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About this mod

Landing ramps now stay closed upon arriving somewhere new, and can be controlled via a panel in the landing bay, a remote, or by talking to Vasco.

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I don't like how your landing ramp is just automatically open when you arrive somewhere, so I made this mod to add that little bit of immersion to the game by making landing ramps not only controllable, but closed initially. Your landing ramp will only be closed by default when the full landing animation plays (so when you're arriving somewhere new). When the landing animation doesn't play (if you're fast traveling or revisiting a familiar location), your ship's ramp will be opened automatically so you're not trapped outside. I decided to go with activator panels inside each bay for the sake of immersion, rather than simply interacting with the ramp itself. If an activator panel doesn't appear inside your landing bay immediately after installation, just edit your ship and that will refresh the landing bay cell.

Version 1.1.0 has added a remote control slate that can be used to open or close your ship's landing ramps from outside your ship. I initially added this feature with the intention of removing it once I'd added the Vasco dialogue, but people seem to like it so it's staying in for now.
Version 1.1.8 has introduced a console command for control of your ship's ramps using hotkeys.
Version 1.2.0 now allows you to ask Vasco to open and close your ship's ramps for you. He has a variety of voice lines in response, and the dialogue prompt only appears if he's been previously hired to your crew and is within 40 meters of your ship.

Control Panel Locations
  • Nova Galactic NG-6: Directly in the center of the aft wall.
  • Deimos 120LD Fore: On the port side fore wall, between the med kit and the landing ramp.
  • Deimos 120LD Aft: On the starboard side aft wall, between the med kit and the landing ramp.
  • Stroud-Eklund Stability Pro Port: On the starboard wall, to the right of the landing bay door.
  • Stroud-Eklund Stability Pro Starboard: On the port wall, to the right of the landing bay door.
  • Taiyo Astroneering Ship Bed 200 Fore: On the port wall, to the right of the landing bay door.
  • Taiyo Astroneering Ship Bed 200 Aft: On the starboard wall, to the right of the landing bay door.
  • HopeTech Hope 4: On the aft wall, directly above the med kit.

Vasco Dialogue Info
  • Vasco will now open and close your ship's ramp(s) for you if you simply ask him. He'll respond with a random line out of a small pool of preexisting voice lines I've selected, and then immediately open or close your ramp(s) appropriately. The dialogue prompt appears at the top level of his tree, directly underneath his follower commands. The prompt will only show up if he's been previously hired before, regardless of if he is currently on your crew or your active follower, and only if he is within 40 meters of the center of your ship.
Remote Instructions
  • Your Home Ship Landing Ramp Remote should appear in your inventory immediately after loading into the game. If it doesn't, it's available for purchase from Henrik Zuran at Apex Electronics, found in the Well in New Atlantis. If it doesn't appear in his inventory, wait 48 hours UT for his stock to refresh.
  • If you need to use a console command to acquire the remote, type into your console: 'player.additem --00081D'
  • The remote will appear in your inventory as a weapon and will control your ship's ramps appropriately when it is equipped. Immediately after use, it will unequip itself so as not to interfere with any of your other weapons and allow itself to be used again without any further player input. I recommend adding it to your favorites menu for ease of use.
  • If your ship has multiple landing ramps, the remote will operate on all of them at once.

Console Command Info
  • You can use this command to emulate the functionality of the remote: cqf --00081C "AutoOpenOrCloseLandingBay"
  • Remember to replace the first two hyphens in the 8-digit quest ID in the command above with your specific index for this mod. This is different for everyone and can be found by typing 'help ImmersiveLandingRampsQuest' into your console and looking for the appropriate QUST ID ending in --00081C.

  • Please install using a mod manager. I use and recommend Mod Organizer 2.
  • You can, of course, install this mod manually if that's your preference and you know how.


  • In case this mod suddenly stops working, you can reset it by running this command in your console: cqf --00082E "ResetImmersiveLandingRamps"
  • Remember to replace the first two hyphens in the 8-digit quest ID in the command above with your specific index for this mod. This is different for everyone and can be found by typing 'help ImmersiveLandingRampsUpdateQuest' into your console and looking for the appropriate QUST ID ending in --00082E.


  • If you'd like to uninstall this mod, you can fully undo its changes by running this command in your console: cqf --00081C "UninstallImmersiveLandingRamps"
  • Remember to replace the first two hyphens in the 8-digit quest ID in the command above with your specific index for this mod. This is different for everyone and can be found by typing 'help ImmersiveLandingRampsQuest' into your console and looking for the appropriate QUST ID ending in --00081C.

  • Only functional on ships that have been edited by the player.
  • Fully functional on ships that have multiple landing bays.
  • Compatible with Landing Animation Reloaded if using the patch I've provided. That mod restores ship landing animations at previously visited locations, but its implementation, though the best we have right now, is somewhat janky and may not be to your preference.

  • Compatibility with gifted or stolen ships. (I have no idea why my cell edits don't just immediately appear on all ships.)
  • Exiting a ship directly from the pilot seat should spawn you inside the landing bay. (Waiting for CK's more visual interface to start messing around with the markers.)
  • Closed by default landing ramps on every location visit without the need for other mods. (Will require Bethesda to fix the lack of ship landing animations when visiting known locations.)

Author's Notes
I've been working on this for weeks and am so excited to finally get it out!! This was my first time writing my own papyrus script, and though it's not too complex, I'm really happy with how it came out. I got lots of help from the people over at r/starfieldmods and couldn't have done this without their input. The final piece of this mod which had kept me stumped for weeks was keeping the ramp closed whenever you landed somewhere, so I finally happened to figure that out just a few hours ago and immediately got to work testing and then uploading here. I hope you like it!!!

Now, writing this paragraph a few months after initial release and many updates later, I am perpetually just so amazed at how cool it is that so many people like this. Like I get that it really isn't that big of a deal, that this experience must be pretty common for mod authors, but I can't get over it. I'm just makin stuff I like and sharin it and people happen to also like it. This mod was my most ambitious project to date, the project I'm most passionate about, my favorite, and I love how it's turned out and how much you like it. It's amazing to me. So thank you.

I'm new to creating mods, so I'd love to hear your comments, feedback, or advice!!
If you need assistance, I can try to help despite my limited, developing understanding of modding.
I have so many ideas for Starfield and am super excited to learn how to make them all!   :D