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Commands in lua files are typically used in the format of:

   GameObject.SendCommand(gameObjectId, {id='commandName'})

e.g. to get a vehicle type index do:

   GameObject.SendCommand(vars.playerVehicleGameObjectId, {id='GetVehicleType'})


  • Add
  • AddDamage
  • AddRouteAssignMember
  • AddSpecialNoise
  • AssignInterrogation
  • AssignInterrogationCollection
  • AssignMemberRoleInLocator
  • AssignSneakRouteGroup
  • CallConversation
  • CallMonologue
  • CallRadio
  • CallSound
  • CallSoundEffect
  • CallToLandingZoneAtName
  • CallVoice
  • CancelForceRailDriveSpeed
  • ChangeFova
  • ChangeFovaCorpse
  • ChangeLifeState
  • ChangeRouteSets
  • ChangeToIdleState
  • ClearMemberRole
  • Constrain
  • CreateFaceIdList
  • CreateWormhole
  • DEBUG_ChangeChimeraWeapon
  • DEBUG_ChangeEquip
  • Despawn
  • DisableCombat
  • DisableDescentToLandingZone
  • DisableLandingZone
  • DisablePickupMainWeapon
  • DisablePullOut
  • DoesLandingZoneExists
  • EnableCombat
  • EnableDescentToLandingZone
  • EnableDying
  • EnableLandingZone
  • EnablePullOut
  • ExecuteScriptAll
  • ForceRailDriveSpeed
  • ForceStop
  • ForceUnconscious
  • FreeExtendFova
  • GetActionStatus
  • GetAiState
  • GetCurrentLandingZoneName
  • GetDistanceToLandingZone
  • GetDistanceToPlayer
  • GetDoingRouteEventIndex
  • GetFaceId
  • GetGameObjectIdUsingRoute
  • GetKeepFlagValue
  • GetLifeStatus
  • GetMarkerEnabled
  • GetMaxInstanceCount
  • GetParasiteType
  • GetPassengerIds
  • GetPassengerIdsStaffOnly
  • GetPhase
  • GetPlacedItem
  • GetPlant
  • GetPosition
  • GetQuietType
  • GetResourceId
  • GetRiderId
  • GetRotationY
  • GetStaffId
  • GetStateFlag
  • GetStatus
  • GetUsingRoute
  • GetVehicleGameObjectId
  • GetVehicleType
  • GetWormholePosition
  • HorseForceStop
  • InitializeAndAllocateExtendFova
  • InitializePassengers
  • IsActiveSoldierInRange
  • IsAlive
  • IsBroken
  • IsChild
  • IsDD
  • IsDoneHoldup
  • IsDoneTacticalTakedown
  • IsFemale
  • isFemale
  • IsFultonCaptured
  • IsGunCamera
  • IsInRange
  • IsReal
  • IsZombieOrMsf
  • MoveToPosition
  • NarrowFarSight
  • NormalCamera
  • PullOut
  • ReadyToStoreToSVars
  • Realize
  • Recover
  • RecoveryStamina
  • Refresh
  • RegenerateStaffIdForReinforce
  • RegisterSpecialEngineSfx
  • RegistGrenadeId
  • RegistSwarmEffect
  • Remove
  • RemoveCommandAi
  • RequestAttack
  • RequestCarryOff
  • RequestDisableWithFadeout
  • RequestForceFulton
  • RequestReinforce
  • RequestRoute
  • RequestRoute
  • RequestSnedDoorOpen
  • RequestSupplyFlare
  • RequestToObserve
  • RequestVanish
  • ResetAI
  • ResetPosition
  • ResetSoldier2Flag
  • Respawn
  • RestoreFromSVars
  • RestoreRequest
  • RestoreState
  • RideVehicle
  • Search
  • Seize
  • SendPlayerAtRoute
  • SendPlayerAtRouteReady
  • SendPlayerAtRouteStart
  • SetAlertRoute
  • SetAntiHeliRoute
  • SetAntiSahelanEnabled
  • SetAntiSahelanEventEnabled
  • SetAreaCombatEnabled
  • SetAutoWithdrawalEnabled
  • SetBaseRoute
  • SetBodyLife
  • SetBringPlayerAsPrisoner
  • SetCautionRoute
  • SetCautionRouteAll
  • SetChargeMode
  • SetCharger
  • SetChasePlayerMode
  • SetChatEnable
  • SetChildCp
  • SetCloseCombatMode
  • SetColoring
  • SetCombatEnabled
  • SetCombatGrade
  • SetCommandAi
  • SetCommandAiStep
  • SetCommandPost
  • SetCommunicateAnnounce
  • SetConversationList
  • SetCorrodeActionEnabled
  • SetCpGroups
  • SetCpMissionTarget
  • SetCpPosition
  • SetCpSirenType
  • SetCpType
  • SetDemoRoute
  • SetDemoToAfterDropEnabled
  • SetDemoToIdleEnabled
  • SetDemoToLandingZoneEnabled
  • SetDemoToPullOutEnabled
  • SetDemoToSendEnabled
  • SetDeterrentEnabled
  • SetDeterrentVehicleEnabled
  • SetDisableOccasionalChat
  • SetDoneHoldup
  • SetDownIdle
  • SetEnabled
  • SetEquipId
  • SetEverDown
  • SetExecuteHostage
  • SetEyeMode
  • SetFaceId
  • SetFireballMode
  • SetFogActionEnabled
  • SetForceFormationLine
  • SetForceHoldup
  • SetForceRealize
  • SetForceRoute
  • SetForceScared
  • SetForceUnrealze
  • SetFovaInfo
  • SetFreePositionCamera
  • SetFriendly
  • SetFultonEnabled
  • SetGettingOutEnabled
  • SetGuardTargetId
  • SetGunCamera
  • SetHerdEnabledCommand
  • SetHesitatingFire
  • SetHostage2Flag
  • SetHumming
  • SetIgnoreDisableNpc
  • SetIgnoreSupportBlastInUnreal
  • SetInvincible
  • SetKeepFlagValue
  • SetKill
  • SetKillRoute
  • SetLandingPoint
  • SetLandingRoute
  • SetLandingZnoeDoorFlag
  • SetLandingZoneWaitHeightTop
  • SetLangType
  • SetLife
  • SetLocatorPosition
  • SetLrrp
  • SetLrrpCp
  • SetMarchCp
  • SetMarkerEnabledCommand
  • SetMarkerTextType
  • SetMbInterrogate
  • SetMeshType
  • SetMessagePlayerIsWithinRange
  • SetNoiseNotice
  • SetNominateList
  • SetNormalCamera
  • SetNormalCp
  • SetOuterBaseCp
  • SetOutOfArea
  • SetOutOfRainRoute
  • SetParameters
  • SetPersonalAbility
  • SetPosition
  • SetPuppet
  • SetRecoveryRoute
  • SetReinforceCount
  • SetReinforceEnable
  • SetReinforcePlan
  • SetReinforcePrepared
  • SetRelativeRouteNode
  • SetRelativeVehicle
  • SetRequestedLandingZoneToCurrent
  • SetRestrictNotice
  • SetRotorSoundEnabled
  • SetRoute
  • SetRouteEnabled
  • SetRouteExcludeChat
  • SetRouteFront
  • SetRouteSelector
  • SetSaluteDisable
  • SetSaluteMoraleDisable
  • SetSaluteToCqc
  • SetSaluteVoiceList
  • SetSearchLightForcedType
  • SetSearchMissileRouteAll
  • SetSendDoorOpenManually
  • SetSightCheck
  • SetSneakRoute
  • SetSnipeRoute
  • SetSoldier2Flag
  • SetSoldier2SubType
  • SetSoldier2Type
  • SetSpecialAttackMode
  • SetStaffId
  • SetStageType
  • SetStandMoveSpeedLimit
  • SetStateAfterDemo
  • SetStealth
  • SetSwitchRouteFunc
  • SetTacticalTakedown
  • SetTakeOffWaitTime
  • SetTaxiRoute
  • SetTravelPlan
  • SetTunnelDestroyed
  • SetVip
  • SetVipSpecial
  • SetVoiceType
  • SetWalkerGearParkRoute
  • SetWatherFallShift
  • SetWearEquip
  • SetWormhole
  • SetWormholeIcon
  • SetWormholeIconType
  • SetWormholePosition
  • SetZombie
  • SetZombieUseRoute
  • ShiftChange
  • Spawn
  • SpecialAction
  • StartAntiSahelan
  • StartAppearance
  • StartCombat
  • StartDeadEffect
  • StartGuard
  • StartSearch
  • StartTargetKill
  • StartWakeUp
  • StartWithdrawal
  • StorePlayerDecoyInfos
  • StoreRequest
  • StoreToSVars
  • Unrealize
  • UnregisterConvoy
  • UnregistSwarmEffect
  • UnsetRelativeVehicle
  • Warp
