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Original upload

Created by

Mr Unready - thats actually me but dont know how to change my name on the nexus

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About this mod

My Private Controlmaps that make you play Skyrim just like Modern Third Person Games.
Not Complicated, No feature Bloat, not like the many others on the Nexus.
Inspired by The Witcher 3, and many other games that share similar Controls.
This Preset was Designed to use with other Mods that improves 3rd Person Gameplay

Permissions and credits


I used Map My Buttons as a Fundamentation. Credits to this Guy.
I just came from my 200th playthrough of The Witcher 3 back to Skyrim and realized again that bethesda actually never played games with a controller.
So i searched up the dephts of the Nexus again and the only gamepad.txt i found are either :

- Good vanilla Style ones
- Chaotic Feature Bloats
- And some where i ask myself again if they ever played a Game with a Controller.

So i just grapped the best i can found and carefully tweaked Map My Buttons over and over a bit everytime when something feels off, which results in this Mod.
I never saw a Skyrim control scheme which take care of Modern Third Person Controls.
And i wanted to give the modding community something back. A unique Gamepad.txt file for Skyrim.

Confirmed by user that its work for Playstation Controller.
You can do and Upload whatever you want with my File, just credit me.
Please dont criticize my Spelling, i live in Germany, Nouns are Capitalized here, its just a Habit.

Pease read the ENTIRE DESCRIPTION otherwise you may get Confused

Just make sure nothing and no one overwrite the .txt file

Set the Controls ingame to Default after Installation
In order this mod takes Changes, and to prevent weird controls

Light Versions are out now, best for users that dont want additional features
I have uploaded Better Choice versions for either TK and TUDM
I have Uploaded a Version that works for Souls Quick Menu !
i have Uploaded a Version for Simple Keytrace! Obsolete and Achieved use dtry Key Utils instead
I have Uploaded a Txt File that provides xInput and DXscanCodes
So you dont have to google those everytime you need them
The Default Version has been Updated

For Default versions
noticed that L1+Dpad u/d dont work when navigation with dpad within favorites is active,
so i replaced it with zoom in and out.
L3 is sheath weapons by default now, because Quickloot RE 's open container is bind to that action,
which will not work if it is set to dpad down
Uploaded my Personal Elden Equip config!
Added somewhat more Compatibility with SkyUI Group System for some Versions, will add it to other versions if i manage to sort some bugs out
Added 2 Pre configurated AirDash.Json DKAF Files, for Simple Air Dash that better match my controls

This are the Core Controls
This will always be the same for every Version! 
This is "The Rule"

  • A = Jump
  • B = Sneak/Dodge - Req. TK OR Ultimate Dodge
  • X = Light Attack
  • Y = Activate AND Heavy Attack Req. - OCPA AND BTPS
  • L1 = Sprint AND Short Dodge - Req. DMCO
  • R1 = Power/Shout
  • L2 = Block - Req. Dual wield Parry OR GripSwitch
  • R2 = Magic Left Hand
  • L3 = Sheath Weapons
  • R3 = Lock-On AND POV Toggle - Req. TDM
  • Select = Character/Tween Menu
  • Start = Main Menu/Journal
  • L1+Start = Wait

Different Versions
overview of the Different version Controls

Default Version 
  • L1+Start = Wait
  • L1+DPAD LEFT/RIGHT = Hotkey 3 and 4 (for Powers)
  • DPAD LEFT/RIGHT = Hotkey 1 and 2 (for Potions)
  • L3 = Sheath Weapons
  • If you use TK set Sneak to Down
  • L1+DPAD UP/DOWN = Zoom in/out
  • A+Y = Console (dont changed this from Map My Buttons)
  • You can Navigate through your Favs with the dpad again

Default Plus
  • Same as Default but
  • Moved Favs to L1+Select

Better Choice Versions :
  • L1+Select = Favorites
  • DPAD U/D/L/R = Hotkeys 1-4
  • L1+DPAD U/D/L/R = Hotkeys 5-8
  • TK users will have 7 Hotkeys
  • TK users will sneak with Down (can be changed ingame with L3) 
  • A+Y = Console

Souls Version :
  • L1+Select = Favorites
  • L1+R1 = Shout
  • R1 = Potion
  • DPAD Buttons unassigned
  • No Hotkeys
  • Look at the Notes down below 
  • otherwise you may get confused

Souls2 Version
  • Same as Souls Version but
  • For those who only use Potions for healing
  • R1 = Shout again
  • DPAD Down = Drink Potion
  • TK users will sneak with L1+L3, do you have a better solution? Leave a comment
  • Look on the Notes Below

Elden Equip Version 1
Only works with my Steam Controller config i link in the Notes down below and on the sticky post
  • L1+Start = Wait
  • L1+Select = Favorites
  • Sneak sacrificed to L1+A
  • Dpad L/R/U/D = Switch Magic/Weapon/Shout/Potion
  • Left Trackpad = G = use Potion / Hold for Edit Cycle
  • Right Trackpad = I = Free (i personally use it personally as Inquisitor Behavoir Toggle key)
  • L1+R1 = X = Free (Personally use it for Quickcast Power 1)
  • L1+R2 = C = Free (personally use it for Quickcast Power 2)
  • L1+DPAD L/R/U/D = J/L/I/K = Free (personally use it for Stances mod)
Look at the Notes down below otherwise you may get Confused!!!

Light Version :
  • DPAD L/R = Hotkey 1-2
  • DPAD UP = Favorites
  • DPAD DOWN = Freed up 
  • No console

Light Version Plus :
  • Same as the Light version but
  • L1+Select = Favorites
  • DPAD UP also Freed up
  • No Console

Keytrace Version
OBSOLETE use dTRYs Keytrace, in combination with one of the versions instead!
  • L Stick = Move
  • DPAD = Also Move
  • L1+DPAD = Hotkeys 1-4
  • L1+Select = Favorites
  • TK users will sneak with L1+R3 (leave a comment if you have a better solution)

Misc Versions :
Experiemental Version :

Made for Compatibility with Mods like Elden Counter where your first Attack has to be a heavy attack without unassign your left hand magic,
Make sure to set the line in OCPA to
OnlyDuringAttack 0
and dont forget to change it back if you change controls in Mod Manager
it is same like Default Plus but with a majority difference
Activate is A
Jump is L1+A (sounds ridiculous i know, but feels better than it sound)
Dont download it unless you want headache
AstarC's Request

User request because i couldnt find the controller mod i remembering that is similar to what he suggested
Same as Better Choice for TUDM (iam bad at naming things i know) but
Forget my Rule here 
L2 is Left Hand
R2 is Right Hand
Block is X
Also only TUDM users

Soulslike for TK

Ever played Vampyr, Nioh ,Code Vein or other Soulslikes?
Same as Souls2 for TK
No Jump for this version
Use Blink mod instead
A is Activate
Set in OCPA
OnlyDuringAttack to 0
Dont use this please

More Versions will be coming soon

Why i am actually do that multiple version stuff by the way


The whole idea behind the multiple file stuff is to suit multiple personal preferences, without feature bloat people off but also keeping the Spirit of most Third Person Combat Games.
For Example some controller mods are lacking some features, others would have
while other controller mods are just have too many Features and when iam actually ingame, i dont understand anything than Bahnhof,
they feature bloat me to oblivion.
thats just the wrong way of suit multiple personal preferences.
Some people can live with that but most not.
thats why i will upload multiple files for a while, this way users and me as well can just switching between the controls in their Mod Manager, without either sacrificing their main controls or manually tweak them everytime when they change something in their loadorder that needs special tweaking. 

and since it is pretty simple to configure these files they are done in less than 3 minutes. 
And Playtesting those actually makes fun, so Theoretically there is no work for me because i do that frequently for private usage.
So why dont share the stuff with the community?
I will also Upload everytime a additional file when i change something in my loadorder that actually need tweaking like Souls Quickmenu, without breaking my Rule.

Actually the Light Versions are more "Default" than the Default versions

Please read Carefully otherwise you may get Confused

-First things first, you will NOT do Regular Attacks with your Shoulder Buttons, instead you will Attack with X (Light Attacks) and Y (Heavy Attacks) - One Click Power Attack is Requiered for this. This will also only make sense if you use MCO/SKYSA 1.9 - 2.8 or ABR

-Since i also map Y for activate things ,you also need Better Third Person Selection (which is essential Anyway for every Third Person playthrough), and uncheck "in Combat" in the MCM this way you won't loot Corpses in the Heat of Battles.
Also configure your ini settings in OCPA to
-Only During Attack = 1
-and Keycode=279.
Dont worry it works flawlessly.
if you are Lazy i could Upload my personal ini settings for the requiered mods which fits the Control scheme. Only if someone is interested.

-Just like The Witcher 3 i mapped Magic/Left Hand to R2/RT because it feels more Natural.
OCPA also let you also Power Attack with R2 besides of Y if you dont have Magic on your Left. To begin your combos with Heavy Attack

-L1/LB is Sprint and short Dodge - DMCO is required. Which is unbeaten when it comes to Short dodges especially in Dungeons and Close Quarter.
Make sure to Enable sprint click in "Dodge Framework" MCM, and set hold sprint to 0.15
If you only use DMCO without the other dodge mods then uncheck sprint click and set the dodge key to B.

-I also Mapped Wait to L1+Start to prevent you to accidentally wait.
I used this Modifier also for additional Hotkeys, besides of the Light Versions
Dont worry DMCO will work though. (i will upload a optional version later without additional Hotkeys)

-Character Menu/Tween Menu is Select/Back.
Main Menu/Journal is Start

-Block is L2 - use the Dual Wield Block mod of your Trust, i personally use Dual wield Parry,
if you are still a SkySa user take Grip-Switch (incompatible with Inquisitor)
Also dont forget to set Block in their MCM to L2

-Lock-on and Toggle POV is R3 - True Directional Movement is Requiered. Click for Lock-on Hold for Toggle POV.

-B is Sneak and Dodge only if you are a Ultimate Dodge Mod user, if using TK you have to make sacrifices and Map Sneak to DPAD down or L3.
For either the Light or Default versions.

As for TK Dodge RE configure the skse plugin ini, the keycode line should be look like this :
DodgeHotkey = 277

i personal recommend using DMCO together with either TUDM or TK for long and short dodge options.
If you have both dont use a version that acces favs with L1+Select
Read sticky post for more information

As for Light and Default versions it is Possible to have all three dodge mods but who needs that?

Notes to Souls Version


Shout/Power has been sacrificed to L1+R1 in order to use Potions with R1,
i dont like that because Potions should only be used with dpad buttons.
But we have to make sacrifices, until i found a better solution, leave a comment if you have one
DPAD buttons are unassigned 
No Hotkeys
you ask why?
Read the instructions in their Description
By the Way
i personally highly recommend this mod but its hard to find a Key for Potion Drinking that dont feel unnatural
After Playing with this for some hours i discovered that i really only use potions for healing
so i just set dpad down for potion drinking, which was for cycling potion groups before (heal/magic/stamina)
and its finally felt natural
so i just uploaded a file for people who feel the same.
For those who only use potions for healing.
basically i did nothing more than put shout back to R1
TK users will sneak with L1+L3 i really didnt found a better solution but i want to get TK working with it
please let me know if you found a better solution, its the worst solution i ever made

Notes to Elden Equip Versions


Only used it with Playstation 5 Controller, might work for PS4 controllers as well
Only Works with THIS steam controller config = steam://controllerconfig/489830/2916936113
Alternatively you can just look for Modern Third Person Controller Controls - Elden Equip, in the Skyrim Steam Controller Community Template Tab
You have 7 Free Keys to use for other Mods (i did not count Elden Equip)
You need to assign the keys in MCM with your Keyboard while controller is unplugged or disabled in the settings
Keys used are the following
G/H = Trackpad Left/Right
X = L1+R1
C = L1+R2
L1+Left = J
L1+Right = L
L1+Up = I
L1+Down = K
Not compatible with Auto Input Switch or any other mod that let you use your keyboard/mouse and controller at the same time (of course mcm keyboard keys will still work while using a controller)

I also corrected the Hud, A is always selecting and B cancelling, L2/R2 is always equip left/ equip right
I will do the Correcting for Racemenu soon. 

Note that bow builds will not work well unless you use Smooths Rapid Bow

If you have any Request or know how to make this Setup better please leave a comment.

For better 3rd Person Gameplay i recommend following Merns Guide on the Skyrim Guild.

Its the first time i uploaded something,
i think i will upload more stuff that come from my Private use in the Future, when i am done with this mod

My Future Plans :
Seperating Gameplay controls with Menu controls from Mods (like Racemenu)
I have fun with the CK maybe i will upload some Magic/Power/Shout Stuff from my private usage
A Spell that lets you load up your Magic Points (i will name it load up your chakra or ki or something). let me know if this exist already
with and without DAR conditions for different animations.
Little Quests for my Magic stuff.

Credits :
Fallhard4 for Map My Buttons
Distar66 for his Groundbreaking Mods including SkySa and MCO
Adri for his Behavoir Mods
Ersh for True Directional Movement
Bethesda for Elder Scrolls, Fallout and The Creation KIt
And the Modding Community who keep this damn old Game alive