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Lady Femme

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About this mod

This mod causes your character to behave more aggressively by automatically attacking enemies that come within range just like in DS1. This mod also improves the autocast spell AI algorithm. Spells in the autocast slots *may* sometimes take higher casting priority than the currently selected active spell.

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Update: From the generous hands of HautdenLukas, we have a v.91! I Have tested his version out myself and found it very useful and very helpful! So I'll suggest downloading that version instead of v.9.

Here are my personal comments: I've tested this out and the best settings to have are both DS1 Automations set to "on" under the Game settings. This does mean autocast may not work. However, it may also work (because of how Aranna Legacy works). But this is not guaranteed. But this essentially makes your characters attack the same way as in DS1. Aggressively!


This mod causes your character to behave more aggressively by automatically attacking enemies that come within range just like in DS1. This mod also improves the autocast spell AI algorithm. Spells in the autocast slots *may* sometimes take higher casting priority than the currently selected active spell. It also causes your character to auto drink (can be turned off) a health or mana potion (if there is one in the respective character's inventory) when low on health/mana. It also prevents dialogue from being skipped whenever you or your party is attacked.

Also includes a new AI behaviour routine. This behaviour improves the survivability of combat magic summons (by up to 50%) by making them run away from enemies who get too close.


This mod is in Beta stage meaning there are bugs in it. This mod is for the Broken World expansion. It will invalidate your savefile, therefore you must use elys' allsaves fix for Broken World. also, do NOT use my DS2 Auto Engage mod with this mod. it will cause a mod conflict.


*UPDATED* to v0.9

Fixes in v0.9:-

1. fixed the gpg auto-healing AI behaviour so that PCs only start healing summons which are badly injured i.e. less than 5% of total hp remaining. I did this cuz i never bothered to heal summons since they are mainly used for distraction and it costs less mana to summon a new one than to fully heal your existing summon.

2. fixed the job permissions of all the pets to have the same code as the heroes so that they can enjoy the benefits of the improved auto engage as well.

3. increased PC ranged engage range radius from 13 to 14

4. increased PC looting radius from 7 to 12.

5. separated the mod into 2 parts again. one with auto drinking and the other without.


*UPDATED* to v0.8

Fixes in v0.8:-

1. updated the mod for use in the DS2 expansion, Broken World.

2. cleaned up some possibly redundant and useless code in brain_hero.skrit that was taking up extra memory and cpu power.


*UPDATED* to v0.7

Fixes in v0.7:-

1. heavily beefed up the auto engage algorithm. Auto engage should now work 99% of the time except when you use a summoned creature. BEWARE!!! Using summons has been found to break the auto engage algorithm due to a gpg template read error caused by using summons. In this version (v0.7), there is a 10-20% chance that using summons will break the auto engage. This bug occurs at random so your mileage may vary. Previous versions had an even higher chance of a broken auto engage algorithm when u use summoned creatures. I tried to reduce the likelihood of summons breaking the auto engage as best as i could... Sad

2. fixed a debugOutput$ error that was causing ds2mod.exe to refuse to compile the auto engage skrits thereby making the mod useless.

3. fixed an annoying skrit runtime error with CALLFUBI Go::GetGoid that kept popping up in the mod version which was also potentially breaking the auto engage algorithm. Thanks to Frilly Wumpus for his FUBI chm help file which enabled me to track the issue down.

4. fixed the State (Unconscious) in the hero brain skrit to have the exact same code as the unmodified version.

5. added a State (Conversation) to the hero brain skrit just like the unmodified version.

6. increased the hero character sensor scan period from 0.1 to 0.5 to reduce cpu load and speed up the frame rate. There *may* be a short pause before your char resumes auto engaging after killing her current target or when an enemy suddenly comes into view from behind a wall, rock, hill etc.

7. forced the combat magic summons in the fleeing summons mod to be on alignment aa_good.


*UPDATED* to v0.6

Fixes in v0.6:-

1. further toughened the auto engaging algorithm to defeat bug#2.

2. separated the mod into 2 types. One with auto engage AND drinking and another with just auto engaging (no automatic potion drinking).

3. included a separate mod (filename is "CM Summon AI Flee.ds2mod") based on the new AI scripting routines of the auto engage mod. This mod improves the survivability of combat magic summons (by up to 50%) by making them run away from enemies who get too close. NOTE: This mod must be used together with my auto engage or auto engage drink mod to work!!!

4. improved the default DS2 autocasting algorithm. Now, your char will attempt to autocast both spells in the autocast slots BEFORE going in to shoot at the enemy. Best used if u put buffs and summons in the autocast slot. If u have a heal spell in the autocast slot, the currently selected char will auto cast healing spells more "aggresively". However, be careful of what u put in the autocast slot as it may cause your char to get jammed up trying to autocast. This will happen with healing spells if the party is taking too much damage and the healers get jammed up trying to heal everyone and refuse to accept other orders like running away etc. You have to experiment what is best for your particular playstyle. However, many pro gamers advise against putting curses in the autocast slot (even in un-modded DS2).

5. fixed the NPC dialogue behaviour so that it is no longer skipped whenever you or your party is attacked by a monster. However, you are advised to quickly finish up the dialogue if u are attacked as GPG might have made the dialogue abort for a reason. One, of which, it *may* cause bugs and/or unexplained behaviour. make backup saves more often and keep more backup saves!

6. added an option to turn off the auto engage algorithm and revert back to the default DS2 character behaviour while still in-game. Now, turning off selected hero attack automation will also deactivate the auto engage algorithm. NOTE: only the currently selected char will stop auto engaging. non-selected party members will still auto engage enemies as per the default DS2 char behaviour.


*UPDATED* to v0.5 bug#3 should be fixed. Many Thanks to Iryan for squashing this bug!!!

Other fixes in v0.5:-

1. chars will no longer autocast EVERY spell in the spellbook. only the selected active spell and spells in the autocast slot.

2. more robust auto-attacking algorithm.

3. preserved the rampage and mirror mode party orders. previous versions caused the 2 party orders to become useless. Thanks to Iryan for his help on this. However, do take note that this mod makes your chars more aggresive so they will auto-attack if they spot an enemy even on Wait/Mirror Mode and are not already occupied instead of standing around like dummies.


Known Issues(Bugs):

1. Sometimes your character wont auto-drink a potion. you have to manually hit the drink key or button to make them drink. This is due to that character not having the required potion in her inventory to drink. yes, potions are shared between party members in DS2 but this is only true for the manual drink function. In order for auto-drink to work, that party member MUST have the required potion (health, mana or rejuv) in her inventory. This also occurs when your char is using up health/mana faster than the potion can replenish. Otherwise, auto drink should work 99% of the time.

2. sometimes your character wont auto-attack enemies that come within range. you have to manually right-click on the enemy to attack. This occurs mainly on enemies with teleporting abilities, e.g. Hak'u Shamans, SpearMasters, Hunters; Snow Va'arth Glacial Avalanchers (what a mouthful for a monster name!); Uhn Miners etc. and on enemies your char doesnt have a clear line of sight to, e.g. enemies hiding behind walls, pillars, hills, top/bottom of slopes and staircases etc.
This also occurs at the beginning of the DS2 World Tutorial with the bracken defenders and the shell. After tinkering with the Siege Editor, i found this was due to gpg disabling the hero's and drevin's mind so that the player can learn how to attack real enemies manually instead of combat dummies. Because of this, the party cannot auto engage the brackens so u must click on them to attack them manually. Also, i found that using summoned creatures sumhow breaks the auto engage algorithm. In v0.7 or later, this should occur only about 10-20% of the time. This bug appears to occur randomly so your mileage may vary.

3. This bug should already be fixed in v0.5 or later of the auto engage mod.
WARNING: *most annoying bug* each time your character is hit by a melee or ranged attack while casting a spell your character will stop
casting (without firing the spell) then start to cast again. This can be
dangerous if u are continuously being hit as your character will keep
stopping casting then resuming. In the end, the spell doesnt "fire" at
your attackers and it "locks" your character up, meaning it wont accept
any orders from you. So if you are playing a spellcaster, BEWARE of
those archers/throwing weapon monsters. Thus, avoid rushing too many
monsters at 1 time.
Melee monsters wont give u problems if u keep running away from them
when they get too close. Personally, when i play spellcasters i usually
keep running away from monsters that get too close to me.
If you are doing the Aman'lu arena, REMOVE the mod before doing the arena as i got killed several times cuz of this bug

4. sometimes your char will keep changing targets when you are hit. this might mess up mirror mode. if this bothers u, i found that turning off selected hero defend automation takes care of this bug for the most part. in fact, it is better to turn selected hero defend automation off as you dont really need it for the most part now that the selected char can auto-attack more aggresively.

5. sometimes the auto engage just stops working after a nis, movie or conversation. to fix this issue, i've found that going back to town via a town portal and talking to a shop npc or any npc and then properly exiting the convo thru the dialogue options seems to cause the auto engage to reset itself and it works again.



1. If u want auto potion drinking, extract the BW Auto Engage Drink v0_9.ds2res file to your Broken World Resources folder OR If u want just auto engaging (without auto potion drinking), extract the BW Auto Engage No Drink v0_9.ds2res file to your Broken World Resources folder.

2. WARNING!!! make sure u do NOT have both auto engage files in the resources folder or it will cause a mod conflict!!!

3. Run DungeonSiege2.exe or DS2BWAllSaves.exe to play.


Uninstallation: delete or move the BW Auto Engage files out of your resources folder.
