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About this mod

Advanced Shipbuilding - DarkStar Avenger Ship - Starborn Armor Scaling - Ship Intercom Controls

Permissions and credits
This is the mod page for Steam players who do not wish to download Creations.

Visit Wykkyd Gaming's website for full mod details and usage instructions.

This new version of DarkStar Astrodynamics was built in Creation Kit 2.0
, from scratch, by hand. It is very similar in concept, but far more extensive, and robust, in design and implementation. It is NOT a direct upgrade from the old 3.2.1 version built in xEdit. Your ships will break if you attempt to upgrade from one version to the other, and I am thus keeping them as separate downloads.

The xEdit version of DarkStar Astrodynamics will remain active and able to be downloaded, for those who prefer it. However, once enough time has passed, the 3.2.1 xEdit version of DarkStar Astrodynamics will be retired and unsupported. All new support, bug fixes, etc, will go toward this CK version of the mod exclusively so that I can maintain feature parity regardless of where/how you download it, and to protect my own time & sanity.


You must make a save standing safely on a planet, or inside a ship that was NOT built with the xEdit version of DarkStar Astrodynamics. All ships built with the old version WILL break. All outposts which had DarkStar Astrodynamics pieces install will lose those pieces.

To upgrade to this new version, you will have to load a clean save as mentioned above, and then re-build your broken ships, and place a NEW DarkStar Terminus at any outposts. Your Starborn Armor will also be lost, and need to be re-acquired at a Starborn Services vendor.

Make sure to visit a DarkStar Astrodynamics Terminal FIRST in order to enable the new perks.

The IDEAL upgrade path is to step into the Unity, save, exit, uninstall the old mod, install the new mod, then walk into your new game +. That is the cleanest transfer from old to new, and the only supported path. That does not mean you can't get it to work without this change in NG+. I did. However, I will not have the time to help each and every one of you make this upgrade.


Ah, the multiverse; a concept oft-considered speculation at best, and conspiratorial at worst. Even as I stepped into that unknown spectacle to become one with the stars, I had no concept of just how much the process would change me. At first, I was an explorer; simply seeking what lay beyond. Eventually, I came to see eye to eye with the mysterious Hunter. The quest for power had consumed me.

After decimating countless realities, I began to see the error of my ways. While I never truly aligned with the motivations of my false, former companions and joined the ranks of the Emissaries, I was forced to stop and ponder the meaning of it all. I found myself far beyond the point where the endless pursuit had anything left to offer, save for the chance to start anew, and abandon the consequences of my actions in any given universe.

Finally, I succumbed to the urge to seek stability; to settle down in one reality, and live the life I'd abandoned so many jumps in the past. Rather than pretend to be another Pilgrim, I traveled for a while much like the Mysterious Captain; seeking my fortune, and striving to find some niche I could call my own.

That's when it struck me. I am Starborn. I am also well versed in all forms of science and technology. I have seen far too much on my endless journey to sit back and ignore what I was capable of. If I could leverage what I'd learned for profit, while helping others of my ilk, then why shouldn't I?

DarkStar Astrodynamics was formed from this inspiration. We take what we've learned of Starborn technology, and retrofit it into the technology used by mortal man. This allows our fellow Starborn to travel the galaxy in disguise, avoiding the suspicions of those who might seek to take advantage of, or attack, them for who they are.

Whether you're hunting your way across the void in search of your next step into the Unity, or attempting to settle down and live a mortal life in relative peace, we have just what you need to accomplish your task.

Important Note:
  • Base Game features scale from Level 45 and up. Check The Clinic once you reach 45 to learn more.
  • NG+ features scale from NG+1 to NG+6, starting at level 35. Check The Den once you enter NG+ with at least level 35 to learn more.

What's Inside?

Extends ship module scaling in a new way, enhancing BOTH Base Game and NG+. All ship modules use in-game 3D models, to reduce conflicts and make this expansion feel more natural to the game world. The stats these modules provide are above and beyond what the game normally provides. As such, this mod attempts to align with relatively realistic scaling metrics, providing serious upgrades at steep costs & requirements (optional patches available to remove/reduce these requirements & costs, don't worry).

You can find a Starborn Services terminal in the basement of THE LODGE or attached to your DarkStar Terminus at an outpost.

Starborn Armor Scaling
As of 3.0.0, you no longer need to install The Big Prize mod. This mod now does everything it does, and more. They WILL install side-by-side but the last one loaded will win, when it comes to passing through the Unity. Furthermore, the armor scaling THIS mod provides is OFF by default. You can turn it on by giving yourself the new perk (mentioned above). If you were previously using BOTH of these mods, I recommend loading DarkStar 3.0.0 before The Big Prize in your load order. Load up the game, give yourself the new Perk, then visit a Starborn Services terminal (lodge, or outpost) to buy a replacement suit of Starborn armor from that vendor. Once you equip the new armor, disable and uninstall The Big Prize and the old suit will vanish (sell it before you log out and uninstall if you want some credits from the process).

Disable ship Intercom
Settings available in the DarkStar Terminal in the basement of the lodge, or attached to your DarkStar Terminus.
  • WithoutPlayer => Idle chatter from your crew that doesn't involve you, AND combat alert spam they announce during a fight.
  • WithPlayer => Quest chatter with you. I don't recommend disabling this, but you can. Subtitles will still show up, but audio will be blocked.
  • RemoteCombat => 2 groups of ships attacking each other, but not you
  • RemoteWithoutPlayer => your enemies complaining about their disabled systems, or taunting you
  • RemoteWithPlayer => Quest/Conversations/Hails directly involving you. I don't recommend disabling, but you can.
  • ShipChatter => Random chatter from passing ships, IE: galbank ships in orbit over New Atlantis, etc.

NPC Vendors (non-Outpost Usage)

There are 3 NPC vendors scattered around the galaxy which sell various DarkStar ship parts. In all cases, all vendors also sell ALL ship hab modules, and ALL ship structural components. None of the NPC vendors sell or buy ships, but the Landing Pad does. However, all of the NPC vendors are conveniently located near other ship technicians for standard module installs and/or ship sales.

  • Vogg Darkstar is located in The Clinic and sells pre-NG versions of all DarkStar modules
  • Archon Darkstar is located in The Den and sells NG+ versions of all DarkStar modules
  • Sadyr Machiba is located in The Red Mile and sells Pre-NG and NG+ DarkStar modules

There is a VIP perk you can give yourself with the DarkStar Terminal found in game, and it will provide a 99% discount when building ships at any DarkStar vendor, or at the DarkStar Terminus shipbuilder landing pad. However, I will no longer be providing Perk & Level requirement patches, or any Super or Balanced versions of the mod.

Any mod author has free license to create patches for DarkStar Astrodynamics as they see fit, so long as they are willing to produce and maintain them. However, I will warn you before you begin: there are over 12,000 global forms in this new version of the mod, hundreds of constructable objects, and hundreds of weapons. You will have your work cut out for you. And, aside from a simple question here or there, no, I will not have time to help you.

Everything in this mod is a new creation, with only 2 small overrides. 1 is a perk. The 2nd is a leveled list. Collisions with other mods should be minimal, or non-existent.

There are no special installation instructions. Use a mod manager if you don't know how to install by hand.
Load order does not matter unless you are planning to patch this mod. If that is the case, patches must load after what they are patching... obviously.

My Other Mods

A Note About Donations

Mod development takes time. In this case, since I was learning xEdit and Starfield's structure, a lot of time. That said, donations are appreciated but absolutely not necessary. That said, if you wish to donate in style and enjoy some dark fantasy novels as a result of your donation, find R.L. Parker's novels on any digital bookstore. Buy a copy, read and enjoy. Yep... I write novels when I'm not gaming. :)[/font]