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Modding discussion for Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Legendary Edition and Skyrim VR
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  2. I am afraid not friend but I do appreciate your response. I am looking for an actual mod that I already had, implementing this "not flying" property on Vampire Lords when sprinting. As I said, I do not want a flying mod, I want to fall with style.
  3. if want to study the not papyrus, it is ActionScript https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/index.html
  4. It is my bad for not knowing that the 0's could be be skipped in the console for ref. and base ID's. I will blame my mistaking the B for an 8 on failing eyesight of an old geezer. Thank you for correcting me.
  5. I have been playing Skyrim for many years now and I just love this fantasy world. There are so many mods that fulfill almost every dream and wish. There is Viking armor that is very similar to what was found in graves, there are even ships and a longhouse mod. Lots of weapons and shields, but there is one thing I still miss in Skyrim! The everyday clothing of the Scandinavians (Vikings). So I wanted to ask if anyone would like to bring it into the game. I don't mean the fur collar version or the half naked in the snow. I mean the clothing and coats that were found in graves like (Birka, Haithabu and the rest). What did it even look like?: The men's clothing was linen trousers, a linen undershirt that was more like a T-shirt than a modern undershirt. Over that they wore a tunic, which we know from the Romans. Over that they often wore a felt jacket, whether the Gugel existed is controversial, just like the wooden shoe. Women wore a linen undergarment, similar to a nightgown, a linen dress over it and often a felt apron with a brooch and chains, but not all of them. Leather shoes were the most common. * * * * I'm adding a short video. There are many more videos on the subject and also many pictures. But since I'm not sure about the copyright, I'll leave it. I hope this short video is enough to show what I mean. Maybe someone has the time and desire to make these clothes. It would be nice if the player and the NPCs could wear them. Unfortunately I don't know how to set it up in the C.Kit. I know that Jarl clothing (very rich Vikings) can be marked as Jarl clothing and then the Jarl NPCs can wear it. Clothing with a name is made specifically for an NPC. Then there is changing clothing that is always put together anew. I don't know how to adapt self-made clothing so that NPCs can wear it. The clothing should be able to be made by the player. Since there are no sheep in Skyrim, only goats, and they don't produce wool, cotton will probably have to do, unless someone knows how to add wool as a raw material to the clothing mod, which can be bought from traders. Unfortunately, there is no Linen in Skyrim. So it will probably all end up being cotton as a manufacturing Material. There is leather and Silver/Gold too, which players can use to make jewelry and shoes. I tried to make these Clothes myself with Blender, but unfortunately I can't do it. That's why I'm looking for someone who can. I would be very happy. Sorry my englisch is terrible. (The Englisch is from a translation Engine.)
  6. Hello everyone, how do face overhaul mods manage to come with such a smooth/high poly face? I'm currently using UNP + Mature skin, texture-wise it's damn good, but at the chin, for example, the low poly is very obvious, is there any mods I'm missing? ive tried High poly head mod, but it gives weird bugs to brows/hairs
  7. It would be neat if we could change the color of the sky to something other than blue. Grey, green, red, you get the idea. Some enbs can do this, but of course that requires you to use a specific enb. Besides, not everyone can run enbs. Imaginator lets you change the brightness of the sky, but that's about it. Would it even be that hard? Couldn't you just change a single rgb value? Or would it require something like a weather overhaul?
  8. Hello. Does anyone know of a working mod that hides the backpack ? I tried "Invisible Creation Club Backpacks and Addons" but it's not working. Thanks. I use: Immersive Equipment Displays for 1.6.629 and newer
  9. Yeah, that's the main issue I've always had with warriors. The gameplay just isn't very interesting. Stealth is more interesting, even if it pales to true stealth games, and magic gives you multiple ways of interacting with the world, even if its limited compared to past games. Mods can pretty easily fix that though. I've found a simple mod like Combat Behavior Improved makes combat feel far more interesting, even though all it does it let you and the ai cancel attacks to block. My preferred set-up for years was to run that and play on expert. I think I played most of my warrior builds with that mod installed. Guess I should think about it again. Of course, I sorta grew tired of the simplicity and wanted more. Besides, I've been spending years now testing out various difficulty mods, so I couldn't use it or any combat overhaul. Been looking at Ultimate Combat lately, after deciding that maybe I should tolerate characters doing dark souls dodges just so I can have a more interesting game. Also, it adds in some refreshing combat animations, and even incorporates the feature of Combat Behavior Improved. Also, its probably popular for a reason. I did try Ultimate Dragons for a bit though, and didn't really like it. Most of the new dragon attacks aren't aiming at anything, and the ability to stun dragons actually makes them easier to fight despite the mod by default tripling their health! Besides, it doesn't play nice with mods that add new dragons (it gives fire abilities to any dragon without the vanilla frost resist ability dragons, including the Blizzard Dragons from Elemental Dragons famously). Still, perhaps I should stick to them in a full playthrough. Maybe then I'll get an appreciation for their all features.
  10. PeterMartyr, thank you! Tomorrow after my morning pitcher of coffee I will dive into this. This is an excellent guide, will hurt my head, but looking forward to it.
  11. Honestly, I rarely play with followers. This is mainly because I mostly play stealth and mage builds. I rarely play straight warriors. Thinking about it though, perhaps I can use followers more often than I've been thinking. Yeah, they don't work out well if you use sneak or destruction, but what other skills cause issues? Alteration only has two offensive spells, one of them being a master spell. Restoration can let you heal followers. Illusion has a series of buff spells I've literally never cast a single time in my entire life. Conjuration does nothing to followers at all, other than maybe accidentally hitting them with soul trap. I've heard two-handed has issues with followers because of the wide attack arc, but why not just use a ranged one? Besides, if you're a tank character you're better off with a ranged follower anyway. I've long wanted to try various follower/quest mods, but I've never really done so because its so rare I play with followers. Just been thinking that perhaps, I can play with followers while being able to play something other than a straight warrior. So perhaps I should take a follower along this time. I'll still be taking hits though to try and keep my armor up. What's the point in wearing heavy if you're not getting any armor bonus out of it? If you have no armor rating, you're better off with light honestly. The armor rating is the only benefit heavy armor really has over light. On a side note, I have tried light armor and two-handed in the past. I just can't make it work. You're just too squishy and you have no freaking shield. I just don't get how to make that work. I have done light-armor characters before of course, and in fact my very first character used light armor. They all used shields though. I've even seen people claim you can get away without armor if you use a shield (consistently).
  12. I don't know about any mod that makes you look like child's toy, but...there is a simple, flying mod I recently added (couple months ago)... Flying Mod Beta https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13905 hope it helps
  13. For leveling destruction, I use foxes and goats. I assume you can do the same with archery. Similar to AaronOfMpls, I've been playing a two-handed, light armored character (with a minor in destruction) for the past few months, using enchantment to powerup armor and weapons, and a bunch of followers to keep bosses distracted. The foxes and goats also contribute significantly to my blacksmith training. Like you, in this build, I get no love from the armor or blocking. I do have a decent light armor skill, but only because I pay for training from Grelka. The plan is to transition to destruction and blocking, then single-hand weapons as my skills top out.
  14. Some Dialogues use different scripts for each Dialog Topic that literally do the same thing, but they are marked as Hidden Is there any problem in removing this "Hidden" and use only one script to multiple Dialogue Topics and Prompts?
  15. I returned to Skyrim SE a couple of months ago after around 10.5 thousand hours at Fallout 4. In Fallout, my favorite play style is to wear no armor at all and to build up stealth and try to sneak around killing everything without being spotted. I'm finding this works well in Skyrim AE as well. I carry armor for the occasional ridiculously hard fight I can't end before getting hit, but generally I wear nothing at all and have a dagger in my main hand (the best I can craft and enhance at any given level) and a fast healing skill ready in my off hand. I also carry the best bow I can craft and enhance with the best arrows I can make for picking off guards in open areas. In addition, I play a vampire which makes my sneaking even more effective. I've tried two handed weapons and open combat in skyrim, but personally it feels clunky to me. The combat mechanics in Skyrim are not fluid and fun--the same with Fallout. But the stealth mechanics are fun. Finally with regard to difficulty settings in Skyrim AE, I've tried legendary, but it's downright impossible for me to kill tough creatures with that setting. One fight with a boss draugr at Legendary typically kills me 20+ times. The lowest settings are no good because everything dies in one hit. I find that level 3 out of 5 in difficulty makes tough monsters and enemies require a few hits to kill meaning it's a race to stealth kill them before i get one or two shot killed (no armor). I agree with Ishara above. Builds don't really exist in Skyrim. What exists is play style, either open combat or stealth, magic or archery.
  16. Sigh, yes I know you can level block with two-handed. In fact, its sorta necessary since you don't have a shield to protect yourself from dragons. As for weapons, I didn't really have an alternative. I was using archery purely to fight dragons, which kept it leveled in the past but didn't this time for some reason. Then again, I never really bothered to keep track of it much. Also, how was I supposed to switch to archery? I was a heavy armor character with a single point in sneak, and my archery hadn't even gotten high enough for me to invest a single point in. Seriously. I have tried combat archers in the past, but never really had much luck with them. I did try to use archery when I was playing a light armor one-handed build, but I was just doing that for the theme; there wasn't really a practical reason to do it. Either way, that save file is long lost, so what's the point in telling me what I could've done? I will be trying it again yes, but I plan to start all over from the beginnig; I won't be trying to salvage a level 30 character with skills of a level 3 character.
  17. BTW even if you did all the required reading I honestly do not expect you to get it, to understand this is full time course, I hope you notice the word interface when you were looking at the MCM Config Base.. I will repeat the heavy lifting happens in sub-system regarding the MCM config, but here a bonus, you can now study the SkyUI MCM config, to see how they did it, enjoy. Edit has I previous stated in another post, I have never really work with flash files, But I have done system design, so a lot of what I wrote was generalisation, and may not actually reflect the working of SkyUI.. but it is obvious there more to it than Papyrus, I have posted both the flash code and the papyrus code.. I wrote I never looked at inner working SkyUi and I still have not, but now you all can now)) I hope you notice inheritance and hierarchy, is important to understanding how it works)
  18. I'm still trying to play with hdt after few evenings without it So i switch trainwreck logger to 'Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support' (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818) and finally! TurntLogic, A found that you 100% right: https://pastebin.com/wCHHvD2E Sooo my next question: how to fix that? Because when i navigate to that formID i can see only 43 items in that list (i think only the last one is major and all other is not) After some investigation i found a really mostly the same case from guy who crashed in windhelm: AND THAT HELPS ME OUT! How, why? IDK but that is a fix for me After some time i'm still got crash, but it's related to physic/animation. Possibly because i reinstall almost all physic/body mods. I will continue that, but not today
  19. can I have a go))) let use the toggle state option Self.AddToggleOptionST("TOGGLE_SHADER_FX", "$DQ3_UseShaderFXonPositioning", DQMain.bUseShaderFX) above as both the Front End UI and the Back End business end in it it is a toggle button It uses this State > "TOGGLE_SHADER_FX" this the UI description > "$DQ3_UseShaderFXonPositioning" this is the value to set on or off depending on it value in the UI > DQMain.bUseShaderFX when the gamer hit the toggle the MCM goes to THAT STATE The appropriate event in the state then fires State TOGGLE_SHADER_FX Event OnSelectST() DQMain.bUseShaderFX = !DQMain.bUseShaderFX Self.SetToggleOptionValueST(DQMain.bUseShaderFX) EndEvent EndState Then the business end of the mod allows Shader FX in the game @IsharaMeradin link is a wikki pages that explain how to write MCM configs both open and states, does not explain how it works under the hood.. I have never looked at the background working of SkyUI, to see how it works under the hood it will look like this That real SkyUI code, and it not papyrus is it? More examples of MCM configs... to learn how write them, so no need to check other mods https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/MCM-Examples BTW you do not need open states because you inherit them off the parent, all that you said is missing is there in plain sight, you just need to see.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inheritance_(object-oriented_programming) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_pattern https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_(computer_science) another very important concept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_(computing) to help explain how it works https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/ProgrammingAndScripting/Subsystems/ more to help explain Best way to wrongly describe it is https://github.com/schlangster/skyui is the sub-system, and papyrus is the interface, but I would take the software developer route, I do not care how it works, as long as I know how to use it.. FYI the papyrus bit Study @IsharaMeradin link hard and long and take a superficial look at mine, you really do not want know how it works.. https://github.com/schlangster/skyui the SkyUI code repository → do not look it is 100% there nothing is hidden, regarding the sub-system, but yeah the papyrus interface is somewhat protected in the SDK but here it is so you do not need to decompile it https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/tree/master/dist/Data/Scripts/Source careful what ask for cos you might get it))) Look at the MCM Config Base, can you see the events for the open states now, yes or no?
  20. So I had this mod a few years ago that reworked some aspects of vampirism. This mod would be overpowered since you could OTK every NPC by sneaky feeding on them as a vampire. However, I cannot stop looking for this mod because it included the fact that the Vampire Lord could not fly but fell in a very slow path, in the same fashion as Skyrim's Paraglider but with built-in wings. I do not want any flying mod but that is the only thing that I can find.
  21. Wolves do have both resistance to warmth and cold. This is why you can find those resistances going higher through the mod Know Your Enemy However, I understand that, while playing a fantasy game, you do want a snow wolf susceptible to fire damage (like it is made of ice or something). Extreme Enemy Resistances and Weaknesses will cover that for you just fine. As a final note, I think The Dragonborn's Bestiary covers beautifully all your inquiries about these resistances and also, includes a patch for Enemy Resistance Tweaks which will make these more acute and noticeable.
  22. having made a follower, I quickly realise the condition he need was not the one he was asking about, isActor is true and isTeamate is true, plus whatever other quest stage conditions (if any) was what he need, and It felt like an independent to me, there not a lot of guides on that cos not a big step, to go Quest then independent system, so I thru in a freebie Edit his/her question if solved, would not have fixed his/her problem, it needed more, matter of a fact I only added the faction condition at last minute, it does not need it.... and I knew that.. I even stated a condition that alway true, is pointless, in this particular case this what I read I need conditions for one actor and they need to be following, I also thru in the conditions for one actor and not following, this where is follower faction is require, but that is dependant on the dialogue context. all my replies where extra freebies, I 100% ignore the author faction question heheheheheehehe I admit that.. cos it was not what was needed
  23. No argument. I just wasn't reading "custom follower" in that manner. In the context of the original question, we were just talking about testing the faction, not setting it. Though, you are right that if CrankyKidneys is not using the default follower framework (or a derivative), he should not set the current follower faction.
  24. Yes, the cell is overloaded by Legacy of the Dragonborn but without the slightest conflict. I don't know if this could pose a problem. Borghaks record in the cell is overwritten by USSEP but this has been in my load order for ages, that can't be the culprit.
  25. I know it misses out on the matching set bonus but since that perk comes later anyway, start out wearing a mix of light and heavy armor. Both skill lines will level up as you take damage. Also, if you find that one weapon line is leveling faster than the others, switch weapon types and work on a lower skill line. And since you use LE, the Skyrim Community Uncapper can be set to limit the amount of character experience is obtained from each individual skill line. Thus you can set the experience gain to be tailored to the type of build you want to do. i.e. only gain character experience when leveling up skills specifically related to your desired build. I remember using it in LE. I had set all the non-combat skill lines (i.e. enchanting, alchemy, blacksmithing, etc) to provide zero character experience. I leveled slower overall but had better control over preventing enemies from being extremely strong simply because I chose to stop and build one of the hearthfires homes.
  26. And yah, as you found, it's possible for your armor skills to level more slowly if you don't get hit much, and your Block if you don't block much. Though regarding blocking and power attacks, you can still "shield bash" (after a fashion) with a 2-handed weapon, in the same way as with 1-handed and a shield: hit your Attack button while blocking.* If I remember right, this does level Block. I suspect I block and bash enough that I haven't noticed trouble leveling it -- even if it does stay a goot bit lower than my Two-Handed. Though I also RP in my head a lot, and screenshot and sightsee a lot, so I level kinda slowly. And I'm enough of an altaholic that I rarely get to 50, let alone 90. * Default on mouse/keyboard is right mouse to block, left mousecto attack. Not sure on an Xbox or PS controller, since I don't have either.
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