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About this mod

Menagerie overhauls the pets added by Anniversary Edition, turning them from mostly decorative followers into combat-ready and capable creature companions.

Permissions and credits
Menagerie - A Creation Club Pet Overhaul
Menagerie is an overhaul of the pets added by Creations such as Saints and Seducers, Bone Wolf, and Nix-Hound, turning them into powerful allies as well as altering certain things about purchasing and interacting with them to make them more consistent. This includes altering their stats, giving new names to pets lacking them, tweaking the way in which you purchase the Dwarven Mudcrab and Nix-Hound, and most importantly enabling them to fight alongside you! Now your sweet little Hilda the goat can headbutt a bandit with the best of them and your Nix-Hound can tear chunks out of a Draugr's flesh.

  • Overhauls the stats of all CC pets to be on par with vanilla pets in terms of Health, Stamina, and speed (with the exception of Thistle the rabbit due to a lack of combat animations).
  • Adds names to the following pets: Gwyllgi the Bonewolf, Krabrenac the Dwarven Armored Mudcrab, Asha the Nix-Hound, and Pelagius and Potema the Manic and Demented Elytra Nymphs.
  • Enables combat for all pets sans Thistle the rabbit. She will instead flee from combat but will return once all nearby enemies are dead (or she can be summoned if you run away).
  • Alters the dialogue for purchasing the Dwarven Mudcrab and the Nix-Hound to be more immersive (no more text notifications!)
  • Removes the map markers for the Pets of Skyrim quest and makes it a Miscellaneous quest while leaving the journal intact as a little hint of what to find.
  • Edits the messages that appear when your pet has an item ready for you to be more streamlined (i.e. "Gwyllgi has something for you").
  • Changes the Teleport Pet spells to lesser powers as well as changing their name to something more immersive (i.e. "Call Asha").
Add-Ons and Patches:
  • In the Mysticism Add-On: Mysticism visuals are added to certain Call Pet spells and spells, scrolls, and staves to summon generic Bonewolves are added to leveled lists. There are two variants: The standard Bonewolf (summonable at Novice level) and the Ancient Bonewolf (summonable at Expert level).
  • In the ECSS Patch: The summoning books to call the Elytra Nymphs are edited to include the name change. That's it.
SimonMagus616 - For Mysticism and his full suite of mods.
The Extended Cut Team - For Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers (and for the Elytra names.)
SkunkJohnson - For the name Krabrenac.
The SimonRim Discord - For being great and also for testing the mod (Thanks Mr. Blazing!)
Future Plans:
I'll be updating this mod based on feedback regarding stats, bugs, etc. Patches for certain requests (i.e. a patch to remove the summon spells and making the animals cowardly) will also be released.
Recommended Mods:
I highly recommend getting retextures for some of the CC pets such as those found in Iconic's Spiders of Skyrim Retexture for Arachne and Xavbio's Dwemer Armor and Weapons Retexture for Krabrenac.