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About this mod

Provides corrections and optional enhancements (chosen at installation) to spelling, grammar, and content of subtitles, player dialogue responses, slates, terminals, books, and loading screens.

Permissions and credits
Spelling and grammar errors happen - even in AAA titles with $200 million budgets and multi-year development times.

In Starfield, those little errors are a lot more noticeable, since you end up re-playing multiple times, by design, and thus see the same mistakes, over and over again.

This mod has one primary goal: Helping to enhance immersion or help keep from breaking it.
It will go about that in several ways:
  • Fixing unintentional spelling errors I come across.
    There are plenty of these throughout the game, and are what first made me want to deal with it. Errors that are clearly intentional will be left in.
  • Fixing egregious grammar errors.
    There are many of these, as well.
  • Making subtitles that clearly do not match the spoken dialogue match the spoken dialogue (missing words, extra words, different words, etc).
    I've come across plenty of these. Usually, it's an extra word that the voice actor just didn't say, in which case I'll just remove the extra words.
  • Fixing odd or inconsistent punctuation in subtitles.
    My goal is not, necessarily, actual grammatically correct subtitles. Rather, I'm mostly either trying to make things more consistent with the writing in the rest of the same conversation, or trying to make it look how I think it should, with the corresponding spoken dialogue. Thus, any such changes are likely to be highly subjective.
  • Attempting to better convey the intended emotion of player responses, without fundamentally changing what is being said.
  • Altering some words or phrases to make them more natural and consistent with the SF universe.
  • Altering the conditions that govern when or whether certain player responses are shown, so you're not able to ask questions of which you couldn't possibly have any foreknowledge.

What has been covered so far?

  • Some random comments Sarah Morgan makes in certain locations.
  • Multiple conversations along several quest lines (both NPC subtitles and PC responses)
  • Certain computer terminals
  • Various random NPC comments made by guards, etc.
  • Text on several loading screens
  • And more!

Items in this list may still contain spelling or grammar issues, as I've only fixed items I have seen while playing, or which have been reported on the bugs tab.

You can view json-formatted files generated by Spriggit, to get a closer look at exactly what has been touched and to see specific changes between versions at my Starfiedl Github repository.
History begins at version 2.3.0, there.

You can also report problems with the mod or fixes to vanilla text elements you'd like to see at the issue tracker, there.

You must have a plugins.txt loader, and you must know how to use it.
I have listed a popular one as a prerequisite, but you can use any that works for you.

  • Install using your favorite mod manager and be certain to follow the instructions in the second step.

I suggest you put this mod fairly high in your load order, including before SFCP, if you are using it, so that conflicting changes in other mods, which MAY have behavior changes, will win any conflicts.

For users upgrading from version 1.x:
The file names have changed, in version 2.0, to identify each separate module of the mod.
Be sure to update your plugins.txt appropriately.

Is it safe to add or remove this for existing saves?
Yes. This can be safely installed, enabled, uninstalled, or removed at any time during a playthrough, without any harm to your save.

More words:
Is this intended to be an exhaustive compendium of corrections? No. I'm doing this if and when I feel like it, as I'm playing, and as I actually notice things and have the inclination to fix them. There WILL be things I miss, and there will always be things I haven't gotten to, for one reason or another. I may be willing to fix clear errors people point out to me, though, especially if given a FormId for the relevant dialog topic. But that is also at my discretion.

Questions/Suggestions/Rude Commentary:

This seems redundant to the Starfield Community Patch. Why are you doing this?
Some of it is or will be redundant to some of what SFCP does, and SFCP explicitly does include a subset of the changes contained in my mod, as can be seen in their change log.

However, the scope of changes I am making is beyond what SFCP or its predecessor projects on other BGS titles typically wish to include, as I am also making some subjective modifications here and there, to, in my opinion, improve immersion or perhaps add a bit of spice while keeping things lore-friendly. SFCP prefers to mostly just fix clear errors and otherwise keep things as close to vanilla, as possible.

Also, my release schedule is shorter, as I pretty much release a new version each time I make a batch of changes and will continue to handle releases that way.

Redundant changes won't affect anything, but I may still possibly provide a version of this mod that is dependent on SFCP and doesn't include identical changes, if it ever becomes actually advantageous or necessary to do so (like if SFCP makes a change to a condition that one of my changes would clobber).

In general, if you just put this before SFCP in your load order, it won't matter, because SFCP will "win" any conflicts, in that case.

Can you fix this error I found?
Maybe! Let me know what you saw, what mission it was a part of, who said it, and the text of what was said, as accurately as you possibly can, over at the issue tracker on GitHub. If I can find it, I'll take a look and fix as I see fit. I'll probably want to actually play-test the original and the fix, though, so it may take some time.

If you send me a save from right before the conversation, that will save me tons of time and make it much easier to find the specific item you're talking about.

Better yet, if you know the FormId of the element with the problem, that is VERY helpful. If you don't know what that means or don't know how to find it, don't worry. The above info should be enough to point me in the right direction, especially if you can give me a save from right before the conversation.

What kind of problems can I report?
Most subtitles, player responses, and speech challenges are probably things I can address.
Books, slates, and computer terminals MAY also be fixable, but are more likely to have technical blockers that keep me from doing it (for now).
For any of those, if you saw a spelling or grammar error, or noticed a place where a subtitle does not match the audio word for word, go ahead and ask.

Is there profanity, crude/insensitive/sexual language, etc. in this mod?
Not if the text being replaced, or at least the conversation it was in, did not already have such language.

If there was suggestive language, profanity, etc. in the original text, I also will not be removing it unless, in my opinion, it feels out of place.

If other parts of a conversation do have that kind of language, but another part does not, and I feel it would actually add something, it's possible I MIGHT insert an (in my subjective opinion) appropriate swear, etc., for emphasis, but I'm not going to go in and sprinkle F-bombs and that kind of shit all over the place.

I also am not the language police, and I'm not going to be censoring things, nor will I provide a censored version of this mod. Requests to "fix" that kind of thing will be rejected, like you by Sarah when you do pretty much anything in front of her. Just imagine a little "dodexahedron is angry with you" in the corner of your vision. Only this effect doesn't go away after you sleep 48 hours. 😑

Why isn't XYZ fixed??? It was reported ages ago!
Most likely, either I haven't gotten to it, haven't noticed it, don't want to change it, it isn't actually an error, or some technical problem is keeping me from fixing it.
In general, if it's a subtitle or player response in a conversation or speech challenge with an NPC, feel free to ask me about it.

I currently am somewhat hamstrung by both my level of skill/experience with Starfield modding, as well as the state of the available tools, which the community has made an amazing effort with, despite BGS and the state of the game itself and lack of official tooling.
Thus, there ARE plenty of items in the game which I am not able to fix, at this time (though some may be possible, if someone is willing to teach me), such as certain data slates with obvious errors, but which SF1Edit can't override (currently, as far as I'm aware and/or comfortable with), for one reason or another.
I am also ONLY doing this for the English version of the game, and I am doing it with an American dialect of English, so I will ignore any complaints about things related to that.

I uninstalled this and now my game is broken!
No it isn't.
The game will complain the first time you load up a save after removing it, but you can dismiss that and play like normal.
If your save is somehow broken, it had literally nothing to do with this mod, by itself, as it doesn't change your save or alter behavior of the game.

The game just got updated and now this doesn't work!
Possibly. It's pretty unlikely, though, because this mod only refers to assets that should not change between versions in any meaningful way.
But that doesn't mean it is impossible.
If that ever does happen, please just be patient, as I'll have to go through and make sure any changes I've made apply to the correct items, which will be a tedious process, if I do ever have to do it.
If there's already a thread or bug report about it for a new version, please don't post another one or pile on the existing one.

I don't like the way you changed this conversation!
I mean go ahead and speak your mind, but understand that I am doing this how I want to, so I'm not going to alter something I already changed unless there's a good reason or pretty significant support from multiple people to do so. I'm not so stubborn that I'm just going to say "no - live with it" if a change I make is unpopular with a bunch of existing users. No guarantees either way, though.

This sucks. You suck. I hate you.
k. Good talk.

I'm a better grammar nerd than you, and MLA or whatever style guide I like says you did something wrong.
Ok. Cool. Just don't be rude about it, and also be ready to be rejected, if I don't want to make your suggested change, because 100% grammatical accuracy isn't the goal, here.

Oops. My bad. Let me know. If it wasn't intentional (such as in certain email chains, etc), I'll fix it in a future release. Just don't tell Sarah. I don't want to have to sleep in the brig tonight.