Effect Shaders: definitive guide

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Full Particle Birth Count
  • Most important is the Full Particle Birth Count. you can see that a value of "1" will spawn 79 particles. Any number above this would be 79x#.
Full Particle Birth Ramp Up Time
  • Now look at the Full Particle Birth Ramp Up Time. This is how LONG it will take for the Full Particle Birth Count to be achieved. That is, how long it will take to reach up to emitting 79X#.
Full Particle Birth Time
  • Now look at Full Particle Birth Time. This is how long it's going to *continue* emitting at that ratio once reached. The "Full Particle Birth Ramp Down Ratio" doesn't apply to your Particle Effect, *unless* you are making a special effect where the particles never stop/never leave. If you want that (which applies for as long as the effect is on the object/NPC as stated in your script) then you'd change the Persistent Particle Birth Ratio. If your script activates a PMS, but doesn't ever do SMS, then the Particle Effect will remain forever, emitting at the # you specified in the Persistent Particle Ratio.
Particle Lifetime
  • Particle lifetime is very fun :) I love it. This is how long the particle will remain visible/exist. If you want to send particles flying way up into the sky, make sure this number is high, so they will live long enough to be seen traveling up there.
Initial Speed Along Normal
  • Initial Speed Along Normal<-- this is the velocity at which the particle will travel from the very moment of existence. Notice the 2 numbers, If the first number is input, but the second value is "0.000", then ALL PARTICLES when spawned will travel at that rate. BUT, if you specify a second value, then any particle can travel at a speed of + or - the 2nd value against the 1st. YAY! It's fun! It makes them totally random, flying out erratically everywhere.
Acceleration Along Normal
  • Acceleration Along Normal This is going to determine a "smooth start" so to speak. Like it's accelerating up to the speed you specified above. The bigger the number, the higher the acceleration.
Initial Velocity
  • Initial Velocity <--- X,Y,Z. Use those coordinates to determine the route/direction of the particle.
  • Acceleration<--- Again, X,Y,Z. Use this to determine the exact velocity a particle will have when reaching the top-speed you specified above. If you want the particle to rise up, then fall back down, you need to pay attention to the Particle Lifetime!

Take the "initial Velocity" and divide it by the particle's lifetime, now if your "Acceleration" (xyz) (an absolute number that is NEGATIVE) is bigger than the "initial Velocity divided by the particle lifetime", then it will go back the same direction it came. (i.e. Z axis up, then floating back down with -Z axis).

Scale Keys

The scale keys under construction. . check back later when I've had more time.

(This section will cover more information in the future. Until then, this article is a partial release)