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About this mod

Shouts are very underwhelming in the base game. This simple mod provides a way to make them useful without making them overpowered or deviate too much from the vanilla behaviour. ESL

Permissions and credits
This mod make all shouts more useful and fixes many inconsistencies, while trying to maintain a vanilla feel. ESL

Important note! If you don't use Attack Speed Framework, type in the console "set HasASF to 0" and if you want regular Draugr to knock you down with Unrelenting Force, type "set DraugrPower to 1".


Fire Breath & Frost Breath: Damage is up to 125, cooldown reduced to 30-45-60. Dragonborn bonuses from Apocrypha makes the shouts reduce Fire or Frost resistance by 15-20-25% with each casting, and the Fire Wyrms conjured are tougher and attack more readily to enemies. Yol meditation increases damage of Fire Breath by 40%. Dragonborn Frost increases damage of Frost Breath by 30%.

Animal Allegiance: Higher level caps and duration.

Bend Will: cooldown decreased significantly. Can't be resisted.

Whirlwind Sprint: The shout increases your weapon speed, power attack damage and makes you waterwalk for a few seconds. The cooldown is much shorter to allow more frequent sprints.

Become Ethereal: Duration slightly increased. It provides a increasingly higher boost to stealth and makes less noise. If under the Feim meditation, you regenerate all stats much faster and the Third Word makes you invisible.

Unrelenting Force
: Deals slightly more damage and pushes back a bit more. Fus meditation doubles the damage. Dragonborn bonuses from Apocrypha increased. Second Word knocks down enemies. Third word has less cooldown.

Kyne's Peace: Completely redone. Now it heals every friendly around you including undead and daedra. 15-25-35 health per second and twice as much stamina for 10 seconds.

Aura Whisper: Can detect enemies further away and cooldown significantly reduced.

Throw Voice: All words have the same cooldown (5 seconds), the only factor changing is how far away you can shout with each word. This eliminates the need to use the full shout to allow shorter cooldowns. Can be abused to increase attack damage with Ordinator to ridiculous levels.

Drain Vitality: Cooldown reduced slightly. Does slightly more damage with each word. Reduces the regeneration of stats for 50 seconds. Now absorbs instead of just damage, which might be overpowered, let me know. These changes affect Drain Vitality that dragons use.

Dragon Aspect: armor increased to 50-100-150, now it also increases shock resistance by 25% , the strength of destruction spells by 25%, the duration of armor and conjurations by 50%, and the potency of wards by 25%. It increases unarmed damage by 30 points, as well as the potency of other shouts previously not included such as Drain Vitality, Cyclone and Soul Tear. All weapon damage increased by 25%. It lasts for 10 minutes now. Ancient Dragonborn is more dangerous and does extra damage to dragons. It makes you immune to Unrelenting Force Strong.

Call Dragon & Summon Durnehviir: cooldown down to 5 seconds but only castable once per day.

Ice Form: cooldown reduced. Dragonborn Frost increases damage by 30%.

Call of Valor: summons are now MUCH more powerful. They can use different shouts and much more often. They do more damage to dragons. Lasts 10 times longer if summoned while in Dragon Aspect. Half the cooldown (90 seconds).

Cyclone: 25% extra damage if Dragonborn Force is selected. Lifting force slightly increased, cooldown slightly decreased.

Slow time: movement speed increased during Slow Time by 20/35/50% to compensate and maneuver better around enemies. It also lasts and slows down time slightly more.

Dragonrend: makes all dragons weaker to magical and physical attacks for its duration. Cooldown slightly increased to make it less easy to stun lock them.

Marked for Death: Reduces armor by 100-150-200, and also reduces magic (10-20-30%) and poison resistance (25-50-75%,  only on living creatures that are not immune to poison). Bypasses magic resistance and spell absorption. Third Word can stagger enemies. Cooldown increased slightly to compensate for this upgrade.

Soul Tear: Reanimated bodies now function as dead thralls, becoming permanent. The first and second word have had their cooldowns significantly increased because they now cause 30-40 points of raw magic damage to all affected. The third word behaves identically, with a lower cooldown, affecting only one target, and dealing 350 damage.

Dismay and Disarm: they affect to higher levels, and affect even higher levels depending on the target's level of health or stamina, respectively. Dismay reduces the damage output of all enemies for 50 seconds by 10/15/20%. Neither of them are affected by magic resistance or spell absorption.

Elemental Fury and Battle Fury: bonuses increased and cooldowns adjusted. If you don't use ASF, type in the console "set HasASF to 0".

Storm Call: cooldown reduced, bolts do more damage. Bolts only damage enemies, although they may target allies.

I recommend you use Ordinator or Vokrii to enhance the shouts even more.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to PM me or drop a comment.