Archive invalidation

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Method 1

For everyone having trouble with archive invalidation and the new patch here's how to get things working.

Short and sweet:

  1. Rename your the fake BSA to - "Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa". Update the ini files to reflect this change. This will allow the fake .bsa to be the first on the SArchiveList entry.
  2. Change the order of the .bsa files in the SArchiveList. Put Fallout - Voices1.bsa" as the first entry, then the fake .bsa [Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa], then the rest of the .bsa files.


Method 2

Before doing the following make sure you save a copy of your save game files and copies of the files that you are editing for that JUST IN CASE situation.

  1. Download the manual version of ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated at Link(make sure it is the manual version and not the recommended) and place the .bsa file in your [location of steam]\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data folder
  2. Open the following files on your computer in notepad or something similar:
    \steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\fallout_default.ini
    My Documents\My Games\Fallout NV\falloutprefs.ini
    My Documents\My Games\Fallout NV\fallout.ini
    (fallout.ini may be read only, right click on the file and choose properties, uncheck read only and hit apply. After making the changes below, put fallout.ini back to read only)
  3. Edit the [Archive] section in each file
    Make the SArchiveList look like:
    SArchiveList=Fallout - Voices1.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
  4. Save and close the file (make sure you put fallout.ini back to read only).