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MODDINGWIKI Users Troubleshooting Downgrading Extensions

Simon Davies edited this page May 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

Extensions are a module of Vortex that controls specific functionality including support for a specific game or file type. In very rare situations it may be required for users to roll back an extension due to an update that causes problems with their setup.

Extension type

Before rolling back an extension it's important to understand if the extension is part of Vortex itself (i.e. a "core" extension), an update to a core extension or an extension extension that has been downloaded separately.

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Identifying third party or external extensions

External extensions are usually downloaded after installing Vortex itself. This can be achieved both inside the app or from the Nexus Mods website. These extensions can be found in the "Extensions" tab and will have a "Remove" button in the "Actions" column. In the screenshot above, Starfield is an external extension.

Identifying core extensions

Core extensions are modules that are included with the Vortex app itself and are installed as part of the regular version updates. These can be found in the "Extensions" section of Vortex and are revealed with the "Show Bundled" toolbar button. The easiest way to identify them is that they do not have a "Remove" button in the "Actions" column. In the screenshot above, "Stub: Devil May Cry 5" is a core extension.

Identifying updates to core extensions

When a core extension has an update Vortex automatically installs it without the need for an update to the entire application. Updates to core extensions will often look like external extension but reinstall themselves automatically if uninstalled.

Downgrading an extension

To roll back, you will either need to install an older copy of Vortex that does not include the bundled extension or you will need to manually downgrade the extension files in the %appdata\Vortex\plugins folder.

Roll back an external extension


If the extension developer has archived the previous versions they will not be available to download from the mod page. In this situation it is best to notify the developer of the problem and politely request that they un-archive the old version.

Most external extensions have a mod page on Nexus Mods. You can see the previous versions of an extension by navigating to the "Files" tab and looking in the "Old Versions" category. To roll back do the following:


Note: Manually downgrading an extension will disconnect it from the update track and Vortex will no longer update it automatically. You should track the mod page or check in periodically to see if a new version has been released.

  1. Download the old version you wish to use with the "Manual Download" button.
  2. In Vortex, head to "Extensions" and locate the extension you plan to replace. Click "Remove" - do not restart the application yet.
  3. Drag the file downloaded in Step 1 into the "Drop Files" section below the table (or click this section and select the file).
  4. Restart Vortex.

Roll back a core Vortex extension


To avoid corrupting your internal Vortex database you should not downgrade between major version updates (i.e. v1.9 to v1.8) but downgrading minor versions should be relatively safe (i.e. v1.8.2 to v1.8.1).

When the update ships as part of Vortex, you can head to the Vortex mod page or GitHub and download an older version. To prevent automatic updates you must perform a small amount of prep work.

  1. Head to Settings -> Vortex -> Update and change the setting to "No automatic updates".
  2. Download the version of Vortex you wish to use from Nexus Mods or GitHub.
  3. Install the version of Vortex overwriting the one you have installed.
  4. On startup you will have to acknowledge a warning about rolling back.
  5. To update to the latest version, simply change the setting in step 1 back to default.

Prevent a core extension from updating

Preventing core extension from updating requires some fairly advanced editing of Vortex's files and is recommended only as a last resort. In the first instance it's always better to post on the support forums and wait for a reply from our team regarding your issue.

  1. Open the folder Vortex is install to (usually C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\).
  2. Navigate to the resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins subfolder.
  3. Find the folder containing the extension you want to prevent from updating (games are prefixed with game- to make them easier to find).
  4. Copy the contents of the folder, this should include an info.json file, an image and at least one JavaScripts (.js) file.
  5. Open the plugins folder at %appdata%\Vortex\plugins.
  6. Identify the folder where the update has been installed. Updates often start with Vortex Extension Update -.
  7. Replace the contents of that folder with the files copied in step 4.
  8. Open the info.json file in a text editor.
  9. Make sure the version number is equal to the latest version of the extension and save it. (The correct version number is often part of the folder name)




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