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= Ungrinded Shops Mod

version 0.2.0
author Sabedig
requires Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World

= Features from basic version 0.1

- items of the shop are strictly limited to the levels of the shops act
- items of the shop are independent from the players level (so your stone fist
guy can get his spellbock in the previous act instead of buying a current
level spellbock and wait then the half game until he reaches the required
magic level)
- 300 amulets at weapon smith
- special: elite act 4: 300 high end enchanted amulets
(0% cheat, only time saving)
- 300 rings at armor smith
- 300 spellbooks at mage shop
- all and only that reagents in shop, that you are allowed to have by vanilla
(or nearly)
- all items gets instantly restocked (so if you found your favourite item, you
can buy it for all your group members)
- about 10 pages per tab at smiths in mercenary mode
(and half of it in mercenary broken world / veteran / elite)

= Features new to version 0.2

- Main Feature:
Daesthai (owner of arena of Aman'lu) sells unique and legendary items, you
are able to get from the chests of the Arena (up to max level of defeated
enemies in arena) after completing the last stage of the arena, instead of
trading you the useless Light Naiade. (But you can still get Light Naiade
from Act 4 pet shop, if you need it.)
- Daesthai cosmetics:
- replaced his pet-shop-icon to armorer icon
- replaced his conversation (text and audio) to not mention the light

- missing features in 0.2.0, that may come soon:
- Daesthai in broken world (Act 5) trades also before completing the arena
(I don't found an easy way how to make him trading only after quest
completion. I will work on this further.)
- Daesthai in DS2, english version, on his audio line he will still mention
the light naiade (I don't have the english audio files, so I can't
replace them. Someone please send me the english audio files (your
Voices.ds2res), then I can add this feature.)
- Daesthai in broken world has no edited icon. So after completing the
arena he will still have no icon, but he will trade with you.
(I am working on how to add this)

= Recomended further mods helping with grinding

BW Instant Shop Reset -

= How to install

1. unpack .zip file
2. put "Ungrinded-Shops.ds2res" in your
"Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\" folder