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About this mod

Tired of grinding shops? The Ungrinded Shops are aiming at preventing the need to grind shops: when you need an item, you just go to the shop and buy it instead of grinding it over and over again. The current version is pretty close at the goal, but you may still need to grind a bit if you need a specific item.

Permissions and credits
1. Why this mod?
Motivation for the basic Features
Tired of grinding shops? The Ungrinded Shops are aiming at preventing the need to grind shops: when you need an item, you just go to the shop and buy it instead of grinding it over and over again.
As you may know there are already for long time other mods reducing the grind on shops, so why you should use this new one?
Most of that mods are just making the shops having more items to sell, but you still get a very huge variety of items, that you don't need in veteran / elite while the kind of items you need is lowly represented in the shop making your grind still hard.
The Ungrinded Shops have in each shop strictly only the items of the level of the current act. In this way your benefit is especially high in veteran / elite modes where there are not that much items per act, so you open the shop and see tons of items for your level, so every shop should nearly instantly have that item, that you need.
In the mercenary mode, especially in the first two acts there is a high range of levels and tons of different items per level making this mod not that strong against grinding in the first two acts of mercenary mode, but I tried to make that few shops as ungrinded as possible too, so it should be not worse for this first shops than other shop mods.
One more plus point for my mod in comparison to the other mods is that the other mods are allowing you to buy all reagents and all spells up from beginning that allows you to become much stronger than in vanilla when you use high end regents in mercenary mode.
But my mod again: gives you only the items of the shops act including reagents, spells and so on, so you will not be able to cheat (much) with this mod (you can get items only that number of levels earlier than in vanilla how much levels the act lasts).
Motivation for the legendary trader
Tired of grinding unique and set items from the best quest reward spots or from the chests of the arena of Aman'lu? And ever felt the completion of the arena of Aman'lu was not rewaring enough ... you got some new pet, the Light Naiade, which is just the same like the Dark Naiade you can get at normal pet shop, just with another texture? Well, then the legendary trader is what you need: After completing the arena of Aman'lu and becoming its champion, Daesthai will reward you with access to the uniques and set shop, instead of trading you the Light Naiade. There he will sell you those unique and set items, that you are able also to get from the reward chests of the arena, but would need grind a lot to get what you want.
If you worry about the missing Light Naiade, you can still buy one in the Act 4 pet shop, so you just have to wait 1-2 acts more to get it.
As you may know there is already for long time at least one other mod with uniques and set shop: Super Shops, so why you should use this new one?
In Super Shops you can get ALL uniques and set items in act 1 traders, making it overpowered, so you can have up from beginning all uniqe and set items and you have nothing to do to get them (if not count the gold you need to buy it).
But my mod again: lets you buy only those unique and set items, you could have looted, if you would have more luck and this is also only available as reward for completing the arena of Aman'lu. This makes this mod more balanced and less overpowered.

2. Features
/ Changelog
Basic Features
  • items of the shop are strictly limited to the levels of the shops act
  • items of the shop are independent from the players level (so your stone fist guy can get his spellbock in the previous act instead of buying a current level spellbock and wait then the half game until he reaches the required magic level)
  • 300 amulets at weapon smith
- special: elite act 4: 300 high end enchanted amulets (0% cheat, only time saving)
  • 300 rings at armor smith
  • 300 spellbooks at mage shop
  • all and only that reagents in shop, that you are allowed to have by vanilla (or nearly) and same with spells
  • all items gets instantly restocked (so if you found your favourite item, you can buy it for all your group members)
  • about 10 pages per tab at smiths in mercenary mode (and half of it in mercenary broken world / veteran / elite)
  • fixed (not random) spells and reagents

Features new to version 0.2

Main Feature:
  • Daesthai (owner of arena of Aman'lu) sells unique and set items, you are able to get from the chests of the Arena (up to max level of defeated enemies in arena) after completing the last stage of the arena, instead of trading you the useless Light Naiade. (But you can still get Light Naiade from Act 4 pet shop, if you need it.)
Daesthai cosmetics:
  • replaced his pet-shop-icon to armorer icon
  • replaced his conversation (text and audio) to not mention the light naiade

missing features in 0.2.0, that may come soon

  • Daesthai in broken world (Act 5) trades also before completing the arena (I don't found an easy way how to make him trading only after quest completion. I will work on this further.)
  • Daesthai in DS2, english version, on his audio line he will still mention the light naiade (I don't have the english audio files, so I can't replace them. Someone please send me the english audio files (your Voices.ds2res), so I can add this little cosmetic feature.)
  • Daesthai in broken world has no edited icon. So after completing the arena he will still have no icon, but he will trade with you. (I am working on how to add this.)
  • mssing set items in store: Glitterdelve Heirlooms gloves and Ravager's Kit helmet. (I don't found its ingame ids. If someone knows its Ids, please let me know.)

3. Itemlevels in the shops:
gamemode ||  Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  ||  Act 4  |  Act 5  |  Act 6
mercenary||   1-22  |  18-35  |  30-42  ||  39-45  |  43-48  |  46-50
veteran  ||  48-58  |  54-67  |  63-70  ||  68-73  |  71-76  |  74-77
elite    ||  75-85  |  81-93  |  89-96  ||  93-100 |  93-100 |  93-100
The levels of the items can vary from the table in size +-2 due to technical reasons and in elite broken world even more due to lack of endgame items.

4. Coming Soon

Currently the uniques and set trader Daesthai is balanced with the requirement of first completing the arena and with selling you only items of the level of your defeated enemies, so you was able to get this items without the trader, by looting them. One unbalanced point remains: you can buy as much legendary items as you want, what can hurt a bit on your playing interest, because once you got the trader you don't need to worry about better equipment in the next time, and so you can't loot something that will make you stronger. In Future I want try to add a system, that will control how much legendary items you bought and limit it. For example you could need to first loot a legendary item, to then exchange it at Daesthai to another item, you could have looted instead, that you really need.

5. Feedback
What do you think about the current and coming soon features of the Ungrinded Shops? Please comment your opinion and / or ideas.

6. Recomended further mods helping with grinding
BW Instant Shop Reset -