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Modding discussion for the action role-playing game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Use the Mod Categories section instead of just the mod's homepage. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/categories/105/ There have been a small handful this last month, and a steady trickle every month before that for quite some time. They might not be as popular as they once were, but it's not like they've stopped completely.
  3. I haven't seen a new house mod added in months. Does nobody make houses or bunker homes any longer ?
  4. my load order: https://pastebin.com/eR7ECYSu
  5. I've had this problem before, and seen other people have it to. I have screenshots of all water effects disabled, and all of them enabled. It's an annoyance. I also have a problem when swimming. Where instead of water trails, there is just a solid surface displayed instead. I genuinely have no idea what is going on. This seems to be the worst part of lake mead. Here are some images and some links I've found on the problem. https://imgur.com/a/cwjM6iX https://steamcommunity.com/app/22380/discussions/0/4111168970099031043/
  6. Recently I have tried to play fallout new vegas with mods, so far I have not had any problem, but I have noticed that when I use JAM and try to change some parameters when I unpause the game and return to the MCM, the changes I make are nonexistent.
  7. Sounds like a prudent thing to do. Good luck, hope it works out.
  8. Unfortunately it didn't help. I'll try to uninstall the whole Steam and reinstall it. Because after recent reinstall of OS I left the Steam untouched and just continued to use it.
  9. Basically, a perk that lets you fan the hammer while hip-firing a revolver-type weapon and you can shoot as fast as you click (possibly capped at a certain rate for balancing). Maybe tier 2 of the perk: each consecutive shot you land will tighten the grouping for the rest of that cylinder (mag). *I know there are already some mods that let you do this but they are not player-exclusive and they have the same fire rate as the default
  10. Maybe the author of that cart mod made a mistake with the Base Object Swapper config file. But, that's just speculation on my part.
  11. It really was the cart mod lmfao. Can not understand why
  12. If Vortex extension installed xNVSE, de-select its "Primary" status in tools bar on Dashboard tab to allow falloutnv.exe to be default launcher.
  13. Uh, there's an appmanifest in steamapps that tracks some stuff but idk why that'd be relevant atm. Does this apps error happen when running the vanilla launcher or jus when using xNVSE to launch? Re-verify game files to clear manual edit and disable/use empty profile to test with no modification Is possible issue is being compounded by region (language) when using mods for an english game but I've seen some reports about there being a direct connection between using nvse_loader.exe rather than falloutnv.exe while using 4GB patched.exe - which bypasses need to launch with nvse_loader.exe
  14. I've tried both dropping and installation via Vortex. Nothing changed. BTW is there any log file that collects the dates of the game starts and maybe time played each session?
  15. You sure the mod was deployed to root correctly? Drop it in manually for a quick test to reconfirm while I try to research other possible causes. Everything else points to running as Admin/basic stuff like not running game via Steam to generate documents or needing to reverify files, etc.
  16. Yep, that's the version for Eastern Europe if I'm not mistaken (ENglish-PoLish-CZech-RUssian). I'll try to add exe now, thanks. Maybe this will help. Edit: no, the mod with Steam exe didn't work unfortunately.
  17. Hrm. That's contrary to my own test results, except for the Fallout New Vegas enplczru thing which I've seen before but forget the details of. Its a Steam regional thing iirc? Anyway, the common solution is what I previously referred to by adding copy of Steam.exe to your root folder. Check to confirm if that can still be applied as said "fix" for your particular case. If it doesn't then I'd have to suggest there's something wrong with how Steam is recognizing the installation as being "valid", since that seems to be the core issue for such an error.
  18. It's been said that too many plugins can cause UI issues. While I haven't experienced this myself, you might want to consider it if installing a cart replacer is causing UI problems. You should also look into FNV Mod Limit Fix if you don't have it already. You could also disable your HUD/UI mods and see if the issue persists, and if all else fails try a binary search of your modlist to find the culprit.
  19. As for the installation, both Steam and FNV are installed on the same drive (from the beginning) which is dedicated HDD. System is installed on the separate SSD. The installation path is the following: H:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru
  20. A few things that add more informations to the UI, like StewieTweaks displaying armor durability and B42 Quickthrow showing my grenades, but nothing that changes the basic layout of it. Also running UIO because like everything requires it. I made it like 50 hours deep into playing before it got weird, and it got weird after I installed https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/87184?tab=description , but I can't see why it would have done this.
  21. Perhaps you could include compatibility with Caliber-Based Damage and include it as recommended/required?
  22. I'm 99% sure players would need to esmify the DryCanyon.esp for it to work, I don't think a plugin can reference a plain esp, it has to be a master. Anyway the DryCanyon.esp would have to load before the DryCanyonTribe.esp and it won't be able to if it's a master and the DryCanyon.esp is not. The permissions for Dry Canyon suggest it would be OK to include the esmified DryCanyon.esp as long as you notify the author so I would do that.
  23. That's great! I'm looking forward to it! Can't wait, I'm saving my next play through until this mod is done!
  24. Did my own research on this a few years back and determined cause is due to using a secondary installation drive vs the drive that Steam is actually installed to. E.g. C:/Steam/* with game installed to D:/SteamLibrary/*. The fix is to install game (Oblivion, Fallout3/NV) onto same drive as Steam's installation or move Steam's install to whichever drive is being used for install... alternatively, there's an older workaround which involves copying Steam.exe and placing its physical clone into the root folder of Fallout New Vegas. I've since remedied my own situation but if you're wanting to try the workaround "fix", I'd recommend creating as new (custom) user mod that packages the Steam.exe as its own mod, which then deploys from Vortex Staging vs manually installing physical copy of Steam.exe into game's root. Only takes a minute to create and deploy - with the appropriate Mod Type (engine Injector). I'd also suggest not using Steam's default install path in C:/Program Files and instead choose your own custom path on C:/ that isn't "protected". Then your default game install path on C:/ will never need to be moved, in order to have basic permission to modify your own files vs some random tool that edits your registry and forces a secondary drive on the primary drive Steam already "owns".
  25. Greetings. After reinstalling OS (Win10) and Vortex and updating all the mods to the latest versions I get a message "Application load error P:0000065432" every time I want to start FNV. The mods I have: NVSE, NVSR, NVAC, Collision Meshes FNV, JIP LN NVSE Plugin, NV Tick Fix, JohnyGuitar NVSE Plugin, 4Gb patcher, FPGE. All the fixes I found were from about 2015-2016 years when manual installation of mods or use of NMM were in use. So does anybody know any modern solution of such problem? BTW I tried to reinstall the game and check the integrity of the files in Steam - nothing helped. After starting the game from Steam only black screen appears so I have to shut down the game process.
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