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  • Black Crypt

    Original Amiga game Black Crypt arrived in Grim rock

    Mad by Kinatas

  • Lair of Gorul

    Inspired on Dungeon Master game,...still in development.

    replaced sounds,graphics,monsters...and more

    currently 5 floors available as more to be continued

    I did lost 2 hard drives,lots of work is,have to start from scratch....

  • Back to work

    Decided to get back to this project. 
    Idea is to keep simple Dungeon &Dragons gameplay and atmosphere.
    Rework most sound effects and ALL new monsters will be implemented. Soon I will post some demo video clip. 
    Maybe someone will enjoy this project. ...

  • Kathzora's Quest

    The king of Kathzora is seeking for 4 brave souls who is willing to carry out his task.
    Upon traveling they ended up in a forest with some caverns.

    Further into the caves they noticed that the famous mage Merlin was here.
    What could this mean?
    Also they found some notes of a former traveler or trapped soul...
    Is he/she/it friendly or not?


    Game has different endings.

  • SIMPLE A - Z walk through of levels 1 - 4 (first hour of play) M

    SIMPLE A - Z walk through of levels 1 - 4 (first hour of play)first of all, here's the dungeon:LeveL 1 1st dungeon level from Surface (Launch beach)
    LeveL 2  Launch Beach, game starts here
    LeveL 3 second stage dungeons, lovely puzzles
    LeveL 4 third stage dungeons and real fighting starts now
    LeveL 5 easy outside areas, looks gorgeous
    LeveL 6 Healing Crystals and Your Home Base, dump your excess stuff here
    LeveL 7 Tricky getting those 2 levers pulled (Tomb Level here too)
    LeveL 8 looks pretty similar to Surface Beach but more fighting
    LeveL 9 underwater levers need finding here, quite difficult
    LeveL 10 Loot and hidden areas galore
    LeveL 11 Toorum's remains and quite a lot of his blessed artefacts, grab 'em...

  • ADVANCED GUIDE To Cursed Legion U15 - U16

      PRIMARY MISSION:   Get the 3 corpses of the Dwarven Kings who died long ago and place them in the Holy "Three Altars Sanctuary" (on L21 "Sunk Temple")
      SECONDARY OBJECTIVES:  Get the 40 GOLD Objects
      1.  WITH THE 12 brass keys descend from Level 5 to Level 13 using the "Descent Route" starting from the Junior Missions Hall 
     2.  arriving on DoDamius Temple .... remember how the game started on Launch Dungeon, now you see a very similar set up - as at the start, find the Ordinary Knife and take it with you down the nearest pit, you need it to "force"  the next lock!  Taking / Replacing Torches will not "open" any secret doors here though, OVERALL OBJECTIVE is to get ...

  • Basic Guide to U15 version

      PRIMARY MISSION:   Get the 3 corpses of the Dwarven Kings who died long ago
      SECONDARY OBJECTIVES:  Get the 40 GOLD Objects
    The following guide tells you how to get the three corpses and some of the 40 Gold
      HOUR 1   video  at:     U13HOUR 2   video  at:     U13HOUR 3  video  at: 4   video at:   U13HOUR 5   at:   U13HOUR 6   video  at: 6F 
    HOUR 7  video  at: 8   will be live ...

  • U13 video and GUIDE for 2014

    At the time of the Shining Legion, when incredible moving machines of power were being engineered to protect the entrances of the dungeon, it was a time of unprecedented wealth and success for the three Dwarven Kings - how they came to die is a subject of some controversy,  but what is not in doubt, is that their passing was the beginning of the Legion's decline. Your Team must find the three Blessed Corpses, the first lies within the original Workshop where the  incredible moving machines of power were being engineered - find all 3 corpses and take them to the three holy Altars to complete your team's huge mission into the Cursed Legion of the Damned.

  • versions U8 - U13

    At the time of the Shining Legion, when incredible moving machines of power were being engineered to protect the entrances of the dungeon, it was a time of unprecedented wealth and success for the three Dwarven Kings - how they came to die is a subject of some controversy,  but what is not in doubt, is that their passing was the beginning of the Legion's decline. Your Team must find the three Blessed Corpses, the first lies within the original Workshop where the  incredible moving machines of power were being engineered - find all 3 corpses and take them to the three holy Altars to complete your team's huge mission into the Cursed Legion of the Damned. KEY   LOCATION   LEVEL  NAME  WHERE FOR   LEVEL   NAME          further info
    Knife   alcove     5�...

  • 2014 23 levels U10

    back story and overall mission

    At the time of the Shining Legion, when incredible moving machines of power were being engineered to protect the entrances of the dungeon, it was a time of unprecedented wealth and success for the three Dwarven Kings - how they came to die is a subject of some controversy,  but what is not in doubt, is that their passing was the beginning of the Legion's decline.

    Your Team must find the three Blessed Corpses, the first lies within the original Workshop where the  incredible moving machines of power were being engineered - find all 3 corpses and take them to the three holy Altars to complete your team's huge mission into the Cursed Legion of the Damned. ...

  • stuck on CUBES PRISON ? what to do next

    CUBE PRISON - troubleshooterOn CUBES PRISON you encounter Four Waves of Cubes and progress further, via 3 pits, that you can trick the Cubes to fall down.however there is a low chance of you finding that one wave of cubes is not triggered. SOLUTION: descend one of the three pits and find the route back to the room where you inserted the GEAR KEY. from here you dropped down to the CUBES PRISON originallyso just go back there, you will see 1 pit closed to indicate the waves of cubes already simply drop down the remaining pits there, to trigger the last wave of cubes!But what if none of the pits are open? If all the pits are closed? what then? This is where the Secret buttons on the Cubes Prison come in. each secret button seemingly opens a secret cache nearby, but it does ...

  • "how to finish" Cursed Legion Dungeons 2014

    Cursed Legion Dungeons 2014welcome to a Custom Dungeon made from the 2012 Legend of Grimrock****  U5 game start  *****
    As your brand new team assemble in the Launch Area - two general and major ambitions are discussed. First the need to establish a route through to the Blue Stones I
    Your team will need to hold it together until arrival in the Bluestones I, A) the room where they are is locked, a Prison Key is needed to unlock the door. B) the missions involved in simply arriving at the locked Blue Stones I,  are perillous enough but there are more of the same to obtain the holy Prison Key needed to set up your base there.
    Second, once you have set down at Base Camp Blue Stones I - the next overall ambition slowly takes shape and that is to c...

  • U3 videos of the game play

    Edition 1   first 20 minutes of the game (U3)
    Edition 2 entering the Junior Missions Hall allows a new set of 4 missions
    Edition 3  getting the CROSSBOW and the Crossbow Ammo
    Edition 4 how to make it through to the "Blue Stones"
    Edition 5 getting the Shaman Staff from the Crowerns Nest
    Random Missions Cubes Missions and Random Areas
    Edition 6 a massive half hour in the Cubes Levels
    Edition 7 Express Route to Blue Stones from Launch Area
    Edition 8a       http:...

  • Grenadier Team 1 L - latest videos

    block 1 basic start and method to progress to start areas
    block 2 CUBES MISSION - how to start in the Cubes Level
    block 3 secret staircase under CUBES LEVEL leads to Teleporter Room 3
    block 4 finding the Power Weapon that can stop Cubes in their tracks
    block 5 the Cubes Chase mission, getting chased by Cubes in the back of the Cubes Level
    block 6 finding the loot from after a Chase Mission (above)
    block 7 the Barracks Mission on Skeleton Temple gives way to the Scavenger Army on Primary Dungeons
    block 8 Abandoned Prison,...

  • Grenadier Team 1 L :OVERVIEW


    The main objective is to find the three gems, 1 is blue, 1 is red and 1 is green. Upon using the green gem on Level 1, the route to the final level is opened and you simply descend the stairs to Level 13 and game completion.


    Along the way, very valuable Prison Keys may be found. Each Prison Key will definitely allow the team to access a "Food Stash" of good size or better at a basic level and most "Teleporter Rooms" have an iron door opened by a "Prison Key." Such doors typically have stored behind them food but also sometimes allow "bonus mission" by unlocking nearby teleporters.

    The best example of this is seen in the underground of the CUBES LEVEL where Wyv...

  • Grenadier Team 1 K - guide through videos

    Grenadier Team 1 K

    Chapter 1 : your Team vs an Archer is how the game starts
    Chapter 2 : how to get back to the Treasure Room where some really good weapons await your Team
    Chapter 3 : The Barrell Room on Grey Temple is where the first mighty battle occurs
    Chapter 4 the first wave of Cubes on the Cubes Level
    Chapter 5 the final wave of Cubes on the Cubes Level
    Chapter 6 : exploring Wyverns Temple and how to trigger traps and secret doors ...

  • the following videos break the 5 hour game into 21 sections

    Grenadier Team 1 H: the following videos break the 5 hour game into 21 sections

    if you watch all 21, it will take you five hours to view and you will see the whole game

    section 1 = getting started
    section 2 = getting back to treasure room no 1 and claiming your sword, bow and sling
    section 3 - CUBES MISSION NO. 1
    section 4 - what to do underneath the Cubes Level ! important shenanigans under the Cubes arena
    Section 5 checking out the secret teleporter room on Goromorg Prison level + the secret passageway to Teleporter Room 2 !!
    section 6 Cubes ...

  • ** Challenging aspects of the Game : Grenadier Team 1 (H) **

    the first challenging part is as you use the first Gold Key and ascend up the central staircase to Grey Temple.


    as you enter the first room, you see barrels and nothing else, as you move into the middle of the room a secret door opens!

    Move to the opening passageway, there is a secret button there, this opens a Bomb Stash further in, but it also opens a SAFE CHAMBER in the first room.

    Move to the SAFE CHAMBER where you can fight enemies without being overwhelmed, you just close the chamber's door and recover when you need to.

    Jumping down the pit could be a mistake because the gate across the first room's exit is still closed, OPEN IT in the treasure room below using the following method: