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About this mod

ReClassified builds upon the Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim base and encourages class based gameplay by introducing multi-skill perks to reward investment in class skill sets.

Permissions and credits
State of the Mod
  • While this mod is still completely functional (and I'll obviously never take it down), for now I have moved active development over to the Custom Skills Framework version of the mod Blended Skills - Class Perks. Blended Skills can still be used with Ordinator, but also any other perk mod you may desire. I will most likely continue to improve Blended Skills until I think it has reached its full potential and then may come back to transfer the improvements over to this mod. But when/if that will occur is unknown at this time. Anyways thank you for checking out my mod, you guys are what has inspired me to keep modding!



I originally made this mod for myself with three goals in mind:
  • Incentivize unique feeling Oblivion themed class builds in a simple, intuitive manner
  • Reward investment into class skill sets without pushing late game characters into a bottleneck
  • Integrate the class perks into the progression system without deviating too far from the feel and intent of the Ordinator/Odin base

The product is an expanded version of Ordinator with a new “Class Perks” skill section that provides thirty-three class-themed perks. Each class perk has two prerequisite perks from different skill trees to give a deeper sense of progression and provide the impression that your skills are blending together into new and unique powers. Class perks range from low requirement bread and butter utilities to higher power special abilities. Each of the original twenty-one Oblivion classes has multiple relevant class perks (see “Suggested Perks for Each Class”). The mod not only introduces new original perks, but integrates features from existing mods into its structure (see credits). This allows for increased gameplay options while removing the "free ability" problem that some players wish to avoid.  

What's new in 2.0?

Parity/Requests Update
Hey guys. The main purpose of this update is to add a few more perks to round out some of the classes that were less developed in the initial release. All of the new perks are original and were either built with specific classes in mind or came as a request from users. I also included some bug fixes and a loadout system that I created. I hope you enjoy the update!

Six new perks:
Charismatic Whisper: Persuasive whispers make enemies forget you are not a part of their group for 30 sec.  Enemies must be calm (out of combat), alive, and humanoid to be influenced. Drawing weapons while enemies are under your influence will cause the illusion to break.
  • Required Perks: Entice Barter (Illusion) and Salesman (Speech)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Without Charismatic Whisper:

With Charismatic Whisper active:

Close Quarters Combat: Blocking a close range attack while unarmed or wielding a dagger will slow time long enough for a quick counter strike. Can only perform a counter strike every 3 seconds.
  • Required Perks: Either Sweeping Wind (One-handed or Light Armor) or Bite Marks (One-Handed) and either Timed Block (Block) or Mage Armor (Alteration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

WIP Update for CQC with custom animations and better implementation (Update 2.1)



Divine Arbiter: Divine right to judge allows your sun spells to damage non-undead targets. Additionally casting a sun spell will heal you for 35 points of health with a 10 second cooldown. 
  • Required Perks: Raw Power (Destruction) and Hallowed Burial (Restoration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Elemental Redirection: Grants the channel fire, frost, and shock powers. Use them to channel their respective elements into a temporary enchant on your current unenchanted weapon for 180 sec. 
  • Required Perks: Destruction Mastery (Destruction) and either One-Handed Mastery (One-handed) or Two-Handed Mastery (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 3

Impending Doom: Your fear effects cause the body to seize, causing increasing damage to enemies as their health lowers. 
  • Required Perks: Poisoner (Alchemy) and Terror (Illusion)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 7

Runic Ambush: When an enemy is caught in your rune’s explosion an Atronach of the same type will be summoned where you are currently looking. Also grants the ability to cast known rune spells via lesser powers (Fire, Frost, and Shock runes will summon an atronach of the same type. Ash runes will summon an ash spawn. While a lesser power for poison runes will be granted if the spell is known, no summon will result from poison rune explosions as poison runes already benefit from Blighted Lily effects).
  • Required Perks: Runecaster (Destruction) and Atromancy (Conjuration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Starting Loadouts:
On game start a "Class Loadout Token" will be added to the player's inventory. Click on this item to open a menu that will allow you to select one of the twenty-one classes. Basic armor, weapons, and novice level spells for that class will be added to your character and the token will be consumed. The intent is to provide you with the very basic gear your class would use regardless of where or how you start the game.

Buffs/Script Reworks:
Please see the changelog for details. Some perks have been buffed/have had their scripts reworked for greater consistency

How to use
  • On game start some books outlining the classes will be added to your inventory that explain the relevant perks and their requirements as well as a “class loadout token”. The token can used by clicking on it in your inventory. A menu will then pop up allowing you to choose a class. Appropriate low level equipment as well as the novice spells of your relevant class will be added to your character. (Demonstration of loadout token in spoiler below)

  • Class Perks are found where the Lockpicking tree formerly was and can be unlocked in any order as long as you have their listed prerequisites
  • Picking locks and pockets will now give you experience in the thievery tree. Vanilla lockpicking or pickpocket trainers can train you in the thievery skill (the bug causing lockpicking trainers to not be able to train you from the Thievery mod has been fixed)

The Perks
Atronach Amplification: Summoning a daedra with elemental properties gives you a 30% damage increase in elemental damage of the same type for 60 sec.
  •  Required Perks: Planemeld (Conjuration) and Force of Nature (Destruction)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Berserk: Grants Berserk Power: Berserker rage grants you 150% health and stamina for 60 sec but disables health regen for 30 sec.
  •  Required Perks: Initiative (Light Armor) and Ferocious Strength (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Blighted Lily: Enemies killed with Restoration poison or disease spells have a 50% chance to be reanimated as an ally.
  • Required Perks: Ravenous Dead (Conjuration) and Necromanticon (Restoration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Blunt Force Trauma:
Attacks with maces or warhammers have a 50% chance to stagger. 
  • Required Perks: Bedrock (Heavy Armor) and either Trained Fighter (Two-handed) or Disciplined Fighter One-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 7

Charismatic Whisper
: Persuasive whispers make enemies forget you are not a part of their group for 30 sec.  Enemies must be calm (out of combat), alive, and humanoid to be influenced. Drawing weapons while enemies are under your influence will cause the illusion to break.
  • Required Perks: Entice Barter (Illusion) and Salesman (Speech)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Without Charismatic Whisper:

With Charismatic Whisper active:

Close Chakras: Unarmed strikes cut off enemy access to magicka for 5 seconds. 
  • Required Perks: Alteration Mastery (Alteration) and Iron Fist (Light Armor or One-Handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 3

Close Quarters Combat: Blocking a close range attack while unarmed or wielding a dagger will slow time long enough for a quick counter strike. Can only perform a counter strike every 3 seconds.
  • Required Perks: Either Sweeping Wind (One-handed or Light Armor) or Bite Marks (One-Handed) and either Timed Block (Block) or Mage Armor (Alteration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

WIP Update for CQC with custom animations and better implementation (Update 2.1)



Combat Archer: Tier 1 - Can draw a bow or reload a crossbow 30% faster. Tier 2 - Arrows and bolts slow a target within 25 feet by 10% for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Required Perks: Wingstrike (Archery) and Light Armor Fit (Light Armor)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6/7

Crouch Slide: Crouch slide into a sneak stance by pressing the sneak key while sprinting. 
  • Required Perks: Pickpocket Mastery (Thievery) and Silent Roll (Sneak)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Custom Tailored: Use a smelter/forge to craft a whetstone to increase your damage and/or a hammer to increase your shields effectiveness by 10% for 5 min.
  • Required Perks: Smithing Mastery (Smithing) and either One-Handed Mastery (One-Handed) or Block Mastery (Block)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 3

Dawn’s Chosen: Grants Dawn's Chosen Power: Enchants your unenchanted, equipped weapon with Divine Retribution for a time (same enchantment and effects as Dawnbreaker). 
  • Required Perks: Descending Light (Restoration) and either One-Handed Mastery (One-handed) or Two-Handed Mastery (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Demoralize: If wearing all Heavy Armor, walking (but not running) towards living enemies within 30 feet in front of you may break their confidence, causing them to flee for 8 seconds. 
  • Required Perks: Rise Above (Heavy Armor) and Terror (Illusion)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 9

Divine Arbiter: Divine right to judge allows your sun spells to damage non-undead targets. Additionally casting a sun spell will heal you for 35 points of health with a 10 second cooldown. 
  • Required Perks: Raw Power (Destruction) and Hallowed Burial (Restoration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Elemental Redirection: Grants the channel fire, frost, and shock powers. Use them to channel their respective elements into a temporary enchant on your current unenchanted weapon for 180 sec. 
  • Required Perks: Destruction Mastery (Destruction) and either One-Handed Mastery (One-handed) or Two-Handed Mastery (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 3

Fortification: Rally spells also apply the beneficial self-cast spell in your left hand to affected allies. 
  • Required Perks: Intuitive Magic (Alteration) and Commanding Presence (Illusion)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Harnessed Emotion: Recover 10% magicka when an enemy affected by an illusion spell is killed. 
  • Required Perks: Bite Marks (One-handed) and Imposing Presence (Illusion)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Hissing Dragon: You may choose a magical damage type. Unarmed attacks unleash a shockwave that deals the chosen damage type to. 
  • Required Perks: Sweeping Wind (One-handed or Light Armor) and either Hallowed Burial (Restoration) or Force of Nature (Destruction)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 7

Impending Doom: Your fear effects cause the body to seize, causing increasing damage to enemies as their health lowers. 
  • Required Perks: Poisoner (Alchemy) and Terror (Illusion)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 7

Lion’s Arrow: Grants the "Lion's Arrow" power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Shooting a fully drawn bow in combat also releases the stored spell in the direction of the crosshair. 
  • Required Perks: Focus on the Prey (Archery) and either Scarring Burns, Frostfall or Static Field (Destruction)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 8

Necro-Archer: Bound arrows shot at corpses will reanimate the corpse. 
  • Required Perks: Archery Mastery (Archery) and Ravenous Dead (Conjuration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Prismatic Armor: When hit by an elemental spell, gain a cloak spell of the same type for 10 seconds. 
  • Required Perks: Alter Self: Resistances (Alteration) and Heavy Armor Fit (Heavy Armor)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Prismatic Flesh: While a flesh spell is active, being hit by an elemental spell will provide a 30% temporary increase to your elemental resistance of the same type. 
  • Required Perks: Alter Self: Resistances (Alteration) and either Scarring Burns, Frostfall or Static Field (Destruction)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Prismatic Healing: Casting healing spells on allies also provides them with +50% magic resistance and armor rating for 20 sec.
  •  Required Perks: Alter Self: Resistances (Alteration) and Edgewalker (Restoration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Reverb: Store the energy of blocked attacks with an unenchanted shield. Performing a power bash will release the stored energy (same mechanics used for Auriel’s shield, but applied to your equipped shield). 
  • Required Perks: Skull Rattler (Block) and Bedrock (Heavy Armor)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 8

Ricochet: Incoming arrows can be deflected by weapon or shield while blocking for 10 stamina. 
  • Required Perks: Deflect Arrows (Block) and either Disciplined Fighter (One-handed) or Trained Fighter (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Runic Ambush: When an enemy is caught in your rune’s explosion an Atronach of the same type will be summoned where you are currently looking. Also grants the ability to cast known rune spells via lesser powers (Fire, Frost, and Shock runes will summon an atronach of the same type. Ash runes will summon an ash spawn. While a lesser power for poison runes will be granted if the spell is known, no summon will result from poison rune explosions as poison runes already benefit from Blighted Lily effects).
  • Required Perks: Runecaster (Destruction) and Atromancy (Conjuration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Scout Ahead: Grants the Scout Ahead Power: Use your tracking abilities to determine the location of nearby enemies. 
  • Required Perks: Light Armor Mastery (Light Armor) and Tripwire (Sneak)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Sleight of Hand: Grants Sleight of Hand power: let's you pickpocket an NPC as you bump into them. 
  • Required Perks: Cutpurse (Thievery) and Spot Detection (Sneak)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Sniper: Bows and crossbows deal 200% more damage to a target at full Health. 
  • Required Perks: Clean Kill (Archery) and Clean Escape (Sneak)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 7

Special Brew: Use a forge to create oil tools. Oil tools can be used to make specialized oils that grant 15% bonus damage to different enemy types and can be refilled with alcohol for subsequent reuse.  
  • Required Perks: Poisoner (Alchemy) and Smithing Mastery (Smithing)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Spell Deflection: Incoming spells can be deflected by weapon or shield while blocking for 10 magicka. 
  • Required Perks: Apocalypse Proof (Block) and Alteration Mastery (Alteration)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 6

Throw Stone: Grants the Throw Stone ability: Throws a small piece of debris that makes noise where it lands.
  •  Required Perks: Pickpocket Mastery (Thievery) and Tripwire (Sneak)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 4

Unrestricted: Increases attack speed by 30%. 
  • Required Perks: Either As a Leaf (Light Armor) or Disciplined Fighter (One-handed) and either Silent Roll (Sneak) or Trained Fighter (Two-handed)
  • Total Perk Points to Unlock: 5

Suggested Perks for Each Class
Acrobat: Ricochet, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Crouch Slide, Close Quarters Combat

Agent: Sniper, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Crouch Slide, Charismatic Whisper

Archer: Unrestricted, Sniper, Combat Archer, Custom Tailored, Scout Ahead

Assassin: Unrestricted, Sniper, Combat Archer, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Crouch Slide, Scout Ahead

Barbarian: Berserk, Ricochet, Unrestricted, Custom Tailored, Close Quarters Combat

Bard: Harnessed Emotion, Ricochet, Unrestricted, Impending Doom, Charismatic Whisper, Close Quarters Combat

Battlemage: Spell Deflection, Ricochet, Atronach Amplification, Prismatic Flesh, Elemental Redirection, Runic Ambush

Crusader: Dawn's Chosen, Blunt Force Trauma, Hissing Dragon, Elemental Redirection, Divine Arbiter

Healer: Fortification, Prismatic Healing, Prismatic Flesh, Divine Arbiter, Impending Doom, Charismatic Whisper

Knight: Harnessed Emotion, Ricochet, Demoralize, Blunt Force Trauma, Reverb, Charismatic Whisper, Close Quarters Combat

Mage: Atronach Amplification, Blighted Lily, Fortification, Prismatic Healing, Prismatic Flesh, Divine Arbiter, Impending Doom, Runic Ambush

Monk: Sniper, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Crouch Slide, Close Chakras, Hissing Dragon, Close Quarters Combat

Nightblade: Harnessed Emotion, Unrestricted, Fortification, Prismatic Flesh, Scout Ahead, Elemental Redirection

Pilgrim: Ricochet, Berserk, Unrestricted, Blunt Force Trauma, Custom Tailored

Rogue: Harnessed Emotion, Ricochet, Unrestricted, Impending Doom, Charismatic Whisper, Close Quarters Combat

Scout: Ricochet, Unrestricted, Custom Tailored, Scout Ahead, Special Brew, Close Quarters Combat

Sorcerer: Spell Deflection, Prismatic Armor, Atronach Amplification, Blighted Lily, Prismatic Healing, Prismatic Flesh, Reverb, Divine Arbiter, Runic Ambush

Spellsword: Harnessed Emotion, Spell Deflection, Prismatic Armor, Ricochet, Dawn's Chosen, Demoralize, Blunt Force Trauma, Fortification, Prismatic Healing, Prismatic Flesh, Reverb, Elemental Redirection, Divine Arbiter

Thief: Sniper, Combat Archer, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Crouch Slide, Scout Ahead

Warrior: Ricochet, Blunt Force Trauma, Reverb, Custom Tailored, Close Quarters Combat

Witchhunter: Atronach Amplification, Necro-archer, Lion's Arrow, Crouch Slide, Sniper, Sleight of Hand, Throw Stone, Runic Ambush

Differences from Ordinator
  • I did my best to leave Ordinator as intact as possible, since this mod is only meant to enhance the experience
  • The Pickpocket and Lockpicking trees have been combined to form the thievery tree (big shout out to the Thievery mod! See below)
  • A few perks from Ordinator have been repurposed into class perks (for example Lion’s Arrow having a magical requirement as well as archery makes more sense in this setup).
  • An alternative unarmed branch has been added to the one-handed skill. It features the same perks as the original Ordinator unarmed Light Armor branch. The two are mutually exclusive and are meant to provide options for Hand-to-Hand classes (for example a Knight can gain beneficial one-handed experience while fighting unarmed as opposed to light armor experience that doesn’t compliment his other skills). 

  • If already using Ordinator use a scroll of legends to refund your perk points so that you can appropriately respec your thievery skills after install 
  • If using Vanilla, the standard Ordinator perk refund script will run on install (Ordinator must be installed as well as this mod)
  • Grab the required mods and install
  • If using Apocalypse, Triumvirate, or Separate Power Attacks; grab the patch from the files tab
  • Profit

  • Updating to 2.0 will most likely require a new save due to the reworked scripts. If you would prefer not to start a new save check the changelog to see what has changed and whether or not you are okay with some potential bugs in the relevant perks. 
  • Be sure to update your patches as well!

  • Perk mods other than Ordinator can conflict. Please check or ask in the comment section 
  • Mods that edit the vanilla pickpocket/lockpicking trainers dialogue may break their ability to train you, although I do not think this is common
  • Currently the Ultimate Dodge mod and CGO’s sneak key dodge will not work correctly with this mod. I recommend the new Re TK Dodge as an alternative. I personally use both CGO and Re TK Dodge and just set the dodge to “hotkey” and don’t bind the hotkey to anything 
  • Patches for other Enai and common magic mods can be found on the files tab under “optional files”
  • Please install any Ordinator patches you would use for other mods including the Odin Ordinator compatibility patch
  • No patch is required for Project Proteus due to the perks being integrated into an existing perk tree

Recommended Mods
  • Extended Hotkey System: Especially useful for magic classes. Allows you to use any key as a hotkey
  • Favorite Misc Items SSE: Allows items such as this mods Oil Tools to be favorited and used from the favorites menu
  • Project Proteus: Can’t decide on a class? Want to start a new class without losing your world progress? Just use Proteus to swap between different characters within the same world. Or, you can make a party of different characters and rotate through who you control.  Let’s be honest, that's the only way you’ll ever fill the Dragonborn Gallery. 
  • Undead FX: Really adds life to necromancy builds

EnaiSiaion - This mod wouldn’t be possible without the base of Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

  • Due to this mod's already large list of requirements some incredible mod authors gave me permission to merge or repurpose features from their mods into this one. Their incredible work is the source of nine out of the twenty-seven perks featured in this mod. 

sabrio204 - For the wonderful work done in Thievery - A merge of Pickpocket and Lockpicking (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49283) and it's accompanied Ordinator patch. Source for the combined Pickpocket and Lockpicking tree.

Sammylad298 - The Necro-archer perk comes directly from their mod, Necro Archer - Bound Arrow Reanimation (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34579).

NickaNak - The crouch sliding perk and its accompanying Nemesis files were all created as part of their Crouch Sliding mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39157).

aureoy - Creator of Throw Stone -- Simple Distraction Tool (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53844), the source for the “Throw Stone” power.

macrophage001 - For his mod Sleight of Hand (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54921), and its perk adaptation found in this mod.

acone93 - Both the Ricochet and Spell Deflection perks are based on the scripts they created for ArrowBlock(REAL Deflect Arrow) (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97783). Shoutout to MisterBanana17 for porting this mod to SSE as well (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25960).

jg1 - For the .nif files they created for Vibrant weapons - Fire Frost Shock (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40087). The Dawn’s Chosen power uses the fire effects for the spell.

siebel - For his work on Witcher Oil in Skyrim (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53375). I’d also like to thank the many authors credited on siebel’s mod page for the resources they contributed to the mod. While altered this wonderful mod is the basis for the Special Brew perk. 

juhaaaa - Not only do multiple perks draw from their work in Vitrium - Spells and Tools Pack (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57242), but they also offered their help with animation files and instructions on how to modify them to my needs. Thanks for the encouragement!