About this mod

Legendary Souls Reborn- Summon the Heroes and Villains of Nirn's Past SSE

Permissions and credits
This is a combined mod of LS_VOT Legendary Souls - Summon the Souls of Heroes and Villains of Tamriel and LS_RB Legendary Souls Reborn- Summon the Heroes and Villains of Nirn's Past. I attempted to contact the original author but he/she has not been active on Nexus for over three years. If you are the original author and you object to this posting then let me know and I will remove it.

Main Always needed


PATCHES (All ESL Flagged esp)

-Legendary_Souls_RaceComp_Patch_FE_SE.esp -------------- If Race Compatability is in your load order. Adds the keywords to many of the custom races in this mod. USE with any of the Following Overrides\Addons.

-------------------> the Following Pathces ( All are Fully Compatable With Legendary_Souls_RaceComp_Patch_FE_SE.esp)<----------------------

-Legendary_Souls_HPH_ADDON_FE_SE.esp ------------------- If High poly Head is in your load order --->NO<--- UNNOFFICIAL SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION PATCH (USSEP) in you load order.

-Legendary_Souls_USSEP_Override_FE_SE.esp -------------- If USSEP is in your load order ---->NO<---- HIGH POLY HEAD in your load order. This forwards 4 NPC recodes that had custom USSEP packages. as ussep is an esp, i cannot add it as a master to the main esm. it kinda dose weird things if the order of things isnt followed. thus the Patch.

-Legendary_Souls_USSEP_Override_HPH_FE_SE.esp ---------- IF --->All THREE<--- USSEP, HIGH POLY HEAD, and LSHPHA are in your Load Order. Must ACTIVATE ---->Legendary_Souls_HPH_ADDON_FE_SE.esp<-----(LSHPHA)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THINGS TO KNOW---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-This could be considered an update over all from the LE versions thus v.030 since LE last was v.021. its everything combied and combed through and modernized abit.
-If there are any vanilla NPC overhauls or replacers in your load order, there will likly need to be a patch made for it, OR in most cases you wont get the book for the spell summons for that particular NPC unless you use a cheat mod to obtain it. over 1000 npcs in this mod almost 900 are Humanoid. around 70 are Vanilla Overwrites.
-Will Use Whatever body you have installed for NPCs including creatures. CBBE?UNP?UBE?UUNP? whatever all good.

These are the origional mods with the extra info.
Full credit zeroeternalz 
 Legendary Souls - Summon the Souls of Heroes and Villains of Tamriel INFO

This mod is a compilaton of all the summon mods I have made. Summon the legendary heroes and villains of Nirn to fight by your side! Will add
hundreds of summons, spells, weapons, monsters, quests, minigames, and a new world map the Elysian Isles that will contain tons of content in the future.
1) Adding new summons: Terrible Peformer Lurbuk, Sword Singer Azzadal, and Troubadour Soothsayer Heliand. Lurbuk's Death Tome can be found off
his carcass (i found out his body doesn't reset or disappear so if you
already killed him, just find his body and loot him). Azzadal's Lyrics
can be found near Bard's Leap. I added a new sachel in the area named
Azzadal's Lost Sachel. Heliand's Poems can be found by performing a
simple investigative (non-marked) quest. Join the Bard's College and
find Gerarde's Research Journal to find clues where to go. You'll also
have to at least start Sheogorath's Daedric Artifact quest. At the end
of the quest be ready to fight a boss.

2) Made major fixes to Gauldur summon. I noticed he and his sons would all start fighting
because of the magic effects from each of their spells. I added
conditions so that the spells won't hurt each other anymore. Also
finally saw the unleashed versions of the sons summoning the subjugated
versions. This was because the subjugated crystals that the player can
loot from the unleashed sons was in their inventory. For some reason the
draugr versions will use the item to summon the subjugated versions of
themselves. Now the unleashed versions will explode near death and the
explosion will drop the purified crystal of the son you just defeated
(similar to how wisps drop the wisp cores).

3) Updated Iashesis' spells to make it appear as if he is teleporting enemies instead of
tossing them. The enemies will disappear and reappear in different
areas. Also fixed the tragectory of where he tosses the enemies. They
should no longer go towards the player all the time. Also added a new
effect to one of his spells causing a large storm barrier (like the one
that the Eye of Magnus makes) during combat. Any enemy near or within it
will be tossed around like ragdolls. I added this effect because it
felt like for a Legendary class soul, Iachesis didn't have that "umph",
and I found him getting detroyed easily by the likes of King Orgnum or
Snow Prince. This new effect puts him on equal footing with those guys.

4) Updating the current Svaknir summon so he follows the same theme of the
other bard summons. The current version tosses song fields around the
field.. though useful... makes him seem more like a mage instead of a
bard. The the way I made the bard summons now is that they will cast a
song on themselves. Once they release the spell, a song field surrounds
the bard, and they will proceed and do a performances in the song field.
While they are peforming they are invulnerable so they take no
damage... Although they take no damange while performing, they will
still take damage when they aren't. Since they are bards, they still die
pretty easy if you leave them alone to fight an entire army.

5) Minor update to Kematu summon. I noticed he still killed enemies way to
quickly so I lowered some of his damage output. The way he was killing
enemies pretty much placed him in Epic/Legendary levels... and I sort of
wanted to keep in him in heroic levels.

6) Two new spell for the player to use: Expert Restoration Spell: Light Guardian - Creates a
light guardian at the player's location. The light guaridan is a magical
sword of light that inflicts holy fire damage on enemies (regular fire
damage on enemies, extremely deadly fire damage on undead). Expert
Destruction Spellark Frost - Fires off slow moving dark energy that
deals lingering frost damage on enemies and knocks them down. The spell
can go through walls and obstacles.

7) New test chest available in the file but not placed in the game map. Chest name is LegendarySoulsTestChest.

8) Hakon's Fus Ro Dah modified to lessen lag issues.

This mod is a compilation of all my stand alone summons so far. I will stop
making stand alone releases and will make all updates on this file
moving forward. These are all lesser powers hence each summon can be
casted at any time. If enough people request for a power version with a
24 hour recast timer, I will work on one. Right now to obtain each
summon, you must either complete some quests or explore Skyrim.
Eventually, I will release a library where the player can obtain each
summon if they prefer not to partake in certain questlines or not in the
mood of exploring. I will also eventually release a colloseum so the
player can pit each legedary spirit against each other to see which soul
is supreme, or partake in combat to see where he or she stands up
against the legendary souls of Nirn. I will also eventually release a
player version of the summons' abilities.


Soul Shade - Arniel Gane
Blades Agent - Acilius Bolar
Summerset Shadow - Linwe
Adoring Fan - Adoring Fan
Rogue Gambler - Vasha the Gambler
Prodigal Son - Ylgar
Fallen Thief - Isabelle Rolaine
Shadowscale Assassin - Ocheeva
Terrible Performer - Lurbuk


Cursed Companion - Skjor
Blades Defender - Baurus
Whisper Conjurer - The Caller
Synod Engineer - Septimus Signus
Alik'r Warrior - Kematu
Thalmor Wizard - Ancano
Phantom Sentinel - Mercer Frey
Master Wizard - Mirabelle Ervine
Treacherous Assassin - Mathieu Bellamont
Skeever King - Hamelyn
Sword Singer - Azzadal


Companion Harbinger - Kodlak Whitemane
Arch Mage - Savos Aren
Nightingale Sentinel - Gallus Desidenius
Void Assassin - Astrid
Ethereal Bard - Svaknir
Ancient Warrior - Hakon One-Eye
Ancient Strategist - Felldir the Old
Ancient Huntress - Gormlaith Golden-Hilt


Legendary Hero - Ysgramor
Wolf Queen - Potema
Gray Fox - Emer Dareloth
Spectral Assassin - Lucien LaChance
Oblivion Usurper - Mankar Camoran
Psijic Ritemaster - Iachesis
Falmer Champion - Snow Prince
Greybeard Master - Jurgen Windcaller
Forsworn King - Faolan the Red Eagle
Maormer Monarch - King Orgnum
Lost Legend - Gauldur
Dwemer Magecrafter - Kagrenac
Troubadour Soothsayer - Heliand

Purification Altar - Located on top of the Arch Mage's Quarters in the College of Winterhold

Pierelle Leoriane (Restoration Mage) - Location: College of Winterhold
Jaque Spratt (Heretic Hunter) - Location: Whiterun Outskirts

Dwemer Transport - Find Reachwind Eyrie


Rapid Blaster - Ancient Dwemer Destruction Magic Spell - Quest: Main Quest
*Converts magicka into physical "bullets' and releases these bullets at a rapid rate.

Frost Wave - Ancient Falmer Destruction Magic Spell - Defeat: Falmer Shadow Champion in Blackreach
*A powerful concentrated wave of ice that knocks down any and all enemies within the wave's destructive area.

Demon Slash - Ancient Akaviri Destruction Magic Spell - Find: Hint located on top of the Throat of the World
*When the beacon spell is cast on enemies, demonic slash attacks from the
depths of the underworld continue to torment the victim mercilessly.

Dismissal - Conjuration spell that dismisses conjured creatures or souls -
Location: Sleeping Giant Inn and College of Winterhold Midden area
*Used to dismiss all summoned beings. Can be used to dismiss familiars,
atronachs, dremoras, or the souls of the dead. Unable to dismiss raised

Conjure Magic Anomaly - Find: Arch Mage's Quarters.
*Summons a Magic Anomaly to fight for you.

Aspect of Alteration - Summon an aspect of alteration in the form of Savos
Aren's friend Atmah. Find Savos' research jounal in the Arch-Mage's
quarters near a shelf by the alchemy table.
*A spell that allows the Alteration master to become nearly invulnerable to all physical and
magical attacks, while under the protection of an Aspect of Alteration.

Aspect of Conjuration - Summonn an aspect of conjuration in the form of Savos
Aren's friend Girduin. Find Savos' research jounal in the Arch-Mage's
quarters near a shelf by the alchemy table.
* A spell that allows the Conjuration master to summon and raise up to 6 beings while under the
company of an Aspect of Conjuration.

Aspect of Destruction - Summon an aspect of destruction in the form of Savos Aren's friend
Hafnar Ice-Fist. Find Savos' research jounal in the Arch-Mage's quarters
near a shelf by the alchemy table.
* A spell that allows the Destruction master to have a constant frost cloak surrounding them while
increasing the damage output of all destructive spells while under the
influence of an Aspect of Destruction.

Aspect of Illusion - Summon an aspect of illusion in the form of Savos Aren's friend Elvali.
Find Savos' research jounal in the Arch-Mage's quarters near a shelf by
the alchemy table.
* A spell that allows the Illusion master the ability of true invisibility and stealth as long as they do not take any
actions while under the presence of an Aspect of Illusion.

Aspect of Restoration - Summon an aspect of restoration in the form of Savos
Aren's friend Takes-In-Light. Find Savos' research jounal in the
Arch-Mage's quarters near a shelf by the alchemy table.
*A spell that allows the Restoration master to be under a constant healing state that
heals health, stamina, and magicka overtime while under the guidance of
an Aspect of Restoration.

Summon Flesh Thrall - Found in the Midden of the College of Winterhold.
*Conjure a Flesh Thrall to fight for by your side draining its victim's lifeforce and poisoning them.

Light Spell - Light Guadian - Found in Azzadal's lost satchel in Lost Valley Redoubt near Bard's Leap.
* A spell that creates a light sword that burns enemies and disintegrates the undead.

Dark spell - Dark frost - Found in Azzadal's lost satchel in Lost Valley Redoubt near Bard's Leap.
* A spell that releases dark magic that knocks foes down while dealing lingering frost damage.

Dir-Kamal Katana - Ancient Akaviri Demon Katana - Find: Hint located on top of the Throat of the World
*A vampiric sword that drains the life force of its victims, reducing them
to puddles of ectoplasm upon death. Randomly ignites enemies on fire.

Heretic Troll Traps - Heretic Hunter Guild standard troll traps - Find: Jaque Spratt's inventory
A deadly magical mine that floats in the air and explodes upon contact. Especially deadly versus trolls.

Heretic Hunter Barrier - Heretic Hunter Guild standard beast cage launcher - Find: Jaque Spratt's inventory
Fires a device that creates a holding cage to trap beasts. (The cage is breakable, so be careful).

Kagrenac's Repair Staff - A staff that repairs the Dwemer Transport automaton.

Njord's Whistle - Allows the player to temporarily summon Ylgar's dog Njord.
Jyrik's Essence - Allows the player to temporarily summon the subjugated soul of Gauldur's son Jyrik
Sigdis Essence - Allows the player to temporarily summon the subjugated soul of Gauldur's son Sigdis
Mikrul Essence - Allows the player to temporarily summon the subjugated soul of Gauldur's son Mikrul

Aquadon - King of Trolls
Fenrir - Aspect of the Storm
Iku Tursas - Horker Emperor
Kirin - Aspect of the Light

These items are under misc items section and will not be usable until future
releases. You can sell them now, but I'd say save them for later ;D
Aquadon: Aquadon Skull, Bones, Fur, Skin, and Heart
Fenrir: Fenrir Skull, Bones, Hide, Heart, and Pelvic Bone
Kirin: Kirin Skull, Ribs, Hide, Antlers, and Heart
Iku Tursas: Tursas Tusk, Shoulder Bone, Bones, Heart, and Blubber.
(Tursas's bones are extremely heavy and will completly hinder you. The
bones can be broken down into bone chips or tusk chips by striking the
bones or using magic. The amount of chips you get is based on applying
the lowest amount of damage, while waiting for the chips to fall off
(long process), or using a high powered item to get less amounts of
chips but destroying the bones quicker).Turkas's blubber can be used as flame bomb traps...after obtaining them, drop
them from inventory in the ideal spots you want to set up a trap. Once
the enemy gets near, shoot an arrow at the blubber, and BOOM!)

Aspect of Kagrenac - Find Reachwind Eyrie
Aspect of the Snow Prince - Find him in Blackreach
Aspect of Orgnum - Search the northern coast
The Caller's Spirit - Summon her at the Atronach Forge
Septimus's Safe - Find it at Septimus's Outpost
Captured Flesh Atronach - Find it at the Midden Dark
Unleashed Jyrik - Summon him at the Purification Altar
Unleashed Sigdis - Summon him at the Purification Altar
Unleashed Mikrull - Summon him at the Purification Altar
Curse of Corruption - Summon it at the Purification Altar
Mikael Mire - DB unmarked quest
Chalkie - DB unmarked quest
Pins-In-Head - DB unmarked quest
Frederick Krux - DB unmarked quest
Jensen Voorhaus - DB unmarked quest
Updated Kematu - An upgraded version of him from his vanilla self. (Side Quest)
Updated Linwe - An upgraded version of him from his vanilla self. (Thieve's Guild)
Updated Hamelyn - An upgraded version of him from his vanilla self. (Thieve's Guild)
Mystified Spellsword - A possessed spellsword manipulating Heliand's songs for magical purposes.

Killer Bees - Located throughout the wilderness
Flesh Atronachs - Located throughout the wilderness and can be conjured by high level conjurers.

Elysian Isle - A mythical island located in an unknown realm where the
legendary souls from Aetherius, Oblivion, the Void, the Nexus, and other
plains of existence meet to battle. The island will have the Arena of
Fate, Athenaeum Einherjar, Hall of Champions, Arsenale Campione, and
possibly a new player home.

Athenaeum Einherjar - Legendary library containing the texts of the legendary souls.

Arena of Fate - Legendary arena where the souls compete for supremacy.

Hall of Champions - A special section of the Arena of Fate that calls upon the champions from the Nexus.

Arsenale Campione - Legendary armory containing the weapons of the historic souls.

Player usable abilities that the summons use.

Heretic Beast Hunter's Guild.

Additional souls to summons:
Blades summons!

For reference's purposes, this is my entire list of summons I plan to release (including some I've already released):
Legendary Hero Ysgramor
Companion Harbinger Kodlak
Cursed Companion Skjor
Prodigal Son Ylgar
Lost Legend Gauldur
Arch Mage Savos
Master Wizard Mirabelle
Soul Shade Arniel
Grey Fox Emer
Nightingale Sentinel Gallus
Phantom Sentinel Mercer
Fallen Thief Isabelle
Spectral Assassin Lucien
Void Assassin Astrid
Treacherous Assassin Matheiu
Shadowscale Assassin Ocheeva
Troubador Soothsayer Heliand
Ethereal Bard Svaknir
Sword Singer Azzadal
Terrible Performer Lurbuk
Blades Ambassador Brisienna
Blades Grandmaster Jauffre
Blades Defender Baurus
Blades Agent Bolar
Greybeard Master Jurgen
Ancient Warrior Hakon
Ancient Strategist Felldir
Ancient Hunter Gormlaith
Pirate King Velehk
Pirate Queen Safia
Pirate Captain Haldyn
Pirate Maurauder Jaree-ra
Tactical Mage Traven
Telvani Scorcerer Aryon
Whisper Conjurer The Caller
Synod Engineer Septimus
Grand Emperor Martin
Loyal General Tullius
Peniticus Commander Maro
Expedition Leader Sulla
Dragon Slayer Olaf
Rebel Commander Ulfric
High King Torryg
Battle Maiden Matilda
Wolf Queen Potema
Corrupt Wizard Malkoran
Necromatic Seducer Andoril
Death Bandit Sild
Oblivion Usurper Mankar
Daedric Dictator Malyn
Afflicted Rebel Orchendor
Vile Traitor Sebastian
Psijic Ritemaster Iachesis
Mystic Grandmaster Galerion
Worm King Mannimarco
Psijic Priest Urvwen
Mirror Mage Shalidor
Royal Mage Geirmund
Dark Mage Zurin
Battle Mage Jagar
Fighters Founder Dinieras
Champion Fighter Modryn
Lich Warrior Ariell
Vampiric Hunter Movarth
Assassin Grandmaster Eno
Assassin Master Ethasi
Assassin Knower Rodul
Assassin Thrall Angahran
Hunter Spirit Froki
Spider Magician Kornalus
Skeever King Haemlyn
Headless Horseman Ragnar
Eternal Ruler Ysmir
Slave Queen Alessia
Weapon Lord Shinji
Sovengard Gatekeeper Tsun
Forsworn King Faolan
Sword Saint Frandar
Dragon Archpriest Konahrik
Silver Knight Zuuk
Druid Poisoner Catchica
Falmer Champion Snow Prince
Maormer Monarch Orgnum
Chimer Hortator Nerevar
Dwemer Magecrafter Kagrenac
Ayleid Ruler Umaril
Orsimer Gladiator Grey Prince
Bosmer Huntsman Oreyn
Altmer Potentate Ocato
Dunmer Saint Juub
Sload Soulstealer N'gasta
Khajiit Ruler Dro'zel
Tsaesci Pontate Versidue
Kamal Demon Ada'Soom
Argonian Axemaster Nienolas
TangMo ????
Ka Po'Tum Tosh'Raka
Limolith ????
Imga ????
Witch Covenmother Jsashe
Mercinary Headmaster Vychamp
Alik'r Warrior Kematu
Summerset Shadow Linwe
Supreme Alchemist Curalmil
Vigilant Keeper Carcette
Thalmor Wizard Ancano
War Teacher Adrimk
Master Shadowmage Azra
Chivalrous Knight Garridan
Forest Huntress Fjori
Arch Pyromancer Silvia
Blood Matron Lamae
Thieving Gentleman Jim
Rogue Agent Miramor
Arch Cryomancer Drelas
Rebel Leader Cyrus
Cammona Thugmaster Orvas
Vengeful Scout Cassyr
Enchanting Marauder Alain
Crusader Paladin Amiel
Senarist Dictator Nesmyt
Mad Thief Chance
Bandit Warchief Hajvarr
Telvani Scorcerer Divayth
Blackwood Pakseech Ri'Zakar
Silverhand Elite Krev
Arch Electromancer Beem-Ja
Serial Killer Calixto
Kind Keeper Grelod
Insane Cook Knjakr
Crazy Inventor Tahriel
Adoring Fan Adoring Fan
Wandering Gourmet Balagog
Rogue Gambler Vasha
Cowardly Sellsword Fulheim
Psycopathic Mother Alea
Woodland Hero Lync
Virtuous Assassin Ezzio
Grey Wizard Grandelf

05/05/13 - Version 1I
1) Adding new summons: Terrible Peformer Lurbuk, Sword Singer Azzadal, and
Troubadour Soothsayer Heliand. Lurbuk's Death Tome can be found off his
carcass (i found out his body doesn't reset or disappear so if you
already killed him, just find his body and loot him). Azzadal's Lyrics
can be found near Bard's Leap. I added a new sachel in the area named
Azzadal's Lost Sachel. Heliand's Poems can be found by performing a
simple investigative (non-marked) quest. Join the Bard's College and
find Gerarde's Research Journal to find clues where to go. You'll also
have to at least start Sheogorath's Daedric Artifact quest. At the end
of the quest be ready to fight a boss.

2) Made major fixes to Gauldur summon. I noticed he and his sons would all start fighting
because of the magic effects from each of their spells. I added
conditions so that the spells won't hurt each other anymore. Also
finally saw the unleashed versions of the sons summoning the subjugated
versions. This was because the subjugated crystals that the player can
loot from the unleashed sons was in their inventory. For some reason the
draugr versions will use the item to summon the subjugated versions of
themselves. Now the unleashed versions will explode near death and the
explosion will drop the purified crystal of the son you just defeated
(similar to how wisps drop the wisp cores).

3) Updated Iashesis' spells to make it appear as if he is teleporting enemies instead of
tossing them. The enemies will disappear and reappear in different
areas. Also fixed the tragectory of where he tosses the enemies. They
should no longer go towards the player all the time. Also added a new
effect to one of his spells causing a large storm barrier (like the one
that the Eye of Magnus makes) during combat. Any enemy near or within it
will be tossed around like ragdolls. I added this effect because it
felt like for a Legendary class soul, Iachesis didn't have that "umph",
and I found him getting detroyed easily by the likes of King Orgnum or
Snow Prince. This new effect puts him on equal footing with those guys.

4) Updating the current Svaknir summon so he follows the same theme of the
other bard summons. The current version tosses song fields around the
field.. though useful... makes him seem more like a mage instead of a
bard. The the way I made the bard summons now is that they will cast a
song on themselves. Once they release the spell, a song field surrounds
the bard, and they will proceed and do a performances in the song field.
While they are peforming they are invulnerable so they take no
damage... Although they take no damange while performing, they will
still take damage when they aren't. Since they are bards, they still die
pretty easy if you leave them alone to fight an entire army.

5) Minor update to Kematu summon. I noticed he still killed enemies way to
quickly so I lowered some of his damage output. The way he was killing
enemies pretty much placed him in Epic/Legendary levels... and I sort of
wanted to keep in him in heroic levels.

6) Two new spell for the player to use: Expert Restoration Spell: Light Guardian - Creates a
light guardian at the player's location. The light guaridan is a magical
sword of light that inflicts holy fire damage on enemies (regular fire
damage on enemies, extremely deadly fire damage on undead). Expert
Destruction Spellark Frost - Fires off slow moving dark energy that
deals lingering frost damage on enemies and knocks them down. The spell
can go through walls and obstacles.

7) New test chest available in the file but not placed in the game map. Chest name is LegendarySoulsTestChest.

8) Hakon's Fus Ro Dah modified to lessen lag issues.

03/14/13 - Version 1h patch I
Makes a couple minor fixes: Adds a taper effect to the Linwe boss fight's
arrow acid against the player. Should now fade over time. Also fixes the
follower Jaque Spratts follower intro dialog. The original version was
changed with the Dragonborn DLC installed. No changes made to the Caller
boss fight through the Atronach Forge because it was functioning
properly. Certain mods may prevent the Caller from being summoned.
Suggestion would be to temporarily disable the mod, summon the Caller
spirit and defeat her, save, enable the other mods, and reload your
game. As for multiple ghoat actors appearing in whiterun, simply use the
dismissal spell and they will all vanish. I am still unable to
determine why some people are getting multiple ghoats appearing. Running
the game with minimal mods active does not cause multiple summons to

01/28/13 - Version 1h
This update introduces a new legendary class soul to summon: Dwemer Magecrafter Kagrenac. Kagrenac is
capable of summoning the Numidium to assist him in battle in open air
combat. The update also adds a new mount into the game. Dwemer Transport
construct that provides high speed transport but with the risk of the
construct breakingdown during transit. The construct can be repaired
before breakdown using Kagrenac's repair staff, or resurrected it by
smashing on the engine it leaves behind. Adds a player usable staff:
Kagrenac's Repair Staff, usable to repair the Dwemer Transport to avoid
it from breaking down. Removes the Unrelenting Rage shout from the
player's shout list. Upgrades a few of Iachesis's Elemental Staves to
have more damage output and effects. Gormlaith's sword attack now has a
chance of triggering an arrowstorm. Fixes the issue of Gauldur's
subjugated sons turning into their unleashed versions. There are no more
chances of Gauldur's sons 2 versions appearing at the same time
fighting themvelves. Moved Kirin of the Light's spawning point further
away from Riverwood. Kirin's aggression is now neutral and will not
attack on sight providing the player the chance to attack or avoid at
their own discresion.

01/10/13 - Version 1g
First update of the new year!!!! This update adds three new Epic souls: Ancient Warrior -
Hakon One-Eye, Ancient Strategist - Felldir the Old, and Ancient
Huntress - Gormlaith Golden-Hilt. This adds them to be summonable from
the Powers list and does not update the vanilla shout that summons them.
The update also adds a new Heretic Beast - Kirin of the Light, this is
the beast that Jaque Spratt is assigned to hunt, so if you're lucky he
and his Ghoat will be there to help you out. The Heretic Beast Iku
Tursas's height has been reduced. Also reduced the health regen of all
the Heretic Beasts so that they're not invinsible. I've also updated
Gray Fox's teleport ability so he disappears and reappears in a puff of
mist much similar to his lore. Fixed Potema's chest so that it can be
opened using Potema's Catacombs Key.

12/21/12 - Version 1f:
Adds a new heroic soul to summon Hamelyn. Updated vanilla bosses such as
Linwe, Hamelyn, Kematu, and Potema's shade to fight more like their
legendary soul counterparts, making these battles more tough. Adjusted
Aquadon's damage output so they're not too strong. Updated Mathieu's
dart explosion to match his ice theme better. Fixed the encountered
killer bees so that they slightly easier to defeat. Tomes for Hamelyn,
Kematu, Linwe, Potema, and Savos have been placed in chests to avoid
them from being blown away in battle. Updated Potema's name to "Queen

12/09/12 - Version 1e:
Adds a new common soul to summon Ocheeva. Edited the purification altar journal to obtain the
Gauldur summon. Moved the Phantom Sentinel found near Bronze Water Cave
to the Twilight Sepulture. Find the crystal containing the soul and
destroy it. King Orgnum will no longer wander the northern coast to
avoid him attacking lower leveled players. He can still be spawned, but
it can be avoided if the player isn't ready to face him yet. Find the
crystal containing him that Iachesis trapped him in. The giant crystal
is located in the same location he originally wandered near Pilgrim's

11/10/12 Version 1d Patch I:
Patch I released for version 1d. This patch removes the Suzaku of the Flame Heretic Beast
from the game. Changed Jaque Spratt into an adult and removes his AI
package of autofollowing the player wherever the player is at. He now
patrols the outskirts of Whiterun and should randomly stop into town on
certain days to get a drink and some food from the Bannered Mare in
Whiterun. Jaque's Heretic Hunter bow is now available for players to
use. He has 2 bows in his inventory, one for him to use and one for the
player to take. This is currently a place holder and will be upgraded at
a later time. It only fires one concentrated arrow that multiplies the
arrows on impact, but I am planning on changing this to have a burst
shot effect eventually. Also the bow's range is very limited and is
meant for mid range combat.... don't expect to snipe using it. Updated
the shader effect on Mathieu Bellamont's charm effect. If Mathieu
successfully charms an opponent, they should now have a purple glow on
them. Also fixed the issue of the custom Nord race I made for the
Companions summons from the playable race list. It was reported by
Kaizersoze that the custom Nord race was made available in the player
creation screen.

11/05/12 Version 1d:
Version 1d released. Adds a new heroic soul; Treacherous Assassin Mathieu Bellamont. Also
adds new Heretic Beast Iku Tursas the Horker Emperor. This version also
makes many fixes to current content: Aquadon and Fenrir spawning in
replacement of predators throughout the wilderness have been fixed. The
heretic beasts will only spawn in one specific location once certain
criteria are met. Attempts to fix the Rapid Blaster spell once more,
this time its a charged concentration spell. Moved Jaque Spratt to
Whiterun's outskirt and fixed the AI of his Ghoat to follow Jaque only.
(It's been reported he shows up naked so I may need to fix that).
Jaque's Ghoat also gets a fix in it's attack effects for it to be more
useful. Fixed the property of Fenrir's Storm Attack. It now only strikes
the opponent towards one direction so that a screenlock issue won't
occur if the player has maxed out stats (especially using the True
Gauldur Amulet).

10-24-23 Version 1c Patch I:
Patch I for version 1c attempts to fix the CTD issue caused by the Flesh Atronach
and Rapid Blaster spells. Also adds two new Heretic Beast Hunter devices
for the players to mess around with. (These are just placeholders for
now and will get expanded upon).

10-22-12 Version 1c:
Legendary Soul Gauldur, and Heroic Soul Mirabelle Ervine are now available.
Essence crystals (used as scrolls) of Gauldur's three sons are now
available to summon. New Flesh Atronach added to game for summoning and
random encounter battles. Also adds a Purification Altar on top of the
Arch Mage's Quarters. New Aspect of Alteration, Conjuration,
Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration spells available. Another fix
attempt on Rapid Blaster spell. Added new Heretic Beast Hunter follower
Jaque Spratt, located near the entrance of the College of Winterhold. New Ghoat Familiars are available in game, only summonable using the
Purification Altar, and a special summon by Jaque Spratt. Fixes the
current Heretic Beasts Aquadon and Fenrir, new abilities added. These
two beasts are still available to fight at their designated places, but
can also be encountered at level 51 or up. Fixes Potema's army summon
ability so that she does not automatically summon her soldiers in tight
quarters. Also balances Potema's Shock Beam so that she needs to charge
the spell, and she is unable to move while casting the spell. Jurgen's
shouts now have Voice projectile visuals and are now much more powerful.
Fixes Iachesis teleportation to appear more like the Psijic Order
teleport done by Quarinir. Added some landscape visuals for a few cells
in Elysian Isle, also removed the dragons so the players can preview the

10-07-12 Version 1b patch I:
Fixes the Caller recipe again when using the Atronach Forge. The Caller should be summonable
once more. Also fixes the issue with the Destruction Spell Rapid Blaster
causing random CTDs when initially casting the spell. Elysian Isle
entrance has also been added, but the world space is not finished yet.

09-26-12 Version 1b:
Adds one new soul - King Orgnum.
Fixes the issue where Mercer's invisibility did not work and Ylgar using his
bow too much. Also replaces Isabelle's throwing dagger model from the
shiv to glass daggers so they are more visible.

09-20-12 Version 1a:
Adds three new souls - Mercer Frey, Ylgar, and Isabelle Rolaine.
Fixes the issue where the Caller's spirit cannot be summoned at the Atronach Forge.

Use this mod in replacement of my stand alone mods if you want to
consolidate them into one file. Please note that although you can use my
old stand alone files with this mod, learning the abilities again will
double up your powers list with the same spell. I would suggest that you
remove the older files from your mod list, but doing so means you will
need to obtain the ability again.

* This file cannot be installed or ran with WryeBash (all versions). To
install and run, please use NMM or the vanilla mod loader. If you happen
to use another file loader and it's causing problems for you, please
let me know so I can compile an incompatibility list.*

UPDATE - MOTOSXORPIO was kind enough to help me resolve the WryeBash issue with
these steps, it should help those who use WryeBash run the file. I will
in time make a WryeBash friendly file once I've completed the file,
since I am constantly working on it, this process would make it
cumbersome for me to release a new update each time. If I am incorrect
on this, please let me know and I will make the next update WryeBash

You can "fix" your esm issue with Wrye Bash...rename or move Original Legendary Souls.esp first, then:
1. Load/Run Wrye Bash.
2. Right click on esm, select "copy to esp".
3. Load/Run CK.
4. Select/Load Skyrim.esm, Update.esm & Legendary Souls.esp, with Legendary Souls.esp as "Active".
5. Once loaded, make any alteration (such as edit value of Doom Arrow,
click OK (revert to original value once "OK" is clicked and you now have
an "*" in the title bar for CK). Save & close.
6. Delete/Rename/Move original esm.
7. Load/Run Wrye Bash.
8. Right click on Legendary Souls.esp you've been messing with in CK
(original esp should be backed up already as pre-step 1. above) and
select "copy to esm".
9. Delete Legendary Souls.esp that was copied to esm.
10. Replace Original Legendary Souls.esp

Legendary Souls.esm should now be CK version 1.7 and now Wrye Bash won't fuss.

* Players who use BOSS will also have issues sorting the file in their lists*

First off I'd like to thank G**. (To be "politically correct" I've censored it ya basterds).
Next my wife for putting up with me doing this (despite some arguments along
the way XP), and still supporting me and helping me with feedback. (She
used to be a producer for SQEX).
Third, my three cats, Kemuri, Juri, and Ibuki for letting me do this and not destroying my lap top and wires.
Next, the two awesome Nexus users who've been with me since I've first
uploaded the Lucien mod: JeftheReaper and Keizaalfeyn. Jef always coming
up with great ideas and suggestions, Keizaal for always providing
constructive bug reports and a great resource of TES Lore. Both have
submitted awesome pictures also to share with everyone, and have been
actively promoting this mod.
I'd also like to thank kaizersoze27 and VaMouse for helping me promote this mod. Kaizersoze27 has posted some
awesome videos of Mankar, Ancano, and Mercer during a gameplay run
through. Vamouse has posted 2 sets of awesome pictures for Isabelle and
Kematu! Check them out when you can.
Last but not least, all of my supporters who've been following my work. I can't reiterate it enough,
it's you guys who I make these for, and as long as you keep enjoying my
work, I'll keep making these summons.

PS: If you've been very supportive of my work, please don't be surprised if you see a PM message
from me asking some simple questions. I promise, it'll be a fun little
side project for this major one.

This section provides vague hints on how to obtain the souls, because these
contain potential spoilers do not read if you do not want any spoilers
to the quests and storylines:

Soul Shade - Arniel Gane - Join the Mage's Guild and do all the quests.
Blades Agent - Acilius Bolar - Find and explore Bloated Man's Grotto.
Summerset Shadow - Linwe - Join the Thieves Guild and do all the quests, otherwise search the area where you fought him.
Adoring Fan - Adoring Fan - Explore the top of the Throat of the World.
Rogue Gambler - Vasha the Gambler - Begin the Dark Brotherhood Questline, otherwise find his body.
Prodigal Son - Ylgar - Find and explore Dustman's Cairn for his note where to find him.
Fallen Thief - Isabelle Rolaine - Talk to the denizens of Winterhold (Not the College).
Shadowscale Assassin - Ocheeva - Do enough quests for the Dark Brotherhood, and do
the quest that Gabriella eventually gives you.
Terrible Performer - Lurbuk - Take an assassination job in the Dark Brotherhood questline and
loot the tome from the victim's carcass.

Cursed Companion - Skjor - Join the Companions and do all the quests, otherwise find him where you last saw him.
Blades Defender - Baurus - Do the main questline, otherwise go back to Sleeping Giant Inn where you find out ????? is a Blade.
Whisper Conjurer - The Caller - Join the Mage's Guild and do all the quests,
otherwise go to the area where you found her and find the makeshift
atronach forge.
Synod Engineer - Septimus Signus - Do the main questline or find his outpost, otherwise go to the location where you
met him and battle his safe.
Alik'r Warrior - Kematu - Go to Whiterun and accomplish a side quest involving Redguards, otherwise go to the
area where you first met with him.
Thalmor Wizard - Ancano - Join the Mage's College and complete all quests, otherwise go to the area where
you last saw him and search the area.
Phantom Sentinel - Mercer Frey - Join the Thieves Guild and do all the quests, otherwise go to the exit
of the dungeon where you last saw him.
Master Wizard - Mirabelle Ervine - Join the Mage's College and complete all quests, go to the
Midden Dark area an search the area.
Treacherous Assassin - Mathieu Bellamont - Join the Dark Brotherhood, and search the shelves near where
Astrid usually stands. Read the letter and follow instructions.
Skeever King - Hamelyn - Join the Thieves Guild and go through the story, you'll run into him.
Sword Singer - Azzadal - Go to Lost Valley Redoubt and go to Bard's Leap.
Search around the aquaducts to find Azzadal's lost satchel.

Companion Harbinger - Kodlak Whitemane - Join the Companions and do all the
quests, otherwise go to the last dungeon of the Companion's questline
and search the secret exit.
Arch Mage - Savos Aren - Join the Mage's College and do all the quests, otherwise go to the Arch Mage's chamber
and search around.
Nightingale Sentinel - Gallus Desidenius - Join the Thieves Guild and do all the quests, otherwise go to Nightingale
Hall and search the area.
Void Assassin - Astrid - Join the Dark Brotherhood and do all the quests, otherwise meet with the Nightmother at Dawnstar.
Ethereal Bard - Svaknir - Join the Bard's College and do the initial quest, otherwise go to the dungeon where you met his ghost.
Ancient Warrior - Hakon One-Eye - Go to the top of the Throat of the World and
search. You'll find three unmarked graves and a chest.
Ancient Strategist - Felldir the Old - Go to the top of the Throat of the World
and search. You'll find three unmarked graves and a chest.
Ancient Huntress - Gormlaith Golden-Hilt - Go to the top of the Throat of the
World and search. You'll find three unmarked graves and a chest.

Legendary Hero - Ysgramor - Join the Companions and do all the quests, otherwise
go to the last dungeon of the Companion's questline and search the area.
Wolf Queen - Potema - Go to Solitude and do a side quest for the Jarl's
advisor, otherwise go to the dungeon where you meet her ghost.
Gray Fox - Emer Dareloth - Join the Thieves Guild and do all the quests, go
to a certain theive's home and search his secret room.
Spectral Assassin - Lucien LaChance - Join the Dark Brotherhood and do all the quests.
Oblivion Usurper - Mankar Camoran - Visit the Museum in Dawnstar, otherwise go to Mehrunes' treasure room.
Psijic Ritemaster - Iachesis - Discover and explore Pilgrim's Trench.
Falmer Champion - Snow Prince - Do the main quest or find Septimus's outpost,
otherwise go to Blackreach and fight the Falmer Shadowchampion.
Greybeard Master - Jurgen Windcaller - Do the main quest, otherwise visit the Greybeards and search their living quarters.
Forsworn King - Faolan the Red Eagle - Read the story of the Red Eagle and do
the quest, otherwise, go to the area where you fight him.
Maormer Monarch - King Orgnum - Search the coast near Pilgrim's Trench.
Lost Legend - Gauldur - Start and finish the Forbidden Legend questline.
Upon completion, visit the Purification Altar and prepare for more
Dwemer Magecrafter - Kagrenac - Find Reachwind Eyrie and find the Dwemer ghosts. Defeat them to make Kagrenac appear.
Troubadour Soothsayer - Heliand - Join the Bard's College in Solitude and find
Giraud's Research Journal on his desk. Follow the clues and search very

Legendary Souls Reborn - Summon the Heroes and Villains of Nirn's Past INFO

Gives you the ability to summon the souls of Nirn's history. A hundred
plus summons are available now and more will be added with future
updates. Each summon is unique with custom abilities, spells, and powers
that will help you dominate any combat situation.

In memory to my father Steven, you will always be a true hero who helped so many but never asked for anything in return.

Legends don’t die, they’re reborn!

UPDATE V.021.01.2 OUT NOW!!!!!

Legendary Souls Reborn - Battle Arena Season 4

ZomBieStriker98 has given me the honor of spotlighting Legendary Souls Reborn on his
Skyrim Mods en Español series!!!  Thank you so much!  First video
spotlight ever!  Also in the video is the Dovahbear mod I helped create
with maymay1588!

What is Legendary Souls Reborn?Legendary Souls Reborn is a re-upload of my original mod of the same name less
the “Reborn.”  This mod allows the player to “soul link” with the heroes
and villains of Nirn’s past, by summoning their souls into the mortal
plain to assist the player in combat.   These souls are not your
standard run of the mill summons.  Each one has their own unique set of
custom skills, enchantments, magic, or abilities to help them stand
apart from the summons in the vanilla game, other mods, or even from
each other within Legendary Souls Reborn.

Obtaining the Souls:To obtain the souls, simply find and use Soul and Death Tomes hidden
throughout Skyrim by finishing quests, defeating bosses, or
exploring the land. Once you’ve found a tome and used it, you can “soul
link”with the soul by going into your powers menu. The power is equipped
in the same slot as a shout, and is activated by pressing your shout
key (default preset “z” key).   Each summon can only be used once per
in-game day and the duration of how long the soul remains active is
based on its soul class.  If you don't have time to go around searching, just send me a PM or ask me
in the discussion  page where you can locate all the tomes in one
location.  I did create a cheat chest on the map, but I won't spoil it
for everyone by posting it here in the descriptions.

Soul Classes:Here is the breakdown of the soul classes, as well as their max levels and the duration of their active summon time:
  • Common Souls – Levels up to 40 | Active time 25 minutes
  • Distinguished Souls – Levels up to 60 | Active time 20 minutes
  • Esteemed Souls – Levels up to 80 | Active time 15 minutes
  • Illustrious Souls – Levels up to 100 | Active time 10 minutes
  • Legendary Souls – Levels up to 120 | Active time 5 minutes
Common Souls are generally weaker, but will remain active longer, while
Legendary Souls are nearly unstoppable, but will only last for 5

Available Souls to Soul Link:
Here is a list of all the souls available to obtain now:
Larcenists (LAR):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Desert Thief - Therris
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Thieving Gentleman  - Jim Stacey
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Mad Thief - Chance

Companions (CMP):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Legendary Hero - Ysgramor
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Companion Harbinger - Kodlak Whitemane
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Cursed Companion - Skjor
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Prodigal Son - Ylgar
College of Winterhold (WIN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Lost Legend - Gauldur
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - College Archmage - Savos Aren
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Master Wizard - Mirabelle Ervine
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Soul Shade - Arniel Gane
Thieves Guild (THF):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Grey Fox - Emer Dareloth
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Nightingale Sentinel - Gallus Desidenius
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Phantom Sentinel - Mercer Frey
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Fallen Thief - Isabelle Rolaine
Dark Brotherhood (DRK):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Spectral Assassin - Lucien Lachance
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Void Assassin - Astrid
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Treacherous Assassin - Mathieiu Bellamonte
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Shadowscale Assassin - Ocheeva
Bard's College of Solitude (BCS):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Troubadour Soothsayer - Heliand
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Etheral Bard - Svaknir
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Sword Singer - Azzadal
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Terrible Performer - Lurbuk
Blades (BLD):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Blades Grandmaster - Jauffre
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Blades Ambassador - Magnessen Brisienna
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Blades Defender - Baurus
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Blades Agent - Acilius Bolar
The Tongues (TNG):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Greybeard Master - Jurgen Windcaller
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Ancient Warrior - Hakon One-Eye
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Ancient Strategist - Felldir the Old
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Ancient Huntress - Gormlaith Golden-Hilt
Vigilants of Stendarr (VOS):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Vigilant Champion - Adalvald
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Vigilant Keeper - Carcette
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Vigilant Avenger - Tolan
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Vigilant Inquisitor - Tyranus
Bandits (BAN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Plundering Ringleader -Black Brugo
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Enchanting Marauder -Alain Dufont
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Wartorn Princess - Rigel Strong-Arm
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Bandit Warchief - Hajvarr Iron-Hand (Updated)
Pirates (PIR):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Pirate King - Velehk Sain
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Pirate Queen - Safia
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Pirate Captain - Haldyn
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Pirate Maurauder - Jaree-ra
Mages Guild (MAG):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Tactical Archmage - Hannibal Traven
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Arcane Astronomer - Bothiel
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Whisper Conjurer - The Caller
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Synod Engineer - Septimus Signus
Sons of Skyrim (SOS):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dragon Slayer - Olaf One-Eye
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Rebel Commander - Ulfric Stormcloak
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - High King - Torygg
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Battle Maiden - Matilda
The Imperial Legion (IMP):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Grand Emperor - Martin Septim
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Loyal General - Tullius
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Expedition Leader - Sulla
  • Soul Class- Distinguished - Imperial Executioner - The Headsman
Penitus Oculatus (PEN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Penitus Inspector - Colin Vineben
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Penitus Commander - Commander Maro
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Penitus Captain - Gaius Maro
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Penitus Lieutenant - Acrturus
Necromancers (NEC):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Wolf Queen - Potema Septim
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Corrupt Wizard - Malkoran
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Necromantic Seducer - Arondil
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Spirit Enslaver - Sild the Warlock
Daedric Alliance (DAE):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Oblivion Usurper - Mankar Camoran
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Crystal Dictator - Malyn Varen
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Daedric Battlemage - Sirran Angada
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Flesh Researcher - Relmyna Verenim
Psiijiic Order (PSI):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Psijic Right Master - Iachesis
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Mystic Grandmaster - Vanus Galerion
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Worm King - Mannimarco
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Psijic Priest - Urvwen
Beast Masters (BSM):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Hunter Spirit - Froki Whetted-Blade
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Spider Magician - Kornalus Frey
  • Soul Class- Esteemed - Skeever King - Hamelyn
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Headless Horseman - Ragnar the Red
Thalmor (THA):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Thalmor General - Lord Naarifin
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Thalmor Torturer - Rulindil
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Thalmor Wizard - Ancano
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Thalmor Agent - Estormo
Alchemists (ALC):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Supreme Alchemist - Curalmil
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Alchemic Researcher -Sinderion
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Angry Apothercarist - Nurelion
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - False Phantasm - Wyndelius Gatharian
Larcenists (LAR):
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Summerset Shadow - Linwe
Secret Agents (SEC):
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Alik'r Warrior - Kematu
Coven of Witches (WIT):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Witch Queen - Jsashe
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Hag Mother - Silvia
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Last Glenmoril - Melisande
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Secret Witch - Anise
Cult of Miraak (CUL):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - First Dragonborn - Miraak
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Guardian Jailor - Vahlokthe Jailor
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Dragon Phantom - Sahrotaar
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Draugr Keeper -Gatekeeper
Warrior Champions (WAR):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Knight Protector - Falx Carius
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dark Knight - Ebony Warrior
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - First Hunter - Torkild
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Driven Soldier -Maximian Axius
Battlemasters (BTM):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Gray Prince - Agronak gro-Malog
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Forest Huntress - Fjori
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Spirit Sword - Divad Hunding
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Immortal Son - Alandro Sul
Battlemages (BAT):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Mirror Battlemage - Shalidor
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Royal Battlemage - Geirmund
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dark Battlemage - Zurin Acrtus
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Deceitful Battlemage - Jagar Tharn
Dawnguard (DWN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dawnguard General - Isran
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dawnguard Captain - Celann
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Dawnguard Commander - Vanik
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Dawnguard Transporter- Saliah
Volkihar Vampires (VOL):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Volkihar Lord - Harkon
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Volkihar Warrior - Fura Bloodmouth
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Volkihar Bloodblade -Ronthil
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Volkihar Nightblade - Lokil
Soul Cairn Souls (SOU):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Eradicating Saint - Saint Jiub
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Soul Executioner -Reaper
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Loyal Horse - Arvak
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Soul Trader - Morven Stroud
Elementalists (ELE):
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Geomancer - Kalthar
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Aeromancer - Borissean
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Pyromancer - Naris the Wicked
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Cryomancer - Drelas
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Electromancer -Beem-Ja
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Aquamancer - Heem-La
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Umbramancer - Colleen
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Auramancer - Vala Catraso
Legends of Men (MEN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Red Eagle - Foalan
Legends of Mer (MER):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Falmer Champion - Snow Prince
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Maormer Monarch - King Orgnum
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dwemer Magecrafter -Kagrenac
Legends of Beastmen (BST):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Kamal Demon - Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Vicious Troll - Udefrykte
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Rieklng Chief - Riekling Chief
The Commoners (COM):
  • Soul Class-  Common - Windhelm Butcher - Calixto Corrium
  • Soul Class - Common - Insane Cook - Knjakr
  • Soul Class-  Common - Falling Wizard - Tahriel
  • Soul Class-  Common - Adoring Fan - The Adoring Fan
  • Soul Class-  Common - Rogue Gambler - Vasha the Gambler
  • Soul Class-  Common - Cowardly Sellsword - Fultheim the Fearless
  • Soul Class-  Common - Psychotic Mother - Alea Quintus
  • Soul Class-  Common - Whiterun Guard - Tor of Whiterun
  • Soul Class-  Common - Torched Apprentice - Yisra
  • Soul Class-  Common - Ravaged Apprentice - Ilas-Tei
  • Soul Class-  Common - Frozen Apprentice - Rundi
  • Soul Class-  Common - Frosted Apprentice - Borvir
  • Soul Class-  Common - Fortune Hunter - Lucky Lorenz
  • Soul Class-  Common - Shifty Burglar - Arvel theSwift
  • Soul Class-  Common - Conniving Ambusher - Telrav
  • Soul Class- Common - Ailurophobic Breeder - Ushnargro-Shad Borgob (Suggested by GendunDrup)

  • Must own a legit copy of TESV: Skyrim
  • Must be updated to latest version (1.9)
  • Must have all three expansions (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, & Dragonborn)

Extra Content Within Legendary Souls Reborn: The following items are extras that were brought over from the original
file into this new one. I may or may not expand upon them. I am focusing
on completing my extensive list of summons first before updating any of
these items.  (The only time I will work on these is when a severe bug
is reported).
  • Realm of Decay
  • Ancient Arena
  • Forest Arena
  • Desert Arena
  • Crystal Arena
  • Brimstone Lyceum
  • Chaos Lyceum
  • Lucient Lyceum
  • Sky Lyceum
  • Heretic Hunters Guild Followers - After finding a special item from a deceased
    Heretic Hunter, you will have the ability to recruit members of the
    Heretic Hunters Guild when finding them.
  • Pierelle Leoriane (Restoration Mage) - Location: College of Winterhold
  • Jaque Spratt /w Gilgamesh the Cat (Heretic Beast Hunters) - Location: Wanders between Riverwood, Whiterun, and Rorikstead
  • Haren Milk-Drinker - Location: Wanders around the city of Riften and resides at Honorhall Orphanage
  • Death Plague
  • Soul Link | Anonymous | Wandering Soul
  • Rapid Blaster
  • Frost Wave 
  • Demon Slash
  • Dismissal 
  • Conjure Magic Anomaly 
  • Aspect of Alteration 
  • Aspect of Conjuration
  • Aspect of Destruction
  • Aspect of Illusion 
  • Aspect of Restoration
  • Summon Flesh Thrall
  • Lesser Reflect
  • Steadfast Reflect
  • Greater Reflect
  • Unbind Common Souls
  • Unbind Distinguished Souls
  • Unbind Esteemed Souls
  • Unbind Illustrious Souls
  • Unbind Legendary Souls
  • Necro Bane
  • Daedric Nullifier
  • Stendarr's Wrath
  • Dark Napalm
  • Chaotic Calamity
  • Ion Cannon
  • Mirror Armor
  • Awakened Wuuthrad
  • Dir-Kamal Katana
  • Webspinner Bow
  • Hellfang Sword
  • Charon's Staff
  • Desert Song Scimitar
  • The Predator Bow
  • Mirror Blade
  • Commander's Staff
  • Dark Knight Armor Set
  • Cursed Lore Tome
  • Raiment of Valor
  • Mooncrystal Shield
  • Dark Crown
  • Chaos Ring
  • Njord's Whistle
  • Geirmund's Lesson
  • Shalidor's Lesson
  • Jagar Tharn's Lesson
  • Zurin Arctus' Lesson
  • Scroll of Sky
  • Scroll of Lucient
  • Scroll of Chaos
  • Scroll of Brimstone
  • Scroll of Ancient
  • Scroll of Crystal
  • Scroll of Forest
  • Scroll of Desert
  • Scroll of Sovngarde
  • Scroll of Soul
  • Scroll of Debauchery
  • Scroll of Decay
  • Scroll of Tharn
  • Aquadon - King of Trolls 
  • Fenrir - Aspect of the Storm 
  • Kirin - Aspect of the Light
  • The Daedric Alliance
  • Notes of the Vigilant
  • Ragnar's Revenge
  • Kyne's Divine Hunt
  • The Soul Ink
  • A Chance Encounter
  • A Gentleman's Treasures
  • Chasing the Winds
  • Aspect of Kagrenac 
  • Aspect of the Snow Prince 
  • Aspect of Orgnum 
  • Septimus's Safe 
  • Captured Flesh Atronach
  • Unleashed Jyrik 
  • Unleashed Sigdis 
  • Unleashed Mikrull 
  • Curse of Corruption
  • Unleashed Numinex 
  • Justin Skeever
  • Thalmor Grand Executioner
  • Ruma and Raven Camoran
  • Restless Corpse of the Headsman
  • Lich Form Mannimarco
  • Arachne
  • Cerberus
  • Bloody Mary
  • Charon
  • Wendigo
  • Penitus Oculatus Inspector
  • Soul of Agronak gro-Molag
  • Soul of Fjori
  • Soul of Divad Hunding
  • Soul of Alandro Sul
  • Thalmor Field Commander
  • Relmyna's Lost Gatekeeper
  • Sirran Angada's Soul
  • Malyn Varen's Soul
  • Aspect of Mehrunes Dagon
  • Morven's Ideal Master
  • Arvak's Ideal Master
  • Reaper's Ideal Master
  • Jiub's Ideal Master
  • Geirmund's Sky Lyceum Test
  • Shalidor's Lucient Lyceum Test
  • Jagar Tharn's Chaos Lyceum Test
  • Zurin Arctus' Brimstone Lyceum Test
  • Ragnar the Red
  • Kyne's Champion
  • Black Bow Bandit Warchief
  • The Desert Wind
  • Flesh Atronachs - Located throughout the wilderness and can be conjured by high level conjurers.
  • Corrupted Cultist - Located in the Realm of Decay
  • Decrepit Torturer - Located in the Realm of Decay
  • Doom Hound - Located in the Realm of Decay
  • Dread Keeper - Located in the Realm of Decay
  • Pit Dog - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Drunk Brawler - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Bleeding Shadow - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Beast Master - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Veteran Warrior - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Seasoned Gladiator - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Raging Berserker - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Local Champion - Located in the Ancient Arena
  • Elusive Hare - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Sly Fox - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Green Stag - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Dire Wolf - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Earth Bear - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Mold Troll - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Spriggan Queen - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Moss Mother - Located in the Forest Arena
  • Oasis Crab - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Arid Netch - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Desert Tarantula - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Sand Stalker - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Dune Spawn - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Mirage Hunter - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Scorch Priest - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Mummified Warrior - Located in the Desert Arena
  • Jasper Scamp - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Sapphire Atronach - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Ruby Atronach - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Opal Atronach - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Jade Seeker - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Pyrite Lurker - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Amber Saint - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Obisidan Dremora - Located in the Crystal Arena
  • Lokil's Thrall Messengers
  • Guardian Mudcrab Awakened
  • Guardian Skeever Awakened
  • Guardian Wolf Awakened
  • Guardian Ursine Awakened
  • Guardian Mammoth Awakened
  • Guardian Boar Awakened
  • Guardian Sabre Cat Awakened
  • Guardian Troll Awakened
  • Medusa
  • Baliwog
  • Oblivion Atronach
  • Black Bow Bandit

Mod History: 
After a long hiatus from updating the previous version of this mod located here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23387/?, I decided to rework  the mod and upload it as a new standalone file. 
The original version of the mod caused a lot of issues with users since
it required them to download an ESM and ESP file.  Long gone is the
requirement for the ESM file to run the ESP file.  To take it even
further back, I’ve been working on summon mods since 2012 and the first
mod I released was the updated Spectral Assassin standalone mod.  After
experiencing Bethesda's weak sauce attempt of bringing back Lucien
Lachance from the void, I upgraded him to reflect his more lethal
killing skills.  From there, I created other summons of TES lore
individually and then I finally bunched them up into the original
Legendary Souls.

Coming Soon:

Upcoming Set to be Completed:
Morag Tong (MRT):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Assassin Grandmaster - Eno Hlaalu
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Assassin Nightblade -Ethasi Rilvayn
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Assassin Agent - Rogdulgro-Bularz
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Assassin Thrall - Corda

More summons to be eventually completed (broken down in sets):
Fighters Guild (FIG):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Fighter Prime - Dinieras-Ves
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Champion Fighter - Modryn Oreyn
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Inebriated Warrior - Dubokgro-Shagk
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Vampiric Hunter - Movarth Piquine
House Telvanni (TEL):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Telvanni Archmagister - Gothren
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Telvanni Conjurer - Aryon
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Telvanni Acquisitor - Neloth
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Telvanni Necromancer - Dratha
House Redoran (RED):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Redoran Archmaster - Bolvyn Venim
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Redoran Knight - Hlaren Ramoran
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Redoran Agent - Athyn Sarethi
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Redoran Warrior - Garisa Llethri
House Hlaalu (HLA):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Hlaalu Grandmaster - Duke Vedam Dren
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Hlaalu Noble - Crassius Curio
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Hlaalu Embezzler -Yngling Half-Troll
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Hlaalu Templar - Bolayn Rethan
House Dagoth (DAG):
  • Soul Class -  Legendary - Dagoth Lord - Voryn Dagoth
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dagoth Minister - DagothGares
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dagoth Dreamer - Zula
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dagoth Agent - Hanarai Assultanipal
House Indoril (IND):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Indoril Grandmaster - Tanval Indoril
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Indoril Priest - Garyn Indoril
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Indoril Bard - DrayvenIndoril
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Indoril Agent - Dralsi Indoril
House Dres (DRE):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dres Vampire - Garan Marethi
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dres Houseman - Serjo Dres Minegaur
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dres Slaver - Soron Jeles
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Dres Slave - Kazagh the Lopper
Order of Knights (OOK):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Crusader Paladin - Sir Amiel Lannus
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Knight Errant - Garridan Stalrous
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - White Stallion - Mazoga the Orc
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Wayward Knight - Farwil Indarys
Rival Guilds (RIV):
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Blackwood Pakseech - Ri'Zakar
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Silverhand Elite - Krev the Skinner
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Mercenary Headmaster - Vychamp
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Crimson Scar - Greywyn Blenwyth
Ancient Sorcerers (ASO):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Master Shadowmage - Azra Nightwielder
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Seer Mage - Ryandor the Bold
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Telvanni Recluse - Divayth Fyr
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Blood Matron - Lamae Beolfag
Forgotten Mentors (FOM):
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Vicecanon Author - Heita-Meen
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Emperor Zero - Emperor Cuhlecain
  • Soul Class- Esteemed - Explorer Poet - Topal the Pilot
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - War Teacher - Adrimk
Rebels (REB):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Rebel Leader - Cyrus
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Vengeful Scout - Cassyr Whitley
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Rogue Agent - Miramor
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Renrijra Krin - S'razirr
Secret Agents (SEC):
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Veiled Queen - Estre
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Senarist Dictator - Nesmyt
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Cammona Rogue - Orvas Dren
Vampiric Orders (VMP):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Vampiric Curator - Vyrthur
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Vampiric Patriarch - Malkus
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Vampiric Traveler - Traveler
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Vampiric Ringleader - Venarus Vulpin
Archaeologists (ACH):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Mechanical Hologram  - The Forgemaster
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Enthralling Charmer -Minorne
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Aetherium Hunter - Katria
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Fraudulent Researcher- Taron Dreth
Excavators (EXC):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Bloodskal Escavator -Gratian Caerellius
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Spider Queen - Merilar Rendas
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Spider Researcher - Servos Rendas
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Relic Miner - Mireli
Thirsk Mead Hall (TMH):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Thirsk Forebear -Hrothmund the Red
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Thirsk Blacksmith -Kuvar
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Thirsk Leader - Bujold theIntrepid
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Thirsk Brewer - Elmus
Frostmoon Pack (FRS):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Alpha Frostmoon - Majni
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Beta Frostmoon - Hjordis
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Delta Frostmoon - Akar
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Omega Frostmoon - Rakel
Ravenrock Citizens (RVR):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Silent Assassin - Vendil Ulen
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Disgruntled Apprentice -Ildari Sarothril
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Reluctant Stewart - Varona Nelas
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Debt Collector -Mogrul
Insurgents (INS):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Ash'abah Outcast - Marimah
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Spider Priestess - Selene
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Righteous Ruler - Rislav Larich
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Black Drake - Emperor Durcorach
Deified Rulers (DFR):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dragonborn Emperor - Tiber Septim
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Warrior Poet - Vivec
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Healing Mother - Almalexia
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Clockwork God - Sotha Sil
Brigands (BRI):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Ghost King - Haknir Death-Brand
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Crooked Tinkerer - Raleth Eldri
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Horker Hunter - Saden
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Foolish Thief - Esmond Tyne
The Skaal (SKA):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Skaal Savior - Aevar Stone-Singer
  • Soul Class-  Illustrious - Skaal Leader - Tharsten Heart-Fang
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Skaal Shaman - Storn Crag-Strider
  • Soul Class-  Distinguished - Skaal Adventurer - Eydis
Soul Walkers (SLW):
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Oblivion Walker - Morian Zenas (Suggested by Wyzen)
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Sovengarde Pathfinder - Ulfgar the Unending
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Mad Architect - Dutheil
  • Soul Class- Legendary - Soul Defender - Malkur Valos
Daedric Champions (DAC):
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Beggar Prince - Wheedle (Suggested by Wyzen)
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Plague Bringer - Orchendor
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Afflicted Bretheren - Ghola gro-Muzgol
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Rueful Mage - Sebastian Lort
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Tormenting Assassin - Amir
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Heartless Champion - Msirae Faythung
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Stalwart Priest - Logrolf the Willful
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Devout Nightblade - Norasa Adus
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Cursed Prisoner - Sinding
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Atoning Chieftain - Chief Yamarz
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Librarian Prophet - Dyus of Mytheria
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Hedonistic Worshiper - Engorm
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Nightmare Priest - Veren Duleri
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Mad Emperor - Thoriz Pelagious Septim III
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Shadow Ranger - Raerlas Ghile
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Devising Scout - Dredena Hlavel
  • Soul Class- Illustrious - Devout Healer - Basil Ernarde
Arcanists (ARC):
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Chronomancer - Earil
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Necromancer - Lu'ah Al-Skaven
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Herbamancer - Avita Vesnia
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Automancer - Erasmo
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Neuromancer - Thorek
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Astromancer - Irlav Jarol
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Sonomancer - Grimkell
  • Soul Class-  Esteemed - Arch Genomancer - Eustacia
Legends of Men (MEN):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Eternal Ruler - Wulfharth
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Slave Queen - Saint Alessia
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Weapon Lord - Shinji Gaiden
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Bridge Keeper - Tsun
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Sword Saint - Frandar Hunding
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dragon Archpriest - Konahrik
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Silver Knight - Zuuk
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Druid Poisoner - Catchica
Legends of Mer (MER):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Chimer Hortator - Indoril Nerevar
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Ayleid Ruler - Umaril the Unfeathered
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Bosmer Huntsman - Oreyn Bearclaw
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Altmer Potentate - Ocatoof Firsthold
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Orsimer Shaman - EmmegGro-Kayra
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Dunmer Queen - Barenziah
Legends of Beastmen (BST):
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Sload Soulstealer -N'gasta
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Khajiit Ruler -Dro'zel
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Tsaesci Pontate -Versidue-Shaie
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Argonian Axemaster -Nienolas Ulwarth
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - TangMo Champion  - TangMo Warrior
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Ka Po'Tum Emperor -Tosh'Raka
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Limolith Transcriber - Ancient Limolith
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Imga Baron - Imga Baron
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Red Dragon - Nafaalilargus
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Lonely Giant - Grok
  • Soul Class-  Legendary - Frost Giant - Karstaag
The Commoners (COM):
  • Soul Class-  Common - Kind Keeper - Grelod the Kind
  • Soul Class-  Common - Wandering Gourmet - Balagoggro-Nolob
  • Soul Class-  Common - Foolhardy Kidnapper -Rochelle the Red
  • Soul Class-  Common - Misunderstood Lover - Usha
  • Soul class- Common - Troll Hunter - Frofnir Trollsbane

  • V.020.01.2 - Patch 12 - Fixed an AI package for a follower.
  • V.020.01.1 - Update and Patch 11 - Added 3 new summons, updated 1 previous soul,
    added a new special follower system for the Heretic Hunters Guild members, added 1 new follower, fixed various mesh and texture issues brought by the previous update, and updated the ghost visuals of the Heretic Beasts.
  • V.019.01.0 - Update - Added 4 new summons, 1 new power (can be upgraded), 1 new unmarked quest, new recipes, and 3 new enemies.
  • V.018.01.0 - Update and Patch 10 - Added 4 new summons, fixed issue with Kagrenac
    minions causing CTD, decreased the amount of Geirmund's troops summoned in the Sky Lyceum which caused memory issues from sheer amount of characters on screen, updated several skill effects and weapons.
  • V.017.00.9 - Update - Added 3 new summons, 1 new player usable weapon, 2 new
    unmarked quests, updates on 4 previous souls, various updates on the mod's added enemy types, 1 new recipe for Purification Altar.
  • V.016.00.9 - Update - Added 4 new summons, 4 new locations, 4 new player usable
    spells, 4 new player usable equipment, 2 new crafting stations, 18 player usable scrolls, and fixed Forest Arena bug. 
  • V.015.00.9 - Patch 9 - Hot fix to V.015.00.8.  Fixed the placement of an npc for the unmarked quest Notes of the Vigilant.  
  • V.015.00.8 - Update - Added 4 new summons, an unmarked quest, a new crafting
    station, 3 player usable spells, 1 player usable ability.
  • V.014.00.8 - Update and Patch 8 - Added 3 new summons, made several balance
    adjustments on all the souls' abilities, and fixed 4 reported issues and 1 unreported issue.
  • V.013.00.7 - Update and Patch 7 - Added 4 new summons, 4 new bosses, and fixed 2 reported bugs.
  • V.012.00.6 - Update - Added 4 new summons.
  • V.011.00.6 - Update and Patch 6 - Added 3 new summons, 4 new bosses, an unmarked
    quest, and updated how to access the test chest.
  • V.010.00.5 - Update and Patch 5 - Added 2 new summons, 1 new boss, a new system to
    learn the Soul Link powers, added arena manuals.
  • V.009.00.4 - Update and Patch 4 - Added 4 new summons, new locations, new bosses, new
    enemies, new equipment, and a bug fix on an old spell.
  • V.008.00.3 - Update - Added 4 new summons.
  • V.007.00.3 - Update and Patch 3 - Added 4 new summons, a new boss fight, updated
    spell properties, added some missing scripts on some summons.
  • V.006.00.2 - Update - Added 3 new summons.
  • V.005.00.2 - Update - Added 4 new summons, a new boss fight, and updated 2 previous summon abilities.
  • V.004.00.2 - Update - Added 3 new summons and revised 3 previous summons abilities.
  • V.003.00.2 - Update and Patch 2 - Added 3 new summons, dungeon, weapons, armor
    set, bosses, player spells, new power, new mobs.  Brought back Jaque Spratt and changed his minion from Ghoat in the original version of the mod to Gilgamesh the Cat.  Brought back the Heretic Beast Kirin.  Fixed the issue with invisible flesh atronachs in the wild.
  • V.002.00.1 - Update - Added 4 new summons and updated 4 older summons abilities. Please watch video posted above!
  • V.001.00.1 - Patch - Fixed the recipe list to obtain the Caller death tome.
  • V.001.00.1 - Patch 1 - Noticed missing ingredient item on The Caller item list to
    summon her spirit as a boss fight in the midden.  Also added the results item on the Atronach Forge Formlist to include the NPC the player will need to confront to earn a copy of the Caller's Death Tome.
  • V.001.00.0 – Launch – Initial Release - New Mod Page –Video Added

Known Issues:
An issue was reported about SMCO not being able to optimize the .BSA file,
but after installing SMCO and hitting the optimize button on the
utility, the .BSA file was optimized.  If anyone else is experiencing
this issue, please post a bug issue on the Bugs message thread started
by Mablius25.
Running TES5Edit will give you a bunch of errors when it scans through LS Reborn.  Please disregard these for now since most
of these ITMs are dirty edits necessary to make the mod run.  I'll be
doing a complete cleaning of the file once I've finished all the summons
and other content.  So please do not let this deter you from
downloading and using the mod.  I guarantee that this won't conflict
with your game in any way when running with LS Reborn.

Install: Easiest way it to use the NMM. Alternately, you can you can simply download
manually.  Extract the file from the zip, and place the lsreborn.esp
file and lsreborn.bsa file in your Skyrim data folder.  Easy peasy.

Uninstall: Before uninstalling, first make sure ingame you dismiss the current active
summon.  Unequip the power.  Unequip any of the equipment gained from
this mod. Drop any item obtained from this mod.  Unequipe any spells
obtained from this mod.  Save file and exit the game.
After doing all that simply uninstall using NMM.  If you prefer to do it manually, go
into the data folder and delete lsreborn.esp and lsreborn.bsa.

Resource Credits:

  • m150 for the Dwarven Protokiller (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69949) mesh
  • MihailMods for the Dwarven Colossus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82055) and 
    Flesh Atronach/Keeper (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84995)
  • GendunDrup and CD Projekt Red for (The Witcher, The Witcher2) Golem and Armored Hound Meshes and
    Textures.  In update 003.00.2, also using House Cat meshes and textures from GendunDrup's resources (credit to Hissssa).  GendunDrup’s creature resource page can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49682/?
  • Vicn’sCreature Resource for Daedroth, Scamp, Dwarven Gynoid, Flesh Grinder, Bone Lord, Draugr
    Brute, Shoggoth Mother, Ascended Sleeper, and Ascended Lawmage. Vicn’s page can be located here: Vicn's Creature Resources Website 
  • Also would like to add the following credit as per Vicn's instruction on his page regarding the Dwarven Gynoid:
  • Enhanced Character Edit by ECE Team
  • DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99
  • Hair packs of TES IV Oblivion for Female Only by Radioragae
  • REN
  • Peggy
  • NewSea
  • SKS

Thanks: First of all I just want to thank the folks who endorsed my original file. 
It was you guys who kept pushing me to continue.   I hope more people
will enjoy my “hidden gem”as some of you called it =).
  • jefthereaper - Thanks for your support since day 1 with the Spectral Assassin mod.
  • Keizaalfeyn - Thanks for all the testing you've done in the past and for doing your best to get my mod reviewed.
  • Kaizersoze27 - For all the awesome in game videos you made for me.
  • VaMouse - For all the testing and encouragement with my original version.
  • Nickademus84 - For always keeping an eye on my mod and following it =P.
  • criswolf09 - For the enthusiasm and eagerness to always try the new summons I release.
  • Mablus25 - For you continued motivation and follow up with the status of this
    new release.  Thanks for the offer of help and support as well =).
  • Wyzen - For your incredible ideas and in the pursuit of making your own version of Legendary Souls. 
  • Tyraent22 - For giving me to the idea to use "reborn" in my title instead of "redone" as i originally planned.
  • GendunDrup- For giving me permission to use his creatures resources and also giving me a few ideas for new summons. 
  • Arcane51388 - For all the hard work we did on Druid Essentials, Fenrir the Frost
    Wolf, Green Pact Armor, our unreleased Necromancer Essentials, and Samurai Essentials mod.  Whenever you're ready to get back on those, I'm down.
  • Maymay1588 - Thanks for the experience in working with the Dovahbear mod and also
    with Druid Essentials.  It was fun working with you and hope that someday we can work on another project together.

Permissions: Please send me a PM if you would like to upload or showcase this mod anywhere.
I do not give permission to upload this mod on the Steam Workshop or anywhere else unless if asked first. 

Other Mods: If you like this mod, please check out these others I've worked on with Arcane51388 and Maymay1588
Q) Will you be making player usable spells that the summons use?
A) Maybe… but I’ll only consider it after I finish completing all the
souls to summon first. I want to focus on the summoning aspect of the
mod this time around.  Plus there are plenty of awesome spell mods out
there already… Apocalypse, Midas, *cough*Druid Essentials*cough*.

Q) Will you be making player usable enchantments that the summons use?
A) Same answer as above.

Q) Can you please provide a list of where I can find all the summons?
A) A list?!  Who needs a stinkin’ list!  Do it for ADVENTURE!!!.. . . .
….. ok ok, I plan on releasing a comprehensive list with how to get
the summons and the locations where to find them.  I may even make videos to make it easier.

Q) Why don’t you make (insert character name here) a summon?
A) I’d say 99% of the time the named character you named will already be
in my list =P.  If there’s someone I didn’t include, it’s probably
because I already have too many on my plate to even consider to add new
ones on the list.  If I FINISH my list, I may consider it… but I’m just
one person lol.

Q) Why can’t you make it so the summons can be cast more than once per day and last forever like your original version?
A) I realized the biggest flaw with my original file was that the summons
can be exploited to easily in the original file.  If a summon is about
to get defeated, the player can just resummon them before it
dies. Where’s the fun in being 100% invincible… Also allowing them to
remain on the map indefinitely is also a bit OP… I did things this way
this time so that there’s more balance and the player will need to learn
how to manage their
summoning rotation.  You can’t rely on just one summon any more… you’ll need to learn how each one works and figure out
your favorite team instead of spamming the same summon over and over.

Q) Why did you make this version DLC reliant?
A) I think by now everyone should have the 2.5 expansions (can't really
count Hearthfire as a full expansion XD)… there’s no real reason not to
have them at this time.  I won’t be making a non DLC reliant version of
this version.  I will keep the original version non DLC reliant so that
will always be available for you to use.

Q) Will you be updating the original version?
A) Sadly no… I will keep the page up so people can still use it if they
prefer the older version.  As for new updates, I will be focusing only
on this version.  There are enough goodies in the old version that
didn't get transitioned into the new version to make it a unique mod
experience separate from this new version.  

Q) Will this conflict with (SkyRE, Requiem, PerMa, etc)?
A) It should work with anything.  I didn’t change any original perks.  All
perks that the summons use are custom perks.   Plus whenever I make
mods, I make them clean, meaning I don’t run other mods while creating
or testing them.  If there are any conflicts, please let me know… that
way I can put them in the known issues section of the page.

Q) Can I translate this mod into (place language name here)?
A) Just sent me a personal message and I’ll let you know.

Q) Why don’t you make (Character Name here) do this… do that…cast this… cast that… etc?
A) The way I will create the summons is how I envisioned them… and as much
as I love hearing suggestions, I usually already have a set
way of what I want to do with the character. It doesn’t mean I won’t listen or
even implement the idea… (I have done it in the past), but I usually
have my own way of doing things.  I will say this though… If you want to
make your own version of Legendary Souls… please be my guest… just make
sure to.

Some vanilla NPC Replacers and Most Vanilla NPC Overhauls Will need a patch. Shouldn't break the game just IIMMEERRSSIIOONN lol.
Some location Changing mods will conflict with certin (MOD) placed items. Shouldn't break the game just IIMMEERRSSIIOONN lol.
As many Vanilla edits that could be removed, were. This should be fairly optimized at this point in the esm. netbadass took alot of extra time going though the 1000s of edits removing junk lol.

Netbadass Ports