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  • Released D3HDP BFG Lite

    DOOM 3 Essential HD Pack BFG Lite is a visual overhaul with HD textures and models, restored details from the original version of Doom 3 for the BFG Edition.
    Based from D3HDP pack for the original Doom 3 game, this pack is limited to the improvement of the models, materials and textures taking advantage of the newest RBDOOM3BFG and DOOMBFA engines.


    -Required a fresh installation of DOOM 3 BFG Edition;
    -Install RBDOOM3BFG 1.3.0 or DOOMBFA, or the mod can't be played;
    -Now update RBDOOM3BFG or DOOMBFA with the latest version as well;
    -Extract and paste the folder "mod_D3HDP_Lite" inside DOOM 3 BFG Edition folder;
    -Run the bat file inside "mod_D3HDP_Lite" to play.


  • Released D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

    QOL improvements merged with AI upscaled texture pack, Wulfen and Monoxead HD textures with all the fixes of Sikkmod 1.2 and 1.1 for Doom 3 and RoE, better models and weapons without change the game. Added new HD textures and improved assets, fixed maps and new lighting. It's 100 % vanilla friendly. Recommended for those who want a clean and correct visual experience for Doom 3 without gameplay changes. The pack is for the original Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission mod. (NOT BFG EDITION)


    D3HDP Improvements:

    Fixed and improved textures, particles and materials for the levels;
    Optimized assets and less space required;
    Reworked and improved details for levels, mapobjects, characters, monsters and weapons;
    Added de...

  • The Buddy System

    Double the spawns! Random spawns! Every monster spawns at least one other monster. Including bosses.

    As per the in-game email from Ari Braden titled Buddy System:

    Please tell me UAC Corporation is kidding. How the hell is a buddy system going to do anything with accident claims except double them?
    Nobody likes a complainer, but someone really should've listened to Ari.

    Now, ZSec will spawn in Hell. Spectres will appear with Revenants. Pinkies and Vagaries will spawn behind armies of Trites. The madness is limitless, and configurable! Make it 3 buddies! Or 10!.......

    Some new monsters only spawn when the Buddy System is enabled. The mod becomes very easy with the system turned off. The option to disable extra spawns is available in case...

  • Player Changes

    Dash like it's 2004! Your sprinting meter is gone, replaced with an air burst module. It won't defy gravity, but it's strong enough to help you skid along the ground, launch into long jumps, and push against the air.

    Armor is capped at 200, but your health is drained at all times. By default, the drain is slow and stops at 100. If you never experienced Nightmare mode in Doom 3, now you have no choice :). Defaults are balanced in favour of the player, and Nightmare is still available...

    Your HUD is built around maximum visibility without having to actually look at anything. Font sizes are increased and colour is used, without taking away from the action.

    Ammo capacity is restricted to no more than 10 clips per weapon. While you won't have ammo problems as...

  • Demons

    Zombies and ZSec
    are now considered fodder. They all have 50 health, and all of them will get back up if they aren't gibbed.  Creative players can find a sweet spot with the saw where they will make zombies drop something without gibbing them, enabling zombies to turn into a constant supply of ammo if you're extremely careful ;). Also, say hi to ZFem Poppy, the forgotten zombie lady!

    move frighteningly fast. You won't be able to track them with hitscan weapons while they evade unless you're an FPS god, and they will happily consider points of cover that are BEHIND you. Their damage has been lowered greatly to give the player a fighting chance, but this won't make a difference up close with a pack of shotgun Zsec.

    Saw zombies
    won't drop a c...

  • Weapon Changes

    "This Flashlight..."

    UAC issued garbage, this $#@&ing flashlight won't stay on. They decided it was a good idea to save money and issue KINETIC flashlights.
    Swing the flashlight to charge it. Watch as it goes out in seconds!
    Alternate fire attaches it to your waist so you can see and shoot. This keeps it charged while you're moving, but it still %#$!ing goes out when you stop...
    Bonus: appears to be cursed by souls that will haunt the beam.


    Don't tell anyone, but zombies carry a lot of stuff in them. The problem's getting it out. Chainsaw a demon or zombie before gibbing it or before it burns away and you'll usually find a fountain of items hidden inside. Hopefully, someone will figure out a way to instantly saw any demo...



    In VERY rare cases I cannot isolate, the second level will occasionally crash with a "joint error". This is the only bug I wasn't able to fix because I can't make it happen reliably, nor often. If you crash to console loading the second level, just try again. Every time I had this error I was able to stubbornly reload the Mars City autosave and it would work on the second try. If I ever update this mod, it will be to fix bugs like this. If you're unlucky and the mod magic gets ruined on level 2, sorry! I couldn't sort it out. Just load and try again, should be fine.
    The Pushy Buddies option is buggy and will completely break some maps, possibly preventing completion. However, it works well enough in 80% of cases that I decided to leave it on the menu without a...

  • Use your PDA as a mediaplayer

    This mod adds a custom PDA with a lot of music audio logs in it, so you can use your PDA as a mediaplayer.

    WARNING - This will TOTALLY ruin the scary mood of Doom3

    Apparently PDA mods were bigger when this game was newer and streaming audio was considered a waste of bandwidth. Seems it's harder to find much info about these mods nowadays. Good thing I had an old one on my external hdd, so i remade it with more music in it.


    Extract the zzz_phan_musicplayer.pk4 from the .zip archive and put it in your Doom3 base folder. To uninstall just remove the file from that folder.


    Give yourself the PDA from the console with the command give pda music1


    The tracks used as music aud...

  • Alpha Shotgun.

    This mod replaces the Doom 3 shotgun with the one seen in the early E3 Alpha.

    What this mod does:

    -Replacement of the first person shotgun model.
    -Replacement of the item shotgun model.
    -Replacement of the world shotgun model.
    -Replacement of the zsec zombie shotgun model.
    -Replacement of the shotgun Hud icon.
    -Enhancement of the shotgun textures.
    -All cinematic in which the player is seen with the shotgun has been edited to show the alpha shotgun....

  • new

    I'm currently working a weapon script changes.

    I'm making them a bit more useful than a load of **** they are at the moment.


  • article

    This is first ever doom mod....