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About this mod

A minor overhaul to the perk trees and crafting system for a more balanced game.

Permissions and credits
I created this mod because I was sick of stealth archer and warrior builds being so ridiculously overpowered late game and other builds like mages being weak in comparison without using exploits.  That's the other thing.  I was tired of all the game breaking exploits.

Without further ado here's what this mod does.

Fortify enchanting potions have been changed to fortify destruction cost to remove the enchanting-alchemy loop.

Fortify smithing potions have been changed to fortify brawl to prevent melee builds from being too overpowered.

Healing potions now heal over time instead of instantly.

Food now heals over time instead of instantly and only works outside of combat.

Enchantments such as fortify destruction have been changed to fortify the magnitude of that magic skill instead of the cost to prevent the free spell casting exploit and put mage builds on the same level as any other build.

I reduced the chance of each element from the chaos enchantment to be applied so that its no longer hands down the best weapon enchantment.  Don't worry its still good and on par with the rest of the weapon enchantments.  Other enchantments have been buffed or nerfed as in a way I think balances them out.

Weapon enchantments no longer benefit from destruction enchantments and perks.

Offensive illusion spells wont always work on your enemies anymore instead they have a 25% (50% when combined with the appropriate perk) chance to succeed.  Illusion remains useful in the late game now.

The perk trees have been overhauled.  I only changed the default perks. I didn't add any new ones.

Compatibility:This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't affect the listed changes And if it does, putting the one you like the most lower in your load order should still work.

Perk tree changes



Hypnotic gaze:Calm spells work on higher level opponents and are twice as likely to succeed.  Cumulative with kindred mage and animage.

Aspect of terror:Fear spells work on higher level opponents and are twice as likely to succeed.  Cumulative with kindred mage and animage.

Rage:Fury spells work on higher level opponents and are twice as likely to succeed.  Cumulative with kindred mage and animage.


Soul stealer:Grants a spell that turns a grand soulgem and one void salt into a black soulgem and bound weapons now cast soultrap on targets.

Oblivion binding:bound weapons will banish summoned creatures, turn raised ones and death blows from enchanted weapons will trap 1% of a black soul recharging it when combined with the soul siphon perk.

Necromancy:4x duration for reanimated undead

Summoner 1/2:all conjuration spells last twice as long and summon atronachs or raise undead twice as far away.

Summoner 2/2:Can summon atronachs or raise undead four times as far away.  Instead of dying you offer up a filled black soulgem to the daedra in exchange for your life when combined with the Avoid death perk.

Elemental potency:Atronachs are a much higher level.


Impact:Most destruction spells will stagger an opponent 25% of the time when dual cast.

Rune master:Can place twice as many runes five times farther away.

Master destruction:Master level destruction spell cost half magicka and deal double damage.

Augmented flames 1/2:Fire spells deal 25% more damage and are 50% stronger on foes with a resistance to it.

Augmented frost 1/2:Frost spells deal 25% more damage and are 50% stronger on foes with a resistance to it.

Augmented shock 1/2:Shock spells deal 25% more damage and are 50% stronger on foes with a resistance to it.

Augmented flames 2/2:Fire spells deal 50% more damage and smithing is 5% better when combined with arcane blacksmith.

Augmented frost 2/2:Frost spells deal 50% more damage and smithing is 5% better when combined with arcane blacksmith.

Augmented Shock 2/2:Shock spells deal 50% more damage and Enchanting is 10% better when combined with arcane blacksmith.

Intense Flames:Expert level fire spells deal double damage and fire damage causes targets to flee if their health gets low.

Deep freeze:Expert level frost spells deal double damage and frost damage paralyzes the target if their health gets low.

Disintegrate:Expert level spells deal double damage and shock damage disintegrates targets if their health gets low.


Avoid death:once per day heals 250 points of health if you fall below 10% health.  If combined with the tier two summoner perk you will instead use filled black soulgems as lives.

Ward absorb:Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells and are much more effective against physical attacks.

Necromage:All spells are 25% stronger and last 50% longer on undead.  If player is undead all spells will be 25% stronger and last 50% longer on living humanoids instead.


Mage armor 1/3:Protection spells are twice as strong and all spells cost 30% less when not wearing armor.

Mage armor 2/3:Protection spells are 2.5 times as strong and all spells cost 40% less when not wearing armor.

Mage armor 3/3:Protection spells are three times stronger and all spells cost 50% less when not wearing armor.

Stability:Alteration spells last 4x longer.


Soul squeezer:enchantments consume half charge and soulgems provide extra magicka for recharging.

Soul siphon:Death blow to creatures trap 4% of the victims soul recharging the weapon.  Also traps 1% of a persons soul when combined with the oblivion binding perk.


Arcane blacksmith:You can improve magical weapons and armor and get various bonusus to smithing and enchanting when combined with destruction perks.

Heavy armor

Fists of steel:unarmed attacks with heavy armor gauntlets do extra damage.  Take 25% less damage while attacking and wearing heavy armor gauntlets if you have the correct critical charge perk for the weapon your using.

Cushioned:Take half damage from falling while wearing heavy armor.  Allows you to use the muffled movement perk when wearing heavy armor.

Conditioning:Heavy armor weighs half as much and slows you down half as much when worn.

Reflect blows:25% chance to ignore all melee damage when wearing all heavy armor: head, chest, hands, feet.


Disarming bash:1% chance to disarm when power bashing.  Blocking now reflects half the damage back to the enemy 6.25% of the time (25% if wearing a shield).

Two handed

Great critical charge:Can do a two handed power attack while sprinting that deals double critical damage.  Take less damage while attacking when combined with fists of steel and wearing heavy armor gauntlets.

Warmaster:Attacks with two handed weapons have a 6.25% chance to deal 4x damage.

One handed

Dual flurry 1/2:Dual wielding attacks are 20% faster unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Dual flurry 2/2:Dual wielding attacks are 35% faster unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Dual savagery:Dual wielding power attacks deal 50% bonus damage unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Critical charge:Can do a one handed power attack while sprinting that deals double critical damage.  Take less damage while attacking combined with fists of steel and wearing heavy armor gauntlets.

Paralyzing strike:Attacks with one handed weapons have a 2.08% chance to deal 4x damage.


Hunters discipline:Recover 75% of your arrows from dead bodies.

Bullseye:6.25% chance to deal 4x damage with a bow.

Light armor

Deft movement:12.5% chance to take half damage from melee attacks while wearing all light armor: head, chest, hands, feet.


Backstab:Sneak attacks with one handed weapons now deal 6x damage unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Deadly aim:Sneak attacks with bows now deal 4x damage unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Assassin's blade:Sneak attacks with daggers now deal 15x damage unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Muffled movement:noise from armor is reduced by 50% unless you are wearing heavy armor.  works on heavy armor if you have the cushioned perk.

Silence:Walking and running does not effect detection unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Shadow warrior:Crouching stops combat for a moment and forces distant opponents to search for a target unless you are wearing heavy armor.


Adept locks:Adept locks are much easier to pick unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Apprentice locks:Apprentice locks are much easier to pick unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Adept locks:Adept locks are much easier to pick unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Expert locks:Expert locks are much easier to pick unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Master locks:Master locks are much easier to pick unless you are using heavy armor.

Quick hands:Able to pick locks without being noticed unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Unbreakable:Lockpicks never break unless you are wearing heavy armor.


Night thief:Pickpocketing is 25% easier when the target is asleep unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Cutpurse:Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Keymaster:pickpocketing keys almost always works unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Misdirection:Can pickpocket equipped weapons unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Perfect touch:Can pickpocket equipped items unless you are wearing heavy armor.

Speech (there is an optional file to disable this.)

Investor:Can invest 2500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold by 10000 permanently.

Master trader:Every merchant in the world gains 10000 gold for bartering.


Simple Vampire Tweaks (Optional)

This makes playing as a vampire more useful than vanilla.
Drain life spells now absorb more per second (Fortify destruction enchantments will increase their damage too).

Stage 1:  drains 2 points of health per second from the target and is now affected by novice destruction.
Stage 2:  drains 4 points of health per second from the target and is now affected by apprentice destruction although it still says novice.
Stage 3:  drains 8 points of health per second from the target and is now affected by adept destruction although it still says novice.
Stage 4:  drains 16 points of health per second from the target and is now affected by expert destruction although it still says novice.

Power of the grave now increases magicka(50% faster.  400% if you download the realistic regeneration version), stamina(25% faster), and health regeneration(25% faster) in human and vampire lord form.


Recommended mods

Realistic Regeneration. I recommend setting all your health regen rates to 0.01 for a more immersive experiance.

One of the many combat overhauls.  I personally use Wildcat.

High Level Enemies.  I don't recommend downloading the Raised Ability caps optional file, as stuff such as illusion spells remain viable late game do to  enchantment changes in my mod.


This is the first mod I've ever made so I hope it runs well for you.  I've tested it extensively but if you encounter any bugs just let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Here's another one of my mods.  Blood Of Coldharbor.