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About this mod

I used Sulhir's 100 Percent Clean Save for Skyrim SE where he completed all the main quests and I finished the Mage quest line. This is mainly for myself to use as a baseline for endgame mods because I always play a mage. I used USSEP and console commands for toggle god mode, reveal all map locations, gold, and minor quest items to speed things up.

Permissions and credits
I'm playing as a male Nord, as it's the default for Sulhir's save game (sided with Dawnguard) and I'm mainly using destruction magic. My destruction skill is already near 100 by the time I finished the Civil War. I'm touching as little as possible and for the Thane quests I stuck to miscellaneous/fetch quests. I won't be storing any of my items so I'm likely to be over my carry capacity. Use the console command tgm to help you run/fast travel.

1. Main Quests and Mage Quest Done

2. Main Quests and Mage Quest Done, Thane Everywhere except Windhelm and Dawnstar
  • I bought the properties/land but have not upgraded them. The Windhelm thaneship is locked behind the Civil War quest line and Dawnstar's Thane quest is a little bugged but will be unlocked if Birna is Jarl. I will only be playing for the Imperial side so I'll leave this save game for those who want to be a Stormcloak. All Thane weapons are kept.

3. Main Quests and Mage Quest Done, Imperial Civil War, Thane Everywhere except Windhelm
  • For those who want to use Blood on Ice Redux: Even before I finish the battle at Windhelm, the enteringWindhelmCount already exceeded 3 so console commands must be used if you want to save Susanna. 
  • I sided with Erandur.

4. Main Quests and Mage Quest Done, Imperial Civil War, Thane Everywhere

5. All of the above, and Passives and Black Market Unlocked
  • Agent of Mara
  • Ancient Knowledge
  • Sailor's Repose
  • Sinderion's Serendipity
  • Gift of the Gab

6. Most Shouts Unlocked, All Masks and Claws Found
  • All shouts unlocked except Animal Allegiance (Companions), Disarm (Thieves Guild), Marked for Death (Dark Brotherhood)

7. All Master Ritual Spells Done

8. All Non-Faction Quest Followers Unlocked
  • Except Aranea Ienith, Eola, Faendal/Sven (You decide), The Cursed Tribe followers, and Riekling. These followers will be dealt with one way or another later.

9. All Dawnguard and Non-Faction Unique Artifacts Acquired (Not misc. quest items, and not pickpocketed)
  • The Civil War damages are repaired via console commands. 
  • I will only collect the 4 Aetherial shards
  • All Bugs in a Jar except the Bee
  • All the ingredients for Repairing the White Phial
  • All the gear for Missing Apprentices
  • Thane weapons, Bloodthorn, Kahvozein's Fang, Keening, Valdr's Lucky Dagger, Lunar weapons, Bolar's Oathblade, Drainheart Sword, Eduj, Gauldur Blackblade, Ghostblade, Red Eagle's Bane, The Pale Blade, Notched Pickaxe, Okin, Poacher's Axe, Drainblood Battleaxe, Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls, The Woodsman's Friend, Aegisbane, The Longhammer, Trollsbane, Angi's Bow, Bow of the Hunt, Drainspell Bow, Froki's Bow, Gauldur Blackbow, , Dragon Priest Staff, Eye of Melka, Gadnor's Staff of Charming, Halldir's Staff, Hevnoraak's Staff, Staff of Hag's Wrath, Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson, Staff of Magnus, Charmed Necklace, The Gauldur Amulet, Kyne's Token, Necromancer's Amulet, Saarthal Amulet, Savos Aren's Amulet
  • DLC: Auriel's Bow, Miraak's Staff, Harkon's Sword, Miraak's Sword, Bloodskal Blade, Stormfang, Glass Bow of the Stag Prince, Champion's Cudgel, Targe of the Blooded, Zephyr, Auriel's Shield, Circlet of Waterbreathing, Unknown Books Vol. 1-4, 5 Paragons, Summon Arvak, Locket of Saint Jiub, Staff of Ruunvald, Dawnguard Rune Axe, Dawnguard Rune Shield, Dawnguard Rune Hammer, Horksbane, Visage of Mzund, Deathbrand Armor Set, Bloodscythe, Soulrender, Dwarven Black Bow of Fate
  • Unclaimed: Ironhand Gauntlets, Shield of Solitude, The Bond of Matrimony, Blade of Woe, Nettlebane, Grimsever, Headsman's Axe, Dragonsbane, Hoarfrost, Gloves of the Pugilist
  • EDIT: I forgot about the Carved Skull (Unearthed), Ancient Traveler's Skull, Balbus' Fork (haven't seen him or his corpse), Dancer's Pipe. They'll be added to Save 11. Somehow my Axe of Whiterun went missing. It's impossible to add it back now.

10. Secondary and Miscellaneous Quests Done (Not Bounties)
  • For No One Escapes Cidna Mine, I'll kill everyone inside the mine except  Grisvar the Unlucky (he's only a serial thief and won't turn hostile), as well as Thonar after I get his Ring. I didn't get Madanach's reward.
  • The Blessing of Nature: sapling
  • Forgeting Fjola: I killed her. She never called off her bandits. And she's a bandit. I don't need favors from her.
  • Falion's Secret: I didn't blackmail him for money but that locks me out of reporting him to Jarl Idgrod.
  • The Lover's Requital: Lied to Sibbi
  • Promises to Keep (Frost): I stole Frost with the blessing of Maven, and blackmailed Louis
  • I smuggled the Black-Briar mead just to stick it to Maven
  • Ignored: In My Time of Need (not enough info), all thieving quests (Some Light Theft), The Heart of Dibella, Dibella's Shine, Fit for a Jarl (those sisters are bitches), Caught Red Handed (I don't slut shame, especially not under orders of a hypocrite like Svana, who had sex with Sibbi when he's engaged to Svidi)
  • Missed: Winterhold's Helm isn't available because Kovir isn't Jarl any more; Dragon's Breath Mead isn't triggering, even with console commands,
  • Gear: Ironhand Gauntlets, Shield of Solitude, Blade of Woe, Gloves of the Pugilist, Nettlebane
  • EDIT: I forgot about turning in the misc. quests for the Bard's College but I already have their instruments in my inventory. I forgot about the Blacksmith in Markarth (the sister) and the Thirsk Hall.

11. All Quests Done
  • These Daedric quests will be done according to my conscience, and therefore, my character (Good Guy)'s conscience. IMO, the Aedra and Daedra are not above the concepts of good and evil. As long as they are sentient, their actions can be judged on a spectrum.
  • Azura: Incomplete. I don't think she's evil but she's petty. Either way is fine. You decide. 
  • Boethiah: Incomplete. I will slaughter every cult member. 
  • Clavicus Vile: Ignored. I won't murder Sebastian Lort even though he turns hostile when you trespass on his property with the intent of murdering him.
  • Hermaeus Mora: Completed. Discerning the Transmundane will be done to help the elderly scholar, not as HM's champion. The Black Books are done with the perspective of taking the prize after overcoming HM's realm of Apocrypha. We were forced to go to HM for the shout anyway.
  • Hircine: Completed to save Sinding, who only stole the ring to help him control his urges.
  • Malacath: Completed help the orcs
  • Mehrunes Dagon: Completed. Saved Silus Vesuius.
  • Mephala: Ignored.
  • Meridia: Completed.
  • Molag Bal: Ignored. 
  • Namira: The Brother will be brought to the cave but only for me to slaughter all the cannibals/murderers. I already bought Vigilance from Banning.
  • Nocturnal: Thieves Guild. Ignored.
  • Peryite: Ignored. The afflicted are all victims.
  • Sanguine: Completed.
  • Sheogorath: Completed to save Pelagius' soul.
  • Vaermina: Already completed back in Save 3, sided with Erandur.

12. All Quests Done For Real (I used Completionist Quest Tracker use it'd be a good idea to install that as well)
  • As usual, I don't touch the Companions, Thieves Guild, Blades Recruitment, and Paarthurnax.
  • Thaneship:I bought all the available houses but sometimes housecarls weren’t showing up
because I hadn’t done the bounties yet. Resolved that.
  • Riverun: A Lovely Letter: Faendal because Sven’s trying to get Faendal killed
  • Whiterun: Salt for Arcadia, In My Timeof Need: Helped Saadia, bought Breezehome
  • Riften: Bloody Nose, Spread the Love, Pilgrimage
  • Windhelm: Have A Word, Repairing the Phial: Healing Potion
  • Dawnstar: Salty Sea-Dogs
  • Markarth: The Heart of Dibella (Didn’t steal the statue)
  • Solitude: Stros M’Kai Delivery, Bard College quests
  • Fort Dawnguard: Ancient Technology: All 6 of them, Rescue
  • Sanuarach Mine: Convinced Atar to leave
  • Dragon’s Breath Mead: Helped Olda
  • Azura’s Star: Black Star
  • The Savior of Selveni Nethri
  • Lost to the Ages: Aetherial Crown
  • Robber’s Gorge
  • Gharol's Message
  • Solstheim
  • Thirsk Mead Hall: Helped the Rieklings with their errands but ultimately helped the Nords re-take the Hall, supported Bujold
  • Filial Bonds
  • Azra’s Staff
  • Summoned and defeated Karstaag
  • Items: Imperial War Horn from Frossel, 1 East Empire Company Pendant, Mead with Juniper Berries, Michaela’s Flagon, Jessica’s Wine, Malyn Varen's Grimoire, Kolbjorn Skull, Dragonsbane and Blades equipment (marked as stolen)

Palace and Castles Enhanced works fine on my saves (at least for saves up to 5). Some of the food and cutlery in the Palace of the Kings are on the floor but other than that everything seems fine at first glance.