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  1. This is a known issue that we are currently working on fixing. We appreciate your patience. Please see our status page for more information and for any updates.
    8 points
  2. So you want to create your own point of interest that has a chance to randomly spawn? First of all you have to find a place for your new point of interest, open up WorldData > Blocks on Creation Kit, double click a block and click preview button in the inspector to see how it looks like: Find a spot you like and press Control + H to open terrain cutting tools, pick an area, in my case I'm making it 3x3, give it an ID as well. Click create overlay when you are satisfied. ' Find your new overlay area in WorldObjects > WorldSpace, right click it and view in inspector then add the BSGPlanetContentManagerContentProperties_Component component to it. Go under WorldData > Location, right click and create a new location for your POI, add the keywords LocTypeOE_Keyword and LocTypeOverlay: Go back under WorldObjects > WorldSpace, double click your overlay and add the newly created location to it: I recommend adding a MapMarker that is already discovered to your location so you can find it quicker in game: Now go under WorldData > Planet Content Manager Tree, open PCM_BlockCreationRequest and find PCM_BlockCreation_DRsRLs, right click and add worldspacecontent, find yours on the list and add it: Here I have removed every other one to make sure it spawns easily, make sure to save your mod and back it up before you remove anything! That's it, save the plugin, start the game, enable the plugin and go see if it spawns in! You can also manually place it on the planet with the console command AddWorldSpaceToPlanetBiome WorldSpaceName PlanetName biomeIndex But that doesn't guarantee it actually spawns randomly in. Edit: To add random encounters into your overlay you can drag in the PackIn called RE_PackIn_Overlay and arrange the triggers and markers around your POI. After this you sometimes get random encounters when traveling to it. You can remove some triggers to disable some encounters, for example if you do not want spaceship encounters remove all the landing areas.
    7 points
  3. And now you are testing it with other people - namely your existing long-term users. And you are hearing other opinions which are being dismissed because "people you tested with" liked it better the other way.
    6 points
  4. As many of you know, I had around four hundred plugins and hundreds more mods installed, and I deliberately allowed the Next Gen update to kick in for me in part because I have 10.5 thousand in-game hours with Fallout 4 and don't mind being out of action to play other games. At first I waited for updates to mods like F4SE, address library, LooksMenu and the like to be complete. After updating everything I could find F4SE related, I tried to launch the game. It crashed to desktop before hitting main menu. Solving the Crashes Yesterday I decided to trouble shoot this, and I've spent the last 24 hours or so working on the issue. First I disabled all my plugins (taking screen shots to help me know what to restore) and gradually activated a few at a time to identify what was causing the crashes. It turns out every plugin I was using which altered or added Image Space Adapter records was crashing the game. In hindsight this makes sense as the Next Gen update specifically targets graphics. So I disabled those plugins and continued with testing. Can't Click Pop-Ups If anything, be it an MCM dialogue or a system message such as one telling me some mods are no longer installed, opens a pop-up asking me to confirm the message, I cannot close the pop-up. I can't use E nor Return not Mouse Click to do it. I still have not solved this, and I tried uninstalling everything I could think of which might change the interface. However, I did verify whatever is causing this is F4SE related because if I launch the game directly through Steam (not using F4SE launcher), I can close pop ups fine. Testing Other Things As I want to use F4SE because most mods I like (such as Advanced Animation Framework, Rename Everything, tons of Quest Mods and more) use F4SE, I installed the mods I wanted (even if it means I can't click pop up boxes) to see what worked. Advanced Animation Framework Initially it wouldn't activate fully, stuck at 80%, and after trying to solve it myself I gave up and searched Loverlab and found there's a next gen update to LL_FourPlay which isn't included in the latest version of AAF nor Real Handcuffs or anything which usually installs that. So I updated LL_FourPlay, and that allowed AAF to fully activate. All animations seem to work fine, though I can't get male sexual organs to go erect during animations. I spent a while trying to solve that and could not, so I gave up as that's not terribly important to me. It's bad for immersion but not bad for gameplay. Having spent 24 hours straight trouble shooting next gen, I'm giving up and will wait a month or two more to see what additional updates come from major mods. I'll move onto Skyrim and/or Cyberpunk 2077 and maybe even Baldur's Gate 3 until I feel it's time to try again Fallout 4. In summary, I was not able to solve the following issues: I cannot click pop-ups if I launch through F4SE Male genitals do not become erect during animations I'll have to use F4Edit to redo/fix any plugins which change or add ISA records. I'm done with my trouble shooting and testing for now. I just figured I'd share the results of my work. Post Script: I forgot to mention that OCBPC does not yet work with Next Gen. Its DLL file needs to be updated. That's another reason I plan to wait another month or two before continuing with the trouble shooting. Post post script: I also forgot to mention that my tests identified "Sup F4SE" mod as causing an infinite loading screen. So I had to uninstall that and anything else which depends on it (such as Amputator).
    5 points
  5. Every reached ceiling becomes a floor. (Aldous Huxley)
    5 points
  6. Agreed. Would like to see the option to switch back to the old style for those who wish to still use it. I like the idea with now having more favorites you can assign to the row, but the new style is currently harder and less effective to quickly navigate with. One of the reasons for it being less effective is having favorite games organized in columns of 6, whereas with the old style you had all the games organized from left to right in alphabetical order. That was quicker. If we got the ability to customize how it's organized and could select to have all favorites placed together horizontally like the old UI style, then that alone would be a good improvement. And also have the ability to set your own custom ordering for the favorites so that you can more quickly select which game you want to open.
    4 points
  7. In regards to the selected game indicator, a max-width property of 8rem (3cm/1.1inches) is incredibly tiny. Set the max width to something like 17rem. This is what it looks like without that property / at 17rem: Obviously the search bar suffers due to the expansion of the game selector. In order to rectify that, just have the search expand in an animationy way while the game selection gets compressed. Alternatives are: - Replace the "X" in the game selection with a dropdown and merge it with the Games tab. I dont see a reason why these should be separate, and the "X" has the same functionality as the nexus logo next to it anyway. - Delimit the navbar elements so that the nexus logo and game selection use the outer left, the tabs are located in the center and the other things are located in the outer right.
    4 points
  8. Oh no, please don't turn this place into Reddit. Wonder how many people will stop posing once they start getting down-voted..... Plenty of negative emojis to choose from if you must express dissatisfaction with a particular person. Or maybe just post back with your own insightful opinion.
    4 points
  9. The new UI styles are visually nicer after 9 years, I love them. Especially for the forum and menus. Unfortunately the UX has gone backwards and it hurts. First the profile page and mod tiles, now the navigation. I can't really fathom some of the changes. Eg: favourites, which I use every day. Even if you wanted to show more games, doing it in columns with a massive waste of space around each side isn't the way to go. It's organised poorly and harder to use. There are many ways to rejig it, responsively, to make it better for usability and to increase the amount of games visible. And using an 'X' as a navigation device to send the user to the home page? These things didn't come up as issues during testing? UX experts approved them? It's fundamentally flawed. The rationale on the previous page is full of holes and simple things are being overcomplicated. It's also a shame that a lot of the early thoughts from 2015 never made it into this space, like showing the most popular or newly added games in the games menu (so they're easy to add), or having a filter you can type into to add other games without having to navigate away from the page. It highlights game mod pages people might otherwise never see. It'd be super useful and increase visibility. And that was in 2015. Come on fellas.
    3 points
  10. There's already been several people who have commented about how things look with lower screen resolutions and increased font sizes. It's not just about phones.
    3 points
  11. Feedback. ok. Would love the option to continue to use the old style. Fellas, it's OK to have different looks between the collections site, gross, and the regular site. I legit thought something was wrong with my chrome bowser because of an extension.
    3 points
  12. IMO tooltips are for learnability not for usability, and they are poor for accessibility. If I have to mouse over it to figure out what the information a visual element is telling me, why have it try to say the game name at all until moused over? I am not a fan of this change. This is a step backwards for usability.
    3 points
  13. How am I supposed to know what game it is being filtered by if it shows only 9 characters of the game name?
    3 points
  14. I understand your dilemma, and you can't please everyone. However, what we have now is overly confusing because the same ribbon is used on all pages. What do you think happens when you are looking at a particular mod page and click the X button? Oh, you are being taken to the home page of Nexus Mods... How is that even relevant? And how is it different from clicking the Nexus Mods site icon just to the left of it? When I am looking at a particular mod page, I *know* it is filtered per game, what's more, it is filtered down to this one particular mod! The X button makes no sense there at all. The same as the game button next to it. I would remove that whole button completely, game and X - that's what the Games drop down is for, right next to it. Combine them, essentially, as @Synthlight was suggesting above.
    3 points
  15. It pretty much fails at this since there is still no indication that it is a filter rather than a navigation marker. Anyone who didn't know about the filtering already will have no idea that it is being used to filter anything. If it, at least, was a drop-down that allowed you to switch between your favorited games it would have some functionality beyond what was already there before.
    3 points
  16. This was mentioned in an earlier message, but it's also my biggest issue with it. The "X" button is... annoying and unneeded. If you want to go to the site root (which you usually don't) you can click the logo next to it. It would be much better to merge it with the games drop down so there's extra space to show the full name. Here's what I mean: (A not so great mockup but you get the point.) The two don't need to be separate. Merge them and: - There's more space for the title. - The unneeded 'X' button is now a drop down button and opens what the 'games' button does now. - There now 'one' button/space for games and not two separate buttons. - If you really need a 'close' button, put it in the drop down? As for the drop down itself, I really don't like how small the icons are now. The previous horizontal row with large icons was much easier to use and nicer to look at. There's so much dead space on the current one. Maybe go back to the horizontal layout with two or three rows?
    3 points
  17. From what I understand about your last post I think you got a new computer and in that case you should run because your old one is about to ban you. Banned by old computer. LOL
    3 points
  18. The environment map is what gives the metal the chrome look. You might want to double check your file path for that texture, as it looks like you have it in a different directory than the original. Is your material file an exact copy of the original? Is the environment mapping box under the general tab checked and did you set the environment map scale? Also,, when I want the chrome effect on metal surfaces, under the material tab, I set the specular color to a light blue. I just copied that from some other vanilla chrome object. Double click the specular color, set the hue to 161, the saturation to 240, and the luminance to 226. Other than that, just make sure all the same boxes from the vanilla material file are checked, and all the numeric values are the same.
    3 points
  19. (And in that vein...) Did "naked" exist before clothes did?
    3 points
  20. Would wisdom still exist without foolishness?
    3 points
  21. Joyeuse (pronounced [ʒwajøz] ⓘ; Old French: Joiuse; meaning "joyous, joyful") was, in medieval legend, the sword wielded by Charlemagne as his personal weapon. A sword identified as Joyeuse was used in French royal coronation ceremonies since the 13th century, and is now kept at the Louvre.
    3 points
  22. Thank God I am not alone in this. I thought something was wrong on my end. I tried everything I could think of. I reinstalled Vortex, I tried on chrome, I tried on private tab on Edge, I tried signing out and signing back in. I tried uninstalling Vortex and reinstalling. I tried turning off Ublock, I was at my wits end. Here I thought I broke everything on my end because I purged the download folder as it was filling up my drive.
    3 points
  23. Sea water will kill toe fungus.
    3 points
  24. I often wonder what someone thinks when they see all those 'thumb down' signs. I'm sure there are people who enjoy collecting 'thumbs down' but it's the ones who aren't quite so philosophical about it that would worry me. The 'thumbs down' always seems to have implications to me. I'm not in favour of 'down voting'. The 'smiley' things we have here are definitely fun - they allow a thank you or a smile and that is as far as I'd wish to go. On my only remaining forum now I haven't implemented any of those extra tools but it's a tiny forum. If we agree or disagree - we just say. People posting just to agree or disagree here could just add more unneeded noise. Sadly. Yes.
    3 points
  25. I ban Drakefell01, because a ban on glue will never stick.
    3 points
  26. Mod comment search is being worked on. We had to shuffle some things around in terms of priority but it definitely hasn't been forgotten. The original plan was to move mod comments to the new system used by collections, but that's going to take longer than we thought so we're going to look at a quicker to implement (temporary) workaround.
    3 points
  27. I'm thinking... Out: A complete new mod for Skyrim and a pizza. In: A bright yellow gamer's t-shirt with **the** slogan: "I went outside once but the graphics weren't very good..."
    3 points
  28. Without rain, there are no rainbows Take care & be well, friends
    3 points
  29. Sometimes, even "nothing" can be something.
    3 points
  30. A: Today on Leafly.com there's a selection of hybrid strains on sale. First of all, there's OG Diesel. It has a THC content of 28.5% and a CBD of 0.1% at $30 for a 1/2 ounce. Next is my personal favorite, Biscotti Pie. It's THC is higher with 31.4% and a CBD of 0.1%. It's also $30 for a 1/2 ounce. At then there's Jealousy X Runtz, falling in the middle on THC with 30% even and no CBDs. It's selling for $40 for an 1/8 ounce. Oh wait... were you asking about... wait, what was the question? Q: Should someone drive a minivan to the Alps?
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Until he took an arrow to the knee...
    3 points
  33. Adavald doesn't get news in the torture dungeon When he escapes, Dragonborn stays silent, "who is going to tell him?" He must find out on his own. Be nice if someone made a mod where he returns and says you could have told him the war was over.
    3 points
  34. I do, of course, mean it and wouldn't have said it otherwise. The "afterall" was indeed a typo and the post wasn't a copy/paste. You're not wrong in thinking that the various rankings, badges etc. can indicate whether or not a particular user is experienced/knowledgeable in the subject matter to which they're replying. However, it is a single data point and may suggest nothing more than their desire to be sociable. There does exist a chance that I am a bot, you never know these days, as you say. Speaking of, your post is exactly what a synth would say...hmmm Anyway, friend, do take care and have a great day!
    3 points
  35. Rainy days can be surprisingly relaxing.
    3 points
  36. The Creation Kit directs users to publish their mods on Bethesda.net as the priority, but it is possible to export your mod files to publish on Nexus Mods too. Get the Creation Kit from Steam here. Create a new folder somewhere on your PC to store the exported files. Export your plugin file as a master With your plugin loaded in the Creation Kit open the "File" menu and select "Convert Active File to". Select the appropriate master type for your project. You should never change this once your mod has been published! This will create a new ESM file in the Data folder with the same name as your ESP file. Copy the ESM file into your new folder. Export your assets as a BA2 (recommended) It's highly recommended that you export your mod assets as a BA2 file. This not only simplifies the installation process for users but will also ensure that your assets are associated with your plugin file and loaded relative to the game load order. From the "File" menu, select "Create Archive". At the top of the export window, make sure the platform is set to "Windows". This window may pre-populate with assets the Creation Kit thinks are relevant to your file, but it won't always be correct. Make sure you remove any files that are part of the base game and unmodified by your mod. You can add files to this view with the "Add..." button or drag and drop folders/files from the data folder into this view. Once this is done, hit "Pack files". This will prompt the Creation Kit to build BA2 archives for your mod. Ensure you collect any BA2 files with the prefix of your plugin name and put them into the new folder with your plugin. That's it! Now just zip up the ESM and BA2 files and upload it to your mod page.
    3 points
  37. Wisdom does not depend of numbers.
    3 points
  38. A: Meow? No... no, that's a dog... No! A cat! Hold on, I got it... The bird is the word? ... No, that's Peter Griffin. How about cock-a-doodle-dooooo? Damn it, no, that's what that rooster said right before I hucked a rotten egg at him yesterday morning. Hate that bugger! You know, I really have no idea because some crackhead broke into my place and stole my See And Say. Just that and nothing else. Which poses the following question. Q: What the hell is wrong with people?
    2 points
  39. Out: The all-new Slaughterfish Merchant. Careful, he bites if you try to pickpocket him. In: An Argonian's horn.
    2 points
  40. A brass moving dwemer beetle with a clock on its back. A spell tome, fish scales and weight-measuring scales
    2 points
  41. Improving yourself is the best achievement.
    2 points
  42. Don't let achievements become artificial ceilings Have an excellent day, friends!
    2 points
  43. You need to remain calm. Firstly. Clean start. Backup. Start again which a fresh clean install of Oblivion. Copy your game's directory, paste it somewhere. Rename as backup. Secondarily. Use Wyre Bash or Mod Organizer 2. I wouldn't recommend OMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) anymore. Thirdly. Understand there are ESSENTIAL MODS and ADDITIONAL MODS. Your ESSENTIAL MODs - make the game stable and playable, fundamentally required. The Unofficial Patches are requirements. Fourthly. On Nexus MODs pages for MODs, the MOD page should tell you about required MODs for the MOD to work. Fifthly. [MOD MANAGER DOWNLOAD] can sometimes be used to download MODs with your mod manager utility. Sometimes clicking this button will tell you or additional REQUIRED MODS for this MOD. Sixthly. Manual work. Understand MODs. xOBSE (also known as OBSE) is a requirement. This is installed manually. Without any mod manager utility. Any OBSE plugins you download, are manual too. (Folder: Oblivion/Data/OBSE/Plugins/) Essential OBSE plugins: - Manually place OBSE files in game's directory - Manually place OBSE plugins (Folder: Oblivion/Data/OBSE/Plugins/) Blockhead Blue's Engine Fixes Elys Universal Silent Voice (USV) EngineBugFixes FastExit OBL Mod Limit Fix Map Menu Doesn't Click While Dragging SkyBSA OSR (Oblivion Stutter Removal) Console Ignores Player Seventhly. Sometimes MODs don't work correctly because of - Archive Invalidation. Sometimes Mod Manager utilities have features to fix this issue. There's a MOD which may fix for you - ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated. Eighthly. Early modding, have small list. As your modding knowledge expands, you'll be better at fixes any issues you may run into. Have the ESSENTIALS and bare minimum. Don't go crazy with random MODs. Ninthly. Use LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool) or BOSS. This will fix the load order of all your MODs so that they work in game correctly. Certain MODs must be loaded in a certain order. LOOT will tell you of any MODs which need manually 'mod cleaning' (next section). Tenthly. It takes bloody time. Highly recommend manually 'mod cleaning' utilities. Sometimes built in Mod Manager utilities (Mod Organizer 2). Really does improve performance and prevent crashes. Program utility - TES4Edit - has TES4EditQuickAutoClean. LOOT will tell you what MODs may need manually cleaning. If you follow these steps correctly, all should work fine. If you mess up, revert back to a backup. If you're still stuck or confused, watch YouTube tutorials on Oblivion modding. It's not easy, but I promise you results pay off and make the game even more enjoyable. I'm not saying follow my MOD guide as it could be too advanced. But take a look to get an idea what is ESSENTIAL and OPTIONAL. List of MODs for 2023 If you need any one-on-one help, private message me. We'll get MODs working for you buddy.
    2 points
  44. Out: The rat himself. He introduces himself as Horatio. In: A tattered and battered copy of Hamlet with underlining in neon pink. This is clearly a student's copy.
    2 points
  45. - Water breads death Fire breads death. - The sea and sky shall burn. - As the great waves now turn. - The land of old began cold. - In far the planes forever sold. - The great bloodshed fights on near. - As skyrim sheds a great tear. - The ash so great and far. - Resdayn left in a great scar. - As tamriel burns year by year. - The cold must spread so far. - Left in a great land ruin. - The dwarves left in great demise. - The seas shall reign over more. - As the land began to sore.
    2 points
  46. Unplanned jocularity is a serendipitous event
    2 points
  47. The 2024 Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition - May 1st-June 2nd Looking to participate? Use the Modathon Logo in your mod description! Also, check out the Achievements Banner (Color Achievements Banner Black and White Achievements Banner) Got questions? Stop by the Modathon Discord Channel! Participating Mods: Main Quest Redux By Kildozery Lore Accurate Artifacts By Kildozery Scornfully Wielded Insults and Taunts (S.W.I.T) By Kildozery L'Space - Large Quest Mod By The Wanderer and LSpace Teams Morag Tong Attacks By GrumblingVomit The Tea Shop in Old Ebonheart By Stuporstar and RandomPal Ald Skar Inn Overhaul By RandomPal and DimNussens Bal Isra and Indarys Manor Overhaul By RandomPal Red Wisdom - An Ashlander Prophecy By AFFA (Douglas Goodall) - Greatness7 - Melchior Dahrk Veil of the Forgotten By ZackHasaCat The Arcane Watch -- FULL By Glittergear Creatures and Critters By Danae et el The Enchanting Emporium (aka The Telvanni Abolitionists) By HeroDOA Dwemer-Tec Suit By Superliuk Your Name By Longod Animated Pickup By C3pa Vanilla Style Book Menu and Matching Manuscripts Texture Patch By NullCascade - ButchAmy - Maars Wearable Lanterns By syanide23 Minor Plantations Redone By Endify Moruhn Corkbulb Manor By Juidius LittlePuny's Astral Pocket addons By LittlePuny Detect Propylon Indices By ZackHasaCat Ashlander Dombrists By Leyawynn Birthsigns RESPECted - A Birthsign Rebalance Mod By Discontinuous Qualia Quick Wheel By Archimag Vintage Morrowind - Alcoholic beverage mod By SigynLaufeyson Unique and Useful Birthsigns By SandGentleman Skyrim-Style Cage Resource By DimNussens Blast Shield By Archimag Shabgrut gra-Malak - Zenithar Guard By HMCascade Vennin's Hlaalu Tomb Overhaul By Vennin Better Propylon Index Discovery By SandGentleman Solstheim Architecture Visual Upgrade By Ivan Maksymiv aka Izendel Queen-Mother Barenziah -- Hail to the Queen By DimNussens Ashlander Seer By DaBean1188 Dune Balmora By Sleepernn Odachi By waefre1 PSX Shader By Safebox - requested by Remiros Vennin's Hlervi Tomb Overhaul By Vennin Relaxed Level-Up and Progression Rebalance By SandGentleman The Dark Tower - A Player Home By The Wanderer Mages Guild Overhaul - Main Quests By Glittergear Visible Belts - Onion By syanide23 Rag N'Wahs By Archimag The Buulorian By Billyfighter Superior Pneuma Trap By Lord Zarcon Making Hand Props for Morrowind NPCs By GrumblingVomit Actual Old Ebonheart Stables (Tamriel Rebuilt) By Lord Zarcon Shade of the Revenant Altar Resource By GrumblingVomit_MasssiveJuice Darth Nihilus Robes By Concit The Journeyman Report By Karpalo QuickSelect By ZackHasaCat Sanity Lost By Viga Alen Ancestral Tomb Rebuilt (ALPHA) By JB Visions - A Mysticism quest mod By Danae Baandari Dreams -- A Khajiitsy Jazz Album By DimNussens with assistance from Lucevar Herbert's Literacy Program By Herbert Daedric Shrine Overhaul Exterior Sheogorath By Glittergear The Professionals Volume 2 By Viga Stuffed Lockpicks By Vozhban Ahnassi Shares a Song By Lucevar The Dead Druid By VvardenfellStormSage Rough and Ready Strongholds By Friend-at-Arms CRT Shader By Safebox Harold's Archipelago - Trouble in Paradise By Harold Justice for Shulki Ashunbabi By RandomPal and DimNussens The Lucky Fellow By ZackHasACat and Danae Far From the Marsh By MassiveJuice Light the Path By Lord Zarcon Skerry MAYAN Eggboi Race By Scheel OpenMW Classic Resident Evil By Come Equipment and Items Requirements Overhaul - EIRO By Sirloff CUA Dropdown By abot Sincerely Expressed Recognition and Accolades (S.E.R.A) By Kildozery Remains of the Fallen By Diject Just an Incarnate By Diject Bound Fishing Pole By Stele Waters of Morrowind By Tel Shadow Wig Disguise By The Wanderer MWSE Dwemer Double Doors By Pherim Inventory Sorter By abot MUSE Music Expansion - Hlaalu By Scipio Remove Stolen Flag By The Wanderer Vivec and Velothi Retexture - Atlas Textures By Maars - Mikeandike Better Character Classes Fixed By Sirloff It's Just Rum By Tel Shadow Carefully Cluttered Cozy Cat Cottage By Juidius and DimNussens Devilish Werewolf Overhaul By DetailDevil The Song of the Grazelands By Kalinter and DimNussens Inspect It By Longod Historically and Visually Accurate Morrowind Textures By YourNearestNeighbor Less Verdant West Gash By Vegetto One Side of the Coin (OpenMW) By GrumblingVomit - Markond - DimNussens The Woe of Indalen Tomb By Markond A Tale of Two Blacksmiths By Karpalo Lost Heirloom - written by ChatGPT By The Wanderer Blighted Hood By GrumblingVomit The Curse of the Silent Siren By Billyfighter and Melchior Dahrk Ascadian Farmyard Overhaul By Cerebulon Stuffed Probes By Vozhban Daedric Shrine Overhaul FULL By Glittergear and Ashstaar Fight Club - Suran By The Wanderer More Ingredients - Nature By syanide23 Mudcrabmancer By Billyfighter Practical Repair (OpenMW) By Kuyondo The Illusionist's Curse By The Wanderer From the Flaming Realm By Rosynant Songbird - Choose Your Music By Lucevar Heart of Fire By Tel Shadow Weather Ring By The Wanderer Silent Exploration Tracks By Sarantine Larrius Varo's Little Story--A different version By Glittergear and DimNussens Vanilla Style HD Icons for Attributes and Skills By Kotbaioun John Morrowind NPC By TheMach Pocket Utility Room By UnderSunAndSky Bal Adurid Bonemold Armor By Lambshark and Ruffin Vangarr Molten Glass The Yassu Mine By Lord Zarcon Sea Forts of Morrowind By Tel Shadow On The Blink By Svergy What to Wear By The Wanderer Dim's Clothing Ground Object Replacer By DimNussens Caius Land - a skooma-fueled fever dream By Scheel A Fowl Wish By Glittergear OpenMW Twilight Princess Style Water Shader By Epoch Daedric Shrine Overhaul Exteriors Malacath By Glittergear Decorators Ring By The Wanderer Cursed Sails By Tel Shadow LootMania By Archimag The Popular Plague By AFFA - Greatness7 - Melchior Dahrk - Seelof Starwind - The Old Water Station By WulfShaman Racer Riding (OpenMW) By Dfil The Sloop William By Tel Shadow Aldi's Bet By Evil Eye Welcome Aboard By Tel Shadow Dwemer Sky Fortress By Billyfighter Tribunal Facelift By Mort and Kildozery Dwemer Museum and Library By The Wanderer Imperial Prison Ship Revisited By Tel Shadow Erabenimsun Yurt By EdmondDantez The Guiding Guild - Dune Inspired Guild Guides By Kalinter and ZackHasaCat The Tri-Angled Truth By Nazz Door Locks By Abot Care for a round of Flin - A Morrowind card game mod By rfuzzo From Wind Into Stone By AranMathai Dreugh Kingdom Hive By Tel Shadow Stuffed Repair By Vozhban Little Landscape - Arkngthand By Glittergear Saltwind Haven - A Player Home By The Wanderer Balmora Outskirts - Stoneflower trading post By Katya Karrel and Ruffin Vangarr Dreamer Irregulars By Irisie With Help from AliceL93 Luxury Camping Addon for Ashfall By Lucevar and DimNussens Walkable Bamz-Amschend By HeroDOA Dungeon Details By Glittergear Ferry of the Damned By Tel Shadow Undercity By Lord Zarcon Songs of the Ashen Winds By urm Ruines'n'Relics By The Wanderer and Dietbob Join the Dissident Priests By AliceL93 and Lucevar Devilish Carry Weight Overhaul By DetailDevil Drinking and Delving By GrumblingVomit - Markond - DimNussens - Kildozery Ahnassi Naturalized By Kalinter Baal Duun Cursed Isle of the Four Corners By Juidius - Melchior Dahrk - Seelof Enchanted Pools By The Wanderer BBL Drizzy Soundbanks By S3ctor Baldurwind By S3ctor Toolgun By S3ctor and Epoch Transmog Menu By S3ctor Starwind Community Patch Project By The Starwind Team Player Home - Sleeper Car By Sertia Dwemer Arcade Cabinets By Come Khajiiti Nightshade Garb By Shlendrian OpenMW Dynamic Actors By taitechnic Golden Saint Stylish Equipment By Phoenix Rime Description: "The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say." - J.R.R. Tolkien In the long ago hazy days of an early May, Morrowind was first released, promising a world of adventure, an alien land, foreign and unfamiliar, where countless paths led in countless directions. Now, twenty-two years later, we've explored every road, seen every sight, and yet, the adventure continues. For where Morrowind left off, the modding community continues, building new worlds, new perils, new adventures, new strange sights to see! For twenty-two years, the modding community has been building, creating, adding new content to this beautiful land we call home. And for twenty-two years that community has shown no signs of slowing down! Far from it, the community has grown each year, 2023 was the most active year on record for Morrowind modding with over 1500 new mods released for this over twenty-year old game! So today, in order to celebrate Morrowind's 22nd birthday, we are once again hosting the Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, and this year is a special one, for it marks our tenth anniversary of the Morrowind Modathons! Begun in 2015, over 1300 mods have been released for the Modathon competitions over the last ten years. The Modathon has gone from a small-scale modding competition to one of the biggest annual events in the entire Elder Scrolls modding community! And like every year before, the Modathon is a free-for-all competition, throughout the entire month of May, modders can participate by releasing mods on the Nexus to get a chance to win weekly random drawing prizes (composed of AAA and indie games), unlock achievements, and compete to win the Masteries by releasing the most popular mod in a particular category! Not only that, but all winners will get trailers, special showcases, and numerous video features on Morrowind Modding Showcases. Winners of the category masteries can also expect special video features, and of course, more prizes! Last year saw some pretty big releases for the 2023 Modathon, from new quest mods by one of Morrowind's original game developers (the estimable Douglas Goodall), to all-new animated fishing gameplay mechanics, to countless new dungeons delves, adventures, graphical improvements, and more! With your help, we can make 2024 the biggest Modathon yet for this amazing community! The best games never die, so let's make Morrowind better than ever before with tons of new mods! Achievements: A core feature of the Modathon, achievements are back, with over 94 new achievement badges that you can earn and unlock by releasing mods! Shiny new badges that you can add to your mod download pages or modder profiles, these achievements are divided into five main categories; Category, Metric, Challenge, Hidden, and Medalist. Each have different requirements, but every mod submitted will unlock at least a few! Compete in weekly themed challenges for unique achievements, try and find hidden achievements based on only a name, and go for gold by releasing the very best mod in a category! How many can you unlock? Try and collect as many as you can and become a Modding Master of Madness! Full Achievement List: Gold Achievements (awarded one month after the end of the competition): Champion of Legends - Release the most popular Quest or Guilds & Factions Mod Champion of the World - Release the most popular Landscape or Landmass Mod Champion of Life - Release the most popular Companion, Creature, or NPC Mod Champion of Artistry - Release the most popular Graphics, Animations, or Audio Mod Champion of Comfort - Release the most popular Player Home Mod Champion of Clutter - Release the most popular Items Mod Champion of Enhancement - Release the most popular Gameplay, Bug Fix, Patch, or UI Mod Champion of Culture - Release the most popular Towns and Cities Mod Champion of Dungeoneering - Release the most popular Dungeon Mod Champion of Immersion - Release the most popular Immersion Mod Champion of the Community - Release the most popular Modder's Resource or Utility The People's Choice - Most Endorsed Mod Numbers Matter - Most Downloaded Mod Emperor, King, and Justice, Citizen - Achieve the highest cumulative number of endorsements for all mods released for the Modathon A Warrior's Legacy - Unlock all Silver and Bronze Achievements Master of Madness - Earn the highest number of unique achievements Challenge Accepted - Release a mod for each weekly themed challenge. Rare (Silver) Achievements: A Show Of Power - Achieve at least 25 endorsements and 250 downloads with a Modathon Mod You Are A Credit To Your House - Achieve at least 25 endorsements on a Modathon Mod Cliff Racer Fly So High - Release at least 5 mods for the Modathon Lesh Make A Deal - Achieve over 250 downloads on a Modathon Mod Destined for Great Things - Achieve 500 combined downloads for all mods released for the Modathon Cult of Personality - Achieve 50 combined endorsements for all mods released for the Modathon Available for Hire - Cooperate with at least two different modders on two different mods Copper (Uncommon) Achievements: Let Me Tell You A Story - Achieve at least 10 endorsements on a Modathon Mod Triple Threat - Release at least 3 mods for the Modathon I'm Creeping! - Achieve over 100 downloads on a Modathon Mod Jack-Of-All-Trades - Release a separate mod in at least 4 categories Improve My Effectiveness - Release a mod which qualifies for at least 5 achievements upon initial release You and I Are About to Become Very Close - Cooperate with at least one other modder to release a Modathon Mod Challenge Achievements: Mysticism & Prophecy - Release a mod featuring both themes in the first week Fortune & Woe - Release a mod featuring both themes in the second week Illusion & Infection - Release a mod featuring both themes in the third week Ruins & Relics - Release a mod featuring both themes in the fourth week Twisting Paths - Release a themed challenge mod two weeks in a row Tag Teaming - Release two themed challenge mods in cooperation with other modders Mastermind - Release a themed challenge mod which simultaneously unlocks three metric achievements Breaking Barriers - Release themed challenge mods in two different weeks which cover at least four different categories between them Lighting the Way - Release a themed challenge mod that also unlocks a hidden achievement. Punctually Perfect - Release three themed challenge mods that also unlock a date achievement Medalist - Release a themed challenge mod which earns a bronze, silver, and gold achievement by the end of Modathon Common Category Achievements: Adventures Await - Release a Quest or Guild/Faction Mod for the Modathon New Horizons - Release a Landscape or Landmass Mod for the Modathon Im-Leet and Rolf the Uber - Release a Companion, Creature or NPC Mod for the Modathon I Like the Way You Look - Release a Character Customization Mod for the Modathon Morrowind is Home - Release a House Mod for the Modathon Cluttermonkey - Release an Items Mod for the Modathon Let Me Tweak That - Release a Gameplay, Bug Fix, Patch or UI Mod for the Modathon The Only Game In Town - Release a Town Mod for the Modathon Better Take A Torch - Release a Dungeon Mod for the Modathon Let Me Immerse You - Release an Immersion Mod for the Modathon Stimulate the Senses - Release a Graphics, Animations, or Audio Mod for the Modathon. The Lusty Argonian Maid - Release a Resource for the Community Common Metric Achievements: Double Trouble - Release at least 2 mods for the Modathon Back for Another Round - Release Two Mods in the Same Category Backup Plan - Release two or more mods within 48 hours of each other. Tamriel Imports - Release a mod that requires either AATL Data, OAAB Data or Tamriel Data Novice of Madness - Release a mod in your first Modathon Veteran of Madness - Release a mod in two or more Modathons CHIMming It - Release a mod in three or more Modathons Ahh Yes, We've Been Expecting You - Release a Mod on May 1st May The Fourth Be With You - Release a Mod on May 4th May The Ides Be Ever In Your Favor - Release a Mod on May 15th Cutting It Close - Release a Mod between June 1st and June 2nd. Hidden Achievements (requirements will be revealed whenever a mod unlocks a hidden achievement): A Puzzler's Paradise - Release a mod that uses or adds puzzle-based mechanics (first unlocked by Viga) A Sonorous Knell - Release a mod that adds new sound effects to the game (first unlocked by Kildozery) Chronomancer Dreams and Visions Eclipsing Mundus - Release a mod that takes the player to a realm of Oblivion (first unlocked by Glittergear) Finders Keepers - Be the first to unlock three separate hidden achievements (first unlocked by The Wanderer) Historian I Swear He Was Here Yesterday - Release a mod that adds or uses an NPC scheduling mechanic (first unlocked by The Wanderer) Master of Disguise Melting Pot Nothing Left Pathfinder Piercing the Veil - Release a mod that changes how death is handled in Morrowind (first unlocked by Diject) Putting the Mer in Merchant - Release a mod that adds an elvish merchant with custom dialogue (first unlocked by HeroDOA) Reaching for Aetherius Read All About It! - Release a mod with an actual Read Me file. (first unlocked by Melchior Dahrk, AFFA and Greatness7) The Blue Ones Are Nice - Release a mod that adds new dinnerware to the game (first unlocked by The Wanderer) The Clan Ascendant The Hunter's Moon The Naturalist - Release a mod which adds at least 3 new plant and/or animal ingredients which originate from Nirn (first unlocked by synaide23) The Outsider - Release a mod which adds a new playable race (first unlocked by Scheeel) The Pacifist - Release a mod with at least 3 quests which can be completed without the player hurting a sentient being (first unlocked by The Wanderer) The Riddler Think it'll Rain? Trailblazer Tribes and Tribulations - Release a mod that expands upon the culture, customs, or quests of the Ashlanders. (first unlocked by Melchior Dahrk, AFFA and Greatness7) Twin Moons - Release a mod which involves Masser and Secunda (first unlocked by DetailDevil) Vvardenfell Vigilante - Release a mod which lets the player solve a crime (first unlocked by The Wanderer) You Wouldn't Download A Guar Challenges: Returning this year are optional, theme-based modding challenges that will be running throughout this month's competition, with new achievements to unlock and new prizes to win! I must emphasize that these are *OPTIONAL* challenges, the Morrowind May Modathon has always been and will continue to be a free-for-all modding competition where all are welcome, regardless of themes, but if you'd like to unlock some additional cheevos and get a chance to win some additional prizes, you can try your hand at making a mod to fit one of the weekly themed challenges below. Week 1: May 1st-8th, Make a mod that fits the theme of " Mysticism & Prophecy" - Use the Challenge Header image here to participate. Week 2: May 9th-16th, Make a mod that fits the theme of " Fortune & Woe" - Use the Challenge Header image here to participate. Week 3: May 17th-24nd, Make a mod that fits the theme of " Illusion & Infection" - Use the Challenge Header image here to participate. Week 4: May 25th-June 2nd, Make a mod that fits the theme of " Ruins & Relics" - Use the Challenge Header image here to participate. Can you make a mod to match each theme? Each of these challenges are deliberately designed to be fairly broad and open to interpretation, potentially fitting any of a wide variety of mods, allowing you to let your creativity go wild! Participation and How it Works: You can participate by leaving a short note in the mod description page of your mod at Morrowind Nexus that includes "Part of the May Modathon Month" somewhere near the top of the description or use the "Modathon 2024" tag to mark your mod as a competition entry. Every week, at least five different modders will be selected at random to win a single AAA or Indie game, and the way this works is that we'll compose a list of all participating mods released that week, plug them into a random number generator, and the first five results we get back will be the winners for that week. If you win in one of these weekly drawings, I'll send you a message on the Nexus or Discord notifying you that you've won and providing a list of games you can choose from as your prize. We have over 500 games to give away, so hopefully you'll find something you want on there! Once again this year, for the grand prize winners, we're letting the people decide! The mods with the most endorsements in each category (Gameplay, Immersion, Dungeons, Quests, Landscapes/Landmasses, Player Homes, Graphics and Audio, Towns and Cities, Items, etc....) by July 1st will be declared the masters of those categories, and win additional prizes as a result, including achievements and 2-3 game prizes for each grand winner in each category! We'll be going by whichever categories you upload your mods on the Nexus to, and obviously, some categories (like Weapons and Armor) will be counted under broader categories like "Items". If you have any questions regarding how this will all work, exactly, feel free to post them below! In total, there's 12 categories with Masteries (and other categories of mods will be included under one of the existing categories, if you're posting a mod to Miscellaneous for example, we'll include it under the category that makes sense, depending on the mod, or you can include what category you want it to be included under in the mod description): Companions/Creatures/NPCs Character Customization (heads and hairs, new races, clothing mods) Dungeons Gameplay Mods/Bug Fixes/Patches/UI (Depends on UI mod, some may be categorized as Graphics) Graphics Mods/Animations/Audio/Shaders Immersion Mods Items/Weapons/Armor/Books/Etc... Landscapes/Landmasses Modder's Resources/Utilities Player Homes Quests/Guilds&Factions Towns and Cities Rules: Overall this competition and giveaway is pretty easy to understand, and there aren't a whole lot of rules involved, but there are a few things we should clear up just in case. First, all types of mods are perfectly acceptable. From texture replacers to gameplay tweaks to content mods like house mods, quest mods, or dungeon mods. All of those are fine and will be accepted for the competition! The only kind of mod that will NOT be accepted is cheat mods, i.e. placing a barrel full of loot in the middle of Seyda Neen or placing a Daedric longsword in the Census and Excise Office. Cheat mods like that will not be considered for the competition. Also, we accept both tes3mp and OpenMW mods, as well as MWSE Lua mods! Regardless of which platform your mod is designed to work with, all will be accepted! Second, all submitted mods must be, at least for the most part, safe for work. Questionable content is acceptable so long as it isn't the entire mod, remember we have to showcase these and we can't showcase adult-themed mods on the channel! Also, it should be pointed out that for larger mod projects, you can submit a demo or playable beta of your mod as part of the competition and it'll be perfectly acceptable. I do need to stress that it must absolutely be playable though. Any mod that crashes to desktop upon loading the game will not be considered. In addition, we ask that all participating modders please only release a *maximum* of 5 mods per day, there were some issues in past years with mods immediately getting buried, and we want everyone to have a chance to have their mods get seen! Also, we won't be counting very quick CS edit mods as counting towards achievements, in order to encourage less spam. Remember, this only applies to mods released in May, so let's all get to modding and make this the big 22nd Anniversary that Morrowind truly deserves! If you don't know how to mod, check out our Let's Mod Morrowind series for a visual guide to modding - including interiors, basic scripting, and quest design. Want to check out our past Modathons? You can find playlists of the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Modathon competitions down below! Modathon 2015 - The First Annual Modathon - 15 Mods Released Modathon 2016 - The Second Annual Modathon - 29 Mods Released Modathon 2017 - The Third Annual Modathon - 29 Mods Released Modathon 2018 - The Fourth Annual Modathon - 89 Mods Released Modathon 2019 - The Fifth Annual Modathon - 240 Mods Released Modathon 2020 - The Sixth Annual Modathon - 231 Mods Released Modathon 2021 - The Seventh Annual Modathon - 236 Mods Released Modathon 2022 - The Eighth Annual Modathon - 299 Mods Released Modathon 2023 - The Ninth Annual Modathon - 185 Mods Released
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