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About this mod

The Warfighter Addon currently rebalances damage for both the player character and non-player characters in the world by realistically and equally increasing the severity of the wounds suffered in combat. It is highly compatible with other addons, incuding STCoP, AO3, and Outfits.

Permissions and credits

Made corrections headshot damages. Headshots should now be as lethal as intended, with 1 shot kills for improvised armor 1-2shot kills for medium armor, 2-3 for heavy armor, and 4+ for exos and some "Hero" npcs. These of course, are all dependent on the power of the weapon used.


+ Wounds, Bleeding, Warfighter Anatomy

-Modified actor.ltx and damages.ltx to reflect anatomical severity of
bleeding by region. The base values for enemies wearing no armor or
improvised armor are as follows:
bip01_pelvis = 1, -0.5 (50% additional bleeding)
bip01_spine = 1, -0.4 (40%)
bip01_spine1 = 1, -0.7 (70%...)
bip01_spine2 = 1, -0.6
bip01_l_clavicle = 1, -0.1
bip01_l_upperarm = 1, 0.0 (0% bleeding reduction)
bip01_l_forearm = 1, 0.2 (20%)
bip01_l_hand = 1, 0.3 (30%...)
bip01_r_clavicle = 1, -0.1
bip01_r_upperarm = 1, 0.0
bip01_r_forearm = 1, 0.2
bip01_r_hand = 1, 0.3
bip01_l_thigh = 1, -0.4
bip01_l_calf = 1, 0.1
bip01_l_foot = 1, 0.2
bip01_r_thigh = 1, -0.4
bip01_r_calf = 1, 0.1
bip01_r_foot = 1, 0.2
bip01_neck = 1.0, -2.5
bip01_head = 1.0, -3.0
eyelid_1 = 1.0, -2.5
eye_left = 1.0, -2.5
eye_right = 1.0, -2.5
jaw_1 = 1.0, -1.5

These values follow human anatomy by assessing four factors that are 
the primary causes of death in modern combat, by percentage: Penetrating head
trauma at 31%, surgically uncorrectable torso trauma at 25%, potentially
correctable surgical trauma at 10%, and delayed exsanguination (bloodloss)
at 9%.(~1)Taking into account that there are no field surgical teams in the Zone, 

Taking into account that there are no field surgical teams in the Zone, 
35% of combat deaths there should be due to torso damage, and for good reason.
The torso contains the largest arteries and veins, a plethora of vital organs,
the spine, and most importantly the heart.(~2) Although the Army TCCC guide does 
explain this, a website called Sixty-Six formats the information in a very
concise and practical way, and I would recommend the read under "How to Stop
a Man".

The most important and complex of above game values are called "spine".
These three descriptors roughly correspond to the lumbar, thoracic and cervical
sections of the spine, and very interestingly, different models have varying
levels of coverage with respect to these areas. For most models, bip01_spine1
represents the portion of the torso that includes the heart, lungs and liver. 
For unarmored or lightly armored targets, this represents a weak point that can
be considered similar to a headshot as one cannot live without a heart, just as
they cannot live without a brain.

Fortunately, it seems that whoever crafted this system knew a thing or
two about armor. bip01_spine1 also happens to normally be the most armored spot
on a model, akin to soldiers in real life. (Take a peek at the files "Proper 
Wear of Body Armor" (~3) and "Body Armor Classifications" (~4) for more 
information on modern combat armor.)  While increased body armor generally 
reinforces or extends a protected cover across ths section of the torso, there
are varying levels of protection on its borders. Ceramic plates are only found
in the center (sometimes sideplates are used). The remainder of the vests
shielding areas will consist of less protective kevlar.

These less shielded areas are recorded as bip01_spine2 for areas above
this vital center, and as bip01_spine for areas below. While all three of the
spine protection values increase with better types of armor, spine1 will
increase the most to shore up the initial weaknesses of human anatomy.
Be warned, in the early game a single shot from a pistol to the wrong part of
the chest can now prove absolutely fatal, because these changes to bleeding
apply to both your enemies and yourself.

Modified NPC hit_fraction, or the amount of force they receive from a
hit. Some enemies were only taking ten percent damage from a given impact.
Initially, the variance between enemies was outrageous, with some taking
eight times as much damage from the same kinds of attacks as others.
Now, the weakest enemies only take about twice as much damage from the same
attacks. The player actor has a similar hit fraction to the average enemy.
Hit probability has also been removed from the game on master difficulty,
meaning that any shot that is placed on target will cause damage, whether the
shot is fired by the actor or an NPC.Sources

(~1) Globalsecurity.org
(~3) Sixty-six.org
(~2) Sixty-six.org
(~4) Ncjrs.gov

Wound scaling is based on the armor that the model appears to be wearing, you can visually decide which weapon type can do the job. The wound scale goes from Red (meaning holy shit I'm going to die if I get shot there) to light blue, which means it will hurt but it is less likely to bleed heavily.

The image above is what I call improvised body armor which is  worn by many bandits and rookie stalkers. It consists of a leather jacket with maybe some recovered kevlar. Poor protection.

The next level is light armor, which consists of soft kevlar and possibly an improvised plate made from steel. Better protection, but still probably better to aim for center mass.

Heavy or Military armor is made from both kevlar and ceramic plates. This type of armor can take several shots from rifle cartridges, such as 7.62x39 or 5.56, before failing.

Exoskeletons are heavily armored powered suits which cover most of the body in some kind of protective layer. Headshots are your best bet, but even then one might consider whether or not they really have the firepower necessary to face this threat.