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About this mod

Console Extender to help mod developments and to provide a better UI for casual debugging..

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About this mod:

Console Extender aims to help mod developments and to provide a better UI for casual debugging..


   - ClearConsoleLog/ClearLog  --->  to clear the console log (supposed to fix a vanilla issue: "ClearConsole" doesn't work)
   - DuplicateItems  --->  copy inventory items; bonus filter: item type and count (supposed to fix a vanilla bug: "DuplicateAllItems" can create broken item data)
   - GetAS3Variable/GetAS3Var  --->  show UI variables to the Console log (e.g., element position) (supports any menu)
   - SetAS3Variable/SetAS3Var  --->  set UI variables from the Console to modify UI data
   - Invoke  --->  call UI functions from the Console through the Scaleform API
   - PapyrusCallback/PapCall  --->  requests the Console to call a global Papyrus function to pass UI data to a Papyrus script
   - GetMemoryAddress/GMA  --->  returns the Memory Address of Form based on the provided FormID
   - SaveConsoleLogToFile/SaveLog  --->  saves the Console log to a .txt file with the specified filename
   - CopySelectedRefToClipboard/CTC  --->  copies the selected reference's RefID to the (Windows) clipboard (ready to be pasted in SF1Edit..:)

Custom Console:

   - Optional Console ("optional": the SFSE plugin works without it: i.e., the more "informative" selected ref data is not a Custom Console exlusive feature)
   - Center aligned ("21:9 ready") textfields
   - Smooth open-close animation
   - OnKeyDown events to for input instead of OnKeyUp (i.e., no delay caused by waiting for releasing the key; so now it matches the OnMouseClick)
   - Returns most (and most relevant) data flags of the selected reference (e.g., Essential, Protected, extended native flags)
   - Shows the selected reference's actual name


   - SFSE plugin ("Main Mod file") should be compatible with any (including UI) mods
   - Custom Console is technically a Console replacer though; you can only have one Console.swf


   - Either with a mod manager or extract the files from the downloaded .zip file to ..\Starfield\Data\
   - Can be uninstalled anytime mid-playthrough; it doesn't leave orphaned data in save games


   - Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)
   - Address Library for SFSE Plugins


   - CommonLibSF


   - If you'd like to add even more functionality to the Console, here are some of my other SFSE mods:
       - Report Load Order Info, Detailed Reference Info, Rename Anyone and Almost Anything
   - INI file to modify mod settings (Custom Console extra data flags, auto Ultrawide align; DuplicateItems item type, max item instance count; etc.)
   - Open Source C++ and AS3 code

Gallery, Command Syntax, Examples:

Custom Console:

Vanilla vs. Custom Console

Smooth Open / Close Animation
(I know the .gif isn't the best way to demonstrate it)

Optimized for large data...:)
(GetReferenceInfo command usage from the another mod)


Syntax  --->  ClearConsoleLog
Syntax example  --->  [ ClearConsoleLog ]


Settings INI
: ..\SFSE\Plugins\StarfieldConsoleExtender.ini to filter the items.
Form filters: i.e., bIncludeARMO=1 to copy Armors, bIncludeMISC=0 to exclude Misc. Items.
Count filter: uItemCount=x  (x = the maximum number of each item to copied; e.g., if x = 3 then only 3 "Adaptive Frames" are copied even if the player has 10).
Default: no filter, everything is copied.
Syntax  --->  sourceRefID.DuplicateItems targetRefID
Syntax example  --->  [ 14.DuplicateItems 14 ]  to duplicate items from Player's inventory to the Player's inventory


Returns AS3 public variables from UI (.swf) files.
Syntax  --->  GetAS3Variable "MenuName VariablePath"
Syntax example  --->  [ GetAS3Variable "Console root1.AnimHolder_mc.Menu_mc.CurrentSelection.text" ] would return the selected reference in the Console.
Supported AS3 data types: Int32, UInt32, Number, String, Wide String, Bool.


Changes the value of AS3 public variables.
Syntax  --->  SetAS3Variable "MenuName VariablePath NewValue"
Syntax example  --->  [ SetAS3Variable "Console root1.AnimHolder_mc.Menu_mc.CurrentSelection.text 0123456789" ]
                                       would set 0123456789 as the selected reference.
Supported AS3 data types: Int32, UInt32, Number, String, Wide String.
Notes: for Strings, currently only one-word parameter is supported.


Calls a public AS3 function.
Syntax  --->  Invoke "MenuName FunctionPath"
Syntax example  --->  [ Invoke "Console root1.AnimHolder_mc.Menu_mc.PreviousCommand" ]
                                       would readd the previous command to the command entry text field.
Notes: not get/set, only "common" AS3 functions are supported; can't pass arguments, I may add this funtionality later..


Calls a global Papyrus function and passes the given AS3 public variable as a String to this function.
(String must be one-word; may add formatting later..)
Syntax  --->  PapyrusCallback "MenuName VariablePath ScriptName FunctionName"
Syntax example  --->  [ PapCall "Console root1.AnimHolder_mc.Menu_mc.CurrentSelection.text TestScript TestFunc" ]
                                       would call the global function "TestFunc" of script "TestScript".
Example Papyrus code:
Scriptname TestScript

Function TestFunc(String s) global
Debug.MessageBox("TestFunc = " + s)


Returns the Memory Address of a Form.
(Could be used for development).
Syntax  --->  GetMemoryAddress FormID
Syntax example  --->  [ GMA 7 ] would return the address of the Player's base form (00000007)


Saves the Console log to a .txt file with the given filename.
Syntax  --->  SaveConsoleLogToFile Filename
Syntax example  --->  [ SaveLog Sarah_Forms ]
                                       would create a .txt file of the log. (If [ FindForm Sarah]  was the previous command, it would dump all forms that contain "Sarah".


Copies the selected reference in the Console to the clipboard.
Syntax  --->  CTC
Sytax example  --->  [ CTC ] (if the PlayerRef was selected beforehand with "Prid 14", 00000014 is now on the clipboard ready to Ctrl+V.
