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Lady Femme

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  1. wu05
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a way to temporarily suspend the auto engage feature with using party orders? sometimes I want my melee to hold position so I can pull enemies, but spam clicking causes my whole party to move while in mirror mode. I just want my ranged party members to hold position while attacking enemies who come into range
  2. valshares24
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    When I activate brutal attack power it happens for AI controlled companion, but if I activate take aim power AI just shoots.
    1. mattski123
      • supporter
      • 90 kudos
      Try the version HautdenLukas added :)
    2. valshares24
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Using version from HautdenLukas and still AI do not use Take Aim power.
    3. mattski123
      • supporter
      • 90 kudos
      Comment on his comment thread, he may give you a better result lol
  3. HautdenLukas
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    I tested this mod myself and in general it is a huge improvement over the original game. However, there are some very annoying issues with it.

    At first I turned both auto attack settings on, just like you recommend. This causes the following problems (red = no go, yellow = a bit annoying, green = working well):

    1. Characters will not use manual healing spells during a fight, because every time I tell them to use them, they are interrupted by their defense routine.
    2. It's not possible to tell characters to retreat from a fight. You can tell them to move somewhere, only to see them ignore the order some milliseconds later, because their defense routine tells them to attack again.
    3. Because of auto defense, my characters (especially the melee fighters) constantly run further into the mobs, because they are hit from enemies who are further away, pulling even more mobs and endangering my rear mages and archers.
    4. Characters constantly switch targets when hit, instead of focusing on a single enemy. This also causes issue with powers being wasted on normal mobs instead of the boss that I selected as the target.
    5. Sometimes they just stand around like some dumb mules, despite enemies near them. At least they react to being hit.

    Next I turned off the auto defense setting, because why would I need that, if I tell them to attack everything on sight? I noticed the following changes:

    1. Characters can now use manual healing spells during a fight.
    2. If I tell characters to retreat from a fight, they will do so.
    3. Characters focus on enemies next to them, so they stay nicely together and tackle the enemies one by one. I can still right click on a particularly annoying enemy to make my team attack him.
    4. Characters do not switch targets unless I tell them to or the previous target is dead. Powers are applied to the target that I selected.
    5. Sometimes they just stand around like some dumb mules, despite enemies near them. They do not react to being hit, but I can right click on the enemy and they will start to auto attack him.

    From my experience, it is best to just activate auto attack and leave the auto defense turned off.
    1. HautdenLukas
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      I checked the code (mostly in brain_party.skrit) and found some problems which are causing issue 1-4 above, when both auto attack options are turned on. Simply said, it is missing conditions that prevent the defense code to be run when the character is already busy with other things. I implemented some fixes and are currently testing them. So far, it looks very promising.
    2. mattski123
      • supporter
      • 90 kudos
      Yeah baybee!!! We love improvement ^_^
    3. HautdenLukas
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      I have uploaded version 0.91 here. This new version fixes issues 1-4 above. I have tested it as best I could and it is working fine. My recommendation with this version is to set auto attack and auto defense to "on".
    4. mattski123
      • supporter
      • 90 kudos
      Is it okay if I add this as a file to this mod? Update: Just tested myself, works nicely thx!
    5. HautdenLukas
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Yes, sure. I'm happy if it helps others.