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Disease that progresses to give you powerful magical abilities, and moderately increased physical ones.

Permissions and credits
This is a disease that will make the player undead in one week's time. This state of undeath is called Revenancy, and those afflicted called Revenants.

A short explanation to give you an idea: If Werewolves are physically offense-focused, and vampires are magically offense-focused, Revenants are a mix of physically and magically defense-focused. Almost all powers and abilities are defensive, intended for distraction, or utility.

The disease can be contracted by equipping a Mysterious Amulet found in an old ruined temple. With many specific powers and weaknesses, you should have reasonably balanced gameplay, while still feeling quite powerful.

My new Custom Race Dialogue and Quest Framework is required
The Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch is required

My mod now has all custom races for adding spells and effects, custom formlists, and adding pallor directly to the skin as well. If your mod is incompatible with mine somehow, then please message me so we can discuss solutions.
With my Custom Race Dialogue and Quest Framework, all race-specific dialogue will be spoken to your character accurately, even while you're a Revenant.
All race checks that occur in quests will also work properly, and if you're undead(ie a Revenant), you will not have to become a vampire or become partially soul-trapped to enter the Soul Cairn.

If you use a custom race already, then your race will get the abilities as usual, but the skin will receive a pallor effect via shader, which can be overridden by spells that use shaders. You will also not get the eye glow, which is unfortunate, the issue though is restoring your original eyes after curing Revenancy.

Regardless of being a custom race or vanilla, because the player gets the undead keyword, if you use Frostfall you should be immune to its cold effects.

Anything that edits vanilla books(non quest) will likely conflict since I've added scripts to them. I would like to make a compatibility patch for the more popular book editing mods in future, but it is a large undertaking.

Walking across the broken section of the bridge to the College of Winterhold, you will get a feeling that someone may have fallen off at some point. You decide to investigate...

If you used a previous version of the mod, keep that one installed for now.
Open the console and type "GetGlobalValue GameDaysPassedAsRevenant" Take note of the VALUE it gives you.
ie the value might be 11

Then type "help RevenancyAbility" and see the SPELL ID it gives you. Remove RevenancyAbility using "Player.RemoveSpell <SPELLID>"
ie the line might be something like, "Player.RemoveSpell 2e077563"

Save, then quit, remove the old version of Revenancy and Run the game again. Save once more, and quit.
Install the new version via NMM or manually, and start the game.

Give yourself RevenancyAbility again via console, and use "Set GameDaysPassedAsRevenant to<VALUE>".
ie the line might be something like, "Set GameDaysPassedAsRevenant to 6"

Then use the Meditation power to update yourself back to the same level of progress you were at before.
You'll get all the powers you should have, but you will have to wait a bit longer in order for it to continue to progress in Revenancy as normal.

There are several ways to do this now.
1) becoming a Werewolf

2) becoming a Vampire Lord

3) going to the Soul Cairn, finding the Book of Possibilities and using the Mysterious Amulet on it to summon a potential version of yourself that you must kill to be cured

4) Removing RevenancyAbility via console, doing such also restores your original race and removes all abilities and spells.


Color Key:
Lime Green - Spells/Abilities
Flush Orange - Upgraded Vanilla Spells
Cyan - Activation Functionality
Yellow - Pseudo Perks
Electric Violet - Lesser Power
Fuchsia - Daily Power
Hopbush - Items

Standalone Spell

Temporary Wraith Form: A very costly concentration spell that allows you to phase inactive and vulnerable parts of your body into a shadow dimension linked with our own. You lose the use of the casting hand until you stop casting.
You are nearly invisible while the spell is active, and all sound is muffled. Health and Stamina recover much faster as your wraith-like form absorbs magicka from the area and re-purposes it to restoring your body to peak form.
Most notably, you can still fully interact with the true world while in this form, attacking enemies or grabbing items.

Revenant Abilities

Revenancy - You will retain your regular appearance, except that you will be starkly pale, and have glowing blue eyes. You are a new race now.

​Necrostatic Tissue - your health will no longer regenerate, almost all diseases, and almost all poisons, can no longer affect you in any way.

Necrotic Repulsion - your undead body gives off an almost imperceptible, vile, miasma that subconsciously causes some people to distrust your intentions, thus damaging your effective Speechcraft level. Most of this miasma is contained within your body, and from time to time may be used to great effect upon release.
Silver Tongue - Alters the miasma to engender a facsimile of trust. Gained from using a Hermaeus Mora shrine.

Magical Vessel Dissipation - Aversion to Water - Water is a dissipator of unshielded magic and caustic to soulless beings. You take Health damage and 10x that to Magicka while swimming, or standing in dangerous water, and the longer you've been a Revenant, the more damage you'll take. Starts out small and increases slowly. Waterwalking is recommended for overwater jaunts, but is not given to you by default.
Aversion to Rain - As above even small amounts of water can harm a soulless being. This can be mitigated by headwear, or avoided by use of the Waterwalking spell.

Rigor Mortis - your cold, undead flesh is maintained by your magical blood, which has decided that a large number of your pain receptors are unnecessary. You are more resilient and more resistant to pain, thus giving you a permanent 100 point damage resistance.
Toughened Flesh - Doubles natural damage resistance. Gained from using a Hermaeus Mora shrine.

Breathless - thanks to the magic properties of your blood, and your lack of a need to breath to fuel your muscles, your stamina is greatly increased, your magical blood increases your stamina regen by a small amount. Though you will still gasp for air at times, from force of habit, you can no longer drown.

Magical Alignment - Your blood's inherent connection to magic reduces magicka costs.(-5%)

Magical Composition - The longer you are a Revenant, the more magicka your blood will be able to contain. Increases every 5 days.
1-5    : 300
6-10  : 400
11-15: 550
16-20: 750
21-25: 1000
26     : 1500

Ageusia - Your blood no longer sees the senses of smell and taste as necessary to your continued existence, and so it has done away with the maintenance of those receptors. If however you live a lifestyle that might require these, such as that of an Alchemist, it will adapt. At 30 alchemy, your full sense of taste will return, thus allowing you to discover ingredient effects(therefore compatible with vanilla Experimenter perks and Ordinator)

Captious Cavity - Cooking removes raw magical properties from food, and so mortal food and alcoholic drinks, can no longer affect you in any way.

Dark Hunger - Consuming a corpse will grant you greater health regeneration than you had in life, and heal you for a decent portion of your health.
Dark Void - After 10 days of being a revenant, your magical blood grants this perk. Consuming the living(in bleedout state, affected by Malodorous Fog, or unconscious) will heal you immediately, grant MUCH greater health regen as well as a small magicka and health fortification for about 1 hour.(stacks with Dark Hunger)

Mystical Void - Your magical blood hungers for all Magicka that comes near it, and will siphon off what it can. At all times you will absorb 10% of the Magicka from spells that hit you.

Unyielding as the Grave - Your magical blood cannot freeze or burn and imparts some of this resistance to your body, you are 40% resistant to frost and flame damage from all sources.

Revenant's Strength - A Revenant's strength is almost legendary, and as such your strength increases every 5 days until 26 days has passed.
This increases your carrying weight from 25 to 150.
Melee damage, Bow damage, One-Handed damage, and Two-Handed damage are multiplied by 1.15 to 1.4 times.
Revenant Strength: Doubles the effect of Revenant's strength, gained from using a Herma-Mora shrine to upgrade strength.

Soul Consume - A concentration spell, absorb all magicka and health from the target. If a sufficient soul gem is available, capture target's souls.

Wraith: Dominate - While an enemy has been Wraith Stunned, you can drain the magicka and Stamina from them while healing them as well, and when they have no more, it will bind them to your will. Dominate up to 100 minds, does not work on Dwarven constructs, daedra, or enemies over level 70.

Over time your body will grant you better versions of certain spells
Blistering Flames - Flames upgrade
Searing Flames - Blistering Flames upgrade
Scorching Flames - Searing Flames upgrade

Baneful Frostbite - Frostbite upgrade
Grievous Frostbite - Baneful Frostbite upgrade
Agonizing Frostbite - Grievous Frostbite upgrade

Voltaic Sparks - Sparks Upgrade
Galvanizing Sparks - Voltaic Sparks Upgrade
Convulsive Sparks - Galvanizing Sparks Upgrade

Water Protection - Waterbreathing upgrade

Revenant Powers

--Meditation - Focus your blood on progressing your abilities. Shows Revenancy progression, adds spells you are missing or replaces spells you can upgrade, and increases Magicka regen for an hour.

--Wraith Sight Toggle- Detects all beings, grants night eye, and reveals Hermaeus Mora Shrines for one minute or until canceled.

--Bolster Stamina - 12 Magicka for 8 Stamina Sprinting, 60 Magicka for 40 Stamina Power Attacking
--Bolster Stamina Greater - 8 Magicka for 8 Stamina Sprinting, 50 Magicka for 50 Stamina Power Attacking, replaces previous version.
--Bolster Stamina Superior - 4 Magicka for 8 Stamina Sprinting, 30 Magicka for 60 Stamina Power Attacking, replaces previous version.
This Alteration spell manipulates the distribution and application of your blood within your body. It lasts 2 minutes and substitutes Magicka for Stamina while sprinting, allowing you to sprint for a significant length of time. It does the same when Power Attacking, allowing the typically weak mage to keep up with the warrior, and the warrior to far outpace his peers. Upgraded every 10 days until superior.

--Magical Infusement - This risky lesser power infuses your body with vitality from the Magicka in your blood, for five minutes trading 200 magicka for 200 health. But if at the end of the effect you don't have at least the amount of health it gave you, you'll die instantly.
--Magical Infusement Greater - Trades 150 Magicka for 300 Health, gained at 10 days as Revenant, replaces previous version.
--Magical Infusement Superior - Trades 150 Magicka for 600 Health, gained at 20 days as Revenant, replaces previous version.

--Bone Armor - This lesser power magically hardens your bones and skin using a portion of your undead blood, but you will suffer a 10% speed reduction in trade due to the increase in weight and drop in blood flow.
--Bone Armor Toggle - At 15 days of being a Revenant, your adapting blood will add allow you to toggle automatically casting it during battle for free, and without the slow effect.

--Vileblood - After 5 days of being a Revenant you gain this ability. Activating it, you take 10 damage to open a free-flowing wound, allowing you to mix your magical blood with any poison when you apply it to a weapon. It takes on all the properties of the poison, but makes it more viscous and significantly increases the amount.
You get 10 additional hits with that poison, from the same application. Lasts 2.5 minutes, drains 2 magicka per second during the duration.
--Superior Vileblood - Same as above, but 20 hits, and gained after 20 days as a Revenant.

--Concentrate Miasma - Condense your miasma into a potent poison, power regenerates 6 hours after use. Gained from using a Hermaeus Mora shrine.

--Frightful Visage - Let out a terrifying roar at your enemies to get them to retreat. Does not work on the Companions or undead, or sufficiently strong enemies over level 60. Significant area of effect.(recommend you don't use this by friendly npcs)

--Wraith: Stun - Stun an enemy for 15 seconds, forcing them to their knees to gain their bearings. Dominate or just kill them.

--Wraith: Dispatch - When you are done with your dominated minds, or simply want to kill them off and get new ones, use this power to do so instantly, and with flair.

--Wraith Form Toggle - No longer is Wraith Form some useless and temporary advantage that prevents self-spell casting, experience the full benefit of the Form for as long as your magicka holds out.
Phase inactive and vulnerable parts of your body into a shadow dimension linked with our own, for two minutes. You become invisible while the power is active, and all your sound is muffled. Health and Stamina recover much faster as your wraith-like form absorbs magicka from the area and repurposes it to restoring your body to peak form.
Most notably, you can still fully interact with the true world while in this form, attacking enemies or grabbing items.
As you become a more powerful Revenant, it will cost less and less magicka to maintain.

Recovery: If you are able, consume someone still living to regain use of these powers at any time.

--Black Matter - Draw forth your magical, necrotic blood for a powerful combination of offense and defense. It is a major source and storage of your Magicka, and as such you will lose a significant chunk of your magicka reserves, and take 60 points of damage.In return the blood will form three separate, rudimentary, intelligences and fight to protect you; auto-firing powerful lightning spells at your enemies and drawing their attention, allowing you time to prepare other minions or consume flesh to recover with. 
Lasts 2 minutes.
--Wraith: Black Matter - Summon a spectral version of yourself in full Revenantic armor to defend you for 2 minutes.

--Malodorous Fog -
Release stored miasma once a day to force surrounding enemies to their knees for one minute. Attacking them may break the effect, but regardless they will be slowed 75% for 2 minutes, and drained of all Stamina. Costs 300 Magicka and 50 Health.

--Soul Devour - For 30 seconds, absorb all magicka and then health in the immediate area, but take more damage from magical attacks. Very effective against melee enemies. If a sufficient soul gem is available, capture affected souls.

Oddities of the Revenant's World

Shrines to Hermaeus Mora - Use them to get tiny pieces of Hermaeus Mora's power via your blood.

A Hunger for Knowledge - Your blood hungers for knowledge, much as Hermaeus Mora's blood does as well... books increase your stats, but only books that are for reading and don't otherwise give you anything of value. 

The Book of Possibilities - In the Soul Cairn is a small stone building with a book from Apocrypha, and some sort of rift in space. Bring your amulet to cure your Revenancy... or master it.
(fully navmeshed area)
Curing it will summon a potential version of yourself, in full armor and with nearly all your potential abilities. Killing it will cure you of Revenancy entirely.
Mastering it will summon a more powerful potential version of yourself, and killing it will give you the Wraith version of Black Matter, as well as access to the Revenant's Lair.
Weapons and armor can be found in the lair and are detailed in the Revenantic Items section.

Waterwalking Potion Ingredients - the ingredients I've added for waterwalking potions have been distributed among the merchant lists via script, so there can be no incompatibilities.
There are also a few of the harvestable plants by Riverwood and along the river that passes there to allow you to try it out quickly.(may add these to other areas)
These ingredients are Saltrice, Sugar Cane, Stoneflowers, and Trama Root.

Ability Consumption - Consume Hevnoraak's blood, Warlord Gathrik's body, the three Gauldur brothers, or the Ebony Warrior to gain a bit of their power. 
Hevnoraak gives the Domination(mind control) ability. You'll have to wear down their Stamina and Magicka in order to control them, but after that, they're yours.

Warlord Gathrik will give you the ability to become a towering version of yourself, improving your Health and Strength.

The Gauldur brothers will each give you an ability, and consuming more will give you a combination of those abilities, until finally you can summon subservient versions of all three of them that resist elements.

The Ebony Warrior, will increase your Health and Stamina greatly.

Revenantic Items

All Revenant armor pieces count as mage robes for the purposes of the Mage Armor perks. Both the armor pieces and the weapons can all be enchanted and tempered however you like without losing their special effects.
Revenant's Helmet - Protects against the effects of water on the Revenant
Revenant's Cuirass - Grants the Revenant a special version of the Well-Fitted perk, armor weighs nothing while wearing the whole set
Revenant's Gauntlets - Increases attack speed by 20%
Revenant's Boots - Increases movement speed by 20%

Revenant's Sword - Counts as a silver sword for the purposes of damage against supernatural creatures, and does 20 base damage
Revenant's Shield - Has double the armor rating of a standard ebony shield, and applies a stagger spell on bashing
Revenant's Mace
Revenant's Greatsword
Revenant's Dagger
Revenant's Battlaxe
Revenant's Waraxe
Revenant's Warhammer

Revenant's Wraith Bow -
Using the infinitely replenishing Wraith arrows that are equipped when selecting the bow, you can rush almost instantly to wherever the arrow hits, knocking over and damaging any enemy that may be at the location. Costs 300 magicka to rush, Wraith Form will be active for about 3 seconds after starting the rush. All fall damage is eliminated while in Wraith Form.
Tentacle Arrows will slow and damage enemies
Malodorous Arrows will force them to their knees