Skill 75 - Stealth rank 4: You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking.
Skill 80 - Torpor: Attacks with daggers paralyze sleeping targets.
Skill 90 - Deadly Aim rank 2: Sneak attacks with bows and crossbows now do four times damage.
Skill 50 - Assassin's Blade: Sneak attacks with daggers double the effect of the Backstab perk.
Skill 100 - Shadow Warrior: Crouching stops combat for a moment and forces distant opponents to search for a target.
Skill 100 - Stealth rank 5: You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking. Available to Argonians, Dunmer, Khajiit and Bosmer only.


Skill 10 - Haggling rank 1: Buying and selling prices are 10% better.
Skill 25 - Haggling rank 2: Buying and selling prices are 20% better.
Skill 30 - Allure: 25% better prices with the opposite sex.
Skill 30 - Bribery: Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.
Skill 40 - Blood Tie: 25% better prices with the same race.
Skill 50 - Haggling rank 3: Buying and selling prices are 30% better.
Skill 50 - Merchant: Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant.
Skill 50 - Persuasion: Persuasion attempts are 30% easier.
Skill 60 - Intimidation: Intimidation is twice as successful.
Skill 70 - Investor: Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold permanently.
Skill 75 - Haggling rank 4: Buying and selling prices are 40% better.
Skill 90 - Fence: Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in.
Skill 100 - Haggling rank 5: Buying and selling prices are 50% better. Available to Bretons and Imperials only.
Skill 100 - Master Trader: Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.


Skill 10 - Overdraw rank 1: Bows and crossbows do 10% more damage and ignore 10% of armor.
Skill 20 - Overdraw rank 2: Bows and crossbows do 20% more damage and ignore 20% of armor.
Skill 30 - Critical Shot rank 1: 5% chance of a critical hit that does 10% more critical damage.
Skill 30 - Eagle Eye rank 1: Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view.
Skill 30 - Overdraw rank 3: Bows and crossbows do 30% more damage and ignore 30% of armor.
Skill 40 - Overdraw rank 4: Bows and crossbows do 40% more damage and ignore 40% of armor.
Skill 40 - Hunter's Discipline: Recover 50% more arrows from dead bodies.
Skill 40 - Steady Hand rank 1: Zooming in with a bow slows time by 30%.
Skill 50 - Eagle Eye rank 2: Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view even more.
Skill 50 - Overdraw rank 5: Bows and crossbows do 50% more damage, ignore 50% of armor and have 20% chance of paralyzing the target. Available to Bosmer only.
Skill 50 - Ranger: Able to move faster with a drawn bow.
Skill 60 - Critical Shot rank 2: 15% chance of a critical hit that does 20% more critical damage.
Skill 60 - Power Shot rank 1: Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 30% of the time.
Skill 60 - Steady Hand rank 2: Zooming in with a bow slows time by 50%.
Skill 70 - Power Shot rank 2: Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time. Available to Bosmer and Redguards only.
Skill 80 - Marksman: Critical hits do two times the damage to moving targets.
Skill 80 - Quick Shot: Can draw a bow 30% faster.
Skill 90 - Close Range: Bows and crossbows ignore 90% of armor of very close targets.
Skill 90 - Critical Shot rank 3: 20% chance of a critical hit that does 30% more critical damage.
Skill 100 - Knockout: Critical hits do three times the damage to staggered opponents.


Skill 10 - Shield Wall rank 1: Blocking is 10% more effective. 20% chance to deflect all arrows damage.
Skill 25 - Shield Wall rank 2: Blocking is 20% more effective. 40% chance to deflect all arrows damage.
Skill 30 - Power Bash: Able to do a power bash.
Skill 30 - Quick Reflexes: Time slows down by 33% if you are blocking during an enemy's power attack.
Skill 40 - Buff Arms: Equipped shields weigh 50% less.
Skill 50 - Block Runner: Able to move faster with a shield raised.
Skill 50 - Deadly Bash: Bashing does three times more damage.
Skill 50 - Shield Wall rank 3: Blocking is 30% more effective. 60% chance to deflect all arrows damage.
Skill 50 - Elemental Protection: Blocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost, and shock damage by 33%.
Skill 60 - Clash Of Shields: Bashing does twice the damage to opponents blocking an attack.
Skill 70 - Disarming Bash: Chance to disarm when power bashing.
Skill 75 - Shield Wall rank 4: Blocking is 40% more effective. 80% chance to deflect all arrows damage.
Skill 90 - Shield Charge: Sprinting with a shield raised knocks down most targets.
Skill 100 - Shield Wall rank 5: Blocking is 50% more effective. Arrows that hit the shield do very little damage. Available to Nords, Orcs and Redguards only.


Skill 10 - Armsman rank 1: One-Handed weapons do 10% more damage. Power attacks cost 10% less stamina.
Skill 20 - Assassin rank 1: Daggers do 10% more damage. Dual wielding power attacks do 20% bonus damage.
Skill 20 - Bladesman rank 1: Swords do 10% more damage and have a 10% chance of doing 20% bonus critical damage.
Skill 20 - Bonebreaker rank 1: Maces do 10% more damage and ignore 20% of armor.
Skill 20 - Butcher rank 1: War Axes do 10% more damage and cause extra bleeding damage.
Skill 25 - Armsman rank 2: One-Handed weapons do 20% more damage. Power attacks cost 20% less stamina.
Skill 25 - Critical Charge: Can do a one-handed power attack while sprinting that does 75% more critical damage.
Skill 40 - Bladesman rank 2: Swords do 20% more damage and have a 20% chance of doing 40% bonus critical damage.
Skill 40 - Bonebreaker rank 2: Maces do 20% more damage and ignore 40% of armor.
Skill 40 - Butcher rank 2: War Axes do 20% more damage and cause more bleeding damage.
Skill 40 - Assassin rank 2: Daggers do 20% more damage. Dual wielding power attacks do 40% bonus damage.
Skill 50 - Armsman rank 3: One-Handed weapons do 30% more damage. Power attacks cost 30% less stamina.
Skill 50 - Juggler: Attacks with One-Handed weapons are 20% faster.
Skill 50 - Mercy Stroke: One-Handed attacks deliver a triple damage death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded opponent.
Skill 60 - Assassin rank 3: Daggers do 30% more damage. Dual wielding power attacks do 60% bonus damage.
Skill 60 - Bladesman rank 3: Swords do 30% more damage and have a 30% chance of doing 60% bonus critical damage.
Skill 60 - Bonebreaker rank 3: Maces do 30% more damage and ignore 60% of armor.
Skill 60 - Butcher rank 3: War Axes do 30% more damage and cause even more bleeding damage.
Skill 75 - Armsman rank 4: One-Handed weapons do 40% more damage. Power attacks cost 40% less stamina.
Skill 75 - Impaler: Attacks with Swords double the damage dealt to opponents power attacking you.
Skill 75 - Mutilate: Attacks with War Axes double the damage dealt to opponents not wearing gauntlets.
Skill 75 - First Strike: One-Handed attacks to uninjured opponents ignore 100% of armor when you are at full health.
Skill 75 - Slit Throat: Attacks with Daggers double the damage dealt to opponents blocking your attacks.
Skill 75 - Skullcrusher: Attacks with Maces double the damage dealt to opponents not wearing helmets.
Skill 100 - Armsman rank 5: One-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina. Available to Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs and Redguards only.
Skill 100 - Fortuitous Strike: One-Handed power attacks have a 33% chance of dealing three times the damage.
Skill 100 - Last Effort: When you are severely wounded you have a small chance of avoiding all incoming damage and deliver a blow that does three times the damage.


Skill 10 - Juggernaut rank 1: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 10%.
Skill 25 - Juggernaut rank 2: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 20%.
Skill 30 - Fists of Steel: Unarmed attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do extra damage.
Skill 30 - Well Fitted: 30% Armor bonus if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 40 - Beast Of Burden: Carry capacity increased by 50 points when wearing Heavy Armor boots and no Light Armor pieces.
Skill 50 - Cushioned: Half damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 50 - Juggernaut rank 3: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 30%.
Skill 50 - Tower of Strength: 30% less stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor.
Skill 70 - Conditioning: Heavy Armor weighs 50% less and slows you down 50% less when worn.
Skill 70 - Matching Set: Additional 30% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Heavy Armor.
Skill 75 - Incombustible: Fire damage is reduced by 33% if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 75 - Juggernaut rank 4: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 40%.
Skill 75 - Lightning Rod: Shock damage is reduced by 33% if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 75 - Padded: Frost damage is reduced by 33% if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 100 - Juggernaut rank 5: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 50%.
Skill 100 - Reflect Blows: 20% chance to reflect half the melee damage back to the enemy while wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
Skill 100 - Standing Stone: 50% less damage from power attacks if wearing all Heavy Armor.


Skill 20 - Steel Smithing: Can create Steel armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 30 - Advanced Armors: Can create Scaled and Plate armor at forges, and improve them 50% better
Skill 30 - Orcish Smithing: Can create Orcish armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 40 - Dwarven Smithing: Can create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 50 - Arcane Blacksmith: You can improve magical weapons and armor.
Skill 50 - Elven Smithing: Can create Elven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 50 - Orsimer Smithing: Tempered armor and weapons get a 20% bonus improvement. Available to Orcs only.
Skill 60 - Glass Smithing: Can create Glass armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 70 - Ebony Smithing: Can create Ebony armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 80 - Dragon Armor: Can create Dragon armor and Dragonbone weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 90 - Daedric Smithing: Can create Daedric armor and weapons at forges, and improve them 50% better.
Skill 100 - Forgemaster: Can improve all armor and weapons twice as much. Requires all perks in this tree.


Skill 10 - Barbarian rank 1: Two-Handed weapons do 10% more damage. Power attacks cost 10% less stamina.
Skill 20 - Bloodletter rank 1: Greatswords do 10% more damage and have a 10% chance of doing 20% bonus critical damage.
Skill 20 - Bonecrusher rank 1: Warhammers do 10% more damage and ignore 20% of armor.
Skill 20 - Limbsplitter rank 1: Battle Axes do 10% more damage and cause extra bleeding damage.
Skill 25 - Barbarian rank 2: Two-Handed weapons do 20% more damage. Power attacks cost 20% less stamina.
Skill 20 - Bloodletter rank 2: Greatswords do 20% more damage and have a 20% chance of doing 40% bonus critical damage.
Skill 40 - Bonecrusher rank 2: Warhammers do 20% more damage and ignore 40% of armor.
Skill 40 - Limbsplitter rank 1: Battle Axes do 20% more damage and cause more bleeding damage.
Skill 50 - Barbarian rank 3: Two-Handed weapons do 30% more damage. Power attacks cost 30% less stamina.
Skill 50 - Great Critical Charge: Can do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does 75% more critical damage.
Skill 50 - Sweep: Sideways power attacks with two-handed weapons hit all targets in front of you.
Skill 60 - Bloodletter: Greatswords do 30% more damage and have a 30% chance of doing 60% bonus critical damage.
Skill 60 - Bonecrusher rank 3: Warhammers do 30% more damage and ignore 60% of armor.
Skill 50 - Lasher: Attacks with Two-Handed weapons are 20% faster.
Skill 60 - Limbsplitter rank 3: Battle Axes do 30% more damage and cause even more bleeding damage.
Skill 75 - Barbarian rank 4: Two-Handed weapons do 40% more damage. Power attacks cost 40% less stamina.
Skill 75 - Impaler: Attacks with Greatswords double the damage dealt to opponents power attacking you.
Skill 75 - Mutilate: Attacks with Battle Axes double the damage dealt to opponents not wearing gauntlets.
Skill 75 - Skullcrusher: Attacks with Warhammers double the damage dealt to opponents not wearing helmets.
Skill 80 - Barricade: Blocking with Two-Handed weapons is 50% more effective.
Skill 80 - Executioner: 33% chance to deal a double bonus critical damage.
Skill 90 - Painbringer: Two-Handed power attacks have a 33% chance to deal three times the damage when you are at full health.
Skill 100 - Barbarian rank 5: Two-Handed weapons do 50% more damage. Power attacks cost 50% less stamina.
Skill 100 - Indifference: 33% chance to ignore half the damage coming from Two-Handed weapons when you are attacking.


You're not the center of the world anymore. The world lives a life on its own and it does NOT depend on you anymore. More than 2,000 leveled lists have been edited with a collection of xEdit scripts I made myself to make it so that the more valuable items are rare and the less valuable items are spread all over the place. There is NO hand placed loot, everything is placed with a so refined formula that most leveled lists contain up to 100 automatically generated entries [most vanilla lists have 20]. Even I have no idea where the more valuable loot is. The same applies to creatures and NPC, the harder enemies are rare and the easier are more common. Long story short: there are others like you in the world who have improved their skills and can give you a very hard time in combat. No hand placed loot means that there are no hand placed items, but bosses will often carry powerful weapons and boss chests will often contain valuable loot: to encourage exploration most lists have been moved from merchants inventories to bosses chests. The chances to find different items are roughly as follows:

Iron: 33 chances out of 100.
Steel: 22 chances out of 100.
Orcish: 17 chances out of 100.
Dwarven: 12 chances out of 100.
Elven: 8 chances out of 100.
Glass: 5 chances out of 100.
Ebony: 2 chances out of 100.
Dragonbone: 0 chances, save for a few bosses. You want Dragon weapons and armors, you smith them yourself. The only exceptions to this rule are the weapons carried by the Keepers in the Soul Cairn.
Daedric: 1 chance out of 100.

Note that followers will still level up with you and there are a few specific NPC that do not have fixed stats across the whole gameplay: whereas altering their stats to make them static doesn't really have notable effects on the gameplay, those are left untouched.


Even in the lucky event that you find an Ebony Battleaxe or a Glass Bow after one hour of play, you'll not be able to use it properly until you meet the skill requirements for that weapon. You'll be slow and clunky and won't deal a great amount of damage. Again, your skill will be almost meaningless, while your character skill will be essential. I can't stress this enough: this applies to everyone else as well. If you happen to stumble upon a low skilled bandit wielding a Glass Mace you'll notice that he will be slow, clunky and not very efficient with it. The same applies to shields, if you lack the required skill for a specific material you'll block much less damage then usual. Cuirasses and boots will slow you down. Helmets will slow your magicka regeneration, gauntlets will double the spell cost and halve the spell magnitude. Skills increases with armors and weapons you're not skilled with are reduced to one fifth. Also, you'll either love or hate this one: you will often fail at casting spells until you reach the minimum skill requirement [this applies to NPC as well].

Weapons and armors requirements are as follows [they are based on a combination of the weight and the weapon damage / armor rating of the vanilla item]:

Wood: no requirement.
Iron: 10 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor.
Steel, Imperial, Nordic, Silver, Ancient Nord, Scaled, Bonemold, Chithin: 20 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block, Light Armor or Heavy Armor.
Orcish, Dawnguard, Nordic Heavy: 30 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block, Light Armor or Heavy Armor.
Dwarven, Falmer, Honed Ancient Nord: 40 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor.
Elven: 50 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Light Armor.
Glass, Honed Falmer: 60 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Light Armor.
Ebony, Stalhrim: 70 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor.
Dragonbone, Dragonscale: 80 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor / Light Armor.
Daedric: 90 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor.

Skill governs everything you do. The damage you deal with a weapon, the chance to pick a lock or to pickpocket, the magnitude and duration of a spell, the chance of successfully extract ingredients from harvested plants. Everything. All spells scale to skill level, up to 150% the magnitude and duration once you reach 100 in the school of the current spell [configurable to the legacy 200% setting in the MCM menu]. All weapons scale to skill level, up to twice the damage once you reach 100 in either one handed, two handed or marksman. When you equip a weapon its damage will instantly update accordingly to your skill. When I say EVERYTHING I mean it. You have to be skilled in Smithing if you want to temper weapons and armors. You have to be skilled in Enchanting if you want to enchant whatever you like with whatever spell you like. And so on.


Do not underestimate the power of a good meal! Food and drinks now serve a purpose. Instead of creating a primary needs system I took a completely different approach: you're not forced to eat to stay alive but if you DO eat you'll gain good bonuses to Magicka, Health and Stamina that will last for a long while. Raw foods boost attributes a little, cooked meals boost them way more. So, you wake up in the morning, have a good breakfast and your attributes are boosted til lunch. You eat your lunch, mixing several foods to maximize your attributes and you're done until dinner. As a rule of thumb wine and meat based meals increase Health, alcoholics and fish based meals increase Magicka [hey they contain phosphorus after all!] and vegetables based meals increase Stamina. Gameplay-wise the system works by a simple association of ideas: you see meat, you think Health. You see fish, you think Magicka. You see an apple, you think Stamina. The game will warn you if you eat too much, so eat up and don't worry about being a glutton. However, you should eat in a considerate manner: if you eat too much too quickly there will be a chance for the current effect to be dispelled and you'll have to wait a bit to digest the food before eating again. To avoid the effect to be dispelled, as a rule of thumb you should wait for the eating sound to end before eating anything else. Plus, eating the same kind of food does not add any benefit: eating 10 apples is equal to eating only one. This is both to prevent players carrying around tons of apples and to encourage players to mix several food types. Obviously NPC can't eat, so to mimic this game mechanic and keep them well fed they all have, on average, all three attributes slightly increased.


Think you can enter a cave, awake a snow bear and just run like hell? Think twice. Enemies will now follow you everywhere, in some cases if you make a Draugr angry enough he'll chase you to the death outside his barrow. Once you've played the mod a bit you'll realize why Bethesda didn't enable this feature since the beginning: you can easily wreak havok EVERYWHERE you go, by leading a pack of wolves right into a tavern or Draugr Deathlords into towns. It mostly depends on what you do and on the aggression level of your enemies: if you have them follow you near the dungeon exit, they will follow you. If they haven't noticed you, they won't follow. If they have noticed you and you're very far from them, they won't follow. If you are engaged in a fight upon exiting the dungeon, they will follow. If you don't want them to follow you, you should make sure you're not in Combat mode upon exiting the dungeon, enter Sneak mode and pay attention to the eye icon to be sure.


Everything [and I mean everything] is altered in a way or another. HMS potions have been renamed with meaningful names so that you know their magnitudes with a blink of an eye -- the 6 magnitudes are now added as 6 different suffixes: Weak, Average, Strong, Great, Extreme and Ultimate. All items have been reweighted and all weapons damages and armor ratings have been altered to match their material inherent power [Iron is weak, Dragonbone is REALLY strong etc]. Enchantments, spells, shouts, scrolls and such are also taken into account. This is done at runtime and can be disabled at will.


Enemies are now smarter. They'll dodge and block your attacks more often, be more aggressive when you give them openings and know whether it's time to flee or time to continue fighting. More than 100 AI stats have been altered to improve the combat system. The settings can be overriden safely by any combat mod you want to use. Plus, once NPC health drops below 20% they'll be affected by a Demoralize spell that will cause them to flee. As a consequence, yielding is now a true yielding: if their health is low they won't continue fighting after recovering. Also, all enemies will search for you way longer after a sneak attack.


All enemies have their weaknesses and resistances. I won't spoil anything here, you'll have to find out which weapons and spells work best by yourself using some logic. While nothing prevents you from using always the same weapon against all enemies, if you really want to survive you'll have to use the right weapon for the right enemy. This is where you have to plan your fights if you don't want to have a hard time exploring dungeons: do I have to enter a Dwemer ruin? Then I'll need <insert proper weapon here>. Do I have to enter that barrow swarming with Draugr? Then I'll need <insert proper weapon here>. Am I wandering aimlessly with the risk of stumbling upon a skilled mage? Then I'll need <insert proper protection here>. Oh, and this is where followers play an important role: if you really can't do without your favorite weapon, once you have determined what works best with a specific enemy you can equip them with that specific weapon and feel free to use whatever you wish for yourself. Be warned though: as any other NPCs, restrictions apply to followers as well, so you'll have to find the right equipment. Messages will warn you if your followers aren't skilled enough for the equipment of your choice. You have also a dialogue option to check their training at any moment [this applies to temporary quest followers as well, even though you can't trade items].


Are you sure you want me to spoil the game for you?

Well, you asked for it.

LAST CHANCE! Are you REALLY sure you want to know how to survive? If so, do not EVER under any circumstances mention in public any of what follows.

First off, weaknesses and resistances apply to YOU as well. You MUST wear a full set of armor [cuirass, helmet, gauntlets, boots] if you want to survive. I didn't implement locational damage but if you miss a single armor part you won't be full protected against arrows and melee weapons. The same applies to humanoid NPC as well, if you feel you're not dealing enough damage to NPC and they look like damage sponges to you it's because they are well protected, not because they have stellar health pools.

Now onto creatures:

All animals such as Wolves, Bears, Sabre Cats, Spiders and all no armored creatures such as Giants, Werewolves, Trolls etc:
- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

Ash Hopper:
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

Ash Spawns:
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- resist 90% of fire damage
- suffer 2 times the frost damage, 2 times the maces damage

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- resist 70% of shock damage
- resist 90% of fire damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

Corrupted shade:
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

Death Hounds:
- resist 90% of frost damage
- suffer 2 times the fire damage

- a few vanilla resistances plus variable resistance to arrows and bolts, no particular weaknesses

Dragon Priests:
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from axes and battleaxes
- suffer 2 times the damage from the opposite spell of their choice: Frost Dragon Priests are susceptible to fire, Fire Dragon Priests are susceptible to Frost and Shock Dragon Priests are susceptible to both Fire and Frost.

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from axes and battleaxes
- suffer 2 times the fire damage

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

Dwarwen Automatons:
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- immune to frost
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers
- suffer 2 times the shock damage
Note: according to lore, Automatons should be weakened by frost; actually, they are immune to frost in vanillla as well: whereas lore and vanilla mechanics do not really get along, in YASH the actual vanilla implementation has precedence over lore.

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

Flame Atronachs:
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- resist 90% of fire damage
- suffer 2 times the frost damage

Frost Atronachs:
- resist 90% of frost damage
- suffer 2 times the fire damage
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage

Frost Trolls:
- resist 90% of frost damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from fire

Frostbite spiders:
- resist 90% of frost damage
- suffer 2 times the fire damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from swords

- resist 70% of shock damage
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- resist 90% of fire damage
- suffer 2 times the frost damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- suffer 2 times the shock damage

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

Ice Wraiths:
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage
- resist 80% of shock damage
- resist 90% of fire damage
- resist 90% of frost damage
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

- suffer 2 times the damage from axes and battleaxes
- suffer 2 times the fire damage

Storm Atronachs:
- resist 70% of shock damage
- resist 80% of arrows and bolts damage

- suffer 3 times the fire damage

Undead Dragons:
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers
- resist 80% of shock damage

Vampire Lords:
- suffer 2 times the damage from swords and greatswords

- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers

Witchlights / Magic Anomalies:
- suffer 2 times the damage from maces and warhammers


  • All initial skills start from 0, save for race-specific skills. You read it right, you start as a complete nobody. Also, skill increases, and therefore leveling up, are 33% slower. An exception to the above is the FIRST ever skill increase. It will take you a LOT to, say, increase Block from 0 to 1. Then all of a sudden something will explode in your character's mind and he will go like HA, now THIS is how I'm supposed to block effectively. This is just a way for you, the player, to tell the game that yes, you REALLY want to increase this skill so that you don't increase a skill by mistake. You have two choices: you either work on your skill the hard way [by using it] or you get some training / read a skill book. Once the first ever skill increase is reached your skills will increase as usual [but almost half as slow compared to vanilla].
  • Non-MQ quest items can be either stored in containers or dropped to the ground and they also have weights. You can actually break quests if you lose them! The same applies to Dawnguard and Dragonborn non-MQ items. This feature can't be disabled via MCM, if you don't like it all you have to do is removing ALL quests records from the YASH2.esp *except for* those starting with YASH2_
  • Running, swimming and attacking with melee weapons drains stamina. Draining all your stamina pool will NOT prevent you from running but it will prevent sprints and power attacks. Holding a drawn bow drains stamina as well. Note that if you're not skilled in the cuirass or boots you're wearing your stamina will drain much more quickly.
  • All potions have effect over time. No more gulping health potions like crazy! Raw ingredients have effect over time as well and their magnitudes and durations are increased compared to vanilla.
  • Carry weight is not stamina dependent anymore. Instead, you gain a bonus to your carrying capacity at each level, race-dependent, regardless of which attribute you choose to increase at level up. Note that if you don't level up when the game informs you that you've actually leveled up you WON'T get the carry weight bonus. That is, if you level up twice in a row because your skill points are already at the next level you'll only get ONE bonus because the bonus itself is applied only once when you close the skills menu. Therefore you'd better level up as soon as possible.
  • Creatures venoms are more letal and last longer. This is also an advantage for you if you poison your weapons. Also, traps are more deadly.
  • Dragons are scary. They spawn rarely but they are way stronger and their shouts are more powerful.
  • You have no starting spells anymore, regardless of the race you pick.
  • Skill books have their associated skill in their title, so that you can identify them with a blink of an eye. You also don't run the risk to improve the wrong skill, i.e. it's unlikely for a Bosmer character to learn Two-Handed.
  • Light and heavy armor skills are slightly increased while running around if you wear a full set of armor [armor, boots, gauntlets, helmet].
  • Save for a few exceptions, merchants don't sell ingots, leather and animal parts anymore. You want pelts, go hunting. You want ore and ingots, go mining. Also, ingots, ore, leather and leather strips you used to find around the world are gone, save for those you may find inside containers. To balance the above out, you obtain much more ore from mine veins: iron veins have plenty of ore, ebony have much less [and now you know why Iron weapons are common]. To carry everything you have dug up back home you might want to bring with you strength potions or a follower.
  • Merchants are harder and their inventories are location-based: Alvor in Riverwood isn't likely to sell enchanted stuff while Beirand in solitude has plenty. Save for a few exceptions they also do not sell lockpicks anymore, save for Khajiit caravans that have plenty. Also, merchants inventories now respawn every week [vanilla is 2 days].
  • You can't change cuirass and boots in combat unless you meet the required skill to do so. Changing helmet and gloves is fine though. If you don't have the required skill you'll find yourself naked in the middle of a fight and won't be able to wear neither cuirass nor boots until you're out of combat.
  • Lockpicking is way harder and you can't pick locks no matter how good you're at it if your character lacks the required lockpicking skill. Does not mean that I'm preventing you from trying: the lockpicking interface will still show up, but a message will inform you that you won't be able to pick the lock no matter how hard you try. To balance out the few locks you can initially pick, leveling up lockpicking is slightly faster than in vanilla.
  • You can bash locks open up to Expert difficulty, provided you have the required skill *and* the right weapon. Some locks require a two handed weapon to be bashed open.
  • Practice dummies and targets can be used to improve One Handed, Two Handed, Block, Archery and Destruction skills up to skill level 15.
  • Movements speed and weapons speed are material based. The heavier the weapon material, the slower the weapon. The heavier the armor material, the lower the movements speed. Modded weapons and armors are affected as well.
  • Almost all plants [pines, ferns, aspens, vine maples etc] are searchable for ingredients like critters and mushrooms. You have also a small chance to find hidden treasures.
  • All bonuses are altered in some way: health regeneration during combat is severely reduced; Rested, Well Rested and Lover's Comfort won't increase skills faster for 8 hours anymore, all attributes regenerate faster for 12 hours instead; enchanted items fortifying skills are soft capped: you get the benefit of an enchanted item fortifying a skill only if the same current effect of another item is below 60 in magnitude; several Standing Stones are altered so that they don't increase skills rates anymore, they increase the skills effectiveness instead; scrolls are more powerful and costly; Gods blessings are more powerful, last longer and have a 5 gold symbolic cost
  • powerful NPC variants are sometimes spawned amongst bandits: Spellswords, Berserkers, Ice / Fire / Frost mages, etc.
  • there are roughly 50% more NPC and creatures spawns over the vanilla game
  • Various tweaks:
    • torch bashing is more effective
    • several specific NPCs flagged as available followers are slightly more powerful
    • all shouts are enhanced in regard to both recovery time and power
    • both player and followers can cast two runes at once and have two summons at once
    • timescale is set to 12, so that 1 hour in game = 5 minutes IRL, to accomodate the foods and drinks timed boosts
    • you can chop wood 10 times in a row
    • the spinning player death animation is replaced by a ragdoll
    • NPCs death animations are replaced by ragdolls
    • common jobs will pay less, houses cost more, bounties are higher, spell books cost more, etc.
    • giants are really gigantic
    • mudcrabs are slightly larger
    • city guards don't wear helmets anymore
    • movements speed while swimming is reduced by 1/3 [except for Argonians]
    • death items from creatures are increased to more realistic amounts [2 Sabre Cat teeh, 6 Mudcrab legs, 2 Butterfly wings etc].
    • save for a few exceptions, animals do not drop gold and jewelry anymore
    • a few creatures factions are altered to make them either fight with each other or hunt together
    • brewed potions are prefixed by the * symbol
    • trainers train 3 times for each level
    • gameplay hints are added to loading screens and into the Help sections
    • the chance to loot arrows from corpses is slightly decreased
    • Bears are slower, Sabre Cats and Wolves are faster
    • bears growls and ice spikes are less loud
    • merchants sell torches
    • horses have way more stamina so they can sprint for a longer time
    • locations respawn every 15 in-game days [vanilla is 10]
    • cleared locations respawn every 45 in-game days [vanilla is 30]
    • the game is reloaded 3 seconds after you die [vanilla is 5]
    • Skooma boosts movements speed and damages stamina regen
    • 8 lockpicks can be crafted at the forge using 1 Iron Ingot if you have the appropriate perk
    • Resin can be harvested from Pines and used to craft Incendiary Arrows
    • the player can ask followers about their skills
    • Hired Thugs aren't sent after you anymore if you steal without being detected
    • favors rewards are decreased
    • all temporary and permanent followers stop leveling at lvl 50
    • Bleak Falls Barrow is more crowded [and harder]
    • several treasure chests unlocked in vanilla are locked to Novice level
    • Chaurus Venom can be extracted from Chaurus
    • attack damage with melee weapons is reduced when Health is low ["Weakened" effect]
    • attack damage with melee weapons is reduced when Stamina is very low ["Exhausted" effect]
    • magicka and stamina regeneration rates are reduced when Health is low ["Debilitated" effect]
    • poison and disease resistances are reduced when health is low ["Vulnerable" effect]
    • Spiders and Chaurus are immune to venoms
    • due to the cold all attributes regenerate slower in bad weather conditions: slightly slower when it's raining and even more slowly when it's snowing
    • due to low visibility in bad weather conditions, accuracy and subsequent damage with ranged weapons is slightly reduced when it's raining, and even more reduced when it's snowing
    • weapons ranges and unarmed reaches are reduced to more realistic values
    • torches last a little longer
    • arrows and bolts are on average way faster
    • the Companions questline is longer
    • Dawnguard is delayed to level 25
    • Dragonborn is delayed until the player meets Paarthurnax
    • Vampire attacks in towns, disabled by an official update, are restored and start at level 24
    • Wooden Bows and Training Armors are available for low skilled players
    • speeds and maximum ranges of arrows depend on their material
    • skills affect each other once the player reaches 20 in the 'main' skill:
      - One-Handed slightly increases Two-Handed - Two-Handed slightly increases One-Handed - Block slightly increases Light Armor and Heavy Armor - Light Armor slightly increases Heavy Armor and Sneak - Heavy Armor slightly increases Light Armor and Block - Enchanting slightly increases Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion and Restoration - Smithing slightly increases Light Armor, Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Archery and Block - Sneak slightly increases Light Armor and Pickpocket - Pickpocket slightly increases Sneak - all magic skills slightly increase each other


Q1: This thing is frigging HARD! I'm dying a lot! How do I survive the first levels?
A: There are a number of things you can do:
- find training dummies and slash the heck out of them. You can improve One Handed, Two Handed, Archery, Block and Destruction up to skill level 15
- find a trainer
- hire a thug to help you
- if you really want to follow the main quest right off the start, get Lydia with you and watch her beat the crap out of the bears on the way to High Hrothgar! She is good in One Handed and by watching her fight you'll get an idea on how skills really matter on the damage you deal.
- Use traps! They now deal a great amount of damage to both you and your enemies, if you time your movements right you can kill almost all Draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow by attracting them to traps.
- RUN! If you can't win a fight even though you're using everything at your disposal flee away and come back when you're stronger. Also, keep in mind that you don't actually need to kill everyone you stumble upon, you can actually rush through Bleak Falls Barrow without even fighting a single Draugr.

Q2: I can't escape Helgen no matter what, I tried everything!
A: Perhaps there's something you haven't done. I'll put it in a spoiler.

It's probably something no one ever does in Helgen.

And no, it's not running [although yes, you also have to run].

And no, it's not hiding [although you also have to hide].

Sheathe your weapon.

Q3: How am I supposed to do the Riverwood smithing tutorial with little to none initial smithing skills?
A: You can't. Too bad the game hardcodes a minimum smithing skill requirement of 14 regardless of the item material, so Iron has actually a minimum skill requirement of 14 instead of 10. I have no solution to this. However, once the first skill level up is reached, you'll get to 14 in no time.

Q4: My spells keep failing, I can't pass the test to enter the College of Wintherhold! And I'm not the Dragonborn yet so I can't shout to pass the test.
A: That's the whole point! Now the admission test actually makes sense. Train your skills and come back when you actually deserve to enter the college!

Q5: Why ore veins never vanish?
A: They do vanish. Just keep mining, they'll eventually deplete after a while. It all depends on which minerals you are mining: Iron veins require 150 hits, Gold 45, Ebony 36 etc.

Q6: How do I know if I'll be able to use a weapon I'm buying?
A: Either read the in-game Help - Attacking section or equip a weapon of the same type before browsing a merchant inventory. That way you'll see what actual damage you'll deal with that weapon.

Q7: I have reached 20/40/60/80/100 in <insert skill here> and haven't got the bonus perk point!
A: The game is paused in the UIs [Inventory, Alchemy, bartering with merchants etc] and so is the OnStoryIncreaseSkill event that checks your skills. When you reach 20/40/60/80/100 in whatever skill close the UI to unpause the game and wait a few seconds to obtain the perk point.

Q8: How does YASH affect other mods in regard to added content?
A: - new NPC and creatures that belong to vanilla races will inherit all YASH features *except* the damage scaling, the weaknesses and the resistances given by the UAP perk, that can't be added to them at runtime due to an engine limit and for the most part acts as a skills monitor. Low-skilled NPC that lack that perk will be affected by a fixed 33% penalty in regard to the damage they deal, as opposite as the UAP perk that scales damages in a linear manner. You either live with this or you add the YASH2_PerkUAP to them in xEdit. Most likely you won't need to because most NPC mods have a balance on their own.
- new races are not affected and require a compatibility patch to operate properly
- new spells will be affected by the skills scaling and spells failure features, provided they are set up properly by the mod author and linked to one of the 5 magic schools
- new weapons will be affected by 1H/2H/Archery damages scaling to skills, by skills requirements and by damage ratings in regard to materials, provided they are properly set up by the mod author with the appropriate material keywords
- new armors will be affected by armor ratings scaling to armor skills, by skills requirements and by armor ratings in regard to materials, provided they are properly set up by the mod author with the appropriate material keywords
- new quest items won't be affected, meaning that you won't be able to remove them from the inventory unless the mod author allows them to be dropped
- new landscapes will be taken into account by the weather condition penalties
- new locks will be affected by the Lockpicking skill requirement and taken into account by lock bashing

Q9: My game crashes on saving, your mod is broken!
A: No, it's not. Something else in your load order is adding stuff at runtime to the leveled lists and made them got past the 256 items limit. This is an engine limit that dates back to Morrowind and it has never been fixed in years. Each YASH LL is 100 items in size, so you'll have to identify what other mod[s] is adding the 156 left. Either that or you have been hit by some other engine issue, easily fixable by using this trick.

Q10: I opened your mod in xEdit and found a lot of mistakes!
A: No, you haven't. Before reporting what you think is an ESP issue make sure you have a deep understanding of what you're looking at. Not all records need to be carried over from the ESP masters, not all NPC records need a perk, not all edits have effect in game, etcetera etcetera. If you can't tell what the 267EC subrecord edit does, most likely you can't tell a mistake from an intentional edit either. Please report actual in-game bugs, not concerns about how the mod is made.

Q11: Why don't you include the script sources in your package? What are you hiding?
A: The mod has been stolen twice so far and the original scripts have been an invaluable tool to prove paternity.

Q12: I have loaded the game and I'm overencumbered, and I'm sure I wasn't before.
A: It's because you were *almost* overencumbered before and in the current game session the YASHer hasn't finished patching the items weights yet. When it's done just open and close the inventory and you will be good to go.

Q13: What is the YASHer?
A: It's a runtime SKSE-based records patcher entirely developed in Papyrus that greatly improves compatibility with other mods. In the end, it's just a script. It does not need external software, it does not alter anything in any ESM/ESP and it does its job with no user intervention. It works in RAM only and it runs once *per game session*, meaning that it will do its job every time you launch the game, not every time you load a save. If you either die or reload a save in the middle of YASH'ing it will just start over again. Depending on your CPU speed it may take up to one minute to finish its job and as a rule of thumb you should wait for it to finish before playing [a message will be displayed]. As said, this is only once per game run.

Q14: Is this mod inspired by Requiem?
A: No. It takes inspiration from several old-school RPG from the 80s that had one simple mechanic in common: if you can't defeat an enemy, come back when you're stronger. YASH may have something in common with Requiem, but the base mechanics are completely different: Requiem is perk-based for the most part, while YASH is skills-based for the most part. The two mods are also implemented very differently. For instance, REQ directly touches weapons, armors, doors and other records, while YASH does not. REQ is scripted for the most part, while YASH is mostly spell/perk based. If there's a way to implement features without scripting, YASH does so because it's way faster by several orders of magnitude since the mod can talk directly to the game engine without going through the Papyrus VM first. REQ needs you to install external software and go through an install process, while YASH requires no user intervention except the installation of SKSE, which you need anyway for SkyUI. As for myself, I used to love REQ back in the days, then it took directions I didn't really like. The nail on the coffin has been observing how it is implemented.

Q15: Why does this mod require USSEP?
A: Because it's the only way to properly carry over fixes from it in regard to records that do not exist in the game ESMs. You are supposed to use it anyway if you want to play a way more polished game.

Q16: This mod touches a lot of things and I fear it will break my game.
A: It won't. You have nothing to fear in that regard, YASH is well made. Insanely well made, as in the words of long time users. It can't crash your game, it doesn't break quests, it doesn't slow down your game, it doesn't bloat saves, it doesn't do any damage whatsoever. Of course there may be bugs because I'm human and I sometimes make mistakes as everyone else, but they only affect the mod itself and not your game as a whole. There has never been a single instance in years of a game breaking issue caused by this mod. You won't find Papyrus errors logged, you won't find dirty ESP records, you won't find broken, duplicated or malformed CK entities, you won't find broken meshes and textures. Ironically, it may appear as YASH doesn't really do that much because it doesn't cause any issues to the game.

Q17: Why Skeletons are so powerful?
A: This is why. Regular Skeletons aren't that powerful, while Skeletons summoned from the Soul Cairn are. As in Serana's words, extremely powerful.

Q18: Why do you not add that <insert cool feature here> like that <insert cool mod here> does?
A: If a feature applies to YASH philosophy I may consider. But it also needs to be well thought out. Thing is, too many authors [and too many users] think only about what's cool and do not think about consequences. You want me to add the difficulty damage multiplier like that cool combat mod does? Fine, let's do that. Congrats, now all your combat skills level up twice as fast. You want me to decrease the timescale even further like that cool economy mod does? Fine, let's do this. Congrats, now NPC schedule is broken and cells respawn at a so low rate that at one point your save file won't load anymore. You want me to add that cool perk like that cool perk mod does? Fine, let's do this. Congrats, now there's another game mechanic that can be used by the player only and the game is even more unbalanced towards the player than in vanilla. Want to increase trap damages to stellar levels? Bad idea, now you can lure everyone to them and never have to move an inch. Want hand-placed loot? Bad idea, now you know where to go every time you start a new game. Bottom line: if you change A, as a consequence you also change B, C and all the way down to Z. So, before even asking me to do that, make sure you have spent some time to the drawing board.

Q19: If skill requirements are for the most part based on weight why an Elven Sword requires more skill than an Iron War Axe? It makes no sense!
A: First, I invite you to go and see how much a *vanilla* Elven Sword weighs in game. Hint: it weighs more than an Iron War Axe. Yes, I know it's against lore and no, I have no plans to change that by making them lighter. That would require touching weapons records directly and it would generate a number of incompatibility issues with modded weapons. By the way, weight is one of the things that the game does not expect to change, ever [SetWeight() isn't even a native Papyrus function and there are no perks functions to change it at runtime]. I do it for items with no issues at all because it's very unlikely that other mods will ever need to change the weight of a wooden bowl. Weapons and armors are out of the question because of compatibility. Second, if Elven weapons and armors would require less skill based on their modded weight, no one would ever have a reason to use lower leveled gear. Third, even though Elven armors are lighter than anything else, it's a matter of coherence: you see Elven, you know the required skill it's 50. Be it a Dagger, a Warhammer, a Shield or a pair of boots. And not 30 for Weapons, 20 for Armors, 10 for Shields etc. tl;dr: any change to the current system would open a huge can of worms.

Q20: How does spell failure work?
A: First, when you start casting a spell the mod identifies which of the five magic schools the spell belongs to and it reads its level [Novice = 0, Apprentice = 25, Adept = 50 etc]. Then it reads your skill level in that magic school.
Then, if a random number between -12.5 and ( 25 + Spell Level - ( Player's Skill Level + Player's Skill Level * 0.25 ) ) is greater than zero the spell will fail within 1 second from when you started casting it. The formula accomplishes what follows:
- Novice spells won't fail anymore at magic skill 20.
- Apprentice spells won't fail anymore at magic skill 40.
- Adept spells won't fail anymore at magic skill 60.
- Expert spells won't fail anymore at magic skill 80.
- Master spells won't fail anymore at magic skill 100.
- Spells will fail increasingly rarely as you increase your magic skills. At skill level 0 you have a 33% chance to cast a Novice spell, chance that will progressively increase as you increase your skills.
- Casting spells way above your skill is extremely difficult. You can cast Master spells at skill level 0 but it will take a lot of tries.
The feature takes into account the five different magic schools separately: you may suck at casting fireballs, but you may be a master at casting healing spells.

Q21: Does this mod support Skyrim VR?
A: No, and most likely never will. I don't have neither the VR version nor the hardware to support it and I'm not interested in buying either. Also, USSEP does not support VR, so it's a big no anyway. I'm well aware there are many people that use mods on VR [USSEP included] regardless of what Beth has to say on the matter, but that doesn't change one bit my view on VR. The main exe is different, the ESM are different and there are zero chances that everything will work out of the box without a lot of tweaking on my part, eventually leading to a different version to mantain. Keep in mind that even though the archive is little in size, YASH is a massive mod. At 21,000 ESP records it's half the size of USSEP itself. I'm certainly not going to go through all those to see what works and what doesn't.

Q22: How fast is YASH?
A: Lightning-fast. If you experience slow-downs you have to look elsewhere. All my tests shows that YASH causes zero script latency and zero fps loss. Most of the mod is made using a combination of perks and spells to talk directly to the game engine, so the performance impact is virtually zero. Scripts are used only when absolutely necessary, and by absolutely necessary I mean that I tried literally everything before eventually resorting to script a feature. Which is what makes YASH insanely faster in comparison to other overhauls.


Compatibility section has been moved to Articles due to characters limit.


New installation: use your mod manager of choice. Start a new game. Load order: as high as possible, let other mods override YASH records. You can't break it. A message will warn you on new game / game load if you install a race mod without the proper compatibility patch.

Updating from an existing version: uninstall the old version, install the new version, continue playing from your save as usual. Starting a new game on a new version is required *only* when YASH gets out of a beta cycle, you will be warned by an in-game message if needed.

Uninstallation: use your mod manager of choice. Do NOT continue playing with that save.