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About this mod

This mod implements injuries for ALL actors in the game. It does so in a very immersive way, AND without being a drain on your systems resources! No clunky scripts here!
*This Mod can be run with ANYTHING...INCLUDING other Injury type Mods. So you can use Wounds, Wildcat, Blood and Guts and so on with my mod!

Permissions and credits
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What is this about?

Simple story, I wanted an injury system that wasn't complete garbage (most of them are).  Looking around in Nexus, the only (non-kludgy) option was 'Vigor - Combat and Injuries'.  I was happy with this since Vigor is my favorite combat mod (for those liking more realistic combat).

However, the creator of Vigor (Alex9ndre) has since put out a new updated mod 'Vigor - Enhanced Combat'.  His new version is WAY better than the older one.....except it doesn't include an Injuries system.  :(

So, instead of trying to use one of the other injury mods out there, I decided to make a light version for myself...and figured why not include ALL actors (npcs/creatures/animals/so on) while I was at it!  So here I am sharing the resulting mod with all of you!

PLEASE NOTE, this mod gives every actor in the game the ability to inflict injuries....so wolves, rats, dragons, npcs, you...everyone can inflict injuries.  Well, undead/ghosts/dwarven-constructs can't bleed...so I guess they are immune to some types of injuries...but the Necromage Perk will still put the undead in their place (which is in the ground)!

*now includes an additional .ESP (based on version 1.8) choice for those who want NPC/Actor injuries, but want to use a more in depth mod (like Wounds) for PC injuries.


Injuries generally last 60 seconds, but can be cured earlier by restoring your health to 100% (or higher)*.  Injuries can also be PREVENTED by blocking (defending) against attacks!   Additionally, anyone who is at 100% (or higher) health can't be injured!

As for bleeding injuries, they are a bit special.  Claws, fangs, maces and so on can ALL inflect bleeding damage (from lowly wolves to dragons)**....however, bladed weapons like swords/daggers/axes can potentially inflict deeper cuts!  Read below for details.

As of version 2.0, I've introduced a 'Taper' effect.  Near the end of an injuries duration, it's effectiveness will gradually (over a few seconds) diminish.  Prior to v2.0, injury effects would go from 100% to 0% in an instant!

*It might take several seconds for the game to refresh and realize that you are back at/over 100% health.
**Undead/Constructs/Ghosts don't need/use blood to function, and so are immune from bleeding damage.
***Necromage Perk can increase the effects of injuries against undead...so even if they can't bleed, they will suffer more severe injuries from Necromage!

List of Potential Injuries:

Disarm:  Jarring impacts and skillful techniques can knock the weapons from targets grasp.
1% chance on hit + will only effect actors who are struck mid attack (where their hands/weapons are most exposed).
-level1 = actors of level 1-20, have a 1% chance of disarming an armed target during their attack animation.
-level2 = actors of level 21-40, have a 2% chance of disarming an armed target during their attack animation.
-level3 = actors of level 41+, have a 3% chance of disarming an armed target during their attack animation.

Winded:  Heavy blow to torso knocks the breath from the target!
2% chance of occurring and symptoms endure for 1 min (or until health is returned to 100%+).
-Actors suffer a -50% melee damage penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors are staggered.
-Actors suffer a -50 Stamina penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a -75% StaminaRegen penalty for 1 minute.

Stunned:  Struck in the head, the target has trouble focusing!
2% chance of occurring and symptoms endure for 1 min (or until health is returned to 100%+).
-Actors suffer a -25% shout recovery penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors are staggered.
-Actors suffer a -50 Magicka penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a -75% MagickaRegen penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a 20% spell cost penalty for 1 minute.

Numb Arm:  A solid blow numbs targets arm!
2% chance of occurring and symptoms endure for 1 min (or until health is returned to 100%+).
-Actors suffer a -50% melee damage penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a -25% block damage penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a 20% spell cost penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a -30% slower attack speed penalty for 1 minute.

KneeCapped:  Targets shin/kneecap is struck by a strong blow...resulting in a whole lot of pain!
2% chance of occurring and symptoms endure for 1 min (or until health is returned to 100%+).
-Actors suffer a -30% power attack damage penalty for 1 minute.
-Actors suffer a -30% movement speed penalty for 1 minute.

Bleeding:  Fangs, claws and weapons can cause bleeding.  Edged weapons can inflict even deeper cuts.
*any actor/animal/npc can inflict LVL1 bleeding.
**LVL 2 & LVL3 Bleeding can stack with LVL1, but NOT each other!
***Each LVL can stack with itself = it's possible to be cut multiple times in a battle!
LVL1: 2% chance of occurring.  Bleeding 1HP per second for 1 minute.  Bleed status (should be) removed if Health is restored to 100%+.
LVL2: 2% chance of bleeding being inflicted by attackers who 1) are level 1-20 and 2) are using axes/daggers/swords as weapons.  Bleeding 1HP per second for 1 minute.  Bleed status (should be) removed if Health is restored to 100%+.
LvL3: 2% chance of bleeding being inflicted by attackers who 1) are level 21+ and 2) are using axes/daggers/swords as weapons.  Bleeding 2HP per second for 1 minute.  Bleed status (should be) removed if Health is restored to 100%+.


-install Spell Perk Item Distributor (I recommend installing with a mod manager).
-install the Address Library for SKSE Plugins (for Spell Perk Item Distributor).  Again, I recommend using a mod manager.
-use your mod manager to install this mod (Injuries) as normal, or manually drop the Injuries.esp + Injuries_DISTR.ini in the Data folder.
-Load Order doesn't matter if you are using Version 1.8 or higher!

*For versions 1.6 (and under), IF you can't (for whatever reason) load this mod last, it will still work 100% for anyone not the PC.  However, if a mod that makes changes to the Player Form is loaded AFTER this mod = the PC might not be able to inflict injuries (the NPCs will still inflict injuries to PC and each other normally though).
THE FIX = open the console (~), type 'help "injuries" ', find the "injuries for ALL Actors' Perk, type 'player.addperk <insert perk id code here> ' (without the <> symbols) and hit enter.  Close the console and save the game = have fun!


-should be compatible with everything!
*This Mod can be run with ANYTHING...INCLUDING other Injury type Mods.  So you can use Wounds, Wildcat, Blood and Guts and so on with my mod!

Minor Bugs:

1) If you return your health back to/over 100%, the game might take a long time to notice = you're injury will likely go away (1minute timer) before the game engine notices you are healed and cures you.
2) Some of the effects are perk based only...so while your 'Active Effects' screen will show which injury(ies) are effecting you, it might not show all the penalties that are applied against you from that injury type.  Rest assured, all the appropriate penalties for each injury are active (even if you can't see in them in the active effects list) + will go away after 1 minute.

Special Thank You!

To Alex9ndre for the Vigor series of mods (latest one being 'Vigor - Enhanced Combat').
To PowerofThree for the 'Spell Perk Item Distributor' Mod/Tool.