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About this mod

Found the reference from The Office US and immediately knew what had to be done. Changes the name of the "Wooden Duck" to "Wooden Mallard" to satisfy the Dwight Schrute inside us all.

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I inserted a listening device into the belly of the mallard. Now I can observe Jim, trap Jim, and destroy Jim. Just like in the Bavarian fairy tale. Only this time, the mallard skins the toad alive.

... And of course in this version, you lose the whole veiled critique of the kaiser thing.


(Mod Manager)

I changed the names of the "Wooden Duck" to "Wooden Mallard" and the Antique Earth Duck Figure to Professor Damon D. Duck, that is it. Some day, I might actually replace it with a model that has a walkie-talkie taped to the bottom, just like in the show.

Okay, I'll get out of your hair.