DirectX Scancodes And How To Use Them

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This is a short tutorial outlining, listing, and describing DirectX Scancodes and their function in mods. In this tutorial, I'll provide a few examples with which you can hopefully make use of with your mod, and try to shed light on what exactly they're used to accomplish.

What exactly are they?

DirectX Scancodes are input and registered into the game as integers whenever the corresponding key is pressed. That means that whenever you press a key, your computer registers the key's scancode as activated, so to speak. For example, pressing spacebar returns as scancode number 57, left mouse button as 256, etc.

What can they be used for?

The utilities OBSE, FOSE and NVSE make it possible for conditional statements to rely upon usage of DirectX scancodes in scripts. This makes it possible to make certain keys perform functions that they would not otherwise be capable of doing. By these means, you can do just about anything by just pressing a key, making way for new dynamic ways to improve combat, UI, and just about everything in-between.

How, exactly, do you use them?

These scancodes can be made use of by the conditional functions IsKeyPressed2, IsKeyPressed3, and OnKeyDown, with varying results.

IsKeyPressed2 is used with the basic function of detecting when the key is pressed, as well as detecting the functions "Tapkey" and "TapControl", which, when called from a script trigger a "false key press".

IsKeyPressed3 provides the same function as IsKeyPressed2, without registering Tapkey or Tapcontrol.

OnKeyDown returns as a boolean number if the specified key is pressed. For example, if I called "OnKeyDown 256", it would return as 1 when I clicked the left mouse key.

There you have it.

DirectX Scancode List

Key Code
Escape 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
0 11
Minus 12
Equals 13
Backspace 14
Tab 15
Q 16
W 17
E 18
R 19
T 20
Y 21
U 22
I 23
O 24
P 25
Left Bracket 26
Right Bracket 27
Enter 28
Left Control 29
A 30
S 31
D 32
F 33
G 34
H 35
J 36
K 37
L 38
Semicolon 39
Apostrophe 40
Tilde (~) 41
Left Shift 42
Back Slash 43
Z 44
X 45
C 46
V 47
B 48
N 49
M 50
Comma 51
Period 52
Forward Slash 53
Right Shift 54
Numpad * 55
V 56
Spacebar 57
Caps Lock 58
F1 59
F2 60
F3 61
F4 62
F5 63
F6 64
F7 65
F8 66
F9 67
F10 68
Num Lock 69
Scroll Lock 70
Numpad 7 71
Numpad 8 72
Numpad 9 73
Numpad - 74
Numpad 4 75
Numpad 5 76
Numpad 6 77
Numpad + 78
Numpad 1 79
Numpad 2 80
Numpad 3 81
Numpad 0 82
Numpad . 83
F11 87
F12 88
Numpad Enter 156
Right Control 157
Numpad / 181
Right Alt 184
Home 199
Up Arrow 200
Page Up 201
Left Arrow 203
Right Arrow 205
End 207
Down Arrow 208
Page Down 209
Insert 210
Delete 211
Left Mouse Button 256
Right Mouse Button 257
Middle Mouse/Wheel 258
Mouse Button 3 259
Mouse Button 4 260
Mouse Button 5 261
Mouse Button 6 262
Mouse Button 7 263
Mouse Wheel Up 264
Mouse Wheel Down 265

Example Scripts

Duplicate Equipped Weapon

scn DuplicateWeapon

ref weapon

Begin GameMode

set weapon to player.getequippedobject 16 ;This detects in the game what your equipped weapon is
if IsKeyPressed2 28 ;Script executes if you press enter
player.additem weapon 1 ;Your weapon was successfully duplicated
endif ;Always remember this for ending conditional statements

Toggle Menus

scn ToggleMenus

short KeyPress

Begin GameMode

set KeyPress to OnKeyDown 20 ;So, when you press T it returns as 1.
if KeyPress == 1 ;Meaning, if you press T.
Con_ToggleMenus ;Turns menus on/off.


