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About this mod

Overhauls almost every single one of the jetpack settings while keeping the individuality of each jetpack type. Enables hold-to-boost controls automatically without needing to change INI files. Horizontal boost enabled for better traversal across landscapes (must bind an alt-bind for boosting). Changes player default speed - optimized for analog.

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Take your personal travel to new heights!

This is probably the 999th jetpack settings mod out there for Starfield so far - not even the first CCR one either.  Here's how this one's different:

General Changes:
  • Applies a speedmult of 141 to the player by default**.  All player movement will be faster.  This may be uncomfortable if not using analog controls, but feels great with a controller or Razer Tartarus Pro.
  • Adjusts Zero G boostpack INI settings directly; - boostpacks now barely use any fuel in Zero G environments.
  • Applies Hold-To-Boost controls and Horizontal Boost right out of the gate - no StarfieldCustom.ini edits required.  (This mod will overwrite any edits you have made to the [Boostpack] settings in your INI files.  You must still bind an Alt keybind for your Jump to use the Horizontal Boost feature.  A reminder: horizontal boost doesn't work with analog controls.  Hopefully someone else's mod fixes that someday but that kind of stuff is beyond me.) 
  • Applies all jetpack settings after exiting a menu utilizing CCR.  This means there shouldn't be any issues when swapping between jetpacks and having their settings jacked up.  If you have ever used a horizontal boost while using another jetpack mod and suddenly hit lightspeed and smacked the edge of the map - you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.  (If that glitch ever happens with this mod enabled, just enter your main menu and exit again.  It should only ever have the chance to happen when swapping between jetpack types, but Bethesda things happen sometimes when data-loading as well.)
  • This mod considers balance of the packs with skills acquired.  Packs aren't super-cheaty and have their own unique styles.  The Balanced Pack now truly feels like an end-game pack, being capable of true flight even in higher-gravity scenarios with maxed-out Boostpack Training.
  • Boost Assault Training has a bit more value with this mod - Boost Hovering with a scope now consumes a lot less fuel, making it incredibly useful in combat scenarios.  Movement speed is also increased while using Boost Hovering due to a reduction in horizontal drag across the board.
  • A jank adjustment to thrust momentum was made.  Maneuvering should be a bit easier for all jetpack classes.

New Basic Boostpack Characteristics (Kinda Janky General-Use Gravity Pack with Unique "Downfalls"...)
  • Great but ultimately limited verticality.  
  • Solid horizontal boost for fast movement across large spaces.
  • Has a lot of trouble slowing your momentum when falling.  Like: good luck stopping your fall at terminal velocity...
  • Make sure you're boosting when you hit the ground - you'll bounce and not die.  (Someday I want to see a mod that hurts/kills you with momentum damage to make this a bigger negative and incentive to upgrade but we have what we have for now.)
  • Fuel use rate is average.

New Skip-Capacity Boostpack Characteristics (Great Horizontal-Boostpack, Low-Verticality)
  • Weakest verticality of all boostpacks but capable of maintaining a height due to fuel efficiency.
  • Incredible power-delivery for horizontal boosting.  Very fast and fun.
  • Able to stop your fall much better than a Basic Boostpack.  Slow your vertical decent pretty quickly with this pack.
  • Uses fuel quickly but also recharges at a decent rate.

New Power Boostpack Characteristics (Experimental Heavy Power-delivery for High-Speed Boosts, Crap Fuel Efficiency)
  • Delivers thrust quickly, whether side-boosting or vertically-boosting.
  • Uses fuel quickly; recharges slower than all other packs.
  • Ultimately more limited movement than other packs due to fuel consumption, but highest-speed pack in the game.  Incredible fun and most-useful in low-gravity.
  • Powerful and fast horizontal boost.  Similar verticality to the Skip-Capacity Boostpack but with faster acceleration.

New Balanced Boostpack Characteristics (Fully Flight-Capable Jetpack in the Right Hands)
  • Delivers thrust both horizontally and vertically noticeably stronger than the Basic Boostpack, but not such high speed as the Power Boostpack.
  • Recharge rate is quick - enough to fully recharge and continue using the pack while mid-air.
  • Genuine end-game stats for a pack now - operating with on-a-dime maneuverability even in high-gravity environments.  You'll desire finding a Balanced Boostpack in your playthrough as quickly as possible.
  • Ultimate travel companion - capable of stopping your falls, giving incredible horizontal boosts, and the best vertical boost in the game.

  • SFSE - Latest Version
  • Console Command Runner (CCR) - which ever version is the latest version.

Use your favorite mod manager to download.  Let me know if I need to adjust something to work with your mod loader (I use Vortex).

  • Pro-tip: did you know that wearing two pieces of gear with the mod "Acrobatic" on it negates fall damage completely?  I recommend using other mods that allow you to modify legendary mods on gear as well as mods that enable legendary clothing (Legendary Drip, Legendary Module Recycler, and relevant patch) to empower you as a player to get some Acrobatics gear for more painless boosting.
  • Get the mod "Transparent Scope" for a better view while using Boost Assault Training
  • Kinda a fix for flailing: Stop Flailing While Falling
  • If an .esm mod comes out that reduces the Power Pack's default fuel usage, I'd recommend pairing it with this mod; the Power Pack feels underpowered for being a Tier 3 research product like the Balanced Pack. Unfortunately, this mod isn't capable of editing packs individually and instead makes a sweeping change to actor values and INI settings as a whole.  Maybe someday I'll learn how to do it though!
  • You can set this up as a .txt file to run as a bat command through the console in case CCR is out of date.  Be aware that you need to run these changes every time you change your pack.

*Beta until I decide that this is a complete release.  There may or may not be future changes to this mod.  
**This mod affects the player's speed multiplier (player.getav speedmult) - because this change is intended for analog inputs, keyboard users may experience undesired animation effects (jogging instead of walking; etc).  If you do not desire these effects, then it might be a good idea to open that GravityPackSettings.toml file in my mod with your favorite text editor, go to the bottom of the code, look for that "player.setav speedmult 141" command, and change that number to whatever speed multiplier you wanna use.  Default is 100 for the player, and the default for NPCs is 120-127 depending on who you ask (might just be a random value in that range per NPC tbh).