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Releases: Vwing/daggerfall-unity-android

Android Release v1.1.1.2

15 Jun 23:13
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Daggerfall Unity Android v1.1.1.2 Release Notes

This build brings enhanced mod support, fixed resolution and quality sliders, and various other fixes and enhancements. See changelist for full list of changes.

Please reference the first android release for installation instructions and important notes.

Which build should you install: il2cpp or mono?

It turns out that il2cpp can't have assemblies added at runtime, which prevents most mods from working. That's unfortunate, as il2cpp is much more performant than mono, but it's a reality we'll have to deal with for now. I have included both versions as built apk's.

So, to answer the question:

  • You want most/all mods to work?
    • Use mono
  • You're okay with a mostly vanilla experience, with much better performance?
    • Use il2cpp
      • 64 bit if your device supports it, otherwise 32 bit

Note also that you're not stuck with one or the other. You can install mono, then upgrade to il2cpp or vice versa. Your mods and saved games will stay intact so long as you don't uninstall or clear data.


  • Fixed resolution and quality sliders breaking the game (Thanks to referencing @sandstranger's own implementation of an Android port
  • Implemented framerate slider in Advanced > Video settings
  • Implemented better mod support (but only in the 'mono' build)
  • Implemented ���RunToggle’ action, which is distinct from ‘AutoRun’.
    • Instead of forcing you to run forward, it simply keeps you in the run state. So you can move in any direction or stop moving altogether. It is now the default ‘Run’ button on on-screen controls, though you can switch it back to ‘Run’ with the button binding dropdown.
  • Fixed joystick bindings conflicting with on-screen bindings, causing dead inputs
  • On-screen joystick input is now consistent across all screen resolutions
  • On-screen joysticks now take up exactly half the screen, with no dead input space in the middle.
  • Resolution slider now has 10 steps
  • Separated out joystick, mouse, and on-screen input so that all may be enabled simultaneously
  • Reenabled resolution setting stage of new app installation flow
  • Connected mouse input might be fixed
    • 'might' because I don’t have a bluetooth mouse to test it.
    • As reported by a user, it was 'broken' in that you couldn't rotate more than 180 degrees with a single swipe.
  • Switched from Vulkan to OpenGLES3, which should increase the number of compatible devices, especially lower-end devices.
    • An extra bonus is that OpenGLES3 seems to perform better than Vulkan even on high-end devices.
  • Implemented toggles for left and right joystick.
    • When toggled off, the screen area behaves like a mouse-look touchscreen.
  • Pulled changes from master

Android Release v1.1.1.1

05 Jun 23:53
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Daggerfall Unity Android v1.1.1.1 Release Notes

This build brings enhanced customization for on-screen controls.

Please reference the first android release for installation instructions and important notes.


On-Screen Controls

  • Implemented customization for on-screen control positions and sizes
  • Implemented ability to add up to 12 additional on-screen buttons, and to disable existing buttons
  • Added slider for on-screen control alpha value
  • Added button to reset button positions
  • Added button to reset button mappings
  • Game will now pause while editing on-screen controls


  • Added 64bit il2cpp apk
    • Game should run much faster, now, and should be installable on Google Pixel devices


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Android Release v1.1.1.0

02 Jun 03:09
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Daggerfall Unity Android Release Notes

I am excited to introduce a fully-featured Android build of Daggerfall Unity.

Key Features:

  • Initial Android Support: Experience Daggerfall Unity on Android devices!
  • On-Screen Controls: On-screen joystick and buttons for gameplay without the need for external controllers.
    • The buttons can be remapped to any game action.
  • Native On-Screen Keyboard Support: Tapping on input fields will open your device's touch keyboard
  • Mod Support for Android: Mods can now be used on Android, provided they are specifically built for the Android target.
    • Import them with the 'Import Mod' button in the mod settings menu.
  • Bluetooth Gamepad Support External gamepads may be used instead of the touchscreen.
    • The on-screen controls can be disabled in the Joystick settings menu.
  • Other Miscellanious Android Changes:
    • Added a 'close' button to the in-game console.
    • 'Weapon Swing' defaults to the 'Hold' value (vanilla mode can be still used, it's just difficult to do with a touchscreen)

Installation Instructions:

  1. Sideload the APK: Download the APK to your device and install it. Ensure that you have enabled installations from unknown sources in your Android settings.
  2. Copy Daggerfall Game Data: Transfer a ZIP archive of your Daggerfall game data (the folder containing 'arena2') onto your device.
  3. Import Game Data:
    • Launch Daggerfall Unity on your device.
    • Tap the green 'Import Daggerfall Game Data' button.
    • Navigate to and select your ZIP file containing the game data.
    • The screen may remain black for some time while the game imports and processes the data.
  4. Start Playing: Once the import is complete, you can continue navigating the Daggerfall Unity menus normally, configure settings, and start a new game.

Additional Notes:

  • Note that long sessions (over an hour and a half) may lead to out-of-memory errors and subsequent crashes.
  • Entering some heavier areas, like Daggerfall Castle, may crash the game unless you quit and re-open your save just before entering
  • It is best to use a device with robust performance capabilities due to the game’s original design for desktop platforms.

Enjoy! And please post any feedback in either: