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About this mod

This mod is based on my 'Classic Roleplay' mod, but includes FULL NPC Perks! IF an NPC (or any actor) has the necessary skill level, they can use many of the same perks the PC has access to! There are additional changes (listed) that increase difficulty while remaining faithful to Lore ....prepare for difficult times!

Permissions and credits
NOTE#1:  This mod greatly increases difficulty, while remaining faithful to Lore/'Realism'.  NPCs/Actors gain access to perks and are potentially as powerful as the PC now!  I STRONGLY advise playing on Normal Difficulty!!!

NOTE#2:  The Divines have their own Perk Trees that enhance their Blessings.  You can also choose to become a Paladin of the 9 Divines!

NOTE#3:  My Bard Skills/Perks are now FULLY implemented.

Mod Components (3 Total) Overview

Mod Component 1)

All NPCs/Actors (includes everyone except the Player Character) can gain access to the same perks that Players use.  However, the NPCs/Actors still need to have the necessary skill level to make use of these perks!

Be prepared for NPCs/Actors to fight on your level!  Uber-Perks like Atronach, Avoid Death, Necromage, and more are all available to the NPCs/Actors!

*The NPCs use THIS mods Skill Trees for their Perks, NOT vanilla perks (or perks from other mods)!  So mods that alter Perks won't affect the perks NPCs use in this mod!

Mod Component 2)

The goal here is to add more 'realism' AND better defined character 'classes'!

While Mods like Ordinator might be fleshed out, the perks and tweaks are generally FAR from rational (or balanced).  This mod tweaks settings AND alters/adds to the Perk Trees in a way that makes sense AND adds support for classical builds:

Adventurer: A 'Mixed Armor' Perk tree (in HA) is introduced, combined with better developed Weapon Perks.

Barbarian: A 'Barbarian' Perk Tree (in LA) is introduced, combined with better developed Weapon Perks.  Barbarians have faster movement, increased agility, and strike harder WHILE CARRYING LESS INVENTORY WEIGHT.  They also gain a 'Frenzied Rage' Lesser Power* that is similar to how Frenzied Rage works in D&D.

Bard: A Bard Perks Tree (in Speechcraft), abilities and animations are introduced, combined with better developed Bard Perks.  'Skyrim's Got Talent' mod must be installed....for which my mod will make the following changes:

-Flute buffs increase Speechcraft + Barter for 10 minutes.  With Bardic Knowledge Perk, the duration of the buff levels with Flute Skill (up to 24 hour duration at 1000 skill)!

-Drum buffs increase Stamina + Stamina Regen for 10 minutes.  With Battle Ballad Perk, the duration of the buff levels with Drum Skill (up to 24 hour duration at 1000 skill)!

-Lute buffs increase Magicka + Magicka Regen for 10 minutes.  With Tranquility Perk, the duration of the buff levels with Lute Skill (up to 24 hour duration at 1000 skill)!

-Lute/Flute/Drum buffs have a ~28% chance of activating each time you skillfully use an instrument!  *if you are skilled enough!

-Lute/Flute/Drum can't be activated during combat!

Once you've reached 1000 skill with the Lute AND have the Tranquility Perk, your Lute buff will also grant you 'Bard's Luck'.  This effect increases your luck.  Your chances of the ability activating is usually 10%, unless otherwise stated (see below)!

-chance of avoiding being diseased
-chance that Falling Damage is reduced by 50%
-chance of light conditions being 20% more favorable while sneaking
-Enemies chances of landing a Critical Hit on you are reduced by 10%
-chance of getting lucky while picking a lock (20% easier)
-chance of lockpicks not breaking when they otherwise should have!
-chance of being noticed by guards during lockpicking attempts reduced by 20%
+10% increased chance of you landing critical hits
+10% chance of arrow completely being deflected when blocked by a shield
+10% chance of your bribe attempt being 50% less expensive (the target was in a really good mood that day)
+10% chance of your sneak attack doing 20% more damage

*The following 'Bard's Luck' effects only have a 1% chance of triggering, but the effects can potentially stack!
1% chance that incoming physical damage is reduced to 0%
1% chance that incoming physical damage is reduced to 25%
1% chance that incoming physical damage is reduced to 50%
1% chance that incoming physical damage is reduced to 75%

Cleric + Paladin: A Cleric/Paladin Perk Tree is introduced (in Restoration) for the 8 Divines.  Faith based spells are granted directly by the Divines, and require prayer, the corresponding amulet worn AND Lawful Good behavior.  Divine Spells can be cast limited times, but require no magicka.  Additional benefits are granted that depend on which Divine you choose to worship. 
*you lose access to Divine spellcasting + blessings if you act in an evil manner!  Lawful Good 'requirements' are listed at the bottom!
**For those seeking a D&D type Cleric/Paladin that uses prayer instead of magicka to cast spells....you've found your mod!!!

Paladin of Talos: Talos is different than the 8 Divines, and so his Paladins have a different development path.  Talos worshippers are required to pray at a Talos Shrine + wear a Talos Amulet to gain their blessings.  Blessings revolve around increasing the power of your Thu'um and increased learning rates for combat skills.

Duelist/Spellsword: Duelist Perk is introduced (in 1H) that grants fencing type bonuses to those using 1handed weapons in one hand, and nothing/spell in the other.

Werewolf: While not intentional, I realize now that my Barbarian Class Perks ALSO support lightly encumbered Werewolf builds VERY well!  ...You can even use Frenzied Rage before transforming into werewolf form = you can do a lot of damage in the 1rst minute of transforming!

Mod Component 3)

Introduces more developed Divines.  Now the Divines have their own skill trees and some mechanics have been changed (for example, amulets are required to gain the blessings).

Additionally, to receive their blessings, good behavior is a must.

By choosing Divine Perks, the Divines will grant you spells/abilities when you pray at their shrines.

Paladin level Perks can grant many wonderous abilities....there is even a 'Paladin of the Nine Divines' status introduced as well!

Finally, Daedric Blessings (Temple in Solstheim) have been fleshed out to fit Lore + enhanced when you serve that specific Daedra Prince.

A LONG List Of Perks And Tweaks!:

CURRENT Health Stat is tied to Disease Resist.  Gains +5 at 200 Health, and +5 every 200 extra Health. Max 25% at 1000 Health.
*As you get injured, your resistance to disease bonus also diminishes!

CURRENT Stamina Stat is tied to Poison Resist. Gains +2.5 at 200 Stamina, and +2.5 every 200 extra Stamina. Max 12.5% at 1000 Stamina.
*As you get tired/worn-out, your resistance to poison bonus also diminishes!

CURRENT Magicka Stat is tied to Magic Resist.  Gains +2.5 at 200 Magicka, and +2.5 every 200 extra Magicka.  Max 12.5% at 1000 Magicka.
*As your mental focus (magicka) diminishes, so does your Magic Resist bonus!

-even without perks, melee weapons gain inherent abilities + bonuses against certain enemies....it is all very logical, for example, spriggans are weak against axes, skeletons are weak against blunt, NPCs take a bit more damage from swords, and so on....also bladed weapons have a chance to cause bleeding (duhh) and blunt weapons can partially bypass armor.  *you can pick weapon perks that enhance these effects further!

-Critical Hits can occur (both by PC and Actors) without requiring perks....the odds of that happening are small though.

-Friends/Allies/Lovers will no longer let you take valuable items from them!  It might make sense for a buddy to lend you some clothes/shoes or let you eat something if you are hungry....but they wouldn't give you their most expensive stuff!
The item value limit is reduced to:
Friends 2GP
Confidant 3GP
Ally 8GP
Lover (marriage) 100GP

-wearing gear is easier than carrying that gear = all worn armor/jewelry/clothing weights 35% less.

-Khajiit & Vampire Night Eye duration increased to 6 hours (can be toggled on/off)....this ability is actually useful if you play with darker nights/dungeons.

-Werewolf changes (only if Beast Blood is gained during Companion Questline):
1) Full Moon Rising is implemented.  Between the hours of 22:00-4:00, your werewolf form gains +150 Health/Stamina AND an automatic 'Night Eye' effect!
2) Your normal form (human or elf) gains a Night Eye power that lasts 6 hours and can be toggled on/off.
3) At level 1-49, both your normal AND beast form gain + 10 carry weight, stamina, stamina regen, health, and health regen.  You also do 1% more physical damage.
4) At level 50-80, both your normal and beast form gain +20 carry weight, stamina, stamina regen, health, and health regen.  You also do 2% more physical damage.
5) At level 81+, both your normal and beast form gain +30 carry weight, stamina, stamina regen, health, and health regen.  You also do 3% more physical damage.
6) Both your normal and beast form gain +10% Physical Damage Reduction...EXCEPT from SILVER based weapons!
7) Your normal form gains a 50% Weakness VS Silver weapons!  *Your Beast Form already has a +20 physical damage weakness vs silver by default vanilla!
*You might have to save + reload for the effects to take place once you become a werewolf!

-Default Lockpicking 'sweet-spot' is reduced by 99%!!!  Lockpicking Perks (or potions and enchantments) are required if you want to pick locks!

-Lockpicking 'Skill Use Offset' is reduced to 0.  No longer can you power-level lockpicking by simply breaking lockpicks.

-No Starting Spells!

-Divine Amulets (and Marriage Ring) no longer have enchantments.  Instead they are now used to channel Divine energies while praying at their corresponding Altars.
*you still can't enchant the Divine Amulets since that would only profane them.
*you CAN enchant Mara's marriage ring!  It's a symbol of love (Mara's Portfolio), but not a symbol of Mara herself!
*I removed the amulet enchantments because 1) it made no sense, 2) it was also strange you couldn't disenchant them, and 3) it would have been strange if you played an evil character, and the Divines refused to give you blessings...but still gave you the benefit of their Amulets power!

-Divine Altar Blessings are now stronger to make up for the Amulets no longer having enchantments.

-You now must wear the matching Divine Amulet to gain a Divine Altar Blessing (and all the other Lawful Good requirements).

-Talos has his Worship Perk Tree in Speechcraft

-The 8 Divines have their Worship Perk Tree in Restoration.

-Candlelight light range extended by 2.2x...making it actually useful.

-Divine Spellcasters can cast 'Holy Light'...functions as per Candlelight, but lasts about 15 minutes.
*I recommend using 'Tweaks No Orb Candlelight Fix' to get rid of the annoying default circling, glowing ball!

-TimeScale set to 7 (7 minutes game time = 1 minute real time) *this is simply a personal preference that you can change with 'set timescale to #' command

-Merchants have FAR LESS Gold available!

-Favor/Quest rewards give FAR LESS Gold!  No more dirt poor peasants giving you 1,500 Gold for delivering donuts to their friend!!!  Doing these type of quests will be more about making friends and spreading your good name!

-Purchase/Sell prices are harsher for player! ....merchants now seem less enthused about buying blood soaked + rusted + damaged + soiled (cleaved intestines will do that!) equipment you looted!

-Enemies successfully blocking your attacks will negate many of the special effects your (or NPC) attacks trigger on hit  (bleed, disarm, critical damage, so on).

-Bleed damage starts off heavy, but quickly diminishes (heals) over time.  With all relevant Perks, you can possibly bleed enemies 40hp over 16 seconds with 1 hit (most of the bleed damage occurs in the first few seconds).

-Stormcloak Sleeved Cuirasss is now a 'Heavy Armor' piece.  It weighs only 16lbs (and is considered rain resistant if using Hypothermia Mod) but is inferior to Iron in protection value.

-Lower Tier Armors (fur/hide/studded/imperial/stormcloak/iron/banded/ancientnord, steel and bonemold) have had their weight/protection tweaked slightly for 'realism' purposes.
*it was strange that lower level armor that visibly covered far less, somehow weighed as much (or more) than full plate type high tier armor

-Lower Tier Heavy Cuirasses that have Pauldron's offer a bit more weight/protection compared to their non Pauldron'ed versions.

-Steel Horned Helm weighs +1lbs and has +1 protection compared to regular steel helmet.

-Steel Horned Helm now counts as both Steel AND SteelPlate in regards to armor set perk bonus.

-Unlimited Training (999 skill levels of training allowed per level).  *Still CAN'T train past skill level 90 with Master Trainers!

-Nord 'BattleCry' is now a Passive (constant) ability that gives Nords +10% Magnitude (power) to their shouts.
*I did not change the start game 'character creation' Nord race description of Battlecry.  This omission helps make my mod compatible with mods that alter races!  ....and really, how many of us still even read the RaceMenu racial descriptions when starting a game.....

-Kyne's Token is now give you 10% DR vs animals, 5% DR vs electrical, +50 Stamina, +50% Stamina Regen.  This Token can also be used in place of a Kynareth Amulet for Divine Spellcasting/Effects!  *The quest is so long to complete, the reward should be worth the effort.
*ADDITIONALLY, using the Kyne's Peace shout while wearing Kyne's Token will restore health and stamina (100/200/300)!

-Gauldur Amulet enhanced to better match Lore.  It made ZERO sense that his sons would kill him to get 3x lame +30 single stat amulets!  I mean, they could have instead spent 100 gold and easily bought equivalent +30 stat amulets!  Now the amulet (and fragments) are more noteworthy!
*the fragments each give +50 to single stat AND +50% Regen to matching stat!
**the Full Amulet now gives +55 to each stat and +55% Regen to each stat!

-Aetherial Crown should now function as per Vanilla skyrim (as per v7.3).

-Ring of Matrimony can now be enchanted (it no longer has vanilla Restoration Enchantment).  It still provides the Restoration boost when you use the Kynareth Altar Blessing.

-Necromancer's Amulet now gives 75% Conjuration cost reduction, and -85% StaminaRegen and -85% HealthRegen
*Vanilla made no sense, since you could easily enchant a stronger amulet with none of the Necromancer Amulet's penalties!
**The Amulet now only benefits Necromancer/Summoner types, while incurring a hefty 'Diminished Vitality' penalty on the user....fits both the 'Ideal Master' vitality drain theme + Necromancer Amulet lore perfectly now!

-Savior's Hide Enchantment now provides 25% Magic Resistance and 100% Poison Resistance.

-Some scrolls have had their duration increased (making them actually useful) and effects (magnitude) set to match their spell equivalents (mostly the Flesh Armor type spells, which were strangely underpowered).

-Elemental Fury Shout duration now matches the vanilla duration of Battle Fury (60/120/180 seconds).
*it was stupid that you could give ALL nearby allies an elemental fury that lasts up to 3 minutes, but could then only give yourself the same effect for 15 seconds = !?!?

-Marked For Death shout was made useless by the Unofficial Patch.  To make it slightly less useless, I've upped the 60 second Armor Reduction to 75/125/200 (from 25/50/75)!

-Bend Will (the level 2 effect) now lasts 8 hours and effects creatures up to lvl99....so your Bend Will now matches Miraak's effect on the Shrine Workers!
*Against Dragons, the effect works as vanilla

-Black Book 'Secret of Arcana' now works for 45 seconds

-Black Book 'Secret of Protection' now works for 90 seconds  ('Secret of Arcana' is so OP, I wanted the other 2 options to be viable)

-Black Book 'Secret of Strength' now works for 10 minutes   ('Secret of Arcana' is so OP, I wanted the other 2 options to be viable)

-Black Book 'Secret of Strength' now also adds +400 carryweight and +50 StaminaRegen for the powers duration

-Leveling Stamina (+10) per level now only grants a +1 to your CarryWeight!
*the vanilla +5 CarryWeight per level (considering you start at 300 CarryWeight) quickly leads to 'I can carry a ton of stuff' idiocy!
**I recommend that when you start a game, you lower your carry weight by AT LEAST 200lbs...you can use the iNeed mod to do this, or use the console command 'player.modav carryweight -200'
***many mods overwrite this effect, so if you get +5 carryweight per stamina level up, don't worry about it.

-Unless you have the base skill perk (for example, the Novice Restoration Perk for Restoration spells), each Magic School's spells now costs 100X!
*there is a reason why so few people in the game can cast spells!

-Unless you have the base Enchanter Perk, your enchantments will be 99% weaker!
*leaning over an enchanting table no longer automatically makes you an Enchanter!
**highly recommend 'Honed Metal' mod for added realism!

-Unless you have the Steel Smithing Perk, your ability to temper weapons and armor will be reduced by 99%!
*picking up a hammer no longer automatically makes you a Smith!
**highly recommend 'Honed Metal' mod for added realism!

-Unless you have the base Alchemist Perk, your crafted potions will be 99% weaker!
*touching an Alchemy Table no longer automatically makes you an Alchemist!

-Fortify Restoration Potions no longer effect Shout Cooldown!

-Poison based Paralysis duration is reduced by Resist Poison magnitude  (@100% Resist Poison, you can't be paralyzed)

-Enchantment based Paralysis duration is reduced by Resist Magnitude duration (@100% Resist Magic, you can't be paralyzed)

-HealRateMult is restored to default.  If you want 1% heal rate (regeneration) for your PC + NPCs, you can use my 'Reduced Heal Rate' mod instead.
*until you start a new game with v7.9+, your PC will continue to have 1% heal rate!

-CombatHealRate is now set to 0.50 (default = 0.70).  This means that you heal/regenerate even slower in combat.  Your Items/Potions of Regeneration still work, but have slightly less effect during combat!

-Alchemy is revamped!  The Perks Alchemist2, Alchemist3, Alchmist4 and Alchemist5 now increase the duration of your crafted potions by 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x.
*the increased durations for your crafted potions are applied even retroactively when you select these perks!  This might seem a bit odd....I suggest you roleplay that you simply 'reworked' older crafted potions with your newfound knowledge/skill.

-The White Phial (repaired) now is on par with Elixirs in terms of strength and duration!

-Most potions have had their durations increased based on quality.
*General rule of thumb --> potion = 1 minute, Draught = 2 minutes, Solution = 3 minutes, Philter = 4 minutes, and Elixir =5 minutes.
**Some poisons are similarly extended based on quality, but some are left default for playbalance reasons.
***these changes only apply to found/bought potions, NOT the potions you craft!
****PARALYZE Alchemical Effect Duration is NOT extended by these Perks!

-Bought/Found/Crafted 'Restore' type potions now apply their effect over time (usually 5 seconds).  For example, a Healing Potion that in vanilla instantly heals 50HP, would NOW heal 10HP per second for 5 seconds!

-You can no longer craft Potions of Smithing or Enchanting, nerfing the 'Alchemy --> Enchanting --> Smithing' exploit.

-Potions of Enchanting that are pre-placed in the world have been removed.
*This better fits the lore of Ahzidal's Armor...why would this guy spend so much effort creating his armor set (+10% Enchanting) if superior potions were readily available?

-Void Salt Alchemy Ingredient's 'Magic Resistance' effect is boosted.

-Potion of Cure Poison now ALSO grants 100% Poison Resistance for 1 minute, AND 50% Poison Resistance for 5 minutes.

-Fortify Smithing Enchantments are now roughly 1/2 the power.

-Fortify Alchemy Enchantments are now roughly 1/2 the power.

-Frida's Ring + Muiri's Ring are set to 12% Fortify Alchemy.

-Silver Blood Ring + Forgemaster Fingers are set to 12% Fortify Smithing.

-PoisonResist Enchantment Base is now at 40% = at max Enchanting, you can create 100% poisonresist enchantments!
*was strange that there are many 100% poison resist items...but that nobody can enchant to that level = ?!?

-DiseaseResist Enchantment Base is now at 40% = at max Enchanting, you can create 100% diseaseresist enchantments!
*was strange that there are many 100% disease resist items...but that nobody can enchant to that level = ?!?

-Stendarr's Aura now damages Daedra tainted creatures!  So vampires (and their thralls), werewolves, daedra, dremora, atronachs, HagravenFaction (includes witches) will be damaged....but Draugr will NOT!
*Draugr/Skeleton type undead are not caused by Daedra = falls outside of Stendarr's focus on Daedra!
**this spell does NOT spare friendly/allied abominations!  Stendarr has no mercy for Daedra (or those tainted)!
***this spell now benefits from Dual Casting (duration and magnitude)!
****the SPELL ALSO gains x2 power/duration/range if you are a Stendarr Paladin + blessed by Stendarr + wearing Stendarr Amulet.

-Perk 'Deadly Bash' now only doubles (2X) bashing damage.  The reason for this is that Bash Damage bypasses armor (vanilla game mechanic).  Also, mods like 'Bring your Silver' that grants extra damage resistance to certain enemies (ghosts for example), would be bypassed by simply bashing those enemies.

-Perk's that rely on agility for dodging no longer function while PC/Actor is staggered, knocked down or swimming.  So ' (LA) Deft Movement', ' (LA) Feral Agility' and ' (HA) 'Adaptable Defense' won't work while staggered, swimming or knocked down.

-Argonians now get 95% Disease Resist.

-Nords/Redguards/Orcs (and vampire equivalents) get a +10% bonus to melee weapon damage.

-Wood Elves (and vampire equivalents) get a -10% penalty to melee weapon damage.

-Wood Elf 'Command Animal' power now lasts for 5 minutes

-Serpent Standing Stone also grants 100% Poison Resistance

-Player Character gains a 2.5x damage bonus to balance with NPCs/Actors.  Since Actors/NPCs retain their inherent vanilla Perks (which usually grant 1.5x-3x damage) + additionally gain access to this mod's Perks = they tend to do more damage than the player.  This 2.5x damage bonus roughly puts the player on even ground with NPCs.

-Player is the Dragonborn.  Each unspent Dragon Soul you carry reduces your Shout Cooldown by 1% AND greatly strengthens Shouts AND increases shout duration by 2 seconds!  Now you really are stealing a Dragon's Power when you consume it's soul!

-Dragon Aspect now adds 100 carry capacity while in effect.  This carry weight will increase for each Dragon Soul you carry!

-Ice Form shout no longer works against actors who have 70% (or greater) Frost Resistance!

-Level 3 Unrelenting Shout will no longer ragdoll Actors who have 6 or more Dragon Souls (a lore answer for why Miraak and the Greybeards are immune to the shouts ragdoll effect)

Below are the Perks Added/Modified!  IF a Perk isn't listed below, then it remains as per default Skyrim!
*Perks in the same tree that sequentially strengthen effects = I just sum up the totals in each sequential Perk description...so (for example) if Bladesman30 says you get a 15% chance at a Critical Hit, and you then get Bladesman60 that says a 30% chance...that means you get a total 30% chance, NOT a 45% chance!

Light Armor Perk Tree:

(25) Barbarian: 

For the Barbarian, armor flexibility + unimpeded senses are of great importance.  Also, the less weight you carry, the better you harness your superior agility.
-Worn Armor/Clothing weighs nothing WHILE wearing NO Heavy Armor, AND any combination of Bandit(Fur), Clothing, Forsworn, Hide, ImperialLight, ImperialStudded, Penitus, BearStormcloak and Studded armor!
-While Inventory Weight is less than 20, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain an EXTRA 40% movement speed bonus.
-While Inventory Weight is 20 or more, AND less than 40, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain an EXTRA 25% movement speed bonus.
-While Inventory Weight is 40 or more, AND less than 60, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain an EXTRA 10% movement speed bonus.
-While Inventory Weight is 60 or more, AND less than 80, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain an EXTRA 5% movement speed bonus. 

(50) Unhindered: 

-Now reduces the weight of ALL equipped gear by 70% (stacks with default worn weight reduction).  AS LONG AS IT ISN'T Heavy Armor, worn gear now only weighs/slows by 19.5%.   

(50) Barbaric Blows: 

While unencumbered, you are better able to utilize agility in order to maximize MELEE damage.
-While Inventory Weight is less than 20, AND you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain +40% unarmed/bashing/melee damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 20 or more, AND less than 40, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain +30% unarmed/bashing/melee damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 40 or more, AND less than 60, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain +20% unarmed/bashing/melee damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 60 or more, AND less than 80, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain +10% unarmed/bashing/melee damage.

(50) Wind Walker: 

-Now gives the 50% Stamina Regen bonus if wearing any combination of Light armor, clothing and/or naked.  Vanilla perk only worked while wearing 4 pieces of Light Armor.

(70) Matching Set: 

-Stormcloak Matched Set only requires 3 pieces....seems reasonable since the NPCs often only use 3 pieces.

(85) Frenzied Rage: 

*read carefully, there are a LOT of effects occurring when you activate this Lesser Power
**while you can spam Frenzied Rage, the exhaustion penalties STACK = death from overexerting yourself is possible!

-60 seconds = Fortify Health 30.
-90 seconds = ADDITIONAL Fortify Health 30 IF you are level 20 or higher.
-120 seconds = ADDITIONAL Fortify Health 30 IF you are level 40 or higher.
-150 seconds = ADDITIONAL Fortify Health 30 IF you are level 60 or higher.
-180 seconds = ADDITIONAL Fortify Health 30 IF you are level 80 or higher.

-60 seconds = Enraged PC gets +20 to their Intimidate checks.
-60 seconds = Intimidated melee type enemies have a -20 penalty to their chances of landing a critical hit on you!
-60 seconds = You have a 40% chance of completely shrugging off any melee induced stagger.
-60 seconds = Your melee based attacks are 20% faster!
-60 seconds = Your attack value (default 1) is added to (stamina * 0.01)....(value + stamina * 0.01) means if your weapon does 100points of damage, and you have 100 points remaining in stamina = (1+1) results in 200 points of damage.
*IF you have very high amounts of remaining stamina, this could result in several times melee damage!

-1 HOUR = Using Frenzied Rage exhausts you.  You gain a -30 penalty to your health total.  Using Frenzied Rage repeatedly can cause this penalty to stack!!!
-1 HOUR = Using Frenzied Rage exhausts you.  You gain a -30 penalty to your Stamina Regen.  Using Frenzied Rage repeatedly can cause this penalty to stack!!!

(100)  Deft Movement: 

-Perk gives the vanilla 10% chance (actually 11%) to dodge/deflect incoming physical damage while fully equipped in light armor.
*However, IF you are knocked down, staggered or swimming...then you are not able to dodge = this perk won't function until you get back to your feet!

(100)  Feral Agility: 

-While Inventory Weight is less than 20, AND you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain a 30% chance of dodging all Damage.
-While Inventory Weight is less than 20, AND you are wearing no Heavy Armor, even IF hit, you still have a 15% chance of turning the hit into a glancing blow (50% damage). 
-While Inventory Weight is 20 or more, AND less than 40, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain a 20% chance of dodging all Damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 20 or more, AND less than 40, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, even IF hit, you still have a 10% chance of turning the hit into a glancing blow (50% damage) .
-While Inventory Weight is 40 or more, AND less than 60, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain a 10% chance of dodging all Damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 40 or more, AND less than 60, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, even IF hit, you still have a 5% chance of turning the hit into a glancing blow (50% damage).
-While Inventory Weight is 60 or more, AND less than 80, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, you gain a 5% chance of dodging all Damage.
-While Inventory Weight is 60 or more, AND less than 80, and you are wearing no Heavy Armor, even IF hit, you still have a 3% chance of turning the hit into a glancing blow (50% damage).
*IF you are knocked down, staggered or swimming, then you are not able to dodge = this perk won't function until you get back to your feet!

Heavy Armor Perk Tree:

(30) Piecemeal Armor: 

-Mixed Armor provides a compromise between toughness and agility!
-You gain +15% Armor bonus, as long as you are wearing full armor with at least 1 HA piece and 1 LA armor piece.
-You get a +25% learning bonus to both LA & HA (again, must wear full armor with at least 1 LA and 1 HA piece).

(50) Toughened Up: 

-ALL worn equipment weighs 70% less...as long as you are wearing 2 or less HA pieces.
-You also get an extra 5% learning bonus (to Heavy Armor and Light Armor skills) if fully armored (again with at least 1 piece of heavy and light armor).

(50) Tower of Strength: 

-Now gives a 13% Stagger Resistance PER Heavy Armor piece (max stagger resistance of 52%).
-20% Chance to shrug off stagger effects IF wearing ALL Heavy Armor.

(50) Hard Shell
*replaces the old 'Cushioned' Perk...the idea of worn armor preventing falling damage = idiocy! 

-you get 10% damage reduction vs melee (and bow) attackers who only have between 80 and 50 stamina remaining (tired).
-you get 20% damage reduction vs melee (and bow) attackers who have 50 or less stamina remaining (exhausted).
*makes 'damage stamina' enchantments and poisons more useful!

(70) Conditioning: 

-Reduces the weight of ALL equipped gear by a further 70% (default weight reduction stacks).  So now, all worn Heavy Armor, Light Armor, clothes and shields weight 19.5% of their default weight!!!  *the armor slows/stamina-consumption effect is also reduced by 70% (to a 19.5% total).
-While Sprinting in ALL Heavy Armor, you are 50% more resistant to stagger effects.
-While Sprinting in ALL Heavy Armor, you have a 50% chance to avoid 50% of melee damage done to you by PowerAttacks.
-While Sprinting in ALL Heavy Armor, you have a 50% chance to avoid 25% of melee damage done to you by regular attacks. 

(70) Adaptable Resistance: 

-Balancing agility and protection grants you the ability to both block or dodge incoming elemental spells. While fully armored (at least 1 piece of LA and HA each) you have a 50% chance of reducing incoming elemental damage by 30%, and a further 25% chance of reducing it by 15%.

(100) Adaptable Defense: 

-Current Stamina Value is added (linear) to your Armor Rating!  As you tire, your ability to dodge/adapt/deflect attacks decreases = your Armor bonus diminishes!
*IF you are Staggered, Knocked Down or swimming...then you do NOT get the Adaptable Defense bonus!
**Stamina bonus to Armor Rating only updates when you equip/un-equip weapons/shields/armor/spells!
***You must be fully armored, including at least 1 piece of Heavy Armor and 1 piece of Light Armor!

Block Perk Tree:

(30) Deflect Arrows: 

-Arrows that hit shield do no damage.  Additionally, while blocking, enemy archers are forced to target less vulnerable spots = 25% less damage from arrows/bolts that successfully hit you.

(40) Deflect Blow: 

-Blocking with a shield increases stagger resistance by 30%.
-IF staggered and shield is in hand, can attempt to use shield as cover while recovering = 50% chance of reducing incoming melee damage by 50% for duration of Stagger.

(80) Quick Reflexes (now called 'Brace for Impact'): 

-Taking a Defensive Stance (immobile + blocking WITH a Shield) while grant you 90% Stagger Resistance.

Two Handed Perk Tree:

(00) Barbarian:

-gives the standard +20% damage when using 2-handed weapons.
-GreatSword/BattleAxe (including Bound Weapons) have basic bleed damage IF target doesn't successfully block attack
-GreatSword/BattleAxe/Warhammers have a 10% chance of critical hit, IF target doesn't succesfully block your attack
-BattleAxes have a 15% damage bonus vs all Spriggan creatures.
-GreatSwords have a 10% damage bonus vs all NPC (playable) races IF target doesn't block successfully.
-Warhammers have a 20% armor bypass (Damage Resistance Reduction)
-GreatSwords have a 10% damage bonus vs all Horker and Spider races
-Warhammers have a 15% damage bonus vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.
-all 2-handed weapons gain a 5% stagger against targets who fail to block the attack. 

(20) Champion's Stance: 

-Power attacks with Two Handed weapons cost 20% less
-Power attacks now do +10% more Damage against targets that fail to block.
-2% more critical damage per level of Two Handed (at 100 TH skill, will grant 3x critical damage). 

(50) Devastating Blow: 

-Standing power attacks do standard 2x damage + (stamina*0.01) damage.  So that roughly means each point of remaining stamina you have increases your power attack by 1%.  Little effect once you are exhausted.  Also enables decapitations.

(50) Great Critical Charge:
*while sprinting and carrying 2handed melee weapons!

-Can do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does 4x critical damage.
-MOST targets hit while 'Great Critical Charging' have a 90% chance of being staggered.
-while sprinting and carrying a 2handed melee weapon, has a 75% chance of taking 50% less damage from enemy powerattacks.
-while sprinting and carrying a 2handed melee weapon,  has a 50% chance of shrugging off any stagger effects.

(50) It's a Trap!: 

-Backward Power Attacks with 2handed melee weapons that connect against overly aggressive enemies have a 90% chance of staggering them
-IF target fails to block, there is a 50% chance of smashing them to the ground.
-IF target fails to block, there is a 40% chance enemy Stamina reduced by 100.
-IF target fails to block, there is a 40% chance enemy Magicka reduced by 100.
-For this type of Power Attack, you use 20% more stamina.

(30) Limbsplitter: 

-Two handed BLADED weapons (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance to cause extra bleeding against living creatures who fail to block (can stack).
-Battle Axes do 30% more damage vs Spriggan type creatures.
-Battle Axes do 2% Power Attack Bonus damage.
-Battle Axes have a 2% chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you.

(60) Limbsplitter: 

-Two handed BLADED weapons (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance to cause even more bleeding against living creatures who fail to block (can stack).
-Battle Axes do 45% more  damage vs Spriggan type creatures.
-Battle Axes do 4% Power Attack Bonus damage.
-Battle Axes have a 4% chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you.

(90) Limbsplitter: 

-Two handed BLADED weapons (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance to cause maximum bleeding against living creatures who fail to block (can stack).
-Battle Axes do 65% more damage vs Spriggan type creatures.
-Battle Axes do 6% Power Attack Bonus damage.
-Battle Axes have a 6% chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you.

(30) Deep Wounds: 

-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional 10% chance of delivering a critical hit against targets who fail to block.
-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional +50% Critical Hit Damage against targets who fail to block.
-Great Swords do an additional +10% Damage vs Horkers, Spiders and all (non-undead) NPCs who fail to block.

(60) Deep Wounds: 

-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional +10% chance of delivering a critical hit against targets who fail to block.
-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional +50% Critical Hit Damage against targets who fail to block.
-Great Swords do +10% more Damage vs Horkers, Spiders and all (non-undead) NPCs who fail to block.

(90) Deep Wounds: 

-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional +10% chance of delivering a critical hit against targets who fail to block.
-Two Handed Melee Weapons gain an additional +50% Critical Hit Damage against targets who fail to block.
-Great Swords do an additional +10% Damage vs Horkers, Spiders and all (non-undead) NPCs who fail to block.
-Great Swords have a 2% chance of disarming enemies who fail to block.

(30) Skullcrusher: 

- +10% Stagger when using a Great Sword OR Battle Axe vs enemies who fail to block.
- +5% Power Attack Bonus damage for Warhammers.
- +40% Armor Bypass with Warhammer.
- +30% extra damage vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK. 

(60) Skullcrusher: 

- +15% Stagger when using a Great Sword OR Battle Axe vs enemies who fail to block.
- +10% Power Attack Bonus damage for Warhammers.
- +60% Armor Bypass with Warhammer.
- +45% extra damage vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.

(90) Skullcrusher:  

- +20% Stagger when using a Great Sword OR Battle Axe vs enemies who fail to block.
- +15% Power Attack Bonus damage for Warhammers.
- +80% Armor Bypass with Warhammer.
- +60% extra damage vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK. 

(90) Frenzied Brute:
*You can only choose to be 1 type of Brute!

-Your 2 Handed melee damage increases as your health diminishes.  This bonus (up to 4x) is proportional to your remaining health %.
*for example, if your health is at 50%, your two handed attacks will do 2x damage!

(90) Intimidating Brute:
*You can only choose to be 1 type of Brute!

-you gain an Intimidation check bonus based on your health (health *0.1).  For example, if you have 200 Health = 3x Intimidate checks!
-you have a 50% chance reducing incoming melee damage by 50% while power attacking with 2 handed melee weapons....this type of intimidation doesn't work on machines and undead.
-while power attacking with 2 handed melee weapons, you have a 25% chance of shrugging off any stagger effect.

(90) Bloodthirsty Brute:
*You can only choose to be 1 type of Brute!

-As your enemy loses health, your 2 handed melee strikes become progressively stronger.  For every 10% Health your enemy drops, your strikes become 10% stronger.

(100) Hammer Comes Crushing: 

-You gain a the Daily Power 'Crushing Blow'.
*It lasts 4 seconds when activated.
**It only effects Standing (stationary) Power Attacks with 2-handed weapons.
***Crushing Blow Power Attacks have 4x stamina consumption (stamina is consumed PRIOR to attack damage calc).
****When you channel your strength/focus into a Crushing Blow power attack, your grunt/exhalation is louder than a normal power attack!

-IF a 'Crushing Blow' stationary power attack connects, your power attack damage is greatly boosted by your remaining Stamina!  For example, if you have 200 stamina remaining, damage will be calculated as ('standard power attack damage' + CurrentStaminax3) = potentially a LOT of damage if your stamina is high...but becomes useless as your stamina depletes!
-'Crushing Blows' have an 80% chance of staggering enemies IF they fail to block!
-'Crushing Blows' have a 40% chance of staggering enemies even IF they succeed in blocking!
-All 2 Handed melee weapons gain 20x critical damage vs targets that have less than 10% remaining health.
-All 2 Handed melee weapons deal +25% damage vs enemies who are staggered/stunned.
-THIS Power is OP!  Once you have around 300+ Stamina, you can potentially 1 shot a Mammoth...or possibly even a vanilla dragon!

One Handed Perk Tree:

(00) Armsman now grants the following: 

-gives the standard +20% damage to 1handed weapons.
-Daggers/swords/axes (including Bound Weapons) have basic bleed damage IF target doesn't successfully block your attack.
-Daggers/swords/axes/maces have a 5% chance of a critical hit, IF target doesn't successfully block your attack.
-Waraxes have a 10% damage bonus vs all Spriggan type creatures.
-Daggers/swords have a 5% damage bonus vs all NPC (playable) races IF target doesn't block successfully.
-Maces have a 10% armor bypass (Damage Resistance Reduction).
-Swords have a 5% damage bonus vs all Horker and Spider races.
-Maces have a 10% damage bonus vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.

(20) Fighting Stance: 

-Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
-Duelists/SpellSwords (using a one-handed weapon in the right hand + nothing/dagger/spell in second hand) gain an 8% chance of disarming IF they successfully parry (bash-interrupt) an enemies attack.  Either regular fast bash or power bash will do the trick.  Also works against bows/crossbows IF enemy is actually close enough to Bash!

*Using a Mod like 'Vigor' will also allow for the chance of a parried-disarm during simultaneous weapon clashes.
**Using a mod that allows dual-wielding blocking will allow blocking with a spell in the other hand.
***I MAY eventually allow daggers to be used in the off hand in relation to parrying.

(50) Critical Charge:
*while sprinting and carrying 1handed melee weapons! 

-Can do a one-handed power attack while sprinting that does 3x critical damage.
-MOST targets hit while 'Critical Charging' have a 60% chance of being staggered.
-while sprinting and carrying a 1handed melee weapon, has a 50% chance of taking 35% less damage from enemy powerattacks.
-while sprinting and carrying a 1handed melee weapon,  has a 35% chance of shrugging off any stagger effects. 

(50) Savage Strike: 

-Standing power attacks do standard 2x damage + (stamina*0.01) damage.  So that roughly means each point of remaining stamina you have increases your power attack by 1%.  Little effect once you are exhausted.  Also enables decapitations.

(30) HackandSlash now grants the following: 

-Daggers/swords/waraxes (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance of causing increased bleed damage (can stack).
-Waraxes have a 20% damage bonus vs all Spriggan type creatures.
-Waraxes have a 1% Power Attack Damage bonus.
-Waraxe users have a 2% chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you. 

 (60) HackandSlash now grants the following: 

-Daggers/swords/waraxes (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance of causing increased bleed damage (can stack).
-Waraxes have a 35% damage bonus vs all Spriggan type creatures.
-Waraxes have a 2% Power Attack Damage bonus.
-Waraxe users have a 4%  chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you.

(90) HackandSlash grants the following: 

-Daggers/swords/waraxes (including Bound Weapons) have a 10% chance of causing maximum bleed damage (can stack).
-Waraxes have a 50% damage bonus vs all Spriggan type creatures.
-Waraxes have a 4% Power Attack Damage bonus.
-Waraxe users have a 6%  chance of hooking weapons and disarming enemies who are in mid attack against you.

(30) Bladesman now grants the following: 

-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons have an additional +10% chance to land a Critical Hit.
-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons do an additional +25% Critical Hit Damage.
-Swords and Daggers gain an additional +5% damage vs NPC (non-undead) races who aren't Blocking.
-Swords gain an additional +5% damage vs ALL spiders and Horkers.

(60) BladesMan now grants the following: 

-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons have an additional +15% chance to land a Critical Hit.
-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons do an additional +25% Critical Hit Damage.
-Swords and Daggers gain an additional +5% damage vs NPC (non-undead) races who aren't Blocking.
-Swords gain an additional +5% damage vs ALL spiders and Horkers.

(90) BladesMan now grants the following: 

-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons have an additional +20% chance to land a Critical Hit.
-ALL One Handed Melee Weapons do an additional +25% Critical Hit Damage.
-Swords and Daggers gain an additional +5% damage vs NPC (non-undead) races who aren't Blocking.
-Swords gain an additional +5% damage vs ALL spiders and Horkers.
-Sword users gain a 2% chance to disarm enemies, IF they aren't blocking.

(30) BoneBreaker now grants the following: 

-Maces bypass 25% armor.
-Maces have +5% damage to power attacks.
-Maces have a +20% damage bonus vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.

(60) BoneBreaker now grants the following: 

-Maces bypass 40% armor.
-Maces have +10% damage to power attacks.
-Maces have a +30% damage bonus vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.

(90) BoneBreaker now grants the following: 

-Maces bypass 55% armor.
-Maces have +15% damage to power attacks.
-Maces have a +40% damage bonus vs all atronachs, all chaurus types, all skeleton types, all automatons (mechanical) types, ash hoppers, all mudcrabs, all Ice Wraiths, frozen Falmer IF NOT BLOCKING ATTACK.

(60) Duelist: 

-Focusing on finesse, balance and speed, you've become a duelist!  While using a 1 handed sword + an empty left hand (or a left hand with a spell equipped), you gain a 10% bonus to damage AND blocking physical damage.  You ALSO gain an ADDITIONAL 10% damage while attacking bowmen + crossbowmen.

*This Perk is also ideal for SpellSwords!
**Cannot wear more than 1 piece of heavy armor, and right hand must have a 1H sword, while left hand can be empty or have a spell ready.

(100) Fell Blow: 

-You gain the Daily Power 'Fell Blow'.
*It lasts 3 seconds when activated.
**It only effects Standing (stationary) Power Attacks with 1-handed weapons.
***Fell Blow Power Attacks have 4x stamina consumption (stamina is consumed PRIOR to attack damage calc).
****When you channel your strength/focus into a Fell Blow power attack, your grunt/exhalation is louder than a normal power attack!

-IF a 'Fell Blow' stationary power attack connects, your power attack damage is greatly boosted by your remaining Stamina!  For example, if you have 200 stamina remaining, damage will be calculated as ('standard power attack damage' + CurrentStaminax3) = potentially a LOT of damage if your stamina is high...but becomes useless as your stamina depletes!
-Fell Blows have a higher chance of staggering targets!
-This Power is OP!  Once you have 300+ Stamina, you can potentially 1 shot a Mammoth, or even a Vanilla Dragon!

Marksman Perk Tree:

(30) Eagle Eye: 

-Pressing block while aiming will zoom in your view.  You've also learned to target sensitive points on unaware enemies, 20% chance of stunning them with a painful surprise attack.

(30/60/90) Critical Shot: 

-A 10/15/20% chance of doing 2x, 2.5x, or 3x Critical Damage.

(50) Hunter's Discipline: 

-If player and target are BOTH motionless, can line up your shot to completely bypass armor.  Also allows you to recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies.

(100) Bullseye: 

-Paralysis Effect only lasts 1 second now (acts as an upgraded 'stagger' effect that knocks down targets).  I had to reduce the 10 second duration because NPC Archers were Uber Powerful!

Illusion Perk Tree:

(90) Master of the Mind: 

-This perk now effects the Bend Will Shout (the level 2 effect).  This perk will allow Bend Will to be used on Undead and Automatons (and pretty much everything else).

Speechcraft Perk Tree:

TALOS: "Be strong for war. Be bold against enemies and evil, and defend the people of Tamriel."
*Talos blessing's abilities require you wear a Talos amulet + conform to Talos Lawful Good + Paladin requirements (see below)!

-Talos Altar Blessing: 

-Standard Talos Shrine Blessing now grants 40% Shout Cooldown bonus for 8 hours, plus Cure Disease!
-Paladin Talos Shrine Blessing now grants a 65% Shout Cooldown bonus for 10 Years, plus Cure Disease!

(0) Crusader of Talos:

-Perk unlocked once you complete 'Dragon Rising' and absorb your first Dragon Soul.
-Shouts are 10% more powerful.
-You gain a +5% Learning Rate for ALL combat skills (includes Light Armor, but NOT Smithing).

(0) Bardic Knowledge:
*Must become a Full member of the Bards College to choose this perk!
**You must have read at least 80 books to choose this perk!
***You must have completed at least 500+ barters (transactions) to choose this perk!
****You must have successfully persuaded at least 20 times to choose this perk!

Now an official Bard, you have full access to the Lore and Teachings offered by the Bard's College.
-You now have a deeper understanding of how past heroes cleverly overcame powerful magical foes = +5% magic resistance.
-Speechcraft training, techniques and experience result in +10 to Speechcraft Skill, and +10% better prices.
-Flute buffs now have 3x duration/magnitude as long as you also have 200+ skill with the flute.
-Flute buff duration increases as your skill level with the flute increases:
200-300 skill     = x3 duration (default bard boost)
300-500 skill     = x6 duration
500-1000 skill   = x12 duration
1000-2000 skill = x24 duration
2000-4000 skill = x48 duration
4000-8000 skill = x96 duration
8000+  = x192 duration

(0) Battle Ballad: 
*You must have discovered at least 120 locations to choose this perk!
**You must have visited all 13 Standing Stones to choose this perk!
***You must be carrying a Drum at the time you choose this perk!

-Drum buff now has 5x duration AND 2x magnitude as long as you also have 300+ skill with the drum.
-The Black Book Lesser Power 'Bardic Knowledge' is now enhanced while you are under the influence of a Drum buff AND your Drum skill is 300+.  The spirit drum's beat inspires yourself + friendly (non raised) NPCs within 250' for 5 minutes.  Health, Stamina, Stamina-Regen, and Combat skills gain +50 for 5 minutes.
-Your worldly experiences and interactions result in a passive 10% learning rate boost for Speechcraft.
-Drum buff duration increases as your skill level with the drum increases:
300-400 skill     = x6 duration (default bard boost)
400-600 skill     = x12 duration
600-1200 skill   = x24 duration
1200-2400 skill = x48 duration
2400-4800 skill = x96 duration
4800+ skill  = x192 duration

(0) Warrior Poet: 

-perk unlocked once you've completed initial training with the Greybeards.
-Shout Cooldown is further reduced by 15%.
-Shouts are 10% more powerful (stacks).
-You gain a +10% Learning Rate bonus for ALL combat skills (includes Light Armor, but NOT Smithing).

(0) Tranquility: 
*You must have learned at least 6 Words of Power to choose this perk!
**You must have unlocked at least 3 Words of Power to choose this perk!
***You must have Mastered a Shout (unlocked all 3 words for a single shout) to choose this perk!
****You must be carrying a Lute at the time you choose this perk!

-Your profound understanding of Articulation strengthens your Thu'um by 10%.  Shouts are 10% stronger!
-Your experience in trade and negotiations has resulted in another +10% bonus to buying/selling.
-Your Lute Buffs are x3 stronger, and last 5x longer....as long as your Lute skill is 300+!
-At 500+ Lute Skill, your Lute buff ALSO activates 'Bard's Luck'!  While the buff is active, your chances (luck) is improved in the following ways:
+10% chance of Falling Damage reduced by 30%
+10% chance of light conditions being 20% more favorable while sneaking
-20% chance for enemies to land a critical hit on you
+10% chance of getting lucky while picking a lock (20% easier)
+10% chance of lockpicks not breaking when they otherwise should have!
-20%  chance of being noticed by guards during lockpicking attempts
+50% increased chance of you landing critical hits
+10% chance of arrow completely being deflected by an equipped shield (don't have to actively block)
+10% chance of your bribe attempt being 50% less expensive (the target was in a really good mood that day)
+20% Disease Resistance while Lute buff is active
+10% chance of your sneak attack doing 20% more damage

-Lute buff duration increases as your skill level with the lute increases:
300-400 skill     = x5 duration (default bard boost)
400-600 skill     = x10 duration
600-1200 skill   = x20 duration
1200-2400 skill = x40 duration
2400-4800 skill = x80 duration
4800+ skill  = x160 duration

(0) Ysmir: 

-perk unlocked once you've been recognized as Ysmir by the Greybeards.
-You've meditated long on the Dragon of the North....you are now Ysmir!
-Dragon Shouts are 3x stronger (stacks with other Talos Perks)!
-You gain a +15% Learning Rate bonus for ALL combat skills (includes Light Armor, but NOT Smithing).

(0) Paladin of Talos: 

-To unlock Perk, must have completed the quests 'Return to Grace', 'Elisif's Tribute', + you have NOT completed 'Search and Seizure'!  The Standard Divine Lawful Good list + amulet/blessing also applies here (see below)!
-Talos Blessings now give you a 65% Shout Cooldown reduction!
-You gain a +20% Learning Rate Bonus for all Combat skills (includes Light Armor, but NOT smithing)
-you gain 20% Damage Reduction from all Elves (includes Falmer, Orcs and Snow Elves)!
-you can manifest a Holy Aura (Lesser Power) that inspires friendly actors (who qualify) within 100' of the PC!  Actors gain +30 to stamina/health/staminaratemult and combat skills (1H/2H/Marksman) for 10 minutes.
*Player Character, enemies, undead, raised dead, summoned creatures, Daedra, Automatons, Werebeasts (in beast form), actors wearing Daedric gear and Elves (of any kind) do NOT benefit from your Paladin of Talos Holy aura!
**Units that DO NOT qualify for your Paladin aura benefits, but are friendly, will still bask in your holy aura (they'll be lit up).  However, your aura won't enhance them!
***Your Holy Aura doesn't require you wear your Talos Amulet.

Alchemy Perk Tree:

(20) Alchemist 2: 

-Your crafted potions are 40% Stronger.  Their duration is also increased by 2x. 

(40) Alchemist 3: 

-Your crafted potions are 60% Stronger.  Their duration is also increased by 3x. 

(60) Alchemist 4: 

-Your crafted potions are 80% Stronger.  Their duration is also increased by 4x. 

(80) Alchemist 5: 

-Your crafted potions are 100% Stronger.  Their duration is also increased by 5x. 

(50) Savage Constitution: 

-You've gained deep knowledge on human health/constitution from 'testing' wild ingredients and studying alchemy.  By regularly adding Constitution boosting ingredients to your diet, you've gained  +30 to health, stamina, poison resistance and disease resistance. 

Alteration Perk Tree:

Spatial Storage Concept: 

-Now, each 'mastery' perk (novice/apprentice/adept/expert/master) gives +10 to your carry capacity.  The idea is that Skyrim's 'spatial storage' system would likely be related to the Alteration School of magic....and as your skill grows, your control of your spatial storage would likewise increase.

(30/50/70) Mage Armor: 

-Each Perk now also adds to the duration of 'flesh armor' type spells...so with all 3 Perks, the basic spell itself would last 1 minutes, the MageArmor1's addition would last 2 minutes, the MageArmor2's addition would last 3 minutes and the MageArmor3's addition would last 4 minutes.  This results in the FleshArmor spell's overall effectiveness tapering off over a 4 minute duration!

(30/50/70) Magic Resistance: 

-The 3 Magic Resistance Perks now give +15%/30%/45% Magic Resistance....BUT only work while a 'Flesh' Armor type (or Dragonhide) spell is in effect.


1-Faith Based spells cost no magicka!
2-To gain + 'recharge' divine spells, you must pray at the Divine Shrine that you've invested Perk points into (in the Skill Tree)
*you do NOT require the amulet being worn to gain/recharge Divine spells!
**'Holy Light' spells can be turned off/on by removing/equipping your Divine Amulet (for those who like sneaking).
3-Shrine Blessings for Paladins now last 10 Years (default blessing and spells/abilities remain at 8 hours).
*I decided to make Paladin blessings semi-permanent due to your strong faith!
4-To gain (and keep) the benefits of Divine Blessings/Cure, you must be blessed + wear the matching Divine Amulet (and not be evil)!
6-Divine Amulets no longer have any enchantments...the power comes from wearing the Amulet + praying at the matching Altar.
*you can not enchant these Divine Amulets since that would profane them = make them useless!
*Kyne's token can be used as a Divine Amulet, but still retains the enchantment described above.
*Mara's marriage ring no longer has any enchantment, and you are able to now enchant it.
*Shrine Blessings are stronger, to make up for the loss of 'divine enchantment' that Amulets used to have.
7-Spells are cast from the 'Power's section of the interface, grouped under 'Faith - *' to better sort them.
*Paladin blessing spells recharge every 24 hours (like Powers) if you can't get to a Shrine to renew them!
8-Perks that enhance spell effects (Respite, Necromage, Regeneration, Augmented Flames, and so on) also work on Divine Spells.
9-All Divines have a unique Perk Tree.
10-Paladin of the Nine Divines (includes Talos) allows you to simultaneously gain ALL Paladin blessings/abilities + a generic 20% Damage Protection from EVERYTHING!  Additionally, you STILL gain Paladin level blessing/protection for whichever Divine's blessing+amulet you choose to use.
*this super blessing doesn't show up in the menu active effects (for reasons), but the buffs are still applied to the PC.
**to gain 'Paladin of the Nine Divines', you must have ALL Paladin Perks (costs 44 perks all together) and pray at any Divine shrine while wearing the matching Amulet....of course, you must still be Lawful Good.

AKATOSH: "Serve and obey your Emperor.  Study the Covenants.  Worship the Nine, do your duty, and heed the commands of the saints and priests."

-Akatosh Altar Blessing (requires Amulet): 

-Standard Shrine Blessing grants +35 to Magicka Regen Rate for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Akatosh Shrine Blessing grants +70 to Magicka Regen Rate for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path and provides 5% FrostResistance.
Spell = Slow Time Lvl1 for 8 seconds.
Ability = You gain a +25% Learning Rate bonus in Alteration. *must wear the amulet! 

-Priest Perk Grants: 

Spell = Additional Holy Light for 15 minutes.
Spell = Slow Time Lvl2 for 12 seconds.
Ability = you gain a +50% Learning Rate bonus in Alteration. *must wear the amulet!

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = Additioanl Holy Light for 15 minutes.
-Spell = Slow Time Lvl3 for 16 seconds.
-Ability = you gain a +75% Learning Rate bonus in Alteration. *must wear the amulet!

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = Dragonskin for 30 seconds (80% damage reduction vs physical attacks).
-Ability = you gain a +100% Learning Rate bonus in Alteration. *must wear the amulet! 

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of the Paladin Perk, you must be Lawful Good + collect at least 5 Dragon Souls + be blessed! 

-Spell = Holy Aura (Call to Arms) Lesser Power to inspire allies.
-Ability = Dragon Shout effect durations are 3x longer! *must wear the amulet!
-Ability = 20% Protection from Dragons. *must wear the amulet!
-Ability =  Ethereal Daily Power!  Once per day, you can shift into the Ethereal Plane for 18 seconds! *must wear the amulet!

ARKAY: "Honor the earth, its creatures, and the spirits, living and dead.  Guard and tend the bounties of the mortal world, and do not profane the spirits of the dead."
*Arkay's Anti-Undead effects are 3x more powerful than the equivalent vanilla spells!

-Arkay Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Arkay Shrine Blessing grants +35 Health for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Arkay Shrine Blessing grants +70 Health for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

Spell = Arkay's Holy Light 15 minutes. A harsh light that helps guide you on your path AND provides 5% protection from undead!
Ability = Your 'Turn Undead' type spells are 25% more effective.
Ability = You gain a +25% Learning Rate bonus in Restoration. 

-Priest Perk Grants: 

Ability = Your 'Turn Undead' type spells cost 25% LESS magicka.
Ability = you gain a +50% Learning Rate bonus in Restoration.

-Devout Perk Grants:

-Ability = Your 'Turn Undead' type spells last have 2x the duration.
-Ability = you gain a +75% Learning Rate bonus in Restoration.

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Ability = Your 'Bane of the Undead' spell is 1.5x more powerful (and will stack with Acolyte/Priest/Devout perks).
-Ability = you gain a +100% Learning Rate bonus in Restoration.
-Ability = you gain a +40% damage bonus versus Undead while they are under the effect of 'Turn Undead' (works great with the increased Turn Undead potential of Akray's spells!).

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of the Paladin Perk, you must return Andur's Amulet of Arkay in Whiterun, complete Alessandra's Arkay dagger delivery quest, and complete the 'Taste of Death' questline with the entire Namira Coven wiped out + saving the Priest of Arkay!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed at Arkay's Altar AND wearing Arkay's Amulet all still apply!

-Ability = you gain an additional 25% damage bonus versus Undead while they are under the effect of 'Turn Undead'. 
-Ability = Protection from Undead.  You take 20% less damage from Undead.
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call To Arms' is added.

DIBELLA: "Come to me, Dibella, for without you, my words must lie dull and leaden without the gilding of grace and sagacity to enchant the reader's ear and eye."

-Dibella Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Dibella Shrine Blessing grants +25 Speechcraft for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Dibella Shrine Blessing grants +45 Speechcraft for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path and provides 5% FrostResistance.
Spell = 'Beguiling Beauty' power grants +20 to Barter and Persuade for 5 minutes.
Ability = Bribes now cost you 25% LESS. 
Ability = You gain a +12% Learning Rate bonus for Speechcraft AND Illusion skills.

-Priest Perk Grants: 

Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
Ability = 'Charm/Pacify' type spells cost you 25% LESS magicka.  *works with Mysticism 'command' type illusion spells.
Ability = you gain a +24% Learning Rate bonus for Speechcraft AND Illusion skills.

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = 'Charm/Pacify' type spells are 25% more effective. *works with Mysticism 'command' type illusion spells.
-Ability = you gain a +36% Learning Rate bonus for Speechcraft AND Illusion skills.

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = 'Charm/Pacify' type spells now cost 50% LESS magicka. *works with Mysticism 'command' type illusion spells.
-Ability = you gain a +48% Learning Rate bonus for Speechcraft AND Illusion skills.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of the Paladin Perk, you must complete 'The Heart of Dibella' quest!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed at Dibella's Altar AND wearing her Divine Amulet all still apply! 

-Ability = 20% Protection from Troll, Hagraven and Forsworn Factions.
-Ability = Charm/Pacify type spells are an ADDITIONAL 25% more effective.  *works with Mysticism 'command' type spells.
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call to Arms'.

JULIANOS: "Know the truth. Observe the law. When in doubt, seek wisdom from the wise."

-Julianos Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Julianos Shrine Blessing grants +35 Magicka for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Julianos Shrine Blessing grants +70 Magicka for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path and grants +5% FrostResistance.
Ability = Your Wards absorb 25% of the magicka of hostile spells (stacks with Restoration Ward Absorb Perk).
Ability = You gain a +4% Learning Rate bonus for all Magic skills.

-Priest Perk Grants: 

Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
Ability = All spells cost 10% LESS.
Ability = you gain a +8% Learning Rate bonus for all Magic skills.

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = All spells/effects are 10% stronger.
-Ability = you gain a +12% Learning Rate bonus for all Magic skills

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = and additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = All spells/effects/abilities/potions last 10% longer.
-Ability = you gain a +16% Learning Rate bonus for all Magic skills.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of the Paladin Perk, you must have joined the College of Winterhold + have at least 50 skill in each Magic Skill!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed AND wearing Julianos' Divine Amulet all still apply!

-Ability = 20% Protection from Bandits.
-Ability = +100 to Magicka Regen Rate.
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call to Arms'.

KYNARETH/KYNE: "Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power, and fear her fury."
*you can wear Kyne's Token in place of an Amulet of Kynareth, if you wish!

-Kynareth Altar Blessing (requires Amulet):

-Standard Kynareth Shrine Blessing grants +35 Stamina for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Kynareth Shrine Blessing grants +70 Stamina for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants:

Spell = Kynareth's Holy Light for 15 minutes. This bright light also grants +5% protection from ShockDamage and Animals.
Spell = Kynareth Peace 1 minute.  Animals up to 75 feet are calmed for 60 seconds + are marked with a detect life effect.
Ability = You gain a +12% Learning Rate bonus for Destruction and Light Armor skills.

-Priest Perk Grants:

Spell = Elemental Fury 1 minute.  Your (non enchanted) melee weapons gain a 30% speed increase AND +10 damage!
Spell = Disarming Gust.  Wind Spirits tear the weapons from enemy hands IF they were in mid attack.
*Example:  if an enemy was drawing a bow on you (or swining a melee weapon), their weapons would be torn from their hands!
Ability = you gain a +24% Learning Rate bonus for Destruction and Light Armor skills.

-Devout Perk Grants:

-Spell = Battle Fury.  Nearby Allies gain +30% melee weapon speed (non enchanted weapons) AND +10 damage for 1 minute.
-Spell = Animal Alligiance.  Animals up to 75 feet away become allies for 60 seconds.
-Ability = you gain a +36% Learning Rate bonus for Destruction and Light Armor skills.

-Cleric Perk Grants:

-Spell = Whirlwind Cloak 1 minute.  You are cloaked in a whirlwind, potentially throwing nearby enemies flying!
-Spell = Cyclone.  You project a Cyclone directly ahead of you, potentially throwing enemies flying + damaging them!
-Ability = you gain a +48% Learning Rate bonus for Destruction and Light Armor skills.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of the Paladin Perk, you must complete the good ending for the 'Blessing of Nature' quest (return a sappling to Danica) AND must complete the 'Kyne's Sacred Trials' quest!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed at Kynareth's Altar AND wearing Kynareth's Divine Amulet (or Kyne's Amulet) all still apply!

-Spell = Clear Skies.  Can help you survive cold rains and freezing blizzards!
-Spell = Call Storm.  Can call a mild lightning storm to strike foes....but be very careful of nearby innocents!  Thoughtlessly killing others will cause the Divines to frown on you!
-Ability = 20% Protection from Creature Faction and Hagraven Faction (which includes witches).
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call to Arms'.

MARA: "Come to me, Mara, for without you, I might forget the ways of our fathers, and preening by the light of latest fashion, my words might tremble like the thin reeds of novelty in the tempest of enthusiasms ."
*you can wear Mara's Amulet AND/OR The Ring of Matrimony as a talisman of Mara!
**Once your a Paladin of Mara, wearing BOTH the amulet AND Ring provides a 'super enhanced blessing'.

-Mara Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Mara Shrine Blessing grants +20 Fortify Restoration for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Mara Shrine Blessing grants +40 Fortify Restoration for 10 Years + Cure Disease
-Paladin of Mara Shrine Blessing (with both Ring & Amulet) grants +60 Fortify Restoration for 10 Years + Cure Disease. 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

-Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path, while also providing +5% FrostResistance.
-Ability = 'Healing' type spells are 15% more effective.
-Power = Cure Disease (and other ailements).  Cures all diseased within 15'.  Works like Vigilant of Stendarr's power.
-Ability = You gain a +25% Learning Rate bonus for the Restoration skill.

-Priest Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = all Ward spells are 20% more effective.
-Ability = you gain a +50% Learning Rate bonus for the Restoration skill.

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = all 'Calm/Pacify' type spells are 25% more effective.
-Ability = you gain a +75% Learning Rate bonus for the Restoration skill.

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = Healing/Ward/Calm(type) spells all cost 25% LESS magicka to cast.
-Ability = you gain a +100% Learning Rate bonus for the Restoration skill.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of Mara's Paladin Perk, you must have completed 'The Book of Love', 'Spread the Love' (both quests given by Dinya Balu) AND 'Waking Nightmare'!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed AND wearing her Divine Amulet all still apply!

-Ability = 20% Physical Protection from everything!
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call to Arms'.

STENDARR: "Come to me, Stendarr, for without you, I might be deaf to the manswarm murmurings of thy people, and forgetting their need for comfort and wisdom, I might indulge myself in vain scribblings. ."
*Paladins of Stendarr (while blessed) gain a unique ZERO magicka 'Lesser Power' version of the 'Stendarr's Aura' spell that doesn't require a free hand to activate.
**BOTH the vanilla spell 'Stendarr's Aura' AND the Paladin Lesser Power version gain the following bonuses IF you additionally are wearing your Stendarr Amulet while blessed!  The Lesser Power + Spell is 2x as powerful, and lasts 2x as long!
***Stendarr divine spells do NOT benefit from Restoration Perks/Potions (the power originates from Stendarr, not you)!  However, the Restoration Stendarr's Aura spell DOES benefit from Restoration Perks/Potions!

-Stendarr's Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Shrine Blessing grants +25 Fortify Block for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Shrine Blessing grants +50 Fortify Block for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

-Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path.  Also grants +5% FrostResistance.
-Spell = Detect Evil.  Detects Daedra tainted creatures up to 100' for 15 seconds.
-Power = Cure Disease (and other ailements).  Cures all diseased within 15'.  Works like Vigilant of Stendarr's power.
-Ability = You gain a +12% Learning Rate bonus for both Block & Restoration skills.

-Priest Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Spell = an additional Detect Evil spell.
-Ability =  You gain a +24% Learning Rate bonus for both Block & Restoration skills.

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = Heal Other (Lay on Hands). *Increases in potency as you level up!
-Power = Close Wounds (self). *Increases in potency as you level up!
-Ability = you gain a +36% Learning Rate bonus for both Block & Restoration skills.

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Spell = Turn the Unholy.  Daedric tainted beings within 80' are turned for 60 seconds. *Increases in potency as you level up!
-Ability = you gain a +48% Learning Rate bonus for both Block & Restoration skills.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of Stendarr's Paladin Perk, you must have completed 'Stop Braith from bullying Lars' AND killed the sadistic Grelod the 'kind' AND 'Destroy the Dark Brotherhood' quests
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed AND wearing his Divine Amulet all still apply!

-Ability = 20% Protection from Daedric Tainted creatures (Vampires, Vampire Thralls, Daedra/Dremora, Atronachs, HagravenFaction and Werewolves)!
-Ability = A unique Stendarr's Aura lesser power is voice activated!  It doesn't benefit from Restoration Perks/Potions!
-Power = Holy Smite.  For 5 seconds, your next power attack will convert do 'Current Magicka x10' additional damage against Daedra tainted creatures!
*this will completely drain your magicka
**NOT wearing Stendarr's Amulet + attempting a Holy Smite will simply waste your Magicka!
***Daedra tainted creatures are Vampires/Vampire-Thralls/Atronachs/Daedra/Dremora/Werewolves/Werebeasts/HagravenFaction/Witches!
-Ability BONUS = The Restoration spell 'Stendarr's Aura' now can benefit from both Restoration Perks/Potions, AND Stendarr Paladin Blessing/Amulet!  This is an extra reward for players who combine Stendarr's Paladin powers with mastery of Restoration magics!
****the ZERO magicka cost Stendarr's Aura Lesser Power allows you to do a 'no restoration magic' playthrough and still be a Paladin of Stendarr!
*****the Stendarr Aura Lesser Power ALSO gains x2 power/duration/range while you are wearing your amulet!

ZENITHAR: "Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy."
*Paladins of Zenithar gain enhanced crafting skill!

-Zenithar's Altar Blessing (requires Amulet)

-Standard Shrine Blessing grants +25 Fortify Barter for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Paladin Shrine Blessing grants +50 Fortify Barter for 10 Years + Cure Disease 

-Acolyte Perk Grants: 

Spell = Holy Light 15 minutes. A warm light that helps guide you on your path.  Also grants +5% FrostResistance.
Ability = +30% Alchemy Effectiveness boost.
Ability = You gain a +8% Learning Rate bonus for Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing skills.

-Priest Perk Grants: 

Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
Ability = +30% Tempering Effectiveness boost.
Ability =  You gain a +16% Learning Rate bonus for both Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing skills.

-Devout Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = +30% Enchantment Power boost.
-Ability = you gain a +24% Learning Rate bonus for Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing skills.

-Cleric Perk Grants: 

-Spell = an additional Holy Light spell.
-Ability = +70% to ALL Crafting Effectiveness (replaces the bonuses from Acolyte/Priest/Devout Perks).
-Ability = you gain a +32% Learning Rate bonus for Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing skills.

Paladin Perk Grants:
*To gain the benefits of Zenithar's Paladin Perk, you must have made at least 100 potions, 100 weapons, 100 armors and 100 enchanted items.
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good, being blessed AND wearing his Divine Amulet all still apply!

-Ability = 20% Protection from Bandits!
-Ability = Lesser Power 'Call to Arms'.
-Ability = +20 to Tempering/Alchemy/Enchanting strength (stacks with Cleric Perk)!

*You gain this AUTOMATICALLY once you have ALL Divine Paladin Perks!
**the standard requirements of being Lawful Good still apply.
***simply activate by praying at ANY Divine Shrine + wearing matching Amulet = you have the Nine Divines Blessing for 10 Years!


-you gain a 20% damage protection VS EVERYTHING (that is over and above the specific protection granted by whichever blessing/amulet you are using).
-for 10 Years, you gain the Paladin level blessing of each Divine (stacks with specific enhancement granted by whichever blessing/amulet you are using).
*+70Magicka, +70Health, +45Persuasion, +70MagickaRegen, +70Stamina, +40FortifyRestoration, +50Block, 65%ReducedShoutCooldown, +50Barter!

*Both the regular AND enhanced blessing grant Auriel's Bow a +20% Critical Hit Chance and 3x Critical Hit Damage

-Standard Shrine Blessing grants +10 Fortify Marksmanship for 8 hours + Cure Disease
-Enhanced Shrine Blessing grants +100 Fortify Marksmanship for 10 YEARS + Cure Disease
*Enhanced blessing requires that Auriel's Bow be equipped AT TIME OF BLESSING!

LAWFUL GOOD REQUIREMENTS!  To use Divine Shrines/Spells/Effects/Perks, you must follow these rules!

-Items Stolen is 5 or less  *Talos is a little easier on this one, for Talos it is 10 Stolen Items or less
-Zero Murders
-Do not kill any captives for Astrid (DB02)
-Do not complete any 'work' for Bynjolf (TG00)
-Do not kill any allies/friends for Boethiah + don't murder Boethiah's cultists (DA02)
-Do not reunite (or kill) Barbas with Clavicus Vile (DA03)
-Do not kill Sinding for Hircine...(DA05)
-Do not kill Silus for Mehrunes Dagon (DA07)
-Do not remove Ebony Blade from its prison (DA08)
-Do not torture Logrolf for Molag Bal's amusement (DA10)
-If you choose to risk Verulus' life by leading him to the Shrine of Namira, you must save him (DA11)
-You must let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption (DA16)
-Do not turn Azura's Star into an Infinite Black Soul Gem with Nelacar (DA01)
-Cannot equip any Daedric Artifact/Material  *you can take it off and put it back on....but Divine spells/effects will be correspondingly activated/deactivated!
-Cannot be a Vampire
-Cannot have Werewolf taint

DAEDRIC BLESSINGS (temple on Solstheim):

1-Azura, Boethiah and Mephala's blessings are enhanced if you've completed their quests!
2-While these Daedric Princes won't reject you for 'bad' behavior (like the Divines), Azura will still refuse to bless you if you've desecrated her Azura's Star artifact!

Azura's Blessing (Champion Blessing requires you to restore her Azura's Star artifact):
-Standard Azura Shrine Blessing grants +10 Magic Resistance for 8 hours + Cure Disease.
-Champion of Azura Shrine Blessing grants +25 Magic Resistance, +10% Learning Rates for all magic skills, and a Twilight illumination Lesser Power for 10 Years, + Cure Disease.

Boethia's Blessing (Champion Blessing requires you to slay her prior Champion):
-Standard Boethia Shrine Blessing grants +10% One Handed Damage for 8 hours + Cure Disease.
-Champion of Boethia Shrine Blessing grants +10% One Handed Damage, +10% Learning Rates for OneHanded/Sneak/Speechcraft/LightArmor/Heavyarmor/TwoHanded skills, and a 2x damage bonus for sneak attacks with daggers for 10 Years, + Cure Disease.

Mephala's Blessing (must free and completely power up the Ebony Blade):
-Standard Mephala Shrine Blessing grants +10 Speechcraft for 8 hours + Cure Disease.
-Champion of Mephala's Shrine Blessing grants +35 Speechcraft, +10% physical damage bonus, +10% Learning Rates for OneHanded/Sneak/Speechcraft/Illusion/Alchemy/TwoHanded for 10 Years, + Cure Disease.

Nocturnal's Blessing (must return the Skeleton Key for the shrine to even appear in the Ragged Flagon):
-Nocturnal's Shrine Blessing grants +35 Sneak for 10 Years, and Cure Disease.
*There is no standard blessing for Nocturnal's shrine, since you are required to be her Champion (return key) to gain access to her blessing in the first place!


-install Spell Perk Item Distributor (I recommend installing with a mod manager).
-install the Address Library for SKSE Plugins (for Spell Perk Item Distributor).  Again, I recommend using a mod manager.
-use your mod manager to install this mod as normal, or manually drop the .esp + _DISTR.ini files into the Data folder.
-Load this mod near the bottom of your load order!
*If you load a mod that modifies Perks AFTER my mod, my mod's Perks will be overwritten....however, my NPC Perks will still be implemented!


-uninstall the mod, load your save game, save the game, exit game, install updated version of mod.  Done!


-for those of you role-playing a Cleric/Paladin, you might want to also use my 'Holy Weapons' mod that makes the TurnUndead enchant more useful.
-something you guys might want to use is NPC limited ammo for crossbows/bows.  In Skyrim.ini, under 'Combat', add 'bForceNPCsUseAmmo=0'
-SOMETIMES, you might accidentally kill someone (ingame, of course)....which the game might count as murder (even though it was an accident).  Use 'Player.modpcmiscstat murders -1' command to enable you to continue using Divine Perks/Effects/Spells!
-SOMETIMES, you might accidentally pick up something you shouldn't = stolen items count increases.  To not be punished for game engine kludgy controls, use 'Player.ModPCMiscStat "Items Stolen" -#' to fix the mistake.
-I suggest using 'Vigor - Enhanced Combat'.
-I suggest using my 'No Stacking Enchantments' for a bit of realism when it comes to enchantments/potions.
-I suggest using my 'Injuries' mod, if you like the idea of NPCs/Actors/PC being able to inflict/receive injuries.
-I suggest using my 'realistic swimming' mod if you like the challenge of not being able to swim 20mph while carrying 500lbs!
-.....I guess I might as well suggest my 'Realistic Skooma', 'Longer Lasting Bodies' and 'SSE Standing Stones Overhaul' as well...


**The Player Record can be considered a 'dirty edit' that occurs each time I test a new update.  If it is causing trouble for you, load my mod higher OR use SEEdit to remove the dirty edit.

***This mod won't be compatible with any other mod that alters the Perk Trees (the ones I modify). Same goes any mod that modifies Divine Altar Blessings (spells) and Alteration 'Flesh' Armor spells!
It won't crash your game, but some features of my mod might be disabled if loaded before another mod that changes the same files.

***RARE bug = using multiple combat mods that alter damage MIGHT result in higher damage than expected.  To avoid this situation, do the following:
1-Start game and load your save file normally from the Main Menu
2-once your game is loaded and running, reload any saved file (either from menu or quickload).  Play/save/load normally from here onwards.
*the initial load from the main menu on startup seems to sometimes result in damage multiplication due to other combat mods....but once the game is running, loading any saves will undo this extra damage effect.  You have to do this 'double load' each time you start the game though....which is really no big