KCD Storm

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Storm Documentation


STORM (from Soul-To-Role Manager) is a Windows Console tool used for setting up various properties in several DB tables related to NPC souls. Despite its name, it handles more than just role assignment to souls. The tool processes a vast number of rules defined in XML files and applies them in one go during the game data building process. It allows applying mass as well as individual soul settings. It also allows controlled randomization in some cases.

It is used to apply these settings to souls:

  • Role, Metaroles
  • Abilities (=Stats, Skills and Perks)
  • Schedules
  • Hobbies
  • Names (if specified Character is missing)
  • Reputation overrides

Note: Many of the rules require some settings made in other tools in order to implement properly. For example, SWIFT is used to set Combat level. Storm then contains the base ruleset which sets (in slightly randomized fashion) all stats, skills and combat perks to the NPCs.

All STORM files can be found here:


Refer to tool documentation for detailed settings and instruction on how to install and use it.