Generating LIP files automatically

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Brothers. Sisters. For years we have struggled with the tediousness of generating LIP files one by one. The day has come where we no longer have to do this, the solution? It has been under our noses all of this time.


- Load up your plugin in the GECK.

- Click on Gameplay > Facial Animations...

- A dialog box asks "Do you want to forcibly recreate all facial animation files?"

- Click Yes.

- The GECK will start cycling through all of the dialogue topics and generating LIP files from any WAV files.

- The GECK may act as if it is Not Responding, in the background it is still working however.

- Go and get a coffee and let it run.

- Come back when the GECK has finished the process and is usable again.

- All of your LIP files have been generated.

Congratulations. You've taken your first step into a larger world.


".LIP Sync File Generator - Fallout 4" Mod by lazyradly
