Basic video creation with PowerDirector

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A quick Guide to Video Creation with Power Director.

For this quick guide all I'm going to do is join two short clips, create a title and insert an transition between the clips.

When you first start the program this is what you'll be faced with, it's not any different to other editors and is easy enough to navigate around.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot1.png

The first thing we want to do is import the clips we want to use, there are two ways to do this. The first is to click File and then import the second is much easier, just drag the files from windows explorer.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot2.png

The first thing we'll do is a simple title, I'll just call this "Nexus Tutorial". To do this highlight the title option, then right on the default option and select Modify Template.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot3.png

That will bring up this screen, here you can insert the title name, change font, resize, move and maybe add various effects.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot4.png

When you've got what you want click OK, you'll be prompted for a name, give it a name you'll remember and OK that. You'll now see your new Title appear in the same box as the default one you edited. Now we add this to our video by dragging it to the timeline, drop it in the line with title icon next to it. You may need to drag it the start of that line.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot5.png

If you mouse over the title on the timeline you can see how long that title will be on screen for, the default is 10 seconds which is too long. You can shorten that duration by moving the mouse to the end of the title box in the timeline and dragging it to the left to shorten it. Your cursor will change when you're in the right place to drag it back, I changed this one to 3 seconds.

That's the title done, at this point lets save the project just in case something horrible happens, you have a power cut or get abducted by aliens for example. Click the little chair at the top, select file>save project as and name it.

Now it's time to add our first clip, this is simple, just drag it on to the timeline. Make sure it's at the start and check that your title hasn't moved, if it has drag it back.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot6.png

Next we're going to add a transition, to do this select the transition room, find the one you want to use and drag it to the timeline so it's positioned right after the first video clip.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot7.png

Now go back to your video clips and add your next clip. Drop this after the transition in the timeline.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot8.png

Now save your project again and hit "produce" at the top. This is where the project will be processed into a working video. I'm going to make a 720p WMV file, Youtube seems to get on well enough with this format and the files created are not that large. Have a play around and see what works best for you.

Basic video creation with PowerDirector screenshot9.png

Now give it a name in the output box and press start. The time taken will depend on your machine, this program will use multiple cores if you have them and that will speed things up. For longer videos go and make yourself a cup of coffee.

EmbedVideo is missing a required parameter.

Select HD

The program is obviously capable of a lot more than this, you can edit clips, add audio/visual effects and more. This guide is only intended to serve as an introduction.