User Interface: Icons

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Vortex makes use of various icons with corresponding tooltips in order to provide you with context-specific information regarding your mods and/or plugins. Below is a list of the icons used in Vortex with a simple explanation as to what they are indicating.

Icon Tooltip Explanation
RedZap.gif Conflicts with Mod XY Found on mods with "unsolved conflicts" i.e. mods with one or several conflicting files that you have not addressed yet by either setting a rule or individual file overrides. Clicking the icon brings up the dialogue that allows you to specify a rule to resolve the conflict.
GreenZap.gif Conflicts with Mod XY Indicates that this mod conflicts with another, but that you have addressed the conflict by setting a rule and/or individual file overrides.
Relationshipicon.gif Drag to another mod to define dependency/ Drag to another plugin to set user-list rule In Mods view: Indicates that no rule/dependency has been set up on this mod. Click and drag to another connector (same icon) to set up a rule.

In Plugins view: Indicates that no rule/dependency has been set up on this plugin. Click and drag to another connector (same icon) to set up a rule.

Note: That there still might be rules set up on other mods/plugins that affect this mod/plugin.

Relationshipicon2.gif Drag to another mod to define dependency/ Drag to another plugin to set user-list rule In Mods view: Indicates that a rule/dependency has been set up on this mod. Click to reveal the rule that has been specified. Click the minus on the revealed rule to remove it (this will render the icon white).

In Plugins view: Indicates that either a rule has been set on this plugin, or that LOOT has information regarding this plugin. Click the icon to reveal additional information from LOOT on e.g. this plugin's incompatibilities.

Note: There still might be rules set up on other mods/plugins that affect this mod/plugin.

Exclaimation.gif This mod has files override the install order Indicates that this mod has one or several files set to load in a different order than the install order (see install order column in mod view) would imply. This icon usually appears when you set individual file overrides.
ThumbsUp2.gif Undecided Indicates that you have not chosen whether you would like to endorse this mod. To endorse, click the icon.

Note: You will not be able to endorse mods/files which have the endorsement feature disabled in their mod page settings.

ThumbsUp.gif Endorsed Indicates that you have endorsed this mod. Click to switch to "abstained".
ThumbsDown.gif Abstained Indicates that you have chosen to un-endorse this mod i.e. you did endorse it at one point but opted to withdraw your endorsement at a later point in time.
Staricon.gif Master Indicates that this plugin is treated as a master file by the engine. This mostly affects *.esm files, but can also be the case for *.esp files which have been flagged as master files in their respective file header (so-called "fake ESMs").
Lockicon.gif Loaded by the engine, can't be configured Indicates that these plugins are locked in place by the engine and cannot have their load order changed.
Lighticon2.gif Could be light Indicates that this plugin is eligible to be flagged as a "light master" according to LOOT.
Lighticon.gif Light Indicates that this plugin is treated as a "light master" by the engine. This mostly affects *.esl files, but can also be the case for *.esp files which have been flagged as "light masters" in their respective file header ("fake ESLs").
Bottleicon.gif Requires cleaning (LOOT) Indicates that this plugin has not been cleaned with XEdit (What does "cleaning your plugin" mean?) and that it requires cleaning according to LOOT. Note that the official DLCs for e.g. Skyrim contain "dirty edits" and cleaning them with TES5Edit is advised. Some plugins may be marked as dirty but do not need to and should not be cleaned. Please pay attention to the respective mod description(s).
Redbellicon.gif Plugin has missing masters/LOOT warnings If the tooltip reads "Plugin has missing masters": Indicates that this plugin is missing a master file i.e. that it is missing another plugin that it is dependent on.

If the tooltip reads "LOOT warnings": Informs you that there is a relevant LOOT message for this plugin. Double-click on it to expose the plugin details, where you will find a "Loot Message" with pertinent information regarding the plugin.

Example message for "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp": RTENOTITLE

UpdateAuto.gif Mod can be updated (Current version X.Y.Z) Found in the version column (next to the version number) in mods view, this icon informs you of available updates for a given mod.
UpdateManual.gif Mod can be updated (but you will have to pick the file yourself) Found in the version column (next to the version number) in mods view, this icon informs you of available updates for a given mod. However, in this case, Vortex is unable to determine the exact file that is the newest version of the mod you have installed. This can occur when the mod in question has several current versions (i.e. multiple main files). In that case, you will need to pick the appropriate file from the mod page. Click the icon to load the mod page in a browser window.
Texticon.gif Changelog Found on the mods page, usually accompanying an update icon. Clicking on this icon will reveal the changelog for the newest version of the mod if the author has provided it.
Bad.gif Failed to parse this plugin Found on the plugins page, this icon indicates that this plugin is corrupted and will not load properly in the game.