Misconfigured Documents Folder

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Vortex will be unable to start if it cannot locate your "My Documents" folder. This is caused by an unexpected or incorrect configuration on your PC. If this happens, Vortex will present an error message (seen below).


This is not an error in Vortex.

What could be causing the issue?

The error is raised when Vortex cannot locate your "My Documents" folder through the Windows API. In normal cases, the folder would be found under C:\Users\{AccountName}\Documents. This can be changed manually by the user. If this location has been changed to a removable or network drive that is no longer connected, Vortex (and Windows) will not be able to process it correctly.

If you are experiencing this problem and you are not using a removable/network drive. Please send feedback through the Vortex app, or post an issue on our GitHub where we will attempt to troubleshoot it further.

How can I resolve the issue?

The best way to get your "My Documents" folder back into a usable state is to reset it back to the default location.

To do this, open your current documents folder, right click and open the properties window.


In the "Location" tab, select "Restore Default". This will move your documents back into the default directory on C:. Once this is done try opening Vortex again to see if the application is able to start.

If you do not have the "Location" tab, press Win + R, then type regedit.
Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders and check if the paths are correct.
Basically all of them should be %USERPROFILE%\SomePath.

Personal and {F42EE2D3-909F-4907-8871-4C22FC0BF756} should have the correct path %USERPROFILE%\Documents. Just remove any mentions of OneDrive.