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About this mod

This mod adds food, furniture (cooking pots, beds...) and other objects to most of Skyrim's and Solstheim's houses and civilized inhabited places, making them feel more lived-in and different from each other (something specially noticeable in inns but that also affects the farmhouses).

Permissions and credits

Travelling around Skyrim, you may have noticed how not only the inns but also the "farmhouse" style houses are basically copies of each other (inside), and most lack cooking pots and have a grand total of 3 potatoes and 2 leeks as food. I decided to fix this, mostly by adding food and the means to prepare it, but I also added beds where needed (ocasionally correcting sleep packages too), and various types of furniture.

In general, changes in houses are limited to adding small stuff like food, personal objects/decoration, a few idle markers so the owners don't just stand around, some more displayed wares (to merchants)... as well as assigning ownership to beds and chairs if needed to avoid weird situations, upgrading/downgrading the furniture style according to the wealth of each family and replacing some furniture for ones more culturally appropriate (this means Dunmer in Windhelm get to have Dark Elf furniture at home and feel less unwanted). Many clutter items like empty baskets, ten thousand tankards or astonishing amounts of wine bottles have been removed to add actual food and "normal" stuff, and to improve the looks of the houses. Almost all civilized places have a cooking pot or spit now, and some also have ovens and butter churns. In a few places, the changes are quite extensive; for example, the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of Dibella now has an extra living area for the priestesses, Viola Giordano has a giant pottery oven in her house... (lack of obvious means to earn one's living was also an issue with some NPCs).

As I mentioned above, some NPCs needed to have their sleep packages modified to point to the correct furniture after I made changes to the bed distribution in their homes. No NPC records have been touched, only the sleep packages of Dreyla Alor (Raven Rock), Hamal, Anwen, Orla and Senna (priestesses of Dibella), Dinya (Temple of Mara), and Jofthor (Ivarstead). Many NPCs like innkeepers and carriage drivers don't actually sleep (in vanilla) and I haven't modified that but they have beds for "immersion".

In addition to regular NPC homes, I've also modified inns, player homes and some guild headquarters, and a couple other places. There are 5 options to choose from: All-in-One, Basic Module, Guilds Module, Inns Module and Player Homes Module; all modules can be used simultaneously, except for the All-In-One (duh). I listed all affected locations in this article, detailing which places are in which module (if it says nothing, it's in the Basic).


All the inns have been redone, in more or less degree. In some inns the rentable bed has been moved from the vanilla position in the big room, but innkeepers will still find it. All inns now have cooking pots/spits and ovens, and way more food. Inns also have a bath, sometimes in a separate cell or in the basement, with a script that makes NPCs (not the player) undress when entering and redress when leaving. I don't know how these baths will interact with "bathing" mods, I just put them there for the looks, as I find it unlikely that people, even Nords, would bathe in frozen rivers and they must bathe someday, right?

Player Homes

The 5 player homes and Severin Manor in Raven Rock have been modified as well. I haven't added extra child's beds or displays or secret torture chambers or stuff like that, they received a similar treatment to the NPC homes. Some homes have received more changes than others, for example the different rooms in Vlindrel Hall and Honeyside are in different places now and buying the child's bedroom doesn't imply losing the alchemy/enchanting station. Proudspire Manor has a smithy in the basement floor and Hjerim has a fireplace because Windhelm is freezing cold.

If you want to know in more detail about what upgrade gets you which thing, click below.

In Vlindrel Hall (Markarth), buying the Enchanting room upgrade also gives you the alchemy stuff. Buying the Alchemy room upgrade instead gives you a full kitchen. The Children room upgrade removes the full kitchen, but a cooking pot is added to the dining room.
In Honeyside (Riften), buying the Children room removes the enchanting stuff, but a tabletop enchanting station is placed in the alchemy area (by the stairs).
In Proudspire Manor (Solitude), the Enchanting upgrade comes with a full smithy, minus the smelter.
The rest have no significant differences in room distribution and amenities from vanilla.

Guild Headquarters

I also worked on Jorrvaskr, the Ragged Flagon (and Cistern), the Dawnstar Sanctuary and Sky Haven Temple.

I've added another room for members of the Circle (you) in the Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, the key is in the Underforge. The Companions now have a huge kitchen and Tilma has her own bedroom next to it.

The Ragged Flagon and the Cistern now look much better when completing the Thieves Guild questline, and the Guildmaster has a small room of their own. I have modified some AI packages so the thieves in the Cistern can visit the Flagon and the merchants, and the thieves in the Flagon can go to the Cistern or visit the merchants; Mercer should go to his room at night instead of frowning at his desk 24/7. I also changed the AI packages of Galathil the creepy surgeon so that she can get up and walk a bit, and maybe even nap.

The Dawnstar Sanctuary will be cleared of rubble when the Dark Brotherhood moves in, and several other changes will happen as you buy the upgrades. The most important changes are a smithing station in the round room with the training dummies, and that the torture room is now a study room and the prisoners have been moved to a room in the coffins area (I moved the blocking wall back) because they were too close to the living area and it was annoying. I modified the AI packages of Babette, Nazir, Cicero and the Initiates to allow them a bit more freedom around the Sanctuary (now they should visit more areas), and I modified the Initiates to give them weapons (the female has an ebony bow and the male an ebony sword).

Finally, Sky Haven Temple also received an upgrade. Once the Blades settle in, the rubble will disappear. I have added a smithing area, an alchemy nook, an enchanting corner and a study room (the little room where the katanas are, that's Esbern's library now). I haven't touched the patio outside, but I did add some firendly (Blades Faction) Forsworn to the Karthspire that will substitute the normal ones once the Blades are settled in (presumably they have some sort of deal with that heartless bDelphine).


A few extra details (in the modules that modify these areas):
  • There's an extra bed for a new student (you) at the Bard's College, next to the other student beds.
  • High Hrothgar has a small room for the Dragonborn, and also an apprentice (and slightly expanded living quarters to fit his bed). The apprentice meditates on the Voice, sweeps and chops firewood, and he doesn't speak because he is very disciplined. Inside your small bedroom there's a rug that can be activated to meditate (meditating takes a while, don't expect the benefits to be instant).
  • A similar rug can be found in Vilemyr Inn, where pilgrims attempting to climb the 7 Thousand Steps stock up and rest the night before. Meditating in an inn isn't as relaxing as meditating in the quiet solitude of High Hrothgar.
  • When you complete a certain favour for Lisbet in Markarth, you can actually see how your efforts actually show in her shop.

Requirements and compatibility

This mod requires USSEP. Any mods that changes the places I changed will obviously conflict. Changes to the DB Initiates or to the AI packages that I modified will also need a patch (or you can just load the AI mod after mine and override my changes, they aren't that important).

In the optional downloads there are patches for AI Overhaul SSE and Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO). The patches are only for the All-In-One version only!

You are all welcome to make more patches, no need to ask for permission.

Installation and uninstallation

Install with the mod manager of your choice (Vortex or MO2). I recommend using this mod on a new game, because I moved around some persistent references (mainly the rentable beds in inns but also a few others) and those have their positions baked into your save so you could end up with floating/clipping/oddly placed furniture.

Uninstalling mods with an .esp mid-playthrough is never a good idea, unless you want your save to implode, so you have been warned.

This mod contains 5 scripts (in the All-In-One, 4 in the Basic and Inns): one for enabling the extra wares of Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, another for the meditation rug, one for the Ancient Tablet in Vilemyr Inn, and 2 to get NPCs to undress and redress in baths.


  • There could be some light flickering in the Ragged Flagon. That's a vanilla issue with too many light hitting the same object, and the whole room is a single piece; I tried my best to avoid the flickering but I gave up eventually.
  • I've created new writing chairs (like the one Adonato uses in Candlehearth Hall) that are perfectly fine when used by an NPC but can get the player stuck. Jumping solves it.
  • The alchemy lab in Dawnstar Sanctuary is actually 2 alchemy labs, one that's marked as "ignored by sandbox" so NPCs don't use it and an invisible, downsized one that's owned by Babette. If I let her use the normal one she would clip with it, so I had to make a child-sized one. This means that while she now can happily prepare poisons without looking weird, she can do so at the same time as you, horribly clipping with your char; don't use the alchemy lab when she is there if you want to avoid that.

Please report any issues you find and I will see what I can do. Feedback on the schedule changes would be very appreciated (do the thieves visit the Flagon? do the DB initiates train with the dummies?). You can also suggest some changes that I could make to some house, but bear in mind that I'm not going to add things that are only for player convenience and make no sense in regards to the actual NPCs living there.


Thanks to the Unofficial Patch Project Team for the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Thanks to Bethesda for Skyrim and the Creation Kit
Thanks to Ac3s for sharing the tutorial on how to make NPCs undress/redress, and to subtanker for making it. Also thanks to the people on the internet that share scripting advice and those that actually explain the solution to a problem instead of "nvm, solved it"