Abi base.gda

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Columns in the ability base gda file (abi_base.gda)

These are the columns that are contained in the spells and abilities gda file, and their contents:

Generic properties columns

Column Description
ID Number that is used as unique identifier of the spell. For example, for the Arcane Shield spell the identifier is 304040
Label Name of the spell or ability. For the Arcane Shield spell it is MAGE_ARCANE_ARCANE_SHIELD. The name is usually made of:
  • who can cast the spell (Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Monster, ...)
  • the tree where the spell is (Arcane, Entropy, Duelist, Berseker, ...). If the tree is one that belongs to a companion, the tree is identified by the name of the companion plus the name of the tree (Fenris_Lyrium, Varric_Marksman, Anders_Vengeance, ...)
  • the name of the spell (Arcane Shield, Aura, Silence, ...) Note that the numeric values for string_name, string_sdscription, and $1ABD6665 refer to IDs in the TLK files, e.g. core_en-us.tlk.
string_name TLK ID for name value e.g. for the Arcane Shield spell it is 6184464
string_description TLK ID for description text e.g. for the Arcane Shield spell it is 6184766
$1ABD6665 TLK Id for the spell/ability effect template e.g. for the Arcane Shield spell it is 6204883
icon Icon image that is shown for this spell. For the Arcane Shield it is mage_ArcaneShield
$BE5E5317 Unknown. Known values are: 2, 8, 2048, 2052, 4096, 6144, 6176. Likely a binary expansion. Allowed values are probably: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64, etc, and combinations thereof. For example: 6144 is really 4096 + 2048 which would imply both effects are active. Likewise, 2052 is just 2048 + 4 which would also imply that 4 is a valid value, despite not appearing on its own. What these effects are is not known at the moment.

So far, this is what was found: 2- adds shield requirement, 4 and 6 - adds dual weapon requirement, 8 - adds 2H requirement, 16 and 32 - adds Bow requirement, 2048 - the ability can't be used if the caster has Panacea or Healing Aura active and 4096 - ability is only available in combat. So, it seems to partly control the conditions required to use a talent.

Prerequisites columns

Column Description
$34FDF97C References itself or another skill in the same tree. Referenced codes are sustained spells that are required to be active in order to use the listed spell. EX1: in order to use Blood Wound (309020), Blood Sacrifice (309010), or Death Magic (309030), Blood Magic (309050) must first be active. EX2: In order for Anders to cast his Group Heal (311080) or Revival (311090), his Healing Aura (311070) must be active.
$E34F30D9 References itself or another skill in the same tree. Referenced codes are either itself or a sustained spell that is mutually exclusive with the listed spell. The skill with the lowest identifier references itself, while the other skill references the first one. Unknown whether this is a requirement or convention. EX1: Bravery (105040) and Battle Synergy (106040) can not both be active at the same time. EX2: Anders can not have both Vengeance (311020) and Panacea (311070) active at the same time.
$2871D9F7 Always blank. Effect unknown. Likely a reserved space for future use.
$B2DE6B6B Contains the identifier of one of the spells that are before this one in the spell tree and are a prerequisite for being able to acquire this spell. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 304001, that is the identifier of the Arcane initial spell (MAGE_ARCANE_ROOT). For upgrades it contains the identifier of the main spell the upgrade applies to
$99F338A8 Contains the identifier of a second spell that that is before this one in the spell tree and is a prerequisite for being able to acquire this spell. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 0, as it doesn't requires that you have acquired two other specific spells to acquire it
$80E809E9 Contains the identifier of a third spell that that is before this one in the spell tree and is a prerequisite for being able to acquire this spell. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 0, as it doesn't requires that you have acquired three other specific spells to acquire it
$0CA45F1D Contains the identifier of the spell that is a prerequisite to acquire this spell but that is not before this one in the spell tree. For example, for the Aveline's friendship spell, this column contains the identifier of the WARRIOR_AVALINE_FRIENDSHIP_PREREQ spell that indicates the prerequisites that Aveline has to fulfill to acquire the spell.
prereq_investment Indicates how many other spells of the same tree are required to unlock this skill. For example: Zero (0) indicates that you no prior same-tree skills are required and Two (2) indicates that you need to acquire at least 2 other skills (including upgrades) from the same tree.
prereq_level indicates the lowest level required to be able to acquire this spell. Ten (10) indicates that you need to be at least level 10, and zero (0) means there is no level requirement.

Next columns

Column Description
$535458ED It has a value of 0 for all spells and abilities. Likely cut/reserved.
$2150237A It has a value of 0 for all spells and abilities. Likely cut/reserved.
$78790B2E It has a value of 0 for all spells and abilities. Likely cut/reserved.
$0A7D70B9 It has a value of 0 for all spells and abilities. Likely cut/reserved.
$AFE104A2 Horizontal position for the icon within the skill tree.
$B6FA35E3 Vertical position for the icon within the skill tree.

Upgrades columns

Column Description
upgrade_1 Contains the identifier of a skill that is an upgrade to this one. For the Arcane Shield spell this is 304041 that is the identifier of the MAGE_ARCANE_ARCANE_SHIELD_UPGRADE_1 spell. This value is set to 0 in the upgrades
upgrade_2 Contains the identifier of a second skill that is an upgrade to this one. For the Arcane Shield spell this is 304042 that is the identifier of the MAGE_ARCANE_ARCANE_SHIELD_UPGRADE_2 spell. This value is set to 0 in the upgrades
upgrade_3 Contains the identifier of a third skill that is an upgrade to this one. For the Arcane Shield spell this is 0 because it only has two upgrades
upgrade_4 Contains the identifier of a fourth skill that is an upgrade to this one. For the Arcane Shield spell this is 0 because it only has two upgrades

User Effects columns

  • Applies effect to the user of the skill/spell. Typically immunity to another effect.
Column Description
$7FB0AE9F Refers to skill effect found in effects.gda. e.g. 333 refers to EFFECT_TYPE_KNOCKDOWN_IMMUNITY which provides the knockdown immunity effect as in Aveline's Indomitable ability.
$549DFD5C Also refers to skill effect found in effects.gda. e.g. 358 refers to EFFECT_TYPE_STUN_IMMUNITY which provides the stun immunity effect as in Aveline's Indomitable ability.
flags it is different than 0 only for ABILITY_INVALID where it has a value of 1. Likely means the skill is disabled, or not invokable.

Category columns

Column Description
type_category indicates the type of the spell. The values indicate (as set in the abilitytype.gda file):
  • 0 = Invalid
  • 1 = Talent
  • 2 = Spell
  • 3 = Skill
  • 4 = Item (potions, poisons, etc)
  • 5 = Upgrade
  • 6 = Special Upgrade (e.g. Varric only)
$C04C7DA3 Values are 0 - 2. Use unknown.
type_cost Values are 0 or 1. 0 indicates the spell has no cost associated with it.
type_use It indicates how the spell or ability is used. The values indicate (as set in the abilityusetype.gda file):
  • 0 = Invalid spell or ability
  • 1 = Active spell or ability
  • 2 = Sustained spell or ability
  • 3 = Passive spell or ability
  • 4 = Upgrade spell or ability

Cost and cooldown columns

Column Description
Cost indicates the cost in either stamina or mana that is required to cast the spell. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 20, that indicates that it costs a 20% of mana to sustain it.
cooldown indicates the time in seconds that has to pass to be able to cast the spell again. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 5
cooldown_group Specifies the ID of the group to which this belongs for shared cooldowns. e.g. ITEM_CRAFTED_POTION_01_ELFROOT belongs to group 501000 which is ITEM_POTION_HEALTH. Also used extensively for monster skill cooldowns.

Target columns

Column Description
$91C88311 It can have a value of 0 or 1. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 1. Purpose Unknown
target_type indicates the type of the target of the spell or ability. The values indicate (as set in the tacticstargetstypes.gda file. Note that this does not correspond to the ID in the target types, but rather the Type column.):
  • 1 = Self
  • 2 = Ally
  • 4 = Enemy
  • 8 = Placeable
  • 16 = Hero
  • 32 = Follower
  • 64 = Enemy: Most Hated

Note that these can be combined by addition. For example: 3 is Ally or Self (1 + 2), 12 is Targeted enemy or placeable (4 + 8), 15 is ally or self or placeable (1 + 2 + 12).

target_auto Indicates whether or not the spell or skill is immediately applied to the currently targeted creature, player, or caster, or if it requires user interaction. It can have a value of 0 or 1. For the Arcane Shield spell it is 1
target_range Specifies the maximum distance for casting the spell/using the skill. The character will travel towards the target until this distance is reached before activating the skill/casting the spell. For example for ROGUE_ARCHERY_RAIN it has a value of 5.
$650E5503 For spells that have an area of effect, it is different than 0. For example for ROGUE_ARCHERY_RAIN it has a value of 2. Known values are 0, 2 and 3
projectile indicates the projectile the spell or ability uses. A value of 0 indicates that it uses no projectile, like in the case of the Arcane Shield spell. A negative value indicates repulsion as used by some of Varric's abilities.
projectile_secondary if the spell or ability has a secondary projectile. It is set to 0 for most of the spells and abilities

Area of effect columns

Note: The actual values for the size and shape of the Area of effect of a spell are stored in the persistent.gda file that it is inside your \Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\packages\core\data\2da.rim file. You can extract it using Mephales' pyGFF tool. Also note that this section includes references to vfx_base.gda for visual effects for are of effect skills

Column Description
aoe_primary Contains the identifier of the primary area of effect from persistent.gda. For the Cone of Cold spell (MAGE_PRIMAL_1_CONE_OF_COLD) it has a value of 301020.
$11FF8752 Contains the visual effect ID from vfx_base.gda. The Cone of Cold spell has a value of 300401 (impact cone crust).
aoe_secondary Indicates the secondary area of effect. For the Firestorm spell (MAGE_PRIMAL_1_INFERNO) it has a value of 301042
$84C3D6DA Contains the visual effect ID from vfx_base.gda. The Firestorm spell (MAGE_PRIMAL_1_INFERNO) has a value of 300503 (Placed impact. Note that the primary effect for firestorm is the looping effect 300501/300502(upgraded))

Visual effects columns

Column Description
Animation anim_combat.gda reference. For the Arcane Shield spell it has a value of 300000 (quick activate), and mind blast uses 300014
$D050C209 vfx_base.gda reference for the activation crusts (targeting shapes) For the Arcane Shield spell it has a value of 301500
$B77347EA It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
$420BEBDD It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
$25393883 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
animation_base contains the path to the file with the animation. It is set to blank for all spells and abilities except for some ambient abilities (like AMBIENT_PACKAGE_SITTING where it is set to art\Characters\playercharacter\humanmale\Animation\BlendTree\humanoid_ambient_sitting.anb) and some enemies spells
animation_override contains the path to the file with the animation. It is set to blank for all player and allies spells and abilities except for the WARRIOR_WEAPON_AND_SHIELD_DEFENSE ability where it is set to Art\Characters\PlayerCharacter\HumanMale\Animation\BlendTree\ShieldDefence_Override.anb
$FAE02D96 Contains the path to an animation file for a special movement animation. It is set to blank except for some enemies (gate guardian and rock wraith)
$86538AF0 it is set to 0 for all spells and abilities
draw_weapon Valid values 0 or 1. Specifies whether or not the caster's weapon must be active (drawn). Presumably this is so that animations work properly. If the animation includes the weapon, then this makes sure the weapon is drawn before executing the animation for the ability/spell. For the Arcane Shield spell it is set to 1
weapon_trail Reference to ID in wttypes_base.gda. Value only meaningful if draw_weapon is set to 1. For the Arcane Shield spell it has a value of 300 (Mage)

Other examples include:

  • 310 = Mage - Physical
  • 320 = Mage - Fire
  • 330 = Mage - Ice
  • 340 = Mage - Lightning
  • 350 = Mage - Nature
  • 360 = Mage - Spirit
ai_threat It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
Script contains the name of the file with the script used by the spell or ability. For the Arcane Shield spell it is set to dae_mage_modal.ncs

Other scripts include:

  • dae_mage_singletarget.ncs
  • dae_mage_aoe_instant.ncs
  • dae_mage_aoe_duration.ncs

Note that the scripts follow a similar pattern for the other classes: dae_warrior_* and dae_rogue_*

$CAC62EDA it cointains a 0 or a 1. For the Arcane Shield spell it is set to 1
$7F8EACFE it cointains a 0 or a 1. For the Arcane Shield spell it is set to 1
$E8EFCE00 it has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1

Visual models columns

Note: The default file that contains the list of the visual effects models and their identifiers is called vfs_base.gda and it is inside your \Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\packages\core\data\2da.rim file. You can extract it using Mephales' pyGFF tool

Column Description
$BC1BA37F it contains the identifier of the first visual model of the spell. For Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203801, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300113
$9736F0BC it contains the identifier of a second visual model of the spell. Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203802, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300128
$8E2DC1FD it contains the identifier of a third visual model of the spell. Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203803, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300143
$C16C573A it contains the identifier of a fourth visual model of the spell. Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203804, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300158
$C16C573A it contains the identifier of a fifth visual model of the spell. Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203805, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300173
$F35A35B8 it contains the identifier of a sixth visual model of the spell. Isabella's ability ROGUE_ISABELLA_SWASHBUCKLER_FLICKER it is 203806, and for the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 it is 300188
$EA4104F9 it contains the identifier of a seventh visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300114
$6DD91836 it contains the identifier of a eighth visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300129
$74C22977 it contains the identifier of a ninth visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300144
$79E70F7C it contains the identifier of a tenth visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300159
$60FC3E3D it contains the identifier of an eleventh visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300174
$4BD16DFE it contains the identifier of a twelfth visual model of the spell. It is set to 0 for all spells and abilities except the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1 and the BASIC_STAFF_EXTREME_FRONT_5 where it is 300189

Effects columns

Column Description
effect_1 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_2 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_3 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_4 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_5 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_6 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_7 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_8 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_9 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1
effect_10 It has a value of 0 for all spells except for ABILITY_INVALID where it is set to 1

Passive effects columns

Note: The default file that contains the list of the passive effects available and their identifiers is called passive_abilities.gda. The first column of this file (property) contains the identifier of the property the ability modifies, and the second column (modifier) the value in which the property is modified. The list of available properties and their identifiers is called properties.gda. Both gda files are inside your \Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\packages\core\data\2da.rim file. You can extract them using Mephales' pyGFF tool

Column Description
passive_1 it contains the identifier of the first passive ability the spell modifies. For example, for the complete set bonus of the Fallen armour set ITEM_SET_WARRIOR_01, this is set to 40000. In the passive_abilities.gda file it is stated that the 40000 identifier changes the property 1 (which is Strength, according to the properties.gda file), adding + 1
passive_2 it contains the identifier of a second passive ability the spell modifies. For example, for the complete set bonus of the Fallen armour set ITEM_SET_WARRIOR_01, this is set to 40001. In the passive_abilities.gda file it is stated that the 40001 identifier changes the property 7 (which is Health, according to the properties.gda file), adding + 20
passive_3 it contains the identifier of a third passive ability the spell modifies
passive_4 it contains the identifier of a fourth passive ability the spell modifies
passive_5 it contains the identifier of a fifth passive ability the spell modifies. For example, for the complete set bonus of the Stonehammer armour set ITEM_SET_WARRIOR_02, this is set to 40011. In the passive_abilities.gda file it is stated that the 40001 identifier changes the property 44 (which is Armor_Absolute, according to the properties.gda file), adding + 5%
passive_6 it contains the identifier of a sixth passive ability the spell modifies
passive_7 it contains the identifier of a seventh passive ability the spell modifies
passive_8 it contains the identifier of a eighth passive ability the spell modifies
passive_9 it contains the identifier of a ninth passive ability the spell modifies
passive_10 it contains the identifier of a tenth passive ability the spell modifies

Other effects columns

Column Description
float_1 indicates the damage the spell or ability does. For example, for the Crushing Prison spell (MAGE_ARCANE_CRUSHING) it is set to 10,7720003128052
float_2 indicates the force of the spell or ability. For example, for the Mind Blast spell (MAGE_ARCANE_MIND_BLAST) it is set to 6
float_3 indicates the duration of the spell or ability in seconds. For example, for the Rogue Confusion ability it is set to 10
float_4 indicates the strike interval in seconds. For example, for the Tempest upgrade spell (MAGE_PRIMAL_2_TEMPEST_UPGRADE_1) it is set to -2, indicating that the striking interval for the Tempest spell is reduced by two seconds
float_5 indicates the damage the spell does. For example, for Anders' Vengeance spell (MAGE_ANDERS_VENGEANCE_VENGEANCE) it is set to 10, and for the Warrior Shield Defense ability (WARRIOR_WEAPON_AND_SHIELD_DEFENSE) it is set to -25, indicating a reduction in the damage done
float_6 indicates defence or damage resistance increased by the spell. For example, for Anders' Vengeance spell (MAGE_ANDERS_VENGEANCE_VENGEANCE) it is set to -50, indicating a reduction in damage resistance, and for the Warrior Shield Defense ability (WARRIOR_WEAPON_AND_SHIELD_DEFENSE) it is set to 25
float_7 what this value indicates depends on the spell or ability. For example, for Varric's Embellishment ability (ROGUE_VARRIC_MARKSMAN_SELF_SONG_UPGRADE_1) it has a value of 30 that indicates +30% critical damage, while for the Deep Freeze spell (MAGE_PRIMAL_1_CONE_OF_COLD_UPGRADE_1) it has a value of 0,200000002980232 that indicates a brittle chance of 20% vs. frozen targets
float_8 what this value indicates depends on the spell or ability. For example, for Varric's Embellishment ability (ROGUE_VARRIC_MARKSMAN_SELF_SONG_UPGRADE_1) it has a value of 20 that indicates +20% attack and movement speed, while for the Fearless Synergy ability (WARRIOR_GENERAL_2_SYNERGY_UPGRADE_1) it has a value of 0,5 that indicates a 50% of threat transfer from companions to warrior
float_9 what this value indicates depends on the spell or ability. For example, for the Hero's Synergy

ability (WARRIOR_GENERAL_2_SYNERGY_UPGRADE_2) it has a value of 0,25 that indicates a 25% of damage transfer from companions to warrior

float_10 it only has a value different than 0 for the Entropic Cloud spell (MAGE_ENTROPY_ENTROPIC_CLOUD), where it is 10; the En Garde ability (ROGUE_DUELIST_DUELLING_UPGRADE_2) where it is 1,25 and the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1
float_11 indicates enemy damage resistance. It is only different than 0 in the Death Cloud spell (MAGE_ENTROPY_ENTROPIC_CLOUD_UPGRADE_1) where it has a value of -25 and the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1
float_12 indicates enemy attack and movement speed. It is only different than 0 in the Death Cloud spell (MAGE_ENTROPY_ENTROPIC_CLOUD_UPGRADE_1) where it has a value of -50 and the ABILITY_INVALID where it is 1

Visual effects columns (II)

Column Description
int_1 it has a value of 69 for the Cone of Cold spell
int_2 it has a value of 207022 for the Decoy ability (ROGUE_SHADOW_DECOY)
int_3 it has a value of 207020 for the Decoy ability (ROGUE_SHADOW_DECOY)
$A3229E72 contains the name of the file with the animation the spell plays. For the Arcane Shield spell and its upgrades it is abi_m_arcane_shield.bnk
$5E1D8474 it is set to blank for all spells and abilities
$47AEAB21 contains the name of the animation played when casting the spell or ability. For the Arcane Shield spell and its upgrades it is Play_m_cus_arcaneshield_cast
$297D9D31 it is only different than blank for the Decoy ability (ROGUE_SHADOW_DECOY) where it is gencr_decoy.utc
$080D1434 it has a value of 14 for the Decoy ability (ROGUE_SHADOW_DECOY)