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About this mod

A collection of small mods, tweaks, and fixes I've made, all on one page.

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This is a collection of various bug fixes, tweaks, and small misc. mods I've made, each in one convenient package.

Ulfric's Weapon Consistency Fix
Ulfric's weapon of choice is always referred to as being a sword. He talks about killing Torygg with his sword and how he wants to shove his sword through the gullets of other Jarls. Despite this, he uses an axe and only wields a sword during Civil War battles. On top of this, Ulfric's axe is enchanted, but his sword is not, locking you out of getting his enchanted weapon during Civil War sieges. This makes him always use a sword, also undoing changes by a certain bugfix mod where Ulfric always uses an axe.

Ulfric Boots Fix
Makes Ulfric's boots into armor like his bracers. They have armor over them, they should be armor

Bannered Mare Door Fix
Sometimes the front door of the Bannered Mare locks up and it's a crime to exit it. This removes the ownership of the door so you can exit without getting arrested.

Fur Bracers and Shoes Stat Fix
Swaps the weight of fur shoes and bracers. The little fur shoes have a weight of 2, but the bracers only have a weight of 1? Now they're flipped.

Sultry Maiden Fix
Update.esm makes the Sultry Maiden in the Mind of Madness quest into Mirabelle Ervine. (Yes, I'm serious. Same voice too.) Why? She was broken before and the devs decided this was the best way to handle it, but I fixed it properly. Pre-patch she used the default male voicetype and had a broken facegen template, both of these have been corrected. She now uses the sultry voicetype (which judging by the name I can only assume is what she was meant to use) and has a proper, unique set of facegen data that's the same as it was before she was patched.

Jorn Fix
One of Jorn's AI packages conflicts with his class schedule. A certain bug fix mod "fixes" this by simply removing the offending package from his package list. This mod adds it back and changes when it happens so it doesn't interfere with his other packages.

Reasonable Redbelly Mine Fix
Redbelly Mine is described as being an iron mine and you can only sell iron ore to Grogmar-gro-Burzag who resides there, yet the mined ore outside and veins inside the mine are all ebony. You can recieve a quest to deliver a piece of new, mysterious ore Flinjar dug up in the mine. This "mysterious ore" is a completely random piece of quicksilver.

Community fixes:

Redbelly Mine is an iron mine, including the veins inside and mined ore outside. Flinjar will still have you deliver the "mysterious" and completely random quicksilver ore from vanilla. This method goes against the lore since ESO confirms Redbelly Mine was at one point an ebony mine and at the very least has untapped ebony inside it during the events of Skyrim. On top of this, an entire new dungeon is added to the game "for balance." (But this mod doesn't fix that part.)

This mod:

Redbelly Mine is an iron mine with some soon-to-be-found ebony veins at the bottom. There is still iron ore in the carts outside and Grogmar gro-Burzag will still buy iron ore from you. Flinjar will have you deliver a sample of said newly found ebony ore to Riften so he can find out what it is before he begins digging it up. This is the most lore-friendly approach that technically keeps Redbelly Mine an ebony mine that presumably dried up to reveal iron, and then began drying up again to reveal more untapped ebony.

This plugin contains intentional ITM records, so don't clean it.

Savos Aren Ghost Face Fixes
There are so, so many things wrong with Savos Aren's ghost's face:

-He has a completely different hair color and is balding despite being younger.

-He's blind.

-His face is rougher despite being from the past.

-His actual face looks nothing like the real Savos Aren.

This corrects all of those things. His face is now the same as his normal counterpart, (minus the warpaint) and his hair is now the same color as the normal Savos, and has also been swapped out for the closest looking non-balding hairstyle. His beard is unchanged.

Labyrinthian and High Hrothgar Trolls Fix
In Labyrinthian there is a troll placed in a little abandoned tower by the Bromjunaar Sanctuary that always just gets stuck in the doorway and looks like an idiot while you very easily kill him since he can't fight back. This moves him outside the tower. Also moves the troll on the path to High Hrothgar to ground level and tucks him back in the little makeshift shelter.

Fort Greenwall Forge Fix
The blacksmith forge in Fort Greenwall is buried into the wall, this moves it so it's not inside of the wall.

Greenwall Cave Soldier Fix
In Greenwall Cave there is a dead Imperial soldier, which seems like a mistake as Fort Greenwall is in Stormcloak territory. At first I thought this was intentional, however Fort Amol (a fort in a Stormcloak hold) has dead Stormcloaks in it which leads me to believe this was supposed to be a dead Stormcloak. Either way this just replaces the Imperial with a Stormcloak as well as the Imperial chest with a Stormcloak one.

Veren Duleri and Thorek Fix
Veren Duleri during Waking Nightmare looks different at the end of the quest compared to during the Dreamstride sequence. This was almost certainly intentional to show how much time has passed since that event occured, however his actual face is unreasonably different than his other appearance, and Thorek doesn't look any different at the end of the quest. This mod fixes that and expands on the time concept:

Veren's grey hair and grown out beard have been restored at the end of the quest but his actual face is the same as his Dreamstride counterpart. Thorek now has more grown in and grey hair and looks visibly older, and is also thinner like Veren in vanilla since they've been trapped in the fort for years.

Ironhand Gauntlets Tempering Recipe Fix
The Ironhand Gauntlets have steel stats, look like steel, and yet require an iron ingot to improve. This changes it to steel.

Unobtainable Mushrooms Fix
Moves some mushrooms that can never be harvested because they're placed too far into load doors.

Imperial Soldier Outfit List Bug Fix
There is an Imperial soldier outfit list that causes soldiers that use it to spawn with three sets of armor. This fixes the erroneous leveled flags so it works how it should.

Orc Bandit Vampire Eyes Fix
Fixes a few Orc bandits using vampire eyes when they aren't even vampires.

CC Zombies Leveled List Fix
Did you know zombies in the CC Zombies creation aren't always supposed to use weapons? You'll probably never see this there is a leveled list that was mistakenly give them a 98% chance of using weapons. This corrects it and makes it 80.

CC Alternative Armors Aldepius Silent Dialogue Fix
Aldepius has a voicetype that doesn't have lines recorded for his generic dialogue. This fixes it. Not needed if you are on Skyrim 1.6.1130.

Mannequins Don't Affect Stealth Meter
The fact that this is even a mod is crazy. Yes, Mannequins can detect you in vanilla and affect your stealth meter.

CC Farming Grilled Leeks Recipe Fix
CC Camping and CC Farming both add recipes for grilled leeks. CC Camping's recipe costs two leeks, while CC Farming's recipe only costs 1. The inventory art for grilled leeks show two leeks, so I changed the CC Farming recipe to match CC Camping's recipe.

CC Fishing Grammar Fix
Fixes a grammar mistake in the "Line and Lure" book added by CC Fishing.

CC The Cause Grammar Fix
Fixes a grammar mistake in Skorvild's Journal, added by The Cause Creation.

Dustman's Cairn Boss Fix
Replaces the generic draugr at the end of Dustman's Cairn with a proper boss draugr. Still generic, but not a lowly draugr.

DEEJMASTER's Landscape Fixes
Fixes various landscape bugs and other issues in a few different locations. None of these actually edit landscape records, so they should have good compatibility with other mods:
-The Ilinalta Foothills Talos shrine has very jagged, unnatural, and generally bad looking landscaping. Fixed it up and hid the poorly blended edges so it's more realistic looking and less sore to view. Also fixes completely broken havok on the dead Thalmor there.
-Fixed a mountain seam at Knifepoint Ridge.
-Hid a nasty sharp landscape point at Halted Stream Camp.
-Fixed a floating creep cluster near Kynesgrove.

Friendly Adventurers
So you know those random NPCs just named after their own race that randomly attack you for no reason while you're traveling? Those are supposed to be adventurers, and honestly I find the fact they're hyper-aggressive kind of immersion breaking beyond just being plain annoying. This makes them non-hostile. The ones that weren't hostile in vanilla but could be aggroed if you make them mad through dialogue are not affected.

Slow Down M'aiq
Similar to my Oblivion mod of the same name. Makes M'aiq the Liar walk instead of run in his AI package so you actually talk to him.

Western Watchtower Map Marker is Always Visible
Exactly what it says on the tin. The map marker is no longer quest locked.

General Tullius Light Armor
I never really understood why General Tullius' armor is heavy when he wears light boots and bracers and it looks like it's made of leather. Now it's light, with adjusted stats and keywords.

Nord Legates Dialogue Tweak
The two Nord Imperial legates, Hrollod and Skulnar, have all their dialogue fully voiced in the MaleNordCommander voicetype, but use the scratchy Imperial sounding MaleCommander voicetype instead. They also talk down on Nordic culture like the rest of the legates as if they don't know anything about Skyrim, despite being Nords. This mod just removes the arrogant dialogue and changes their voicetype.

Stronger Vanilla Snow Weather
Skyrim's snowy weather is... rather tame. Aren't we in the coldest, snowiest part of Tamriel? This just makes the snowy weathers slightly more intense by editing snow particle effects. Not on the same level as something like True Storms, just a bit stronger.

Carvains Look Dirty After Being Robbed and Attacked
I find it strange that when Plautis and Salonia Carvain get robbed, attacked by a sabre cat, and terrorized by a dragon, they look exactly the same as the first time you encountered them, except Plautis is wearing rags and Salonia has no shoes. Well no more! This mod makes them look visibly dirtier when encountering them the second time:

-Plautis has unkept hair and a thicker beard, and his face is covered in dirt. 
He also has a scar on his face from being attacked by a sabre cat.

-Salonia has unkept hair and her face is covered in dirt. Her makeup and lipstick are now gone as well.

Their appearances the first time you meet them are unchanged.

Guards Not Soldiers
Turns Stormcloaks soldiers guarding Darkwater Crossing and Kynesgrove into Eastmarch Guards, and the Imperial jailor in Solitude into a Solitude Guard.

Revert Winterhold Weather Change
A certain bugfix mod adds a small chance for Winterhold to have cloudy weather so that the Clear Skies shout works there. This sounds fine until you actually experience said cloudy weather in-game which feels extremely off-putting. Also if the weather in Winterhold was brutal enough to destroy almost the entire town I don't think it's unreasonable you can't clear the constant blizzard there. Either way this mod just reverts it back to vanilla, so Winterhold is eternally snowy.

Ulfr the Blind is Actually Blind
Ulfr the Blind (the blind watchman at White River Watch) is not actually blind, and also doesn't look old despite having balding grey hair and being the uncle of the chief. This fixes both of those little discrepancies.

Murbul Isn't Blind
Murbul is clearly not blind, she walks around and does various things all day, and she even reads before bedtime, yet she uses blind eyes. The compromise? One blind eye.

Silver Hand Aren't Bandits
Makes the Silver Hand not behave like generic bandits. You can now approach them without getting immediately attacked, but they still don't take kindly to people snooping around their business, and will warn you to back off. If you don't back off and try to break into their strongholds or linger for too long, they will attack you. If you are a member of the Companions they will attack you on sight like they do normally in vanilla.

Tolfdir Gives Unhooded Arch-Mage Robes
Tolfdir gives unhooded Arch-Mage robes when you become Arch-Mage instead of the normal hooded ones.

NPC Age Corrections
Corrects the age of several NPCs to more accurately represent context in-game:
-Alvor: he's Hadvar (a grown man's) uncle, sporting a full beard, yet doesn't look even slightly old. Gave him a little older of a look.

-Anekke and Verner: they have an adult daughter, Anekke looks like she could be her sister. Gave her and her husband more wrinkles.

-Delphine: she's in her 50s, and is old enough to have fought in the Great War. She doesn't look the part in vanilla.

-Fralia: Eorlund Gray-Mane (who is only middle aged's) wife. Looks like an old hag in vanilla. Dialed her age back a bit.

-Bergritte: see previous. She has fairly young children and yet looks extremely old. Same treatment.

-Hulda: says she's old enough to retire soon. Gave her more wrinkles.

-Matlara: Haming's mother. Looks more like his grandma. Made her a bit younger but still middle-aged looking for lore-friendliness.

-Runil: mentions being old and frail, so much so that he has to have help tending the graveyard. Now he really looks that old.

-Lod: served under Dengeir (who's younger than him in vanilla) for many years, and still has a full head of colored hair. Made him slightly younger.

-Idgrod Ravencrone: her husband, Aslfur, is middle aged, and she still has a full head of colored hair, yet looks like a hag. Livened her up a little.

-Lurbuk and Chief Burguk: Lurbuk is Chief Burguk's son, and yet is older than him? Their hair color and complexions have been swapped.

-Nurelion: dialogue seems to suggest he is an old man that's gotten sick in his age after locating the White Phial. In vanilla he does not look even slightly old. Made him look older and gave him grey hair.

-Faendal: he's trying to court a young woman and is competing with a young man around the same age as her, and yet he's an old weirdo that has no business participating in petty love triangle drama. Made him look younger and gave him brown hair instead of grey.

Castle Dour Books
Replaces the books in Castle Dour with books about Skyrim, and specifically the one on Tullius' table to give a better impression he's actually trying to learn about the province.

Name Edits
Edits the names of a few items for consistency/logic:
Wedding Dress -> Wedding Clothes (it's not a dress when worn by males)
Gourds -> Gourd (in harvest activator prompt)
Mage Hood -> Hood
Windhelm Guard's Shield -> Stormcloak Shield
Renamed all mountain flower activators to match their specific color instead of just being "Mountain Flower."
Also includes a few misc. text edits to certain player dialogue.

Guard Shields are Light Armor
Does what it says on the tin, and also renames Windhelm Guard's Shield to Stormcloak Shield for consistency with the rest of the set.

Imperials are Alive at Shor's Watchtower
The Imperials dying at Shor's Watchtower if the Empire takes control of the Rift makes no sense. The original guards are presumably killed the Imperial soldiers from the Eastmarch Imperial Camp, but then the exact same thing inexplicably happens to the Imperials when they're stationed there? This makes it so that if the Imperials do take over Riften, the guards will be alive at the tower. They're Civil War aware, don't worry.

Erandur Runs
Makes Erandur run when he escorts you to Nightcaller Temple, so you aren't forced to walk painfully slowly with him all the way there.

Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom Skillbook
Makes the Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom book into an alchemy skillbook.

Werewolf Pelt in Hall of the Vigilant
Replaces the generic wolf pelt in the Hall of the Vigilant with a werewolf pelt, which I'm assuming is what it was supposed to be before Dawnguard released.

Civil War Loading Screen Fix
Replaces the steel plate cuirass in one of the Civil War loading screens with an Imperial helmet.

Darker World Map Nights
Makes the night "weather" in the world map darker, as it's overly-bright in vanilla.

This Imperial Armor is ACTUALLY Damn Heavy
Imperial soldiers constantly complain about how their armor is so heavy, and yet all of them wear leather. There are mods that condition lines about their heavy armor out, but they will still say them if wearing any heavy armor. So, if you have a mod that makes them wear heavy helmets for example, their whining will still make no sense.

This mod makes it so they will only complain about wearing heavy armor when wearing the heavy Imperial cuirass. A patch is available for Unused Enchanted Imperial Gear Incorporated, which is also found on this page under mini-mods. Other than that, I am not going to make patches for the various Imperial armor replacers.

Smithing Balance Tweaks
Just some simple balance and/or logic tweaks for smithing:
-Leather gear now requires the steel smithing perk to craft, since it's the light equivalent to steel anyway.
-Imperial light shields now require an iron ingot instead of leather (?) to temper.

NPCsa are Always enabled
Enables some NPCs that are normally disabled until their related quest. These NPCs being around doesn't hurt anything and doesn't cause any issues, so there really seems to be no reason to keep them disabled. In fact, some of them even have unique dialogue that's never heard in vanilla because of the fact they are always disabled until their quest.

Restored NPCs:
-Rhorlak. (The bandit that is normally in Pinewatch in his absence has been disabled.)
-Ennodius Papius.

No Helmets on Imperial Corrupted Shades
It doesn't make sense for every Imperial corrupted shade to have been an officer, especially since the Stormcloaks are all regular soldiers. This just removes the officer helmets from them, so they could at least pass as heavy infantry from early in the war or something.

Includes changes from Draugr Mesh Improvements.

Harder and Less Lucrative Hearthfire Homes
Makes a few very simple tweaks to the Hearthfire homes, making them harder to initially build and less lucrative:
-The amount of clay and stone you can get from mining deposits has been reduced to 5 per deposit (from infinity) and only one at a time. (From 4.)
-The amount of resources in the chests just outside the houses you are given have been cut in half.
-The amount of harvested flora you get from planted crops has been reduced to a more reasonable level.

Alva Eyes Fix
Alva is the only vampire in the game that uses generic human eyes. I get why Bethesda decided to do this, but considering there are other cases of NPCs who are clearly vampires that people apparently can't identify, I didn't see a problem with giving Alva the correct eyes. Her race is unchanged (just a standard Nord like Serana) and she now uses the same eyes as Serana.

Studded Imperial Cuirass Stat Fix
Makes the Studded Imperial Cuirass actually stronger and slightly more valuable than the light version, instead of just being a reskin.

Elven Weapons in the Bulwark
Changes the weapons lying around the Bulwark to Elven, since that's what the guards actually use.

CC Champion Armor Rebalanced
The Champion gear from the Civil War Champions Creation is absurdly strong. It can be acquired easily from the start of the game and it rivals Daedric artifacts and end-game crafted armor and weapons. This just tones it down in the following ways:

-The Stormcloak set is now light instead of heavy, providing some distinction between the Imperial and Stormcloak sets, and also staying consistent with the vanilla balance scheme.
-The cloaks are no longer considered armor and have reduced values, if you use a mod that restores them.
-The Imperial armor is now roughly as strong as steel plate, instead of Daedric.
-The Stormcloak armor is now roughly equal to scaled, instead of Daedric.
-The weapons are balanced in their own niche, roughly equal to what steel plate weapons would be.
-Enchantments on all the gear have been reduced to more reasonable levels. Some of them were stronger than the strongest enchantments in the vanilla game before.

No Stealing During Compelling Tribute
During Compelling Tribute, you can just go right up the caravan after taking out the soldiers guarding it and take everything from the chest and ride off with the horse. So much for sending any of it back to camp. Now it's stealing to take anything from the chest or mount the horse. The random junk lying around that's of no use to your faction can still be taken without repercussion.

Longer Bleedout
Simply extends the length of the bleedout game setting from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, which is much more fair in my opinion.

No Forsworn Paint on Eltrys
Eltrys talks about how much he hates the Forsworn and the tragedy they caused in his life... and yet his face is covered in Forsworn paint. No more!

Civil War Map Flag Weight Fix and Cut Content Restoration
The flag miscellaneous item, made obtainable by Hearthfire DLC, has a weight of 4? Reduced it to 0.1 and also restored the totally unused blue variant of the flag. If the Stormcloaks take over Solitude, the flag found in Proudspire Manor will be replaced with the blue one.

Less Fanatic Servers
Servers in taverns and inns will no longer run up to you as soon as you enter, now they will just walk over briskly.

Player Potions Renamed
Player potions and poisons will now have a "Brewed" prefix applied to them.

Troll Skull Value Tweak
Raises the value of the troll skull from a wimpy 5 septims to 63 septims.

Usable Helgen Beds
Something that really makes Bethesda games for me is the ability to interact and/or use pretty much everything. I was disappointed that you couldn't sleep in the beds in the top level of the inn at Helgen. Now you can.

Harder Lockpicking
Lockpicking is just abysmally easy in general in Skyrim, not to mention there is a very, very large gap in difficulty from each type of lock to the next. I have made some simple game setting tweaks to make it harder:

-Novice-average locks are now approximately twice as hard to pick.
-Expert and master locks are the square root of themselves harder to pick.

This thins out the gap between lock types considerably and makes the overall experience quite a bit more challenging, while not making the upper locks too much harder as I felt those were fairly difficult anyway in vanilla.

CC Bow of Shadows Lore Correction
In the Bow of Shadows Creation, there is a business ledger copy that lists Avulstein Gray-Mane as a customer at Arcadia's Cauldron that week. Avulstein is in hiding at the beginning of the game, and even when you do his quest and he isn't in hiding, he immediately leaves Whiterun once you give him the news about Thorald. This just removes the mention of him from the business ledger copy.

CC Pets Better Dialogue
Replaces the unimmerse "Equip item" type prompts in CC Pets with "(Equip item)" which follows vanilla grammar logic.

Unlocked Mehrune Dagon Shrine
Changes the lock in Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine from unpickable to master locked. Going inside doesn't affect the related quest in any way and it seems like you're locked out just for the sake of being locked out.

Peryite's Shrine Ownership Tweaks
Adds ownership to several of the items on Peryite's makeshift shrine so you can't just pilfer Kesh's offerings and have him be totally cool with it.

Better Hunter Outfit
Adds some much needed variety to the hunter outfit. I find it weird that all hunters wear the exact same outfit and never wear fur despite being, you know, hunters. This just adds fur and hide armor, (no helmet for hide, they can wear fur helmets though) and some extra hoods. It's completely random so there's lots of new combinations they may spawn in.

Herebane Sorenshield Restored
Herebane Sorenshield is an unused NPC and author of the "Herebane's Bestiary" book series. He exists in the game files and had something to do with the Kilkreath Ruins, but was ultimately scrapped. This mod adds him back to the game in a very lighweight vanilla+ way:

The first desecrated corpse (the one with the full Imperial helmet next to it) in Kilkreath Ruins is now unique and named Herebane Sorenshield. Herebane's unused shield and sword have been added next to him, and on his corpse you can find his journal where he was in the process of writing out a new Bestiary.

Improved Helgen Keep Starter Equipment Revisited
The goal of this mod is to improve the gear you get in Helgen Keep in a lore-friendly and seamless way and make it more fair no matter who you side with:

Gunjar now carries an iron battleaxe instead of an iron war axe, so players who go with Ralof now have access to two handed weapons from the start.

The chests in the barracks have been altered so that siding with Hadvar is more fair:
-The first chest at the end of the bed by the entrance contains an Imperial heavy helmet instead of a light helmet.
-A second unused chest has been added back (it's next to the first chest) and has an Imperial light shield and a torch.
-The warden's chest now contains heavy imperial boots and a heavy cuirass, and the sword has been removed since there's a sword on the weapon rack.

This way you will have access to heavy armor from the start when siding with Hadvar. The chests also no longer respawn.
The Imperial soldiers in Helgen Keep now use iron swords instead of Imperial swords as it made siding with Ralof unfair and automatically superseded iron weaponry. (They use downgraded bows and daggers anyway.)

Stormcloak soldiers in Helgen no longer wear gauntlets as it didn't make sense and is balanced better. Stormcloaks that had a random chance of using one or two handed weapons now only use 1 handed weapons as several soldiers always use two-handed weapons.

The dead mage in the torture room now has spell tomes for flames and healing as well a spell tome for each of the racial starting spells. This is so people such as myself that use no starting magic mods can still get access to magic in Helgen. He also has boots added to his outfit.

Fair Standing Stones
Super lightweight rebalancing of most of the Standing Stones to be a bit more fair and have less obviously overpowered ones dominate, without making them distinctly different from vanilla:

-Alchemy has been moved to the Mage Stone from the Thief, and changes a certain bugfix mod makes to the Warrior and Thief Stones have been reverted back to vanilla. The Stones now also boost your stamina, health, or magicka by 25 points respectively.

-Edits the Atronach Stone to be the same as Oblivion. (Magicka does not regenerate and magicka is increased by 150 points, spell absorption is still 50%.)

-Reduces the magicka damage penalty of the Apprentice Stone from 100% to 50%.

-The shadow stone makes you muffled on top of invisible.

-The effects of the Serpent Stone last twice as long.

-The Tower Stone can now unlock any normal lock (any lock that does not require a key) instead of only expert or lower.

-The Lady Stone stamina regeneration has been increased to 50%.

The Lord, Steed, and Ritual stones remain unchanged.

Bandits Wear Helmets
Bandits have a basically unused helmet list in vanilla, and even have some perks that require a helmet to be worn, yet never wear helmets. This adds the list to their outfits.

Nettlebane Damages Spriggans
Nettlebane is described as being a special dagger used for sacrificing spriggans. Nothing about it affects spriggans though. This makes it deal extra damage to spriggans.

The Mortar and Pestle is not a Bar
Replaces most of the stockpile of alcohol in the Mortar and Pestle with some potions and removes the dead hanging rabbits.

Balanced Spriggan Sap Drop
Spriggans (or at least some of them according to me, we'll get to that in a minute) are supposed to drop spriggan sap. This fact is stated in the official game guide, and new spriggans added by AE in the Solitude Sewers drop spriggan sap. In vanilla, however, spriggans never drop spriggan sap. This was most likely done for balance reasons late in development, as spriggan sap is quite overpowered. A certain bugfix mod which shall remain unnamed makes it so that all spriggans can drop spriggan sap, ignoring that it was excluded for balance reasons.

This mod makes it so that spriggan matrons and earth mothers drop spriggan sap, while standard spriggans drop taproot. I see this as a good balance, while also staying lore-friendly.

Unused Enchanted Imperial Gear Incorporated
I was going through Imperial armor in SSEEdit and realized there's unused full sets of both light and heavy enchanted Imperial gear sitting around in the game files. This mod incorporates it naturally into the world and adds a few missing pieces.

Unused Mage Hoods Incorporated
There is a fairly rare unenchanted mage hood in the game that's used a few times, however there are two other recolors of it that go unused. This mod just incorporates those two unused ones into the game where the mage hood that is normally used is found.

Unused Monk Robes Incorporated
There is a set of almost completely unused colored monk robes in the game files, with only two unhooded variants very rarely able to be gifted to you by your adopted children in Hearthfire. This mod does the following to incorporate them:

-The unhooded versions of all the robes can now be purchased from Radiant Raiment in Solitude.
-M'aiq the Liar now wears the hooded green robes, since he was the only character in the game that wore monk robes who wasn't a priest or acolyte.
-Lortheim now wears the hooded grey robes, since his outfit is bugged in vanilla and he wears court wizard robes most of the time.
-The Blasphemous Priest from the Dark Brotherhood questline now wears the hooded brown robes. Previously he wore Greybeard robes. (?)
-The face surgeon in the Ragged Flaggon already wore the hooded red robes in vanilla.

I implemented them this way because it is the most consistent with the vanilla game and enables you to obtain and/or come across each of the robes.

Whiterun Interior Gate Clutter
Adds some clutter to the very drab Whiterun interior gate, and also a key for the gate for immersion's sake. Made for use with Whiterun Gate Exterior Clutter and Gate Key. Probably not compatible with any town overhauls.

Less Ghastly Windhelm Side Passage
The side passage that leads to the Palace of the Kings that's connected to the prison is... terrible. There is a much nicer unused model that it replaced due to the Windhelm Pit getting axed late in development.

Well, this mod doesn't add that back, since that would require restoring the Arena. But it does add a few bare bones details to make the vanilla version less awful. Honestly, there isn't much I could do to redeem this one since it's just extremely dull and bad looking, but at least now it's not completely barren.

Elenwen's Fine Dining
Elenwen claims to only serve the finest alcohol at her parties, and yet all she serves in vanilla is crappy nord mead and cheap wine, with a whole cellar of exquisite beverages barely being handed out to anyone. I changed several of the bottles of mead and wine laying around to nicer drinks to actually give the impression that she is trying to serve the best.

Missing Dragon Shouts Restored
There are unused and partially unfinished shouts for Revered Dragons in the game files; fire ball and ice storm, which all dragons below them have. I have restored them and also added them to Legendary dragons.

Cut Ghost Shader Restored
There is a much nicer looking cut ghost shader that goes all but completely unused in the vanilla game. There are mods that restore it, like this one, as well as this one, but the former makes a bunch of other rather questionable changes and latter doesn't always work, and also could be implemented much more simply. (Which is why I made this.)

To this end, the cut shader has been restored in the most simple, proper way possible, by just modifying the original shader. Familiars will still use the old shader as it seems they were meant to use it anyway (I suspect it was originally unique to them) before the unused one was dropped.

Only edits two records, no need to worry about patching NPCs.

All plugins are ESL-flagged.