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About this mod

This mod aims to add spells, scrolls and staves based on the Vanilla spells, and make them consistent and more useful.

Permissions and credits

While doing some patching for other projects, I discovered that many scrolls are missing certain effects, which their relevant spells have. Even USSEP doesn't add them all back, so I decided to give it a shot.

However, once I dug deeper, I found many other issues with scrolls and staves enchantments and decided to adress them as well.

What this mod does.

Added missing magic effects to existing scrolls and staff enchantments

The way many Vanilla spells work is by having a dormant magic effect, that is reliant on a perk. (For instance, Healing spells have an additional magic effect for the Respite perk.)

The majority of the existing scroll and staff enchantments did not have these magic effects. as such I added them.

Fixed some magic effects


  • Circle of Protection: Should now properly apply the Respite effect and heal other friendly NPCs, not just the player.
  • "Disintegrate" Destruction effect. Due to this effects magnitude in many Shock spells, those always had highest priority, preventing in other spells being cast. I changed it so Disintegrate is now applies through proxy effect, so the spell itself won't have that high of a priority anymore, which hopefully results in NPCs casting other spells as well.

Added prefixes to determine the level of tomes, scrolls and staves

This include the following prefixes:

  • Novice Tome/Scroll/Staff of X
  • Apprentice Tome/Scroll/Staff of X
  • Adept Tome/Scroll/Staff of X
  • Expert Tome/Scroll/Staff of X
  • Master Tome/Scroll/Staff of X

So, for instance: "Spelltome: Sparks" will be renamed into "Novice Tome of Sparks".

Made new scrolls and staff enchantments for spells that didn't have a corresponding scroll or staff

These include the following scrolls:

  • Master Scroll of Lightning Storm
  • Novice Scroll of Flames [Concentration]
  • Novice Scroll of Frostbite [Concentration]
  • Novice Scroll of Sparks [Concentration]
  • Novice Scroll of Healing [Concentration]
  • Apprentice Scroll of Healing Hands [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Conjure Dremora Lord
  • Expert Scroll of Thunderbolt
  • Expert Scroll of Incinerate
  • Expert Scroll of Icy Spear
  • Adept Scroll of Transmute Ore
  • Novice Scroll of Clairvoyance [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Equilibrium [Concentration]
  • Apprentice Scroll of Conjure Flaming Familiar
  • Apprentice Scroll of Spectral Arrow
  • Adept Scroll of Greater Ward [Concentration]
  • Apprentice Scroll of Steadfast Ward [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Wall of Storms [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Wall of Frost [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Wall of Flames [Concentration]
  • Adept Scroll of Bound Bow
  • Apprentice Scroll of Bound Battleaxe
  • Expert Scroll of Detect Undead [Concentration]
  • Novice Scroll of Lesser Ward [Concentration]
  • Novice Scroll of Bound Sword
  • Adept Scroll of Heal Undead
  • Apprentice Scroll of Necromantic Healing [Concentration]
  • Expert Scroll of Conjure Wrathman
  • Adept Scroll of Conjure Mistman
  • Apprentice Scroll of Conjure Boneman
  • Apprentice Scroll of Sun Fire
  • Adept Scroll of Stendarr's Aura
  • Adept Scroll of Vampire's Bane
  • Adept Scroll of Conjure Ash Spawn
  • Adept Scroll of Conjure Seeker
  • Adept Scroll of Poison Rune
  • Novice Scroll of Bound Dagger
  • Expert Scroll of Conjure Ash Guardian
  • Adept Scroll of Frenzy Rune
  • Expert Scroll of Ash Rune
  • Adept Scroll of Whirlwind Cloak
  • Adept Scroll of Ash Shell

Note: Any scrolls tagged as [Concentration] will function a little bit different. Upon casting the scroll, it will give you a temporary spell. Casting this spell will slowly consume any scrolls of that spell. This is done as a workaround to an engine limitation, since scrolls cannot have concentration spells.

These include the following staves:

  • Novice Staff of Healing
  • Novice Staff of Lesser Ward
  • Novice Forsworn Staff of Frostbite
  • Novice Forsworn Staff of Sparks
  • Novice Staff of Bound Dagger
  • Novice Staff of Bound Sword
  • Novice Staff of Candlelight
  • Novice Staff of Clairvoyance
  • Novice Staff of Oakflesh
  • Adept Staff of Ash Shell
  • Adept Staff of Waterbreathing
  • Adept Staff of Detect Living
  • Adept Staff of Telekinesis
  • Adept Staff of Transmute Ore
  • Adept Staff of Bound Bow
  • Adept Staff of Close Wounds
  • Adept Staff of Conjure Ash Spawn
  • Adept Staff of Conjure Mistman
  • Adept Staff of Conjure Seeker
  • Adept Staff of Flame Cloak
  • Adept Staff of Frost Cloak
  • Adept Staff of Lightning Cloak
  • Adept Staff of Stendarr's Aura
  • Adept Staff of Greater Ward
  • Adept Staff of Ironflesh
  • Adept Staff of Vampire's Bane
  • Adept Staff of Heal Undead
  • Adept Staff of Whirlwind Cloak
  • Adept Staff of Frenzy Rune
  • Adept Staff of Poison Rune
  • Apprentice Staff of Bound Battleaxe
  • Apprentice Staff of Conjure Boneman
  • Apprentice Staff of Conjure Flaming Familiar
  • Apprentice Staff of Fast Healing
  • Apprentice Staff of Fire Rune
  • Apprentice Staff of Frost Rune
  • Apprentice Staff of Lightning Rune
  • Apprentice Staff of Necromantic Healing
  • Apprentice Staff of Muffle
  • Apprentice Staff of Spectral Arrow
  • Apprentice Staff of Sun Fire
  • Apprentice Staff of Stoneflesh
  • Apprentice Staff of Steadfast Ward
  • Expert Staff of Ash Rune
  • Expert Staff of Circle of Protection
  • Expert Staff of Conjure Ash Guardian
  • Expert Staff of Conjure Dremore Lord
  • Expert Staff of Conjure Wrathman
  • Expert Staff of Detect Undead
  • Expert Staff of Ebonyflesh
  • Expert Staff of Equilibrium
  • Expert Staff of Grand Healing
  • Expert Staff of Invisibility
  • Master Staff of Bane of the Undead
  • Master Staff of Blizzard
  • Master Staff of Call to Arms
  • Master Staff of Conjure Flame Thrall
  • Master Staff of Conjure Frost Thrall
  • Master Staff of Conjure Storm Thrall
  • Master Staff of Dragonhide
  • Master Staff of Firestorm
  • Master Staff of Guardian Circle
  • Master Staff of Harmony
  • Master Staff of Hysteria
  • Master Staff of Lightning Storm
  • Master Staff of Mass Paralysis
  • Master Staff of Mayhem
  • Master Staff of Reanimate Dead Thrall

Note 1: To make scrolls that target yourself (Healing, Oakflesh, etc) work, I had to make some edits to idle animation records, to make the animations actually look somewhat decent. This might conflict with existing animation mods.

Note 2: The same applies to Master "Ritual" spells. To make up for staves being only equipable in one hand (as opposed to Ritual spells requiring both hands), I gave them a very long charge them.

Note 3: For staves with effects that require a target location (like Runes), there was another engine limitation, namely Staff Enchantments not having a way to define the range, which made those effects possible at an unlimited range. Using a perk, I managed to fix this. See this thread for more information. Thanks to /u/AReasonableHuman for mentioning the solution.

Added new spells and their corresponding scrolls/staves


Destruction Adept
  • Stop Rune: Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for and freezes the target in place for X seconds.

Note: This spell was cut from the Dragonborn DLC.

Illusion Expert
  • Fade Other: Target is invisible for X seconds. Activating an object or attacking will break the spell.

Note: This spell was cut from the base game.

Alteration Adept
  • Detect Constructs: Nearby dwemer automaton can be seen through walls.

Alteration Expert
  • Detect Daedra: Nearby Daedra can be seen through walls.

Restoration Novice
  • Lesser Ward Other: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, to a friendly target.

Restoration Apprentice
  • Construct Repairment: Heals a dwemer automaton for X points per second.
  • Daedric Empowerment: Heals Daedra for X points per second.
  • Steadfast Ward Other: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, to a friendly target.
  • Lesser Shell: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, for 10 seconds.
  • Lesser Shell Other: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects to a friendly target, for 10 seconds.

Restoration Adept
  • Heal Construct: Heals X points to dwemer automatons.
  • Heal Daedra: Heals X points to Daedra.
  • Greater Ward Other: Increases armor rating by <mag> points and negates up to <mag> points of spell damage or effects, to a friendly target.
  • Steadfast Shell: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, for 10 seconds.
  • Steadfast Shell Other: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects to a friendly target, for 10 seconds.

Restoration Expert
  • Grand Ward: Increases armor rating by <mag> points and negates up to <mag> points of spell damage or effects, to a group of friendly targets nearby the caster.
  • Greater Shell: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, for 10 seconds.
  • Greater Shell Other: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects to a friendly target, for 10 seconds.

Restoration Master
  • Grand Shell: Increases armor rating by X points and negates up to X points of spell damage or effects, for 10 seconds, to a group of friendly targets nearby the caster.

Note: The "Shell" spells are basically Fire and Forget versions of the Ward spells, that last for 10 seconds and don't require any concentration, so you can do other things while they're up. ("Shell" is a reference to the corresponding spell in the older Final Fantasies.)

Gave Scrolls/Staves another use at later levels and when you know the relevant spells

Once you've learned a certain spell, there's little use for their scrolls/staves anymore. So, I attempted to make them more useful.

If both of the following conditions are met:
  • You know the spell.
  • You have reached the relevant level in the corresponding school. (Novice -> lvl 5, Apprentice -> lvl 25, Adept -> lvl 40, Expert -> lvl 65, Master -> lvl 90)

The following things apply:
  • Scrolls will have their duration and/or magnitude doubled.
  • Staves will have their duration and/or magnitude increased by 50%.

For instance, take a Scroll of Firebolt, which is a Destruction Apprentice spell. If you have learned the Firebolt spell AND your level Destruction exceeds 25, the damage of Scroll of Firebolt will be doubled.

Whether or not the duration or magnitude gets increased, is dependant on the spell and which is the major contributing factor.

There are some exceptions for certain spells, that have completely different effects:
  • Ash Guardian/Flame Thrall/Frost Thrall/Storm Thrall -> summons more powerful versions of these creatures.
  • Transmute Ore: Transmute 1 Iron Ore -> multiple Silver Ore; 1 Silver Ore -> multiple Gold Ore.
  • "Detect" spells: increases the radius of the spells.
  • Clairvoyance: increase movement speed.
  • Equilibrium: Lowers the health cost, but increases the magicka restores.
  • Telekinesis: Increases the damage dealt by flying objects.

Inscription of Tomes, Scrolls and Staves

Inspired by Perkus Maximus, I recreated a similar crafting system from scratch, to create scrolls, staves and scrolls more easily.

Base Recipes

  • Inkwell: made at cooking pot -> requires: 2 Nordic Barnacles OR 3 Blue/Red/Yellow/Purple Mountain Flowers
  • Paper Roll: made at cooking pot -> requires: 1 Ruined Book (provides 4 rolls) OR 1 Firewood
  • Quill: made at tanning rack -> requires: 1 Hawk Feathers OR 1 Bone Hawk Feathers OR 1 Felsaad Tern Feathers OR 1 Hagraven Feathers
  • Blank Book: made at forge -> requires 10 Rolls of Paper and 2 Leather
  • Enchanted Quill (5 charges): made at the forge, need first rank of the Enchanter perk -> requires: 1 Quill + 5 Filled Petty Soul Gems OR 4 Filled Lesser Soul Gems OR 3 Filled Common Soul Gems OR 2 Filled Greater Soul Gems OR 1 Filled Grand Soul OR 1 Filled Black Soul Gem.
  • Unenchanted Staves: made at the forge, need first rank of the Enchanter perk -> requires: 2 Unfilled Common Soul Gems, 1 Silver Ingot, 5 Firewood, 2 Leather Strips

Once you have an enchanted quill in your inventory, the "Inscription" power should be added to your lesser powers. This allows you to make Scrolls and Tomes.

When using Inscription and closing the crafting menu, the quill has a change to use up one charge. If all charges are used up, you'll need to recreate it to turn it into an enchanted one again.

You can change the degradation change by using this console command:

set ANDR_QuillDegradeRate_Global to X

X is the percentage. Default value is 50 (50% chance). Set to 0 to turn off degradation.

Scroll Recipes

To make 10 scroll of a certain spell, you'll need:
  • The relevant rank of the Enchanter perk (for instance, you'll need rank 2 in the enchanter perk to make Apprentice scrolls)
  • 2 Rolls of Paper
  • An amount of Inkwell based on the level of scroll (Novice -> 1, Apprentice -> 2, Adept -> 3, Expert -> 4, Master -> 5)
  • A spell tome of the spell.

  • Staff Recipes

    Staves are made through the staff enchanter and the relevant quests on Solstheim are a requirement.
    To make a copy of a staff, you'll need:
    • The relevant rank of the Enchanter perk (for instance, you'll need rank 2 in the enchanter perk to make Apprentice staves)
    • One of the unenchanted staff of the relevant magic school.
    • An amount of Heart Stone based on the level of scroll (Novice -> 1, Apprentice -> 2, Adept -> 3, Expert -> 4, Master -> 5)
    • A spell tome of the spell.

    Tome Recipes

    You can also make copies of Spell tomes, in order to create more scrolls or staves.
    To make a copy of a spell tome, you'll need:
    • The relevant rank of the Enchanter perk (for instance, you'll need rank 2 in the enchanter perk to make Apprentice tomes)
    • 1 blank book
    • An amount of Inkwell based on the level of tome (Novice -> 1, Apprentice -> 2, Adept -> 3, Expert -> 4, Master -> 5)
    • A spell tome in your inventory, which you want to make a copy of. (won't be consumed)


    This mod will be incompatible with any mod that touches magic/spells. At best, it's inconsistence with new spells. At worst, it will break certain effects and make spells no longer work.

    Unfortunately, I myself don't have the time to create a patch for every single magic/spell mod. However, I'd love if someone could help me with that. Or even better, write a Synthesis/zEdit script that does so. If you know how to do that, by any means, feel free to help out. It would be greatly appreciated!

    I've made patches for:



    Q: ESPFE?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Does installing/updating/uninstalling on an existing save work?
    A: As far as I know, it should. However, it's good practice to keep a backup save prior to doing this, just in case.

    Q: Is this compatible with <insert mod>?
    A: I don't know by heart. You might need to check yourself.

    Q: Will you make a patch for <insert mod>?
    A: A: Probably not, unless someone comes up with an automated patcher. Otherwise, feel free to publish your own patches. (see permissions)

    Q: I have a suggestion to improve the mod. Can you do it?
    A: Maybe, if I have time and I like the idea, I'll consider it.

    Q: Will you port this to <insert platform>?
    A: No, I myself only support the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If someone else wants to port it, feel free. (see permission) If you decide to port it, you yourself take full responsibility to offer support to said port. I will not provide no support for any ports by third parties.

    Q: I use a ported version of this mod on <insert platform> and I have a problem. Can you help?
    A: I don't provide any support for third party ports on other platforms than the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If you have issues, you should adress the person that ported it.

    Q: Does this work on Skyrim 1.6+, aka "Anniversary Edition"?
    A: Yes, it should.

    Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
    A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)

    Q: Why don't you use FOMODs?
    A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.