About this mod

A vanilla visual overhaul of all 56 male followers and spouses.

Permissions and credits
It always bothers me that most vanilla Skyrim men are ugly as heck. I don't know what Bethesda was thinking when they made them, especially male spouses.

Most of us men enjoyers just resort to marrying like the same 5 husbands again and again (Vilkas, Argis, best boi Farkas). Some may use high poly NPC replacers but I really hate the inconsistence and the H A I R. Too flowy for me. So I created this mod in case there are also people like me who don't want to use high poly replacer but still want their husbands and followers to look better. 

-includes all 56 regular male followers and spouses
-minor adjustment to followers and spouses that already look decent
-major improvement to "less desirable" spouses (why did they make all bretons and reachmen ugly af)
-vanilla hair
-no more ugly beards

-cleaner faces (looking at you Omluag)
-height adjustment from Heights of Skyrim (go support the author)
-weight adjustment for most followers
(Who gave Vilkas only 25.0 weight??? Now he has 65.0 weight and can actually crush your skull with his biceps)
-ESLified so it does not count towards your precious 255 plugin limit
-have I mentioned vanilla hair?

I tried not to tweak their facial features too much so they still look like themselves but better.

Followers and spouses included: Agmaer, Ahtar, Ainethach, Angrenor (yes even him), Argis, Athis, Balimund, Belrand, Benor, Calder, Celann, Cicero Cosnach, DB initiative, Derkeethus, Erik, Erik 2, Faendal, Farkas, Filnjar, Gat, Ghorbash, Golldir, Gregor, Halbarn, J'zargo, Kharjo, Lob, Marcurio, Moth, Octieve, Odfel, Ogol, Omluag, Onmund, Pavo, Perth, Quintus, Ralis, Revyn, Roggi, Romlyn, Scouts, Sondas, Sorex, Stevar, Sven, Talvas, Teldryn, Torvar, Valdimar, Vilkas, Vorstag, Wilhelm


-USSEP (I forwarded the changes from USSEP and there is no reason not to use it)

Installation: use MO2 or Vortex, or drag the files into /data folder manually if you are a masochist. Use LOOT afterwards.

Conflicts: Not compatible with other NPC replacers and any record that changes the NPCs. If the NPC have blackface, it means there are plugins that are overwriting my esp. Either make a patch using SSEEDIT or use LOOT to manually load my esp after the plugins. Face Discoloration Fix may help as well.

If you dislike any records I made with certain NPCs, delete the NPC records in the esp with SSEEDIT then delete the facegen data in /meshes and /textures associated with their baseID (e.g. with Vorstag, his baseID is 000b997f so delete both 000b997f.nif and 000b997f.dds)

-Guards Armor Replacer by DanielUA
-Teldryn Serious by Undriel

-Total Character Makeover (makes NPCs look much better without losing the vanilla flavor. I adjusted the NPCs with this in mind. If you don't install this, the NPCs will still look better than vanilla but not as good as shown in photos)
-Tempered Skins for Males (better looking muscles and hairy chests? sign me up)
-Heights of Skyrim (makes many NPCs to have distinct heights)
-Vanilla Hair - Salt and Wind (amazing smooth hair texture)
-Realistic Hair Colors (much better hair colors so why not)
-FK's Diverse Racial Skeletons (taller men 

*Photos were taken with the above mods installed and also with Visceral ENB, Obsidian Weathers and Seasons, Azurite Weathers and Luminosity

My other mods
-Men of Guiles - Vanilla Male Thieves Guild Member Makeover
-Men of Whiterun - Vanilla Male Whiterun Citizen Makeover

Someone pls make a skimpy male follower lol