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About this mod

Your premier source for necromancy fixes, quality of life changes, and spell extensions.

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Animate Dead++
Changes Animate Dead, Create Undead, Undead Thralls, and other necromancy stuff to allow for fixed, smoother, and expanded gameplay.

Fix: Denotes fixes strictly in the context of BG3.
5e: Changes that follow D&D Fifth Edition, upon which BG3 is built.
Toggle: Optional passives that can be turned off and on. Default on. Added on short rest or toggling non-lethal.
The Rest: Mainly quality of life or optional extensions.

Animate Dead

  • 5e: Supports 5th- and 6th-level upcasting of skeletons and zombies. Two additional undead per slot.
  • Can now animate melee skeletons. These have denser bones.
  • Added Skeletal Wizard as an alternative to the Ghoul and Flying Ghoul when upcasting at 5th-level and higher.
  • Added an arcane glyph effect to each undead's point of origin at the time of casting for better transition.

Create Undead
  • Added Death Knight and Shadow as alternative options to the usual Mummy.
  • Can be cast during combat like Animate Dead.

Reanimation Spells
  • Fix: Adds info missing from some spells, such as 4th-level Animate Dead, that would break them in free reanimation areas.
  • 5e: Removed limit. Can reanimate as many undead as your spell slots allow.
  • Toggle: No corpses required! Instead, the spells target anywhere on the ground within range.
  • 5e: Upcasting support for mods that add spell slots of 7th level and higher.

Reanimated Undead
  • Toggle: Controlled by AI during combat.
  • 5e: Benefit from short rests.
  • 5e: Can be healed by sources that don't specifically exclude undead, such as potions.
  • 5e: Bipedal undead can now interact with doors and certain other objects.
  • Fix: Ghoul's Devour recovers HP.
  • Fix: Ranged skeleton now has a base AC of 10.
  • Ranged skeletons' clothing appearance changed to leather armor.
  • Skeletons' equipped weapon skills are no longer disabled.

Undead Thralls
  • Wizards with the School of Necromancy subclass will receive their free Animate Dead spell at level 5 instead of 6 (when any red-blooded necromancer would normally take it).
  • 5e: HP and damage bonuses now apply to all Necromancer undead, not just those from Animate Dead.
  • Fix: Undead Thralls damage bonus now properly uses necromancer's proficiency bonus.
  • Fix: Undead Thralls bonus will no longer be removed from undead when removing the spell from your list of prepared spells.

  • Fix: Danse Macabre is no longer broken for necromancers. Also removed its summon limit. Preserves pre-nerf version of the spell.
  • Fix: Staff of Cherished Necromancy now actually uses life essence, doesn't work on objects.
  • Fix: Aura of Hate now properly applies to the unarmed attacks of nearby undead and fiends.
  • Aura of Hate will only apply to allied creatures.
  • Some undead, like the ranged skeletons from Animate Dead, have been given better AI archetypes.
  • Added Fungal Infestation support per request.
  • Circle of Bones: Removed Undead Ward combat log spam.
  • Fix: Tiny fixes I forgot to record when added.

Necromancy Broken?
If a necromancy-related mechanic in BG3 isn't working as intended, you can report it in the comments.

Automation and Corpse Toggles
The Undead Automation and Corpse Requirement toggles are added to your character after either toggling the Non-Lethal passive or taking a short rest. Turn the toggles off and on if either stop working after a long rest. For the purpose of attempting to remove this mod from a save, you can remove the toggles by respeccing or activating the "Remove Animate Dead++ Toggles" passive. Passives add-on is defunct as of 1.38.00.

Druid, Sorcerer, and Warlock Spell Lists
Re-spec casters before updating Spell Add-on to 1.03! Adds Animate Dead and Create Undead to sorcerer & warlock spell lists. Includes druid and some modded warlock subclasses with Script Extender.

Other Mods

This was made to (hopefully) work well with other mods, but may conflict with any that make changes to Animate Dead, Undead Thralls, Create Undead, or the creatures these reanimate. Will automatically mostly support mods that add spells to reanimate undead provided those mods have
  • Added "or HasStatus('ANIMATEDEAD_ZONE',context.Source)" to their spells' TargetConditions.
  • Not added BlockRegainHP() to their creatures' boosts.

The exception lies chiefly in removing the reanimation creature limit, which this mod needs to do manually, and which has currently been done for Valkrana's Spellbook, Hexblade Invocation, and WoW Death Knight.

Highly-compatible edits to the SHORT_REST and NON_LETHAL boosts. Should be compatible with other mods that edit these unless they add "OnApplyFunctors" data. If you're using Script Extender with console enabled, you can enter the following two lines after your game has loaded to add AD++'s passives to your host character.
Osi.AddPassive(GetHostCharacter(), "NegativeEnergyZone_Toggler");
Osi.AddPassive(GetHostCharacter(), "Undead_Auto_Toggler");

Probably needs BG3 Mod Fixer. Install with BG3MM. Ez pz bones over easy.

Load Order
Load after other necromancy mods and mods that edit the SHORT_REST or NON_LETHAL statuses (see "Compatibility" above).

Or manual installation:
1. Extract to AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
2. If you have no other mods: Open AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Player Profiles\Public\modsettings.lsx in a text editor and overwrite with the block below. Save. Skip step 3.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <version major="4" minor="0" revision="9" build="331" />
  <region id="ModuleSettings">
    <node id="root">
        <node id="ModOrder">
            <node id="Module">
              <attribute id="UUID" value="28ac9ce2-2aba-8cda-b3b5-6e922f71b6b8" type="FixedString" />
            <node id="Module">
              <attribute id="UUID" value="f323b958-b845-4c79-b139-d39570658fbb" type="FixedString" />
        <node id="Mods">
            <node id="ModuleShortDesc">
              <attribute id="Folder" value="GustavDev" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="MD5" value="a83da744ba037af348dba78e1208ccdf" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="Name" value="GustavDev" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="UUID" value="28ac9ce2-2aba-8cda-b3b5-6e922f71b6b8" type="FixedString" />
              <attribute id="Version64" value="144115402827843889" type="int64" />
            <node id="ModuleShortDesc">
              <attribute id="Folder" value="Animate Dead++" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="MD5" value="" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="Name" value="Animate Dead++" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="UUID" value="f323b958-b845-4c79-b139-d39570658fbb" type="FixedString" />
              <attribute id="Version64" value="36028797018963968" type="int64" />

3. If you have other mods: Open AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Player Profiles\Public\modsettings.lsx in a text editor. Place the following block below the last "Module" block in the section under "<node id="ModOrder">.

           <node id="Module">
              <attribute id="UUID" value="f323b958-b845-4c79-b139-d39570658fbb" type="FixedString" />

Place the following block below the last "ModuleShortDesc" block in the section under "<node id="Mods">. Save.

            <node id="ModuleShortDesc">
              <attribute id="Folder" value="Animate Dead++" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="MD5" value="" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="Name" value="Animate Dead++" type="LSString" />
              <attribute id="UUID" value="f323b958-b845-4c79-b139-d39570658fbb" type="FixedString" />
              <attribute id="Version64" value="36028797018963968" type="int64" />

Thanks and Credits
Thanks to those like LaughingLeader and Norbyte whose contributions to BG3 modding have been invaluable.
Also, thanks to Nox Phantom for their work on the AI Friends mod, which was used as an initial reference for this mod's automation, to isamuchu for insight into unlocking weapon skills for skeletons, and to DreadOverlord for laying the groundwork for AI Dash support.

Necromancers are never short on friends. They have them in spades.