About this mod

A remake of the original Oldrim mod that converts the Pelagius Wing into a livable house for your family with mannequins, crafting tables and displays.

Permissions and credits

Pelagius Wing... refurnished. Beautiful, organized and livable. Now available for Skyrim SE!

This is a remake of the original Domus Imperatoris. After being out of the modding scene for a few years, I decided to come back and play a bit. The idea is the same: turn the Pelagius Wing into a fully livable house. This version is not a port, since it's being remade from scratch. If you'd like to check the old version, you can click here.

Since it's still being developed, the SE version doesn't have all of the futures the old version had. The old version had displays for all unique items, DLC artifacts and such. This new version will have all of those features... in due time. For now, it's just a not-so-simple house inside the richest city in Skyrim's palace. Not bad for a Thane, huh? Please note that this home is intended to feel like a vanilla house, so you'll notice that although there are custom models and textures, they will be simple so they fit the general feel of the game.

Buying the Wing
  • You need to complete The Man Who Cried Wolf, Elisif's Tribute and The Mind of Madness in order to buy the Wing.
  • Once you've taken Torygg's Horn to the Shrine of Talos as requested by Elisif, she will grant you permission to buy property in Haafingar.
  • Talk to Falk Firebeard and buy the Wing.
    - There's a persuasion check, so if Falk says no, it means you failed it.
    - The Wing will cost 30K, otherwise he won't sell it to you.
    - You need a disposition of at least 1 with Falk.
    - If these requirements aren't met and the quests aren't done, you won't even get the option to buy the Wing.
  • After buying the Wing, you can decorate it as you would a vanilla home.
    - Kitchen: well, the kitchen. Once you buy this package, the kitchen will be refurbished.
    - Common areas: the corridors and hallways of the house also need to be reformulated.
    - Master bedroom: you need a bed, after all. Requires common areas package first in order to be unlocked.
    - Bar: the bar upstairs also need a retouch. You'll get tables, a counter and some food up there.
    - Library: the basement area downstairs will be turned into a library with a laboratory and an enchanting station.
    - Smithy: a smithing area for you to create and improve your weapons and armor. Requires library package first in order to be unlocked.
    - Armory: an area with mannequins and displays for you to show some of your items. Requires library package first in order to be unlocked.
    - Children room: a bedroom with 2 beds for children you may adopt to live in.
    5. Tell your housecarl to move to the Wing.
            - If you have already bought Proudspire, go there and tell Jordis to move to the Wing.
            - If you've just been named Thane of Haafingar and bought the Wing, Jordis move to the Wing by default.

  • Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
  • All DLCs enabled

  • Download the package
  • Extract the package and place ESP, both BSAs and the SEQ folder directly into your SSE/Data folder
  • Preferably, place Domus Imperatoris at the bottom of your load order to avoid issues
  • Launch the game and follow the guide on how to buy the Wing
  • Optional: skip all these installation steps and use Vortex instead. This will make everything easier.

  • Remove everything from chests around the Wing and store your stuff somewhere else (outside the Wing, of course)
  • Save your game
  • Remove all files related to Domus Imperatoris from your Data folder
  • Optional: clean your save with ReSaver to remove Domus Imperatoris scripts from your savefile

Known issues
  • Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions compatibility has the same issues other home mods have.
  • The persuasion check for buying the Wing was buggy, so I disabled it. But the other requirements are still active.

This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the Pelagius Wing. It will also conflict with mods that modify the Blue Palace courtyard, since a new door to the Wing is added with Domus Imperatoris. These are the conflicting mods reported so far (currently, there is no patch to make them compatible):
  • The Great City of Solitude
  • Palaces and Castles Enhanced
  • Enhanced Solitude
  • Cheesemod for Everyone
  • Blue Palace Terrace + patches

There are mods I've tested Domus Imperatoris with, and they've shown no problems so far:
  • JK's Skyrim (and JK's Solitude)
  • The Legacy of the Dragonborn

If you find other compatibility info, doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, please report. The info users have on this subject, the better.
Side notes
  • Bookshelves are static. Interactive bookshelves are too buggy, so I decided not to spend too much time on them. Maybe I'll include interactive bookshelves in the future, after I finish the main stuff.
  • This is intended to have the same feeling as a vanilla house, so please don't expect fancy stuff.
  • I will be updating and upgrading the mod in every way I can, including new stuff and objects whenever I can.
  • More rooms and furnishings are coming, such as unique items displays and some functional planters.
  • Please note that there are only two children beds in the kid's room. At least for now (or until I finish the main stuff of the mod), I don't plan on adding more beds.

Current features
  • Everything vanilla homes have
  • Custom containers for your stuff
  • Mannequins
  • Weapon displays & plaques
  • Option to move Jordis to the Wing with you
  • Family-friendly (currently up to 2 children)
  • A book with backstory on Dervenin (fan service for those who played Shivering Isles)

Features to come
  • A bard (included in the old version)
  • A cook (included in the old version)
  • More children beds (currently only 2)
  • A complete overhaul of Jordis the Sword-Maiden (under development, check the posts for sneak peeks)

Features that I might or might not add (haven't made up my mind yet)
  • Merchants (included in legacy version)
  • Skill trainers (included in legacy version)
  • Unique item displays (included in legacy version)
  • DLC item displays (included in legacy version)
  • A steward that does some stuff (haven't figured out which stuff yet though)

  • Will this mod affect The Mind of Madness in any way?
    A: No, not at all. This was my first worry.
  • Will this mod conflict with any other mod?
    A: It shouldn't, unless you're using another mod that alters the Pelagius Wing or the Blue Palace courtyard.
  • Is this mod DLC-friendly?
    A: Yes. You need all the DLCs for this mod to work. Since it's an SE mod, this shouldn't be a problem.
  • Can I make a suggestion?
    A: Of course you can. Suggestions are always welcome. If you find any bugs or problems, please report them as well.
  • Why are some NPCs are walking in places they weren't supposed to?
    A: If this is happening, it's a navmeshing issue. Please notify me if that happens, and I'll release a fix asap.
  • How do I move my family here?
    A: With Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions installed, you need to use the spell "Bless Home" while inside the Wing. Then, just tell your family you're moving and select the Wing as the destination. Since the compatibility is buggy, you need the console to enable kid's room. Please read the text file included with the package for info.
  • It says my home is not suitable for a family. What do I do?
    A: In order for the spell "Bless Home" to work, you need to have bought at the very least the master and children bedrooms so the beds are properly detected. After buying these furniture packages, try blessing your home again.
  • My family won't move to the house. What's happening?
    A: This is an old Hearthfire bug, and the Multiple Adoptions mod has it as well. I advice looking for answers in the Multiple Adoptions forum. Other mods had very similar issues regarding spouse and kids not moving to custom houses, or moving but staying in place telling you they'll meet you at home.
  • Is it compatible with Custom Family Home?
    A: The mod description says it's compatible with any custom home, but I haven't used this mod. If you find issues with it, please report. My mod was built to be compatible with Multiple Adoptions, but it might work with Custom Family Home as well.
  • Why does the voice acting sound wonky?
    A: Although the custom dialogue in this mod uses the vanilla voices of the characters, they weren't recorded by the actual voice actors. They were synthesized with xVA-Synth, so although the quality is good, some bits of dialogue might sound a small little teeny tiny bit weird. Don't worry, this won't ruin your experience. 
  • Can you add this and that or those stuff?
    A: I might. I do love receiving suggestions, and a lot of stuff I added to the mod were suggested by users of the LE version or testers of the SE version. But please keep in mind what I said in the about section: my goal is to make the Wing feel like a noble vanilla home, a substitute to Proudspire. I do not intend to make the home magical, too fancy or too much fantasy-feeling, as this doesn't fit my game style.
  • Alright, so if you won't make a magical/fancy/fantasy version of your mod, can I?
    A: Yes, of course. You don't need to ask my permission to use my stuff. All I ask in return is that you mention my name as the original creation in the credits so people can download my mod if they want to. But feel free to alter anything you want in my mods and create your own version. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T CHARGE MONEY FOR YOUR MODS!!! I DO NOT SUPPORT PAID MODS!!! Also note that a lot of the resources I used here weren't made by me, so keep in mind that the original authors have their own guidelines! Check the credits section and read the descriptions before using their assets!

Other mods of mine (for Oldrim)
Domus Imperatoris | Mining Guild | Zumul Thu'um