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About this mod

A simple plugin replacer for Royal Armory - New Artifacts, to smash typos and other issues, plus balancing to weapon's enchantments, to make them worth stealing.

Permissions and credits
A simple plugin replacer for Royal Armory - New Artifacts, to smash typos and other issues, plus balancing the weapons, to make them worth stealing.

General Changes
  • Loading screen position changes from "Royal Armory Loading Screen Fixes and Addons" are integrated into the plugin and rewrited the lore for better wording.
  • Quest redone from scratch, to assign weapons without script.
  • Harbinger's Axe, Dagger of Shalidor and Jolhert are locked behind a display case. Respectively, you need Kodlak's Display Key (you will find it in the Kodlak's room, after his funeral), Arch-Mage's Quarters Key (you need to finish College's Questline) and Winter's Heart Display Key (you will find the key in the Elisif's room, in the wardrobe where is a Stone of Barenziah, when you become Thane of Haafingar), otherwise you can't pickup those weapons. About Pendulum and Smile, you will find them respectively in the destroyed Hall of Vigilants and on Cicero's corpse (or in his inventory if you spare him).
  • Changed and rebalanced weapon's enchantments to make them useful for non-enchanter characters, except Dagger of Shalidor (It's already powerful).
  • Removed debug cell, lore book and unenchanted version of weapons.

Weapon Changes

Black Crow Dagger
Sneak attacks of this weapon are twice as stronger. Deals 30 damage to Magicka. Chance to paralyze the target for 5 seconds.

Deals 30 frost damage to Health and Stamina. 10% chance to double the effect.

Dagger of Shalidor
Absorb 30 Magicka. Increases Magicka by 70.

Deals 30 damage to Stamina. Deals 30% more damage to Dark Brotherhood members.

Exquisite Elven Blade - Fire
Deals 25 fire damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage. Absorb 30 Magicka.

Exquisite Elven Blade - Frost
Deals 25 frost damage to Health and Stamina. Absorb 30 Magicka.

Exquisite Elven Blade - Shock
Deals 25 shock damage to Health and half as much to Magicka. Absorb 30 Magicka.

Foe Breaker
Deals 15 forst damage to Health and Stamina. Deals 20% more damage to Imperial Legion members and Elves.

Deals 30 fire damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage. Deals 25% more damage to Elves.

Hammer of Light
Deals 50 points of sun damage to the undead. Deals 30 extra damage to Daedra, Hagravens and Werebeasts.

Harbinger's Axe
50% chance for each element of fire, frost and shock to do 30 points of damage. If the wielder is a Werebeast, the Harbinger's Axe deals 20% more damage.

Deals 35 frost damage to Health and Stamina. Shout cooldown is reduced by 15%.

Deals 30 fire damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage. Nearby allies receive 50 extra Health and Stamina, as well as increased combat skills by 20 points. Deals 30% more damage to Stormcloak members.

Sneak attacks of this weapon are twice as stronger. Deals 30 damage to Stamina. Chance to paralyze the target for 5 seconds.

Mentor's Blade
Deals 30 shock damage to Health and half as much to Magicka. Increases Fire, Frost, Shock and Poison Resistance by 25%.

Neloth's Staff
A lightning bolt that deals 50 shock damage to Health and half as much to Magicka, then leaps to a new target.

Northern Honor
Deals 15 fire damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage. Nearby allies receive 25 extra Health and Stamina, as well as increased combat skills by 10 points. Deals 20% more damage to Stormcloak members.

Deals 20 points of sun damage to the undead. Deals 10 extra damage to Daedra, Hagravens and Werebeasts.

Wielding it with Snærving weaken target Shock Resistance by 15% for 15 seconds. Deals 25 frost damage to Health and Stamina.

Deals 30 forst damage to Health and Stamina. Deals 30% more damage to Imperial Legion members and Elves.

Absorb 25 Stamina. Deals 25% more damage to Dwemer Constructs and Falmer.

Deals 35 points of sun damage to the undead. Deals 20 extra damage to Daedra, Hagravens and Werebeasts.

Sneak attacks of this weapon are twice as stronger. Deals 5 Poison damage per second for 5 seconds.

Wielding it with Regnving, weaken target Frost Resistance by 15% for 15 seconds. Deals 25 shock damage to Health and half as much to Magicka.

Deals 25 shock damage to Health and half as much to Magicka. When raining, the damage is doubled.

Sword of Dragonsreach
Deals 5 bleed damage per second for 5 seconds. Deals 25% more damage to Dragons, and the wielder receives 15% less damage from them.

Yokuda's Edge
Faster than a normal Greatsword. Deals 20 fire damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage.

Recommended to use with Royal Armory - Reforged!

Requires the original mod. Plugin flagged as ESL, so any existent patch will not work with this (They should be redone from scratch to use the plugin anyway). A new save is recommended, as in ongoing playthroughs display cases don't receive the correct changes and weapons may not spawn as intended. Otherwise, no support will be provided. Absolutely don't uninstall mid-playthrough, it will break your save.