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About this mod

1. Captain Titus and Sidonus' general appearances altered to that of Gray Knightsesque Marines.
2. Leandros, despite my best efforts, does not gain any Gray Knight scheming, but has an upscaled and more ornate Ultramarines appearance.
3. Power sword replaces power axe in the campaign.
4. Portable heavy bolter replaces regular bolter.

Permissions and credits


Hello, I'm just an enjoyer of the Warhammer 40k universe, probably for not as long as many of you, but an enjoyer and admirer nonetheless. I'm also a fan 
of Space Marine as well and am rediscovering/re-experiencing my love for the game again in a way through playing it on pc with mods (Having only played 
it on console till now, I didn't even know it had any.). This "mod" that you're currently reading about is a conglomeration of various mods from various 
sources that I've tinkered with and ultimately "frankensteined" into a functioning enough state (for me at least) while fulfilling my intended outcome(s). 
My "crucial" desired intention(s) was to modify my game to have Captain Titus' (Sidonus and Leandros too ideally, but mostly just Titus as he's the player 
character.) appearance changed to that of a Gray Knights Marine, with a helmet, and power sword (I'm not a fan of the chainsword. More of a "elegant" 
weapons for a more "civilized" age kind of guy). For my game at least, I achieved that result. or close enough at least, and better in some ways, for me 
anyway (There're remnant blue arms from one of the mods and I prefer blue more than red.). Anyway, I liked the result quite a bit to where I decided on a 
whim to try posting something online as it's not something I do generally (certainly not for something of this nature until now). There's a relative 
paucity of mods for this game (I'm not too informed on the actual events, but from what I could gather, the most popular mod site for the game was shut 
down and a lot of content became lost with it.), someone else might enjoy it, and I wanted to see how well it may or may not do, and whether or not it 
would even work for anyone else as intended in the same way it worked for my game. So that's the background on how this whole thing came to be. 

Somewhat more specific info about what the files you may choose to download (or not download) will (hopefully) do to your game:

1. Captain Titus' general appearance will be changed to that of a Gray Knights Marine with a matching helmet. 
2. Sidonus' general appearance will be changed to that of Gray Knights Marine [with a helmet that does not match as it is from another appearance mod
that I combined with the Gray Knights Mod (The one I downloaded didn't have helmets at all originally. Titus' helmet is a separate mod and lucky find.)].
He will also be equipped with a plasma cannon. 
3. Leandros, despite my best efforts, retains his bedazzled up Ultramarine appearance from the other mod, which I'm okay with as he still looks pretty 
cool, but for those of you who are irked by that (and any other aspects of the "mod"), you have my apologies for whatever they may and/or may not be worth. 
He is equipped with some scoped bolter variant that apparently isn't the stalker bolter.
4. The power sword replaces the power axe in the campaign. 
5. A portable heavy bolter replaces the standard bolter, but it has correct ammo display bugs according to the original author, which I also confirm to be
the case in my game. The weapon does work (very well), however.
6. Leandros and Sidonus supposedly have their capacities to perform executions on enemies enabled. However, I have not yet been able to actually witness 
either of them performing one as of this typing. It would be a glorious event and development if actually working though in my opinion.

Installation Instructions:

1. Download the .rar file. 
2. Use a tool like winrar or 7zip and extract the contents to a location of your choosing (I generally go with my downloads or my desktop.).
3. Open the file and look for a folder called preview. 
4. Copy that folder.
5. Paste it into your installation directory/where you have your game installed. The file will likely just have the game's title as the title of the file.
6. Find your desktop shortcut and/or the .exe application that launches your game and right click on the icon.
7. Click on properties.
8. In the window that pops up, look for a line that says "target" with a box/rectangle with text that you can edit.
9. Click on it and at the end type -usepreview (without quotation marks and/or anything else. Literally just add a single space after the text that's 
already there and type exactly -usepreview       ). It's important. 
9a. Here is an example of what the text in the box should say when you're done: "C:\Games\Warhammer 40000 - Space Marine\SpaceMarine.exe" -usepreview
9b. NOTE: This is only an example, it may look different for you depending on where you've installed your files and/or whatever.
10. Hit apply at the bottom of the window and exit out.
10a. Doing this will enable mod usage, but also temporarily disable multiplayer functionality. To restore Multiplayer functionality look at #3 
in the notes section of the installation instructions.
11. If done correctly and my assumption that the files might mod your game in the same way they've modded mine isn't incorrect (I'm sorry to say they 
very likely could be.), then you should see the changes mentioned in the previous section applied to your game. You may need to reload your checkpoint. 
If none of that works, then, I don't know. I'm sorry.


1. I've written these instructions as if I were writing them for me and/or would like someone else to write them for me. That's why the tone could
be interpreted as if it were meant for an absolute and irrevocable idiot, because it is. I'm the idiot. So apologies if it and/or any of this 
bothers you. I'm not an expert on any of this and had to figure a lot of this stuff out myself (despite others providing good instructions). I know
what it's like to see something really cool, try to make it work, and for whatever reason(s), it just doesn't. I don't want that to be your experience. 
2. I DO NOT recommend trying to combine this "mod" with other mods unless you really know what you're doing (I didn't/don't, as I've mentioned.). I have
even less of an idea of what could happen if you attempted to do so. Moreover, not combining it with other mods makes it relatively easy to uninstall
incase this "mod" doesn't work for you. 
3. If this mod doesn't work for you, delete the preview folder, right click on your desktop icon, click on properties, remove the -usepreview that you 
added to the end of the text in the target box, and your game should be able to launch normally, without mods, and with multiplayer functionality restored. 


I want for there to be as little room for confusion as possible, to be clear and transparent about this (and also about this whole thing). I AM 
the original creator of the mods comprising this download and I DO NOT own any of the contents attached to this post. Aside from the text about 
the "mod" that you're reading about, I don't own anything on here that you may or may not decide to download. I'm honestly not even sure if I'm 
allowed to be doing what I've done. If there is a problem with this post and/or I am in violation. Please let me know and I will remove any and all 
offending materials. However, if anyone official could do so themselves, that would be preferable to me honestly as I don't plan on checking this 
site 24/7. Some of the authors of the mods in this download include cerberos008 and majic. Thank you to them and unofficial content creators in general
for making content for games that spice things up for all manner of players.

The case being that I don't own any of the mods in this posting, as far as I'm concerned, feel free to experiment with them and/or whatever. I'm fine with 
it. However, I can't say the same for the actual authors of the mods as I don't know them, nor have I ever interacted with them. Again, if there is a 
problem(s) with what I've done here please let me know, and I'll do what I can to amend any mistakes. Or feel free to remove them yourself if you're
able as it'd be more convenient for me as well (Thank you in advance in the event of that eventuality.).

Final Notes: 

1. I cannot guarantee that these files will have the effect(s) on your game that they've had in mine. I am not a tech expert or an expert on anything
really except stupidity, clumsiness, not being a pleasant person (to put it extremely mildly), and luck perhaps. I barely know how to use my phone, 
which is an iphone 6s+ (I think everyone else is on like 13 or somethin' now.). As I said, this "mod" is just me managing to 
(through much copy/paste/delete/semi-conscious intuition/theory for lack of a better way to put it) bastardize together something that functions in my 
own game that I thought was/is cool. If you choose to download these files and/or mod your game with them, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK AND OF YOUR OWN VOLITION. Having said that, I do not intend any malignance with this post. It's up to you whether or not to believe me and make your own choices. It 
doesn't take a lot for anyone to be smarter than me.
2. I DO NOT recommend trying to combine this "mod" with other mods unless you really know what you're doing (I didn't/don't, as I've mentioned.).
3. I don't plan on checking this site 24/7. So for all intents and purposes, consider the information/contents provided here as the beginning and end of
of my support. I may check in for some time in the infancy period following this posting [and may or may not do so at some point(s) in the future], so feel 
free to ask any questions, make any comments, and/or whatever. I won't promise I'll respond, but if I might be able to help and I see your post. 
I might do so. Please understand I don't intend to sleight and/or offend anyone (not at the moment anyway). I'm just not a pleasant person and 
more importantly, I'm broadly not great (or even acceptable in a lot of instances) at stuff. However, I'm particularly bad with tech, computers, mods, 
and likely any stuff related to the aforementioned so I probably wouldn't be able to help much regardless.
4. If you're able to get any of this stuff working and/or derive any satisfaction from it, then very cool.
5. Well, I think I've covered about everything I wanted to cover. So I'll sign off with this. Thank you very much, and HYAH! HYAH! EN GARDE ye faith 
deprived hellspawn! BACK! BACK I SAY! For Slaa- the Emperor Palpatine and what have you! Yadda yadda...