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About this mod

It always annoys me how Bethesda designs homes. Even tho in Starfield the homes are a lot better than in previous games, they still have pesky little issues. The Stretch Apartment on Akila is one of the apartments where it becomes more annoying. So here you go, a more clean slate for you to build a nice cozy pad.

Permissions and credits
The Stretch, that is the smaller and cheaper home in Akila, is actually quite useful, if there weren't a few issues with it:
  • The divider wall in the middle of the room
  • Pipes! Pipes everywhere. So many that you can't place stuff properly due to the overly fantastic bounding boxes around objects. They prevent you to place stuff where you want it.
  • Wall cabinets and other crap where you would want to place something else, for example a TV/Monitor and bethesda decided in their infinite wisdom to get rid of the scrap recipes. Why, Bethesda... just why?
  • Window slits that are no windows. OK, the apartment is an interior cell with no connections to the outside, but those slits are just bad and also in the way if you want to place something near them. 
  • The three metal panels where the kitchen is. What do you know, there is actually a gap in the wall behind them. And instead of doing the job properly they just fixed it with these three panels. Seriously? 

And if the entire issue isn't already enough, the divider wall you could easily mark in the console and disable, however small issue, there is a huge collision box around it that you can't grab in the console and thus you would have an invisible wall in your room. 

So to fix all of this i just decided to edit the cell directly and make the changes always available and you don't have to fiddle with console commands around.

I fixed above points and also fixed a few minor things that were a bit off. But that said, underneath that removed divider wall is NO Navmesh, so if you have a follower/companion with you, they will most likely take a path through the room as if the wall still would be there. There is currently nothing that can be done and we have to wait for the CK to release to extend the Navmesh and fill that gap. If you decorate the apartment keep that in mind and leave some space for your companion to walk.

Another issue is that i removed the 3 metal panels beside the kitchen and replaced them with a brick wall, but i didn't place a decal over it so you get a harsh edge. I just couldn't be arsed anymore. Just place a poster over it or any decoration to break that straight line and you won't notice it anymore.

In the pictures you see a quick decoration job how I would possibly use the apartment and so you get a feel what it could look like. The decorations are not included in the mod tho. I was actually thinking about providing a fully decorated apartment, but a) it would be static and b) according to my taste and not yours. So you only get the empty apartment, but with a slightly better and useful layout. 

I disabled most of the pipe work so you can actually place a couch properly against the wall now and put stuff into the corners rather close. I also deleted the window slits. I was actually on the fence with this one. The slits are part of the building and yet they are just a decoration item with no further use. If there would be an easy way to get this cell into the exterior and use clear glass windows i would have prefered to keep them in. But this way they are just balast, they are ugly and they are in the way. And i rather live in a man cave with no windows than having this rubbish around. Wall space is also a bit of a premium in this small apartment. Yeah that is why i decided to get rid of these... things. When the CK releases i am rather looking to include Skylights in the ceiling. Anyway, you have the space now.

And please forgive the wonky decoration, i did it in about 1 minute flat just to fill the images a little bit with life and to give you a maybe an idea or two what to do with the apartment. 

Please also note that the kitchen cabinets are with the Mod "Working Stoves" and the default cooking station was replaced. I can only recommend that you install this mod. 

All "deleted" stuff is actually not deleted and the records are just set to "Initially disabled", the way it should be done. This also has the huge advantage that anything can be disabled or enabled at any time. I might even think about using this to my advantage and setup several possible interiors that you can switch to at the click of a button. But again, for that i want the CK as i am not setting up an interior with a plethora of console commands and transfer all this into a mod. 

Installation:Just download and install with your favourite mod-manager and place it in your plugins.txt in case you manually edit it. The load order does not matter, you can place it anywhere unless you have another mod that modifies the same records. The mod can be installed in a running save, but for the love of god, place the plugin then at the very bottom of your load order. If you start a new game tho i would personally install it higher up in the load order near the top. 

The mod is compatible with everything that doesn't modify the exact same records. I use it together with Player Home Map Markers and Working Stoves since several weeks now with no issues. If you don't like my edits, just uninstall the mod and the apartment will revert to it's vanilla state.  

What comes next?
Waiting for the CK to release. Seriously, for now there is no further plan to update the mod until the CK released. I have tho many ideas what i will do with the apartment once the CK hit the road. Akila just screams "Bat Cave" at me every time. 

Funny you should ask. Do what you like with the mod. If you are new to modding and have a great idea, do it, use it, upload it under your name. All i ask tho is that you credit me accordingly and backlink to this mod here and that there is a contribution to this mod. Simple reason why: I spent my time to fix this mod up and i had to manually search all the records, which simply takes time. Time that you didn't have to spend to create your version. So at least you can show your appreciation by crediting me and providing a link back to this mod. All assets in this mod belong to Bethesda, nobody but Bethesda can therefore claim any copyright on them. The ESM File and it's format belongs to Bethesda, same is valid here. And the method on how to do certain things, well it is given by the ESM and the game itself and thus Bethesda holds the copyright. And you can't claim a copyright for something that doesn't belong to you in the first place. Ideas are not copyrightable. And on top of all that: I believe that modding is a hobby. I do it for fun and there it shall remain. Even if i create new meshes and assets i would most likely just offer them up, unless it would be a major development taking hundreds of hours. So in the spirit of freedom, do what you like. 
Who the f is tomsite?
Easy answer, it's me. I am an old geezer and mod a few games, so far mainly for myself. I did create a several mods for Skyrim and FO4, but never bothered to actually make them public. I created some vehicles and maps for Farming Simulator that did get released into the wild, they are even here on Nexus. Otherwise i am an IT-Nerd for mainly Systems, Networks and IT Security. I have also a development background, but hate coding with an ever increasing passion. Gladly i have my guys to do that for me and just have to slap their wrists when they mess something up ;). I do love Bethesda games, just not Starfield as Bethesda really f'd up so much this time. Starfield is a bit of a love/hate relationship. On one side it is really good, on the other it is just such a piece of crap. The main quest is uninspired and boring. More of a fetch quest than a main quest. But two of the faction quests are the best Bethesda ever delivered, namely the Crimson Fleet and Ryujin ones. The quest for New Atlantis is again ... mehhhh, but i love the part in Londinium. What really annoys the living snot out of me tho are all three build systems (decoration/Outposts/Shipbuilding). There is just so much wrong with all of them. And in my view they are not only one step back from Fallout and heck, even Skyrim, they are hundreds of steps back.