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About this mod

Craft your own furniture, containers and crafting benches, create your own spell scrolls, build a camp or a house wherever you want, tailor your clothes, decorate your place.

Permissions and credits
Craft your own furniture, containers and crafting benches, create your own spell scrolls,
build a camp or a house wherever you want, tailor your clothes, decorate your place.


This is not my mod, it is a creation of Semtex, whom I tried to reach about a permission to release my revision. Since the current SE port is not working without tweaking - and I was unable to get any answer from Semtex - I am publishing this with full credits and acknowledging that Semtex has all the right to put my revision down. 

Most of my changes have one goal in mind: to streamline and simplify the entire experience for the players who don't wish to abandon adventuring in favour of cutting some wood and making furniture. A lot of effort was put into de-cluttering the crafting menus. Several "sub-features" have been introduced, gazillion of recipes have been simplified, chopping trees was made easier.

The Original Mod For SE (not working without some tinkering)

The Original Mod For LE (Working)

You DO NOT NEED the original mod for this mod to function.


Unpack the download. Place the folder into your Skyrim directory (where Skyrim.exe is located). Override if asked.
Upon starting a game with the mod first intalled, a cheat container will open. This is a testing feature, which will be removed in a future update. You can safely ignore it. All the items should be available in the world in one way or another.



  • You can create an Iron Woodcutter's Axe at any forge or anvil, you will need a vanilla Woodcutter's Axe as an "ingredient". With this new weapon in your hands, you can approach any tree in Skyrim and cut it down. 
  • Different trees take different number of hits to be cut down. Once the tree is cut and on the ground, you have to disbranch it by hitting it a few more times. You get logs and branches out of this process, which are used to create your own placeable furniture and some other objects.
  • There are various types of Woodcutter's Axes, which can cut and disbranch at a faster rate. The best is the Heavy Steel Woodcutter's Axe.
  • Similar mechanics is used to dismantle some other objects. Hay Bales and Hay Mounds can be dismantled in this fashion to get a lot of Heartfire straw, except it uses a Pitchfork instead of axe.

Beli's changes:
Reduced the "cutting health" of most of the trees, so that the cutting and disbranching process doesn't take a whole day. It should now be possible to cut down an entire grove in a matter of minutes.


  • at any forge, anvil or tanning rack, you can create a Sawhorse. Once you place it somewhere, you can use it to craft a Woodwork Bench, which you should also place in the world. From that you can create plethora of useful and nice things: furniture of all types, chests, barrels, other crafting stations (including enchanting tables and staff enchanters). 
  • Once you obtain the building plan notes and a building site (both craftable at a scriptorium, see below), you will also use Woodwork workbench to create house parts.

Beli's changes: 
Plenty of recipes have been revised and simplified. The original were so time consuming, that it could change the game into Minecraft. I like Minecraft, just not in Skyrim.
Also, originally there were several tiers of Woodcraft benches, meaning that you had to create better benches to get access to better furniture and most useful things. Now every woodcraft recipe is available at any Woodwork Bench. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Manipulating objects with Jazonz Positioner is not 100% reliable in its SE port. Sometimes, repeated activations may be necessary. I, personally, have not encountered problems more severe than that, but heard it might get worse. Comment on this mod page if you are having trouble. 


  • New recipes are available at a Forge and Smelter. You can, for example, create Dwemer furniture (with Dwemer smithing), safes, strongboxes, portable shrines, chandeliers etc. 
  • Smelting ore into ingots required coal.

Beli's changes:
All new forge recipes now require a tool, a Craftsman's Hammer (craftable at Forge/Anvil) to show up in the menu. This was done to unclutter the menus.
I also removed Smithing skill/perk requirements from most objects, because I didn't want people to be forced into perking a skill if they are only trying to decorate their house, which has limited influence on PC's power.
The coal requirement was also removed from ore smelting, unless you want to mass-smelt (which is also an original Semtex's feature), like in the batches of 50 or something like that. These batch recipes will still require some coal, albeit less than in the original mod. Recipes for metal furniture were also simplified, so they need fewer ingredients and are therefore less grindy.


  • You can use a Smelter or an Oven to craft various vases, urns, plates, cups and other decorative objects. Well, urns are actually containers, very nice if you want to furnish your house in a Nordic ruin fashion. They require pottery clay, which you can craft from the vanilla clay at a Woodwork Bench, and some other items depending on a recipe.

Beli's changes:

Some recipes were simplified. You now need to have at least one bit of pottery clay for the pottery recipes to be visible. This was done, again, to de-clutter the menus. 


  • With Tailor's Scissors or a Tanner's Knife, you can dismantle any piece of clothing in the vanilla game into cloth. The crafting station for this is Tanning Rack. Cloth can be dyed at a Cooking Pot and brought back to a Tanning Rack to craft rugs. 

Beli's changes:

The cloth dyeing recipes now need you to have at least one piece of cloth in your inventory. De-cluttering again. 
You can now also use cloth to craft nearly every bit of clothing in the game, including Dragonborn and Dawnguard objects (like Moth Priest Robes) and un-enchanted, enchantable versions of things like Archmage Robes and Dark Brotherhood robes.
Some of these items may require you to first complete an appropriate quest. These recipes also require scissors or Tanner's Knife to show up.


  • My favourite feature of the original. Allows you to copy any book in the vanilla game, as well as any spell scroll. Both things require you to have a quill and they always use ink and paper as ingredients, and - of course - you need the object you want to copy to be in your inventory too.
  • Scrolls require magic ink and soul gems. Books can be copied at any Scriptorium (new crafting station), but the scrolls used to be craftable only at Magic Scriptoria.

Beli's changes:
The division of Scriptoria into mundane and magic ones no longer exists. All scribing, magic or otherwise, can now be done at any Scriptorium in the world. Some scroll recipes now require less ingredients or lower tier soul gems.
Alternative recipes for ink and magic ink were introduced as they required ingredients that may not always be easy to find (depending on where in Skyrim you like to hang out most often). 
You can now also craft spell scrolls "from memory", meaning you can craft a scroll for every vanilla spell you've learned. Spells that didn't have scroll versions in the vanilla game, now have them. IIRC, Stendarr's Aura was one of them, Conjure Wrathman was another. This officially makes The Woodcutter a scroll crafting mod, and a pretty good one at that.

Other Beli's changes include: correcting typos in the object's names, correcting the books required for tent crafting and building, moving recipes from one bench to another, renaming some objects for more clarity, placing some more Woodcutter workbenches for you to find in the world. Many little things.


This feature was untouched and works exactly as in the original:

  • Craft the building notes and a building site at a Scriptorium.
  • Place the Site somewhere in the world
  • Craft building parts at a Woodwork Bench (visible only if you have the notes in your inventory).
  • Bring the parts to the site in an order indicated in your notes


  • There is now a shop in Rorikstead called Tools and Trades. You can buy the tools required for the various crafts of the mod there. The shop also offers some basic furniture, logs and planks, a bit of cloth and basically anything you might need to get started with the mod. It isn't too cheaty, I don't think, the merchant's inventory was setup in such way, that you can't just buy your way out of the grind completely. The shop is fully navmeshed and nicely decorated. The vendor fellow has a daily routine and locks and opens his doors as he should. I am very proud of him. 
  • An in-game guide to the mod named "The Self-Made Men" which you can buy at Tools and Trades.
  • Campfire and Frostfall integration (separate download): a patch for Campfire or Campfire and Frostfall. Campfire's Survival Crafting can be used to make an Iron Woodcutter's Axe, as well as to convert Woodcutter branches into Campfire fuel. The Campfire crafting menu (the one at the actual campfire) can be used to convert some smaller Woodcutter logs into firewood, to keep those roaring fires going. 
  • Frostfall Spell Scrolls and Spell Tomes can now be duplicated and crafted at a scriptorium.
  • Alternate Start - Live Another Life integration (separate download): adds a basement to Shoal's Rest Farm (Property owner starting option). There, you can find a toolbox with most tools required to start crafting, as well as a Sawhorse, a Woodwork Bench and a Smelter. There is some space left for you to furnish to your heart's content.
  • Scroll Crafting (as mentioned above)
  • Tailoring Clothes (as mentioned above)


  • The tree cutting script may sometimes lag. You may not be able to see the "marked for cut" tooltip, or the "x% disbranching done" tooltip. It's nothing major. Try changing the angle or moving around the trunk a little. It usually fixes itself after a few seconds max.
  • The crafting menus can get rather crowded. Yes. I know. I took great care to de-clutter the vanilla menus, but as for the new ones, there kind of is no other way, unless we want to introduce like a dozen tools.
  • Jaxonz Positioner has its problems in SE. If you can't activate an object you wish to manipulate, just keep pressing Num Enter, try to select the object in the console. Usually it works eventually. Activators should all work without issues.
  • One or two newly craftable clothing items may not have the correct inventory appearance. This is due to them not being intended as playable objects in the base game. I will see how to correct those items.

This mod is still officially in beta, although it seems to be perfectly playable. Report the bugs/inconsistencies/annoyances. Just post here, in the "posts" section, or in the bugs section. I will try to respond to constructive and preferably detailed criticisms and feedback. 


- Enhanced Vanilla Trees may conflict, as well as anything that replaces vanilla trees with new objects.
- Anything that substantially changes Rorikstead 03 cell (Behind Frostfruit inn) will overlap with the Tool Shop.
- TES5Edit shown some very minor conflicts with USSEP, but, since the mod requires USSEP now, they are mostly resolved in favor of USSEP in the current version. Should not cause you any trouble.


- SkyUI - to access Jaxonz Positioner MCM. I guess most of the mod could work without it, but better not to try.

Jaxonz Positioner (Ported) is already included in the main download. You need it for object manipulation. You do not need to download it separately. 


- What I will almost certainly do:

- Finish the Semtex's "Witchcraft" feature, which at the moment is incomplete.
- Integration for Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim and Elemental Destruction. Spell Scrolls and Tomes from both mods should be craftable at a Scriptorium.
- One more shop, possibly in Solitude, selling some high class furniture, crafting benches and shrines.

- What I will do if I learn how and/or have enough energy left:

- Remove the USSEP dependency. It is a severe mistake of mine which would now take quite a lot of effort to undo.
- Integration of Liam’s Staffs of Skyrim and possibly some other staff mods into the vanilla Staff Enchanter or a new workbench.
- Writing your memoirs at a scriptorium. Memoirs would be spell tomes granting abilities depending on completed quests. Their price would increase with player’s speech skill.

- What I might do if someone is kind enough to form a modding team of two with me, or if I have A LOT of determination:

- Revamp the entire building system, or replace it with something more akin to Pocket Empire Builder or Tundra Defence.


- Semtex for the original mod.
- My small but adorable YT audience for keeping me motivated.